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The Trolling Machine (v1.00)

Archive: 2 posts

The trolling machine
To collect play the level.
http://ib.lbp.me/img/bl/ebbd3731ef69955e7473a67992d3d33ca1ebe346.png (http://lbp.me/v/ds2-mc)

welcome to the trolling machine (v1.00), this trolling machine has a variety of things you can do with it, first of all it has a life bar so if any plasma hits the trolling machine the life bar will go down, the trolling machine also has a engine so when you go into the trolling machine you press L3 and the engine starts and farts, yes thats right! Farts! Press the X Button to shoot trolls. and press down and right to change the camera angle. remember you can always edit the troll machine to your own free will. If you have any ideas to put towards the official trolling machine, feel free to let me know and i will make it.
2012-08-13 13:23:00

Posts: 40

seems legit2012-08-13 18:18:00

Unknown User

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