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Crown Picture Studio

Archive: 3 posts

I know this is for for objects Lol Its not really a level the idea was built a round an object..I created the rare prize crown yesterday And i had no clue what do with it since no one else has made the crown like this i thought well why not Make it so other people can take photos with it...Theres 2 different crowns well there both the same but i tryed to make one more detailed than the other..

There not as prizes there just models that i had no idea what to do with lol i was just going to store them some were...But any how if you guys get a chance take a look.

Oh and i thought i'd try out F4F iv never done that before.http://ic.lbp.me/img/bl/8bcbde5d287e55519944c5315299fe8f8537de9b.png



2012-08-20 21:34:00

Posts: 813

Lol I made a crown out of sticker panel and a lot of fade stickers a while back, but it's far too big for anyone to wear...2012-08-22 16:42:00

Posts: 544

I tryed making a crown out of the sticker panel but i just couldin't get it to look like the real one...this one was created in small pieces..And is very larg lol but people can still stand under it and take a pic.2012-08-22 23:02:00

Posts: 813

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