ICO - Escape from the misty castle
Archive: 3 posts
Hi, its CuriousSack and I want to recommend you a level that a friend of mine has published two weeks ago! It's called "ICO - Escape from the misty castle" by Shaggy40000. Its described as a "Remake of the PS2 classic puzzle game ICO" I didn`t know ICO for PS2 (I have to confess I've always been Nintendo^^) so my first idea has been: youtube! Ok, I found some videos of a game that looked pretty good, a little bit grey in grey (or green in green?), not too detailed designed, but with interesting gameplay and a good atmosphere! Shaggy asked me to do some music for his level (his choice was "The farthest Land" by Kow Otani, a melody out of Shadow of the Colossus) and I've been eagerly waiting for the final result! And the waiting paid off^^ Shaggy has created a very likeable puzzle level! You have to free a mysterious little girl named Yorda and find your why out of the misty castle! The puzzles are in the way of exploring the castle, find out the way to overcome some barriers and then lead Yorda through the castle till the next barrier comes! Maybe this is sounding a little bit simple but its pure fun!^^ The atmosphere is fantastic, the leveldesign is great! And the gameplay is wonderful, you see, I really like this level! In any case if you like some good entertainment, you really should give it a try! Greetings from Bavaria, Jürgen^^ http://lbp.me/v/cenmgn | 2012-08-20 04:49:00 Author: CuriousSack ![]() Posts: 3981 |
Looks excellent, I'll give it a whack! ![]() | 2012-08-20 11:08:00 Author: Oddmania ![]() Posts: 1305 |
And again I have to support you, Curious ![]() This level is beautiful designed, owns so much love to the details, has fine music, brings you puzzle fun and offers all gentlemans the possibility to rescue a maid ![]() Can you expect more from a level? Playing it was a pleasure. | 2012-08-24 10:27:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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