the good ol' gameboy days
Archive: 15 posts
hey guys. i can't believe it been 24 years since the original gameboy was out. basically this thread is going to be it's history of generations of gameboys and add ons for it based on my memory and research for about a year ago so i might be rusty on this. at the end of this you can answer questions at the end or just talk about the gameboy. let's begin this. Gameboy console history Gameboy original: nintendo wanted to make gaming on the go and BAM. gameboy was released. Gameboy was NOT the first handheld that switched games using cartridges. microvision was the first true portable gaming console using cartridges. sadly that thing failed. gameboy had changed gaming on the go thanks to the help of tetris and pokemon for example. it wasn't in color and took 4 AA+ batteries. the screen is greenish yellow but you can't deny that it had great games. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c6/Nintendo_Gameboy.jpg/175px-Nintendo_Gameboy.jpg Gameboy pocket: This was a smaller version of the gameboy. took 2 AAA+ batteries. the screen was better. it was gray and looked better for gameboy games. http://images.wikia.com/mario/images/9/93/Game_boy_pocket.png Gameboy light: This was the same exact thing for gameboy pocket except there is a backlight for the screen and took 2 AA+ batteries. there was gold and silver colors. this was only in japan. didn't sell much so it is worth some money these days. http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/write.ign.com/50304/2011/03/1997-Nintendo-GameBoy-Light-Japan-Only.jpg Gameboy color: This really made a difference for gameboy. it was finally in color. but no backlight. there was new stuff nintendo did for color. 1. original gameboy games are in color. 2. gameboy color games are even more colorful and some included tilt like kirby tilt n tumble for example. this took 2 AA+ batteries. http://www.technobuffalo.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Nintendo-GameBoy-Color-small.jpg Gameboy advance: ok now this is where gameboy takes it with the next level! this include 2 shoulder buttons! better graphics! cartridges are 2 times smaller than the original gameboy cartridges! new console design. sadly no backlight again. took AA+ batteries. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb57524/aceattorney/images/3/3d/GBA.gif Gameboy advance SP: this was a better version. it had everything the original gameboy advance had but improves it. there was a new clam shell design to it, backlight, and rechargable batteries! the later model had 3 options of lighting. none, medium, and high. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/27/Game-Boy-Advance-SP-Mk1-Blue.png/250px-Game-Boy-Advance-SP-Mk1-Blue.png Gameboy micro: the last of the gameboy series. this was for an anniversary suprise for gameboy. very low sales. lot smaller than a gameboy advance/advance sp. due to the sales they stop selling gameboys. http://swotti.starmedia.com/tmp/swotti/cacheZ2FTZWJVESBTAWNYBW==/imgGameboy%20Micro2.jpg This ends the gameboy history of gameboy consoles. let's begin the add ons.(NOT IN ORDER) [NO PHOTOS INCLUDED] Gameboy printer: games like pokemon let you print stuff on a small printer. there was a few colors of paper to print on. Gameboy camera: this was a camera for a gameboy. take pictures on your gameboy. what else to say? Gameboy worm light: this was important for the gameboys without backlights. this was nice to have to play in the dark. Gameboy gamecube controller link: this was used for playing with the gamecube with a gameboy advance as a player. think of it as cross play/ controller for ps3 and vita. pacman 2 for gamecube came with a pacman game for gamecube and gameboy. it was called pacman vs. gamecube players up to 3 is a ghost while the guy on the gameboy advance was pacman. other games like sonic adventure dx and 2 can use a gameboy for the chao garden. so you can take care of a chao on the game like in a vacation and you can put the chao back to the gamecube. Gameboy multiplayer link: if you and a friend own a gameboy advance there is a link to play multiplayer. there is great games to play multiplayer like legend of zelda 4 swords, kirby and the amazing mirror, mario bros, and ect. which was a great feature to have. if you and a friend STILL have a WORKING gameboy advance and a link then you are lucky. Questions: 1. do you still play gameboy? 2. what's your favorite game on the gameboy? 3. do you have good memories for gameboy? 4. what's your favorite gameboy? 5. do you have anything to say about the gameboy that you would like to share? Hope you like this history of the gameboy. i thought i would share this because gameboy really ment a lot to me. first ever handheld i own and it really did sell well overall. there is a amazing selection of games for the gameboy, nintendo really did all they can for it and this proves that the gameboy is going to be crowned king of portable gaming for several more years until a portable console itself outsells a gameboy in total. | 2012-08-16 04:21:00 Author: Sunbunny23 ![]() Posts: 995 |
I owned the original gameboy, a transparent original gameboy and I still have a red Gameboy Pocket. I have a silver GBA. I owned but sold the GBA NES classic edition. Tons of memories playing super mario land 1 and 2, tetris, link's awakening, final fantasy mystic quest / adventure and the list goes on. I think link's awakening and FF mystic quest are among my top 5 favs. | 2012-08-16 20:34:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
Here's my replies to the questions 1:yes, I was playing pokemon pinball on the gameboy color just the other day. 2:GB, pokemon gold. For the GBC, I'd say oracle of seasons. And for the GBA pokemon ruby 3:oh yeah who doesn't 4: probably the GBA. 5:I just like to say that thy were some of the most awesome systems ever made. Oh and btw I just like to say that you shoul include winkwaker in the on the gamecube link cable thing. I mean come on who doesn't loving spending other peoples money on worthless stuff. Like blowing up your bud when you miss an enemy. Or perhaps one could enjoy calling out the player with a 'hey' just to force hem to look your way. Sorry just had to point it out because i love the GBA connectivity of that game. But yes the Gameboy series would have to be the best handelds in my opinions. | 2012-08-16 21:40:00 Author: SilverTriforce7 ![]() Posts: 183 |
