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Posting one letter comments!

Archive: 10 posts

What is the story with people posting one letter comments on your level?

So far i can only come up with two possible reasons, both of which seem pointless.

1 - The person is trying to get their opinionated trophy

2 - The person is letting you know they played the level in the hopes that you will play theirs......

Can anyone shed some more light on this?
2009-01-09 15:53:00

Posts: 1904

It is quite strange.
I had a "tag" one time...
What does that means? ...don't know...
Some people are stranges....
2009-01-09 16:12:00

Posts: 1355

Hah... It's probably to get the opinionated trophy. I'm not sure though.2009-01-09 16:13:00

Unknown User

To get people to click on their name.2009-01-09 17:03:00

Posts: 2914

The first.
(**** you, was gona just make a comment "1" but the restriction forbid my humour ^^)
2009-01-09 17:20:00

Posts: 805

Likely, it's both, though I'm sure the major reason is the first one. After getting opinionated, people upgrade their speech to 3 characters (limited mostly to "H4H"). >.>

The comment system isn't being used in the way it's suppose to be used about 50% (if not much more) of the time. Go look at any popular level, or story mode level if you haven't already noticed by now. I don't think I've ever gotten any more than two real comments on my levels out of the ten or so that were mostly "H4H". -_-

2009-01-09 21:08:00

Posts: 159


Because they want the opinionated trophy, and are blatantly ignorant of the work put into your level. That's life. :/
2009-01-09 21:11:00

Posts: 3476


Because they want the opinionated trophy, and are blatantly ignorant of the work put into your level. That's life. :/

lol a blatant abuse of power

n/m I see the white now... 5 star rating for innovation
2009-01-09 21:24:00

Unknown User

t ...........2009-01-09 22:12:00

Unknown User

haha, yeah that happened to a few of mine, like someone posted "j" and i was like, huhn? :S then wondered if it like had some sort of hidden meaning i didnt know about apparentily not ^^2009-01-11 05:47:00

Posts: 67

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