Question about saving when playing locally with my daughter.
Archive: 9 posts
Hello, new to the game, and to the forum... I got LBP last week, and my daughter and I are having a lot of fun with it. We play through it together. However, it only seems to save her character, and the outfits and stuff that she saves. I hit Start to join her game, and I'll save outfits, but when we go back to it the next time, only her stuff is saved. I read through the manual and couldn't find anything on this. What am I doing wrong? Also, she decorated the pod, and that never seems to save. Seems to me I read something about the pod stuff not saving, but maybe I am wrong there too. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. | 2009-01-09 14:39:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
When you join a game and want to save the data, make sure that you're not logged in as guest. If you're not logged in with an account that is registered on the PS3, the game won't know where to save to. Another reason could be that you have to many community objects/stickers saved on your profile. There's a bug from patch 1.07 that doesn't let you save if your profile is too full. And there is no notice. If you are logged in with your PS3 account and have no saved community objects and it still doesn't save then you might have found another bug of 1.07. It worked fine for me before, but I haven't tried recently. About the pot decoration not saving; I think I also read somewhere that this is another bug with 1.07, so unfortunately there's nothing you can do about it for now. Even though the 1.07 patch was awesome - I wish they would finally fix all those bugs. Also here's a thread which lists bugs from the 1.07 patch: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=6844 | 2009-01-09 15:14:00 Author: Shiwayari ![]() Posts: 167 |
Thank you for the info. I was just going to post the we have not added any expansion packs, and we don't have much in the way of stickers, decorations, etc (we've only played a few times so far). However, I do only have the one profile on my PS3, the one I set up when I went through the initial setup of the system. So, it sounds like I need to create another profile for my daughter. I assume also, that her sack girl is saved under my profile, since that is the only one on the system currently. One last queestion...so I need to create a profile from the dashboard on the PS3, and then when I start LBP and join in as a second player, it'll ask to use the other profile, or does it just do it by default? Thanks again. | 2009-01-09 15:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thank you for the info. I was just going to post the we have not added any expansion packs, and we don't have much in the way of stickers, decorations, etc (we've only played a few times so far). However, I do only have the one profile on my PS3, the one I set up when I went through the initial setup of the system. So, it sounds like I need to create another profile for my daughter. I assume also, that her sack girl is saved under my profile, since that is the only one on the system currently. One last queestion...so I need to create a profile from the dashboard on the PS3, and then when I start LBP and join in as a second player, it'll ask to use the other profile, or does it just do it by default? Thanks again. Whenever you turn on a second controller, it asks you which profile you want to use. And yeah, you have to create a new account from the PS3 XMB (aka. the dashboard... don't want to confuse you ![]() Hope I helped! | 2009-01-09 15:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Whenever you turn on a second controller, it asks you which profile you want to use. And yeah, you have to create a new account from the PS3 XMB (aka. the dashboard... don't want to confuse you ![]() Hope I helped! That helps a lot, thanks. My daughter will be happy. Thank you both. | 2009-01-09 15:23:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hi there, it will ask you do you want to use the second profile or as a guest. you have to select which one. This way if a third person was to come along they wouldn't have to mess around with the second persons profile. Does this make sense? | 2009-01-09 15:24:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
Hi there, it will ask you do you want to use the second profile or as a guest. you have to select which one. This way if a third person was to come along they wouldn't have to mess around with the second persons profile. Does this make sense? Yep, makes perfect sense. I guess I am used to the xbox, where we all just play under one profile. I will create a profile for my daughter, and then one for my wife, and we should be all set. It seems to default to my profile, obviously, since it's the only one. If we have 3 profiles set up, will it always ask which ones to use? Or will the first player still default to mine? Just wondering, for times when my daughter and wife play, and neither wants to use my profile. Is there a way to change the progile you are using? | 2009-01-09 15:59:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Well it will defalt to yours but as far as i know if you turn on the second controller select the profile you want and then turn off the first controller you can just play on with the second account. My fiancee has a profile set up and this is how it works with us anyway. | 2009-01-09 16:09:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
Huh? Okay, I think I figured out what you meant, so he's the process in flow diagram form. Turn on the PS3 -> Choose Player 1's profile -> Start LBP -> Load a profile for each additional controller Player 1: Saves Story progress, Stickers, Pod, the works. Player 2, 3 and 4: Saves levels visited in co-op (so they don't have to play the story again without player 1), all stickers are shared when collected so if Player 1 saves, they save stickers. Their pod do not save because they are using Player 1's pod. Everything that appears in their popit menu is saved (costumes, decorations etc.) If you want to change profile in-game, for example, if someone leaves: Player 1 is leaving -> Return to PS3 Dashboard and change profile. Player 2, 3 or 4 is leaving -> Hold the PS button and turn off their controller. Wait until their Sackboy dissapears with a "pop", and then turn it on. -> Choose different profile. I think that's everything. P.S. You guys need to improve your english skills. All you did was confuse me as well. | 2009-01-09 16:17:00 Author: MikeyTWolf ![]() Posts: 23 |
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