Gameboy gamecube controller link One of several Nintendo ideas that were crap the first time they tried but became successful with a future attempt when technology had advanved. | 2012-08-16 22:38:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
One of several Nintendo ideas that were crap the first time they tried but became successful with a future attempt when technology had advanved. that's how the touch screen became a success for ds. the first touch game handheld was game.com. it sucked badly. sounds are terrible, only black and white, and stupid games which actully harm franchises like duke and sonic for example. just wanted to say that. ![]() anyway just remember, nintendo did that handheld as a controller for a home console first. (atleast i think so) | 2012-08-17 03:03:00 Author: Sunbunny23 ![]() Posts: 995 |
One of several Nintendo ideas that were crap the first time they tried but became successful with a future attempt when technology had advanved. Just like the gameboy, until tetris came out. And then everyone loved it. Although the technology didn't really advance. anyway just remember, nintendo did that handheld as a controller for a home console first. (atleast i think so) Nintendo was the first to do alot of things. And still to this day people copy them. Like kart racing games idk if super mariokart was the first ever, but it was the first to make them popular. | 2012-08-17 15:05:00 Author: SilverTriforce7 ![]() Posts: 183 |
Nintendo was the first to do alot of things. And still to this day people copy them. Like kart racing games idk if super mariokart was the first ever, but it was the first to make them popular. i can't say they copy. what else can the companies do if every thing is possiblbly made and stuff like the wii and psmove, eyetoy (ps2) and kinect (xbox360)? fun fact: sony came with that move/wii thing idea first. i believe they worked together long ago but seperated cause of disk vs cartridges. | 2012-08-17 16:30:00 Author: Sunbunny23 ![]() Posts: 995 |
i can't say they copy. what else can the companies do if every thing is possiblbly made and stuff like the wii and psmove, eyetoy (ps2) and kinect (xbox360)? fun fact: sony came with that move/wii thing idea first. i believe they worked together long ago but seperated cause of disk vs cartridges. um sony i think just had a camera that followed your movement if i'm correct. But what about the NES zapper, or the SNES superscope, those pretty much did what alot of wii/move games do, 'point and shoot'. But they could come up with new genres be really creative. If they can do it back then someone can do it now. And yeah they did work together on cdi stuff. But I'd just like to say that those zelda games suck. Never played 'em but they looked horrible. Anyways back on subject, you never answered your own questions. Atleast i didn't see them I just skimmed through it though. Also am I extra lucky because I have multiple GBA connectors? | 2012-08-17 18:49:00 Author: SilverTriforce7 ![]() Posts: 183 |
I'm sorry if this doesn't anwser all of your questions, but since I didn't play gameboy much because of age, I can't anwser all of these question. I have one thing to say about it though I had a gameboy Colour, and my brother had a gameboy advance. So he thought it would be a good idea to put a Gameboy Advance game into my gameboy colour. Because of his Curiousity my Gameboy Colour broke. Nice one Klaww ![]() | 2012-08-17 19:00:00 Author: TheMonkeyBlade ![]() Posts: 687 |
And yeah they did work together on cdi stuff. But I'd just like to say that those zelda games suck. Never played 'em but they looked horrible. CDI was Philips. | 2012-08-17 19:05:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Anyways back on subject, you never answered your own questions. Atleast i didn't see them I just skimmed through it though. Also am I extra lucky because I have multiple GBA connectors? i guess but if you have any friend that have a gba also. anyway i'll answer my own questions. 1. yes. love it. 2. kirby and the amazing mirror. 3. yep. first game i got was mario pinball.(wasn't that great of a game in my opinion.) 4. GBA. 5. Gameboy has been my childhood. first ever gameboy i own was a GBC. | 2012-08-17 19:29:00 Author: Sunbunny23 ![]() Posts: 995 |
When I was a kid I wanted a GameBoy more than anything, but my parents didn't want me to have a console. I don't know why, maybe it was too expensive or they heard stories about how addictive videogames can be. And in 1998, they finally got me a second-hand Sega Mega Drive II (aka Sega Genesis in North America) with the Sega CD and 32x attachments. What every kid wanted back then was a handheld though, so I never gave it much use. | 2012-08-17 19:45:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
CDI was Philips. Oh sorry my mistake, it was after the CDI they worked with sony, sorry its quite the confusing story on Nintendo's disc based history. First with Phillps, broke up. Then sony. An phillips again. (i think) Anyways you get my point. Sorry for my mistake. And yes I do have friends to play with on the GBA. | 2012-08-17 20:49:00 Author: SilverTriforce7 ![]() Posts: 183 |
it was after the CDI they worked with sony, sorry its quite the confusing story on Nintendo's disc based history. First with Phillps, broke up. Then sony. An phillips again. (i think) Anyways you get my point. philips sounds like a w***e. this is like "we broke up and im dating your sister". anyway let's go back on topic. um..gameboy is awesome. ![]() | 2012-08-17 23:54:00 Author: Sunbunny23 ![]() Posts: 995 |
Try fighting the Elite Four in pokemon with no backlight, at night, riding in a car and having to use the occasional street lamp or moonlight to see. The suspense of waiting to see if your pokemon feinted is murder. | 2012-08-18 14:32:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
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