sony and microsoft working together
Archive: 13 posts
http://www.nintendoenthusiast.com/microsoft-and-sony-working-together/ it's a rumor. sony and microsoft is losing sales during each holiday. if this keeps going then there is a chance this is happening. nintendo is fine so far. this is posted not too long ago. what are your thoughts about it? would it be great or bad? My thoughts: terrible. both companies are so different. sony makes portable gaming. microsoft doesn't. sony owns more exclusives. sony haves kevin of course. (LOL) Hate to pay gold membership for just online multiplayer on xbox. Imagine fanboys. it would end svm war but would never play a game again if it haves anything to do with its enemy. which would decrease sales even more. which would leave both companies drop dead on gaming industries. So If they worked together. it would be interesting (about fighting on which gpu or controller to use or pay for multiplayer or not.) if they did. if it happens, some people say not suprised. (which brings a bigger chance to happening) if and when it happens, i'll stick with ps3 and xbox 360 BUT who knows. it could be better when it's true and info about it. that and the best of microsoft and sony like xbox controller and ps3 technology like move and 3d. | 2012-07-31 09:15:00 Author: Sunbunny23 ![]() Posts: 995 |
This is more than likely not true. Seeing as both companies are already hard at work on their next generation systems. However if this is true, it is most likely in terms of software. | 2012-07-31 09:27:00 Author: bigMoose_ ![]() Posts: 183 |
This is more than likely not true. Seeing as both companies are already hard at work on their next generation systems. However if this is true, it is most likely in terms of software. true but don't forget that they are losing money. they would join forces for ideas and other things to go against nintendo in full strength like in the ps1,64,ps2,gamecube,xbox days. also a bigger chance of happening is ouya 100$ game console. which would worry sony and microsoft. | 2012-07-31 09:33:00 Author: Sunbunny23 ![]() Posts: 995 |
ouya 100$ game console. which would worry sony and microsoft. Ouya is a long way off being a thing that they need to worry about. | 2012-07-31 09:46:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Ouya is a long way off being a thing that they need to worry about. yes but as ouya said that gamers are turning away with the tv cause of the prices. that is basically the main idea of ouya. it's cheap for anyone and free to play any game (for now) | 2012-07-31 09:59:00 Author: Sunbunny23 ![]() Posts: 995 |
But without serious money behind it Ouya will just end up being a niche novelty product. Most of the kickstarter money is going to go on producing units for the backers and shipping them off leaving very little for marketing to a wider audience. | 2012-07-31 10:03:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
or goes even further with ouya since the kick starter is like 6 times more than what they expected/needed. | 2012-07-31 10:47:00 Author: Sunbunny23 ![]() Posts: 995 |
Once you take out Kickstarters cut, production/shipping and the gifts for top tier backers they'll probably be left with around $2-3 million which sounds like alot to us but in big business it can easily get spent. | 2012-07-31 11:15:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Sony > Microsoft I don't think it's going to happen. Don't trust the rumors, trust the facts. ![]() | 2012-07-31 11:19:00 Author: Schark94 ![]() Posts: 3378 |
I think this will have more to do with Gaikai than anything else (if it's true) Getting Windows applications onto PS4 and PSVita through streaming is a big possibility | 2012-07-31 15:44:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
SONY console had free online, better exclusives and media formats, but lacked some online features and was too expensive. MICROSOFT console had better online services and was easily accessible, but required monthly fees for online and had a major killer bug. So they decided to unite and build a console, combining the traits of both. The result was an over-expensive console with terrible paid online service, and yellow ring of death. I can't see them uniting. Not until another company rises and threatens to overtake both of them. ![]() | 2012-07-31 16:29:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
Sony > Microsoft I don't think it's going to happen. Don't trust the rumors, trust the facts. ![]() Lol K. Anyway, this won't happen, and I hope it doesn't. And Ouya sucks balls. It even has a ****e name. | 2012-08-01 01:04:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
*stares at Sony laptop with Microsoft windows* um so yeah... it's entirely possible they will work together in other areas, if they see a profit making joint enterprise of course they are going to take it. of course this is all hypothetical at this stage. | 2012-08-01 01:10:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
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