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The California Thread

Archive: 82 posts

On the last time I made a topic like this, we went off track way too much. This time, stay on topic. I would like to have a topic about the state of California. It can be anything, like the nature of the state, or how nice the beaches are, and much more. Just remember, stay on topic and do not mention anything political here.2012-07-29 02:11:00

Posts: 1408

I live here. Nuff' Said. :kz:2012-07-29 02:16:00

Posts: 1840

I live here. It's sunny. And it sucks... Because it's sunny...2012-07-29 08:24:00

Posts: 1614

Id like to someday be able to move to San Jose... I'm done with college and I've always lived in the Midwest. Canada or the U.K. would be interesting as well, however it looks like Cali might be easier! California is like a seperate country from the rest of the U.S... been to L.A. twice! It was fun! I like ice cream! KthxBai!!2012-07-29 13:36:00

Unknown User

I live here. It's sunny. And it sucks... Because it's sunny...

Are you kidding me?! o_o its like the best weather in the U.S.A here. People would DIE to live here right now.
2012-07-29 14:54:00

Posts: 1840

I wish I lived in California GUH2012-07-29 14:59:00

Posts: 36

As someone who's been to all but one of the contiguous 48 states (the missing one being Vermont) I think I can speak with some authority when I say California is in my bottom five.

I used to think it was called "The Golden State" because of the 1849 gold rush. Nope. It's because the hot summer sun bakes the life out of all the greenery until everything for as far as the eye can see is a drab lifeless brown that, through the power of positive thinking, the naitives call "golden".

It's not too bad north of I-80 though. That part is more mountainous than the rimmed flat basins in the south. I also like travelling through Tehachepi pass in the spring before the sun bakes it to death.
2012-07-29 18:15:00

Posts: 434

California, like the Eastern US, has the north/south divide. The north is more of the spirit of the Golden State. That's where San Francisco and its Golden Gate Bridge is. Beaches, gold mines, and the Redwood Forest is all NorCal. I was born in the south part of the state. That's where Disneyland, Hollywood, and the LBP Karting Jam was in. Of course, Los Angeles is part of SoCal. It's bigger than London and Paris.

The weather is nice and the mountains make it look like home, but the economy is so bad that I wish it can improve. The state gets worse and worse if they don't cut back the funding. It's still a nice place to visit, but is it a nice place to live with a high unemployment rate or with more business unfriendly laws?
2012-07-29 18:51:00

Posts: 1408

Are you kidding me?! o_o its like the best weather in the U.S.A here. People would DIE to live here right now.

Living in Texas, I'd say you're correct. People were complaining it was hot while I thought it was fresh. Only problems I have there are:

-the people
-the property size

I'd rather sacrifice nice weather than all those three.
2012-07-29 19:30:00

Posts: 5551

I live here. It's sunny. And it sucks... Because it's sunny...

I would gladly trade with anybody from Washington.
2012-07-29 21:24:00

Posts: 1614

I don't know about you, but I miss the sunny weather. Where I am now, it's usually grey and depressing. In the summer it clears up a bit, though.
But yeah, it can get hot there. In fact, it can get hot in a lot of places. I'd enjoy it while I could and go swimming or play outside or something.
2012-07-29 22:14:00

Posts: 1195

"Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather."

No, I'm actually way far from there.
2012-07-29 23:30:00

Posts: 5891

In Die Hard 1, Bruce Willis gets a kiss on the cheek and says "Caaaaaalifornia". I think all things can be traced back to the first movie.2012-07-30 23:14:00

Posts: 2391

I love me some California. <3

And yes, I would die to have their weather. I'm sick of this Utah crap. xD
2012-07-30 23:28:00

Posts: 941

I have never been. What a fun discussion.2012-08-02 17:57:00

Posts: 1893

Being a San Diegan for all of my life, I think its safe to say that, yes, we have sunshine... most of the time.

But OHH NO, if one storm comes rolling in- one itty-bitty storm- it's cause for widespread chaos and panic all over the county. Houses get destroyed, entire blocks lose power, streets get flooded, and my septic gets full so I can't flush the toilet. I mean, we get nice weather overall, but you're just asking for trouble when it rains.

