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Look what I made.

Archive: 2 posts

Many of you who have played The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, will surely recognize this fine maiden. It's Lydia! Yep, the obnoxiously accident prone housecarl.

Lydia also comes equipt with four fun phrases!

"I've got your back!"
"Skyrim belongs to the Nords!"
"You won't get the best of me!"

http://imageftw.com/uploads/20120731/2lydia 2.jpg
My sheer hatred for Lydia has brought me to creating this monster. Thoughts?
2012-08-01 01:01:00

Posts: 183

Ha good now turn into a werewolf in front of her >=D PEEK A BOO2012-08-02 19:18:00

Unknown User

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