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FFX soundtrack - Seymour battle

Archive: 4 posts

So, what I like to do, is to recreate some great soundtracks from games, particulalry from the Final Fantasy series. I download some "midi" or "guitar pro" files from the net, and then remake it to LBP2 the best I can.

I recently finished recreating the Seymour battle theme from FFX, and I was so happy with the outcome, I thought I'd record it to a .wma file and share it here. You can download it and listen it with your computer. Download link below..

http://www.sendspace.com/file/cxifwo (2,22MB)

Alright, it's finally published to my level. What? It only took me like...3 months.

Here's a link to my level: http://lbp.me/v/5rytd8

So, tell me how do you like it?
2012-08-13 16:47:00

Posts: 7

WOW. Just wow! Seriously awesome. Just one single suggestion, maybe it's my sound system or windows media player messing up my sound, but I suggest boosting the sound of the melody and reduce the sound of the drums slightly from 0:53 to 1:00. But that's just me trying hard to find anything wrong with this song... seriously, you can be proud.

2012-09-19 16:43:00

Posts: 37

Thank you for your positive feedback! And about the sound of the drums.. this soundtrack sounds different (especially the drums sound kind of loud and distinct) when recorded to a computer. It sounds different..much better in-game, so don't worry. 2012-09-20 19:31:00

Posts: 7

Queued! I'm always interested to hear the interpretations of FF's musics! I also have a little gallery music, with a few tracks of FF! I'm going to enjoy your compositions! I'll let you know.


Great musics man! Sometime I hear some discordant note, especially in the early songs. But with the progress we feel that you have gained a greater knowledge, can also be seen from the increase in complexity of the songs.
About Seymour battle theme: Great work! The only criticism: I think there is something wrong with the 'Ahh Choir' at the beginning, it seems that at some point change tone. Also you should better balance instruments in mid-song. Now I know that it is difficult to understand in writing on a piece of music, but are just little things, even if you do not correct you still did a great job!
2012-12-12 12:49:00

Posts: 52

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