Besides that point, I've been all over the place and... to be honest, the rest of the world is pretty boring compared to here. Yes, California has a god-awful financial crisis that shouldn't even exist, and yes, sometimes people can pass off as being a bit show-off-ish or snooty (at least in LA). But really, if you wanna experience the true California, stay away from Los Angeles county and go everywhere else. Otherwise, you're just not doing California right.
2012-08-02 18:59:00

Posts: 5757

One time I was at a traffic light in LA and this short guy in sweat pants and a tank top with the reddest face I ever saw (see: "coked out of his mind") sporting a CC DeMille mullet (Google it if you don't know) cartwheels out in front of traffic, does a couple back flips or hand stands or something and backs off doing a bunch of "rock on" fist thrusts as if we were his rock audience. I felt very much like the previously mentioned Detective John McClane at that moment.2012-08-02 21:17:00

Posts: 434

I was born in California. I have lived and/or visited pretty much everywhere (both stateside and overseas) and California is my location of choice - and that's where I am now.

I've never liked LA much. I have a great time visiting there but somehow I could never imagine staying for any length of time. San Diego is gorgeous, as is the northern part of the state. Right now I live near San Francisco (south bay to be exact), and I love it here. Brown hills? Yup, but I don't care. Sure beats humidity.

The thing I like best about where I live is that everything you could ever want is half a day's drive away. City, farm, snow, ocean, sun, rain, fog, mountains, lakes.... They're all within reach of a day trip. Weekends in California rock.

Some of the as-of-yet-unmentioned pros to living in CA are: best Mexican food outside of Mexico PERIOD, mild winters, great skiing/snowboarding, and a wonderfully diverse culture. Some cons are: there is NO good barbecue anywhere, traffic is meh most places, and everything is expensive here.

But OHH NO, if one storm comes rolling in- one itty-bitty storm- it's cause for widespread chaos and panic all over the county. Houses get destroyed, entire blocks lose power, streets get flooded, and my septic gets full so I can't flush the toilet. I mean, we get nice weather overall, but you're just asking for trouble when it rains.LOL Ain't that the truth?

OMG it's raining WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!
2012-08-02 21:42:00

Posts: 3187

Yes, but who killed the electric car?2012-08-02 21:51:00

Posts: 3910

There are genuine Mexicans in every state (I can't vouch for Vermont, I haven't been there to try the food but I have eaten in Mexico so I feel I am able to competently compare most anywhere else) and a lot of them know how to cook just as good as the ones in California. Laredo has good Mexican food, and right here in Detroit there is a part of town known as "Mexican Village (or "town", depending who you talk to) where I get the best tacos de suadero and tamales I've ever had anywhere. (both sold in places the average fellow gringo never ventures)2012-08-02 22:00:00

Posts: 434

(both sold in places the average fellow gringo never ventures)That right there is pretty much the real trick. I guess out here in CA that type of food is just a lot easier to find.2012-08-02 22:17:00

Posts: 3187

I've been to California (did my work experience at a Graphics Design studio in Long Beach ) and would very much like to live around that area. Probably helps that I'm a massive Kings fan.2012-08-02 22:26:00

Unknown User

One thing that makes California a great place to visit is their amusement parks (this is the kind of person I am). Do any of you like the amusement parks in CA?2012-08-02 22:38:00

Posts: 1408

I would die to get away from it!
I want to live in a block of ice in a snowy wasteland somewhere in Russia with the sun blotted out. >:o

As long as there's internet access, I'll join you!
2012-08-03 00:39:00

Posts: 1614

This conversation definetly doesn't exclude everyone EU.2012-08-03 00:56:00

Posts: 1581

This conversation definetly doesn't exclude everyone EU.

Of course. Everyone would like to visit California. Let's hope it doesn't fall into the ocean.

Cities like San Francisco are good for tourists from other countries, while cities like Riverside aren't. The inland empire is a desert, and they have the smaller Californian cities.
2012-08-03 01:11:00

Posts: 1408

Yea... We tend to overreact about rain since we never get it. When Im at school and its raining everyones screaming their under-garments off and flying everywhere ._.

But I live south of LA near Newport Beach and its so nice down here
2012-08-03 05:28:00

Posts: 1840

there is NO good barbecue anywhere.

Wrong (http://www.philsbbq.net/).

And, not to toot my own horn, but I reckon I could go toe-to-toe with that Phil guy.

I would die to get away from it!
I want to live in a block of ice in a snowy wasteland somewhere in Russia with the sun blotted out. >:o

But instead, you live in a bowl of marsh in a swampy wasteland somewhere in Louisiana with the sun blotted out by giant hurricanes.
2012-08-03 08:06:00

Posts: 5757

amusement parks

I know a guy who says working at Disneyland ruined fireworks for him, because seeing them every day makes them routine and uninteresting.
2012-08-03 13:13:00

Posts: 434

But really, if you wanna experience the true California, stay away from Los Angeles county and go everywhere else. Otherwise, you're just not doing California right.

