LBPV Bundle Info (PS Vita and game)
Archive: 20 posts
... we are excited to announce that LittleBigPlanet PS Vita will also be available as part of a special bundle. So those of you yet to own a PS Vita can get LittleBigPlanet PS Vita and the wi-fi PS Vita console for only ?249.99! http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2012/08/16/littlebigplanet-at-gamescom-2012/ ?People like cheap or free,? the executive explained in an interview at Gamescom, ?Of course, cost reduction is one area our engineering team is working on. But we just launched the platform earlier this year. It takes time to do so. At a certain point in the future we would like to address the pricing issue for some of the people who are waiting. But this year we are trying to add value by creating different types of bundles. We announced we will provide Little Big Planet PS Vita bundle pack. That?s affordable for people who are looking for a good deal.? Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/sony-no-playstation-vita-price-drop/#ixzz243rkaVrk The bundle box: 41500 Comes with the Vita and LBP Vita game. It will cost more than just the Vita (obviously), but less than the console and game separately. I imagine there'll be more info regarding if the bonus costumes are included with the bundle, and what (if any) memory card or collectors items will be available. From the box, it looks like it's just a generic packaged console and game. The executive also made it clear this is more of a way to sell the Vita, so no collector's items/etc. | 2012-08-16 20:51:00 Author: SSTAGG1 ![]() Posts: 1136 |
It'd be a shame if the pre-order costumes offered with the stand-alone game weren't available with the bundle pack. That could make it a tough choice for those of us holding out to buy the Vita until game launch. Or, even worse, if they offered a different set of costumes specifically for the Bundle. x8O Indecision is the mother of indigestion! | 2012-08-17 19:47:00 Author: dal-n-pok ![]() Posts: 28 |
Will need a North America price as well, since $388 (Pound -> Dollar) seems rather exorbitant when Vita is $250 and LBPV is $40. Games industry doesn't use exchange rates to set pricing. €249.99 for the bundle will be $249.99. | 2012-08-18 12:40:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Games industry doesn't use exchange rates to set pricing. €249.99 for the bundle will be $249.99. Hmm. Might need to save up and give this to a friend that wants LBP but doesn't have a PS3 or PSP. | 2012-08-18 14:34:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
Youd buy one for a friend? Ive been wishing I had the money for the vita alone since last year. Wanna be my friend?! | 2012-08-21 03:35:00 Author: ATMLVE ![]() Posts: 1177 |
I've just been saving up since the start of August. Already have enough, just waiting to see which is better: Bundle, or Vita and digital copy. I'd prefer a digital copy, but if the bundle has significant savings I might just get it. After all, the memory cards are quite expensive, and I'm not likely to get any other physical copies of games besides LBPV. | 2012-08-21 04:30:00 Author: SSTAGG1 ![]() Posts: 1136 |
I've just been saving up since the start of August. Already have enough, just waiting to see which is better: Bundle, or Vita and digital copy. I'd prefer a digital copy, but if the bundle has significant savings I might just get it. After all, the memory cards are quite expensive, and I'm not likely to get any other physical copies of games besides LBPV. The same with me lol. Anyway, I may get Uncharted Golden Abyss, but only that and LBPV. Until Tearway is released of course. | 2012-08-21 04:42:00 Author: yugnar ![]() Posts: 1478 |
Youd buy one for a friend? Ive been wishing I had the money for the vita alone since last year. Wanna be my friend?! Well, the thing is is that this friend doesn't own a PS3, PSP, or PSVita. He loves to play LBP at my house, and wants a PS3 just for this game. If I got him this, he would most likely pass out. | 2012-08-28 22:34:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
Well, the thing is is that this friend doesn't own a PS3, PSP, or PSVita. He loves to play LBP at my house, and wants a PS3 just for this game. If I got him this, he would most likely pass out. how nice. im sure he will love it to death :kz: | 2012-08-29 02:24:00 Author: Sunbunny23 ![]() Posts: 995 |
how nice. im sure he will love it to death :kz: He would. I know he would flip out and say "OMG! OMG! WOW! THANKS MAN!" and all this stuff. Plus, I've always been playing LBP on my own most of the time (although I have a friend that has LBP2, but never gets on it), and I actually want someone to play with whenever. But like I said earlier, I'd probably have to save up about $240 plus tax, so Idk how this could work out. | 2012-08-30 02:22:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
I may finally purchase a Vita after all. | 2012-08-30 04:21:00 Author: Rooster ![]() Posts: 38 |
I may finally purchase a Vita after all. Yeah, me too ![]() Hope it's much better than lbp psp | 2012-08-30 04:38:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Yeah, me too ![]() Hope it's much better than lbp psp It's much better than LBP2... so that goes without question | 2012-08-30 04:46:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
It's much better than LBP2... so that goes without question Well, that's good to know ![]() I will most likely get this bundle ![]() | 2012-08-30 04:49:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
It's much better than LBP2... so that goes without question Agreed, because it has nearly all the same features as LBP2, plus new tools like the Memorizer, and it is portable! That just makes LBP2 sound like LBP1. | 2012-08-31 00:00:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
Agreed, because it has nearly all the same features as LBP2, plus new tools like the Memorizer, and it is portable! That just makes LBP2 sound like LBP1. I wouldn't go that far,It doesn't make LBP2 look like LBP1 at all,But i do hate when people compare it to LBP psp just because its portable too,I mean,LBP psp is pretty bad compared to LBP1 while LBPV has more features then LBP2,Its like comparing LBP 0 to LBP 3 (All i mean is that there's 2 games apart of them being similar in some way,Not that one them actually deserves being called LBP 0 or LBP3) | 2012-08-31 01:33:00 Author: ythyth ![]() Posts: 400 |
Well, its an exaggeration. It is kinda better than lbp2, with the portability, and has everything lbp2 has. It has an over advantage over lbp2. | 2012-08-31 01:54:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
The same with me lol. Anyway, I may get Uncharted Golden Abyss, but only that and LBPV. Until Tearway is released of course. Don't bother, I found Golden Abyss to be really repetitive and easy. Save up and get LBPV when it comes out. ![]() | 2012-08-31 16:25:00 Author: Jovuto ![]() Posts: 2345 |
Oh my gosh it's heaven in a cardboard box. ;A; | 2012-08-31 18:56:00 Author: CirkuzFr3ek ![]() Posts: 194 |
I found a way to get money, so I will buy this for a friend (if I'm aloud to). | 2012-08-31 22:26:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
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