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2 easy score questions(Solved)

Archive: 6 posts

i think these will be easy not sure

1: how do you make a score giver give only 1 point
I can only make it give 10 but a friend took me into a jump rope level and it was giving 1 point after removing a few I'm thinking that behind the scenes the Creator was killing you to do the reduction but i don't think this will work in verses?

2: a little harder but still simple i need a way to emit an object based on score progression i tried to set up a few (10) score sensors incremented in 1000 plugged into a counter set to 1 that way if you loose points it will stay where it is plugged into a selector plugged into 10 or gates with Port's decrementing so 10 9 8 7 etc plugged into an and gate

this seems retarded

anyway after looking at it and 45 min of wiring i realized its not going to work as planed as the and gate has a tag connected to the other port and reads from an emitted randomizer(still not random not even close enough but will have to do) set for .1
so we have 10 random events that will fire based on players score but this wont work so any suggestions on how to create this from scratch would be helpful
2012-08-14 10:37:00

Posts: 119

i think these will be easy not sure

1: how do you make a score giver give only 1 point
I can only make it give 10 but a friend took me into a jump rope level and it was giving 1 point after removing a few I'm thinking that behind the scenes the Creator was killing you to do the reduction but i don't think this will work in verses?

2: a little harder but still simple i need a way to emit an object based on score progression i tried to set up a few (10) score sensors incremented in 1000 plugged into a counter set to 1 that way if you loose points it will stay where it is plugged into a selector plugged into 10 or gates with Port's decrementing so 10 9 8 7 etc plugged into an and gate

this seems retarded

anyway after looking at it and 45 min of wiring i realized its not going to work as planed as the and gate has a tag connected to the other port and reads from an emitted randomizer(still not random not even close enough but will have to do) set for .1
so we have 10 random events that will fire based on players score but this wont work so any suggestions on how to create this from scratch would be helpful

1.set the score giver to give 10 points and set it to "scale per second" and wire a 10% battery to it, this will give 1 point per second. if u break the signal with an AND gate or 3 port XOR, then activate it for a second each time u can make it give 1 point per activation

2.i think you need to be a bit more clear of the the result you are after with your second question, do you want to randomize the emitters but block some out till the player reaches certain scores?
2012-08-14 11:12:00

Posts: 612

1: that works great
2:thats exactly what i need to randomize the emitters while blocking out 2-10 until 2000 points have been reached emitting more often on 1 so it don't feel like its slow to start then as soon as 2000 points are there
i need it to reduce the amount of whats being emitted from emitter set 1 so that the game don't fill with 1000 objects and the same for 1 and 2 when 3000 points are reached you have to reduce the amount of emitted objects each time the score goes up but keeping all of them active at the same time
so that 4 objects from emitter set 1 can be in play as well as 2 from 2 and 6 from 3 other wise it will just over heat during game play

figure each random tag controls 2 - 4 emitters emitting in different areas and the different emitters have harder objects worth more points more points more objects making it progression based difficulty

here is the microchip that i made with everything working if you place it in a blank level and change the not gate on the emitter you will see the reason i say this wont work after opening the microchips for the tag sensors

hopefully this is a better explanation of what is going on and if its not i don't know what more to add

wow i thought this was going to be easy or someone would say use a feed back loop to apply to the speed of the emiters etc hmm ok well i guess im on my own thanks for trying evret
2012-08-14 16:01:00

Posts: 119

well i'm back ,
with the same hassle of trying to figure out a way to create a score progression system to be used with emitters. In my OP I stated 10 emitters I have scaled that back to 4 sets of 2 making a grand total of 8, so after 2 weeks of fighting LBP I have come up with a scaling solution but its not good enough even yet so let me enplane what i have with a few illustration's.

1: battery value 10% plugs into the + side of the combiner
2: 4 score sensor values 0 2000 8000 12000
0: plugs into the - side of the combiner and slot 1 of the selector
2000 - 12000: plugs in to a counters set to 1 looped to rest and slots 2-4 of the selector
12000 also plugs into the - of the combiner right below it
3:top selector is plugged into - of the bottom combiner
4:the output of that combiner is plugged in to + of the very bottom combiner
the idea here is to take the current score from the score sensor that has 0 and subtract it by 10% then subtract the ending value of 12000 from that i think this part works OK.
this simply shows the wires if you can see them going from the above image to the emitters
ok now for where i think the issue lies
the top 2 emitters are connected to the last combiner in fact all emitters are connected there
all 4 ports of the selector is connected to the OR gate in descending order the OR gate connects to one port of the AND gate
a tag sensor is connected to the other port of the AND gate witch receives a pulse from an emitted randomizer set to .1
the And gate turns on the microChip that contains the 2 emitters.
now this is the same setup for all 4 emitter sets only difference is the OR gates reduce in number of ports 2 has 3, 3 has 2, 4 don't have an OR gate at all

Ok now for the Emitters them selfs
linear velocity = 0.0
angular velocity = 0
ignore parent velocity = yes
input action = Speed Scale
Frequency =0.1
Lifetime = infinite
Sync =0.0.
Max Emitted = infinite
Max emitted at once = 20
destroy oldests when max emitted reached = no

ok so with all this information what i have is a mess what should happen is, as the players score is increased the amount of of emitted objects is decreased. this kind of works but not really, it becomes an overwhelming wave after you have unlocked all 8 emitters and the rest of the level stops working, i'm thinking the reason is because the level overheats.

the emitted objects are 4 different sized sack bots on DCS's, and once you wait a few min you have right at 150 - 200 sack bots on the field with 1 bar over half a thermometer don't get me wrong its manageable with more then 1 person, even 1 person its manageable, but i need a way to very the amount of emitted objects, any help would be greatly appreciated.
2012-08-30 10:40:00

Posts: 119

Wow. That's confusing. What if you controlled the frequency of the emitters with batteries? The higher score sensors select a lower % battery and since your emitters are set to 'speed scale input' this should slow the emitters down. Or instead of all the % values why not get rid of the emitted sequencer and batteries. Use timers set to 'start count down' Use your score sensor logic to pick different timers. The longer the timer the more objects emitted. Start count down timers shut their signal off so your emitters won't continue to fire until triggered again.

I'm not sure if this is the result you are looking for.

If I want to control timing of events sometimes it is easier to revert back to Lbp1 make a wheel with a motor bolt. Put tags on it that spin past tag sensors. Then control the speed of the motor bolt. The higher your player score the slower it turns thus the slower your emitters fire.

Hope this helps.
2012-09-01 02:45:00

Posts: 334

actually that's quite helpful in a way.

here's what i found out, if you have a score sensor set to 100,000 the analog signal is increased from 0 - 100 in % then it dose something weird as soon you go to 100,001 it starts back down tell you get to 200,000 and continues this up and down tell you get to 4 million

i have figured out a solution
still might be able to be simplified anyone wants to take a crack at simplifying it let me know

2012-09-01 06:49:00

Posts: 119

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