I actually liked my trip in L.A. last time I was in California. But I didn't stay long. I do agree that L.A. is very aggressive, but it has improved from the past 30 years. It's still bad because of the traffic and air pollution. But according to the FBI crime reports, I see that Houston (largest city in the state I live) is worse. It's not as big, but the crime rates are higher. L.A. has gangs (always), but it doesn't have any of these Katrina fugitives in 2005. Not all of the fugitives are bad, but there many that are.

@DominationMags: Rainy days are actually good (especially during a drought). People do get crazy over it, but a lot of people wish for rain right now. The El Nino pattern creates a lot of rain for California.

@DreadRandal: Yea, when one person repeats the same thing over and over again, he/she loses interest. There's a lot of good reasons to work at Disneyland, but this is one reason to not work at Disneyland.
2012-08-03 17:33:00

Posts: 1408

Yea... We tend to overreact about rain since we never get it. When Im at school and its raining everyones screaming their under-garments off and flying everywhere ._.
Around here we also overreact when it starts to rain, but because everyone is afraid of flooding.

Also, now that I think about it, I live in the Brazilian equivalent of California. The weather is crazy, it never has snow, the coast is great and there's a desert on the interior (in my case desert of hills and jungles xD).

All we need now is a movie studio and rename our state "Calif?rnia". Or "Fl?rida".
2012-08-03 19:06:00

Posts: 5891


Dafuq my eyes just listen to?
2012-08-03 19:36:00

Posts: 1614

All we need now is a movie studio and rename our state "Calif?rnia". Or "Fl?rida".

The only way you can rename to Florida is if your entire country was at sea level and was in danger of being under-water in the next 10 years.
2012-08-03 20:06:00

Posts: 5757

The only way you can rename to Florida is if your entire country was at sea level and was in danger of being under-water in the next 10 years.
Now we just need a bulldozer...
2012-08-03 20:27:00

Posts: 5891

The poll is coming soon. It'll be about what you like best about the state.2012-08-03 20:46:00

Posts: 1408

Wrong (http://www.philsbbq.net/).I love being wrong about stuff like that.

Unfortunately it's about 500 miles from me.

And, not to toot my own horn, but I reckon I could go toe-to-toe with that Phil guy.I like where this is headed. When am I coming over? I'll bring the refreshments.
2012-08-04 07:35:00

Posts: 3187

Ok, Ive seen the poll.... and tbh I dont think its any of those. What I like best here is that there is not a high crime rate where I live, theres good people, and a good employment rate.

And then theres food <3
2012-08-04 15:14:00

Posts: 1840

I've always lived in southern California (cue "Not Fred savage" line here), San Diego, L.A, and now the South Bay. I've always enjoyed it, even compared to other states I've traveled to. Heck the general consensus is that L.A is not that great, but if I'm going to stay in Cali, I'd definitely stay in that area. Hollywood, Rodeo Drive, access to many theme parks, sports arena (Lakers), and only hours away from beach, snow, (desert), etc. As for the lifestyle, I guess I'm just used to it, but I haven't been downtown as much as I used to and the South Bay differs greatly.2012-08-04 16:35:00

Posts: 1787

Ok, Ive seen the poll.... and tbh I dont think its any of those. What I like best here is that there is not a high crime rate where I live, theres good people, and a good employment rate.

That's because it's Orange County (at least what you told me). Orange County (CA) has the lowest of the crime rates in the US. It appears most of California (especially east of the bay area) that has the bad stuff.
2012-08-04 16:40:00

Posts: 1408

Is there an option for In-n-out on the poll?2012-08-04 16:41:00

Posts: 1654

Is there an option for In-n-out on the poll?

That's the food one. In-n-out burgers creates competition for all burger-selling fast food chains.
2012-08-04 16:46:00

Posts: 1408

I have never been to California. I live in the south east part of the US. I have always wanted to visit though, and I am sure I will some day.

If anyone wants to put me up for a few nights, just send me a PM, and we will make some plans.

On another note, every time I think of LA, it reminds me of that song by Tool called Anema. :eek:
2012-08-04 17:13:00

Posts: 1305

Really wish there was an option on the poll for 'I hate it and want to leave'...2012-08-04 20:02:00

Posts: 1614

Really wish there was an option on the poll for 'I hate it and want to leave'...

That's why there's the "none" option. Would you rather move to the US South? It's not California, and I live in the South.
2012-08-04 21:14:00

Posts: 1408

That's why there's the "none" option. Would you rather move to the US South? It's not California, and I live in the South.

As I said earlier, if there's no sun and lots of rain, I would gladly move there.
2012-08-04 21:27:00

Posts: 1614

As I said earlier, if there's no sun and lots of rