[HELP] To Anyone Who Has A Vita
Archive: 7 posts
Whenever I view a completely white image there is discolouration around the edges of the screen, where the toolbars are in the browser, does anyone else get this or should I worry? | 2012-07-29 21:14:00 Author: FlameAtNight ![]() Posts: 405 |
I get some blackish-grey patches during certain black loading screens... Unfortunately my guess is these are your typical expected, unwarranted imperfections that Sony conveniently failed to mention, thinking people like you and I would never notice. *sigh Unless its caused by my screen protector sheet... In which case, I do apologize! ![]() | 2012-07-29 22:24:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I know about the patches, they're normal, I just want to know if anyone gets discolouration when viewing a white image. I'm a little worried. | 2012-07-29 23:28:00 Author: FlameAtNight ![]() Posts: 405 |
I know about the patches, they're normal, I just want to know if anyone gets discolouration when viewing a white image. I'm a little worried. Nope, just you. Only problems I ever encountered was the typing. It works flawlessly on any other site, but it's terrible when I try to type on this site. | 2012-07-30 02:53:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Nope, just you. Only problems I ever encountered was the typing. It works flawlessly on any other site, but it's terrible when I try to type on this site. Even my ipod get's laggy with lbpc typing. now that's saying something. anyway i think the web browser is just garbage. sliding it shows up a checkered style blank even if you been to that spot before. psp browser is better cause it doesn't have that problem and supports flash ( it's weak though ) so only psp flash game sites (rare sites but you can find them) would work for it. they are decently fun but atleast it's something to do if you are bored and beat every game you own for psp and love flash games. | 2012-07-31 07:03:00 Author: Sunbunny23 ![]() Posts: 995 |
Like this except not as bad; http://i.imgur.com/Ng6V6h.jpg Gallery (http://imgur.com/a/kf9E7) | 2012-08-09 21:25:00 Author: FlameAtNight ![]() Posts: 405 |
That's not good, looks like burn in from the browser to me. You get it from leaving bright static images on screen for too long. I get it on my LCDTV when flicking through the cable menus, but it usually fades after 30 seconds or so. No idea about OLEDs though, probably best to try and get a replacement tbh. ![]() Just make sure you turn the brightness right down if you're going to be using the browser for a while. | 2012-08-09 22:31:00 Author: Kiminski ![]() Posts: 545 |
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