Wrong Place, at the Wrong Time
Archive: 2 posts
I was born a late 90's kid, but I think i dont belong in the "New" 10's and 20's. I was born meant to be in the 20th Century!! I mean The 1920's-1970's is the Time i seem to belong in, With music, the Piece of mind and all that. Yes not that technologically advanced but they seem like simple times, (Even though had quite a bit of problems). I dont know if anyone feels this way at all. I always listen to "old" Music such as Elvis and all that, I also liked The movie "The Shining" Because of the 20's Music in it. One of my favourite games is Fallout because of the 50's vibe. I hope that if I get Reincarnated that I am reincarnated in somebody else's life in 1950's Drinking root Beer in a Typical American Diner!!! | 2012-08-04 21:16:00 Author: Awesome_Guy ![]() Posts: 167 |
...who really "belongs" anywhere these days anyway? I know a lot of people who should be in a fiery pit of death. Are they? No. No, but maybe one day, they'll be reincarnated as a dinosaur, and then they can die in a fiery pit of death and I can sleep soundly knowing that the entirety of Mankind is defecating on their rotted/processed-by-the-earth body. | 2012-08-13 16:53:00 Author: Gavin ![]() Posts: 338 |
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