Blocker: Prime
Archive: 8 posts
http://lbp.me/v/dt1-6z Hello guys. Today I got a little bored and spent the last few hours building a level and not knowing what it would turn out to be. The brilliant thing is, it's turned out to be a clever little puzzler with difficulty ranging from "It's so slow and boring, I wanna die!" to "Holy %$!&, this is so fast and difficult!". The idea basically is that either a red, blue or yellow block will fall down the screen. It's up to the player to move the block so it will fall into the matching coloured zone at the bottom. They can go about doing this by moving the block left, right or down. The more blocks that are placed correctly the higher the speed level will get and hence forth the falling speed of the blocks. If the player makes too many mistakes too quickly it's game over, so it's a fight for survival. The level includes a nice little introduction to lure players into it, a working menu system with a "How To" section and a starting speed setting for the blocks. It didn't take too long to make, a number of tests were run throughout creation and from what I've seen so far, the level is flawless. I decided to then publish it as I was that pleased with it - even for my high standards! And, like the rest of my levels, it will probably get next to no plays any time soon so I figured it was worth making this post. Here's a picture of the main menu, yeah it's a little basic looking, but that's the idea! http://ic.lbp.me/img/ft/57c883979b2764dd0206f2bfacc26fd38fcdd2e9.jpg It's called Blocker: Prime by Robo_Ranger LBP.me link: http://lbp.me/v/dt1-6z Thanks for reading guys and I hope you like the level. | 2012-08-14 04:50:00 Author: Robo_Ranger ![]() Posts: 18 |
Just checked out your level and t was pretty fun. Only thing I would suggest is giving less health. By about round 5 I had only messed up a couple times and was just getting bored cause all I had to do was press left of right and let it drop. Also I think to should make the first few levels go by faster. Would have made it more fast paced and more exciting I think. But all around a good job if you only grew it together in a few hours. Congrats. | 2012-08-14 05:20:00 Author: Dfw86 ![]() Posts: 138 |
can you provide a level link please. I'm way too lazy to go searching for levels ![]() | 2012-08-14 05:34:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
That's the reason I implemented the starting speed setting. You can start from up to speed level 5 if you're finding it too easy. ![]() | 2012-08-14 05:42:00 Author: Robo_Ranger ![]() Posts: 18 |
That's the reason I implemented the starting speed setting. You can start from up to speed level 5 if you're finding it too easy. ![]() I did move them down real fast lol I had a combo of almost 30 I think before I messed up. | 2012-08-14 05:54:00 Author: Dfw86 ![]() Posts: 138 |
Just played it and i enjoyed it very much. only thing is that the time it takes to transition to the next speed in the lower levels is quite long. i found myself implementing major tunnel vision causing somewhat of a strain headache waiting for the next speed. i understand that you can start with a higher speed but people just being introduced to the "Tetris" style of game are probably going to find that quite tiring. Not trying to insult your work. The level is very good. Just simple speed issues. Give it a few tweaks and i'll be around to give it another go. Here is my F4F Level: The Pub - Air Hockey http://lbp.me/v/cqj6rs | 2012-08-14 06:25:00 Author: curtislarkin ![]() Posts: 157 |
Just played it and i enjoyed it very much. only thing is that the time it takes to transition to the next speed in the lower levels is quite long. i found myself implementing major tunnel vision causing somewhat of a strain headache waiting for the next speed. i understand that you can start with a higher speed but people just being introduced to the "Tetris" style of game are probably going to find that quite tiring. Not trying to insult your work. The level is very good. Just simple speed issues. Give it a few tweaks and i'll be around to give it another go. Here is my F4F Level: The Pub - Air Hockey http://lbp.me/v/cqj6rs Seems it might be worth making that adjustment - seems to be the only problem with the level. It's a good thing it's not a big level so there's not so much logic to back-trace. EDIT: There, all done. At speeds 5 or lower the speed bar will fill up gradually over time. The lower the speed, the faster it rises. Just fixed a major bug with the menu system. | 2012-08-14 06:34:00 Author: Robo_Ranger ![]() Posts: 18 |
Not too bad, but I think it's a tad on the easy side. The only real times that I missed one up was when I got lulled into a slight daze and missed one, or got overzealous pushing one down quickly and the next one came crashing down too. I think it could be fun if you kept the blocks constantly moving out, shortening the time the player has to maneuver them into the gate and keeping players on their toes. | 2012-08-15 02:59:00 Author: Chazprime ![]() Posts: 587 |
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