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Randy Tinkerings

Archive: 1 post

Rather than clutter this place up with a different thread for every device or object I come up with, I thought I would just post all my gadgetry pics in this one topic. I think for this reason, you might excuse double posting if it is for a significant update such as a new gadget or toy.

I have come up with several fun things, some of which I still haven't figured out what to do with, but you will see them here. A lot of cars are included, as I am working on a rally car race. A few things will be for other projects, as I have been chosen to work on the visuals of a friends LBP Monopoly game. (the logo I came up with can be seen in Supmikes Monopoly threads on various LBP fan forums)

Having been introduced to theck, thack and nudging, I'm even considering redesigning my LEGO bricks. Tests have been encouraging. If I go through with it, you will see them here.

I don't have any images with me here at work, but when I get home I will do my best to remember to post images. I have few goals when making these devices, and fun is at the top. So while other cars might look more realistic, I would wager mine are more fun to drive.

I was surprised to find that when I ramped up the speed on my little 1910s and 20s inspired little rambler, just as the real thing would have, mine self destructed. It looks and works great slowed down though.

I made these little ... things ... with super bouncy wheels that are simultaneously extremely fun and utterly useless. I hope to break down their strengths and weaknesses so that I can design a level that requires using them to get around, as bouncing around in them is not only fun, but requires actual skill to pull off some moves.

Anyway, that's all for now.
2012-08-17 16:14:00

Posts: 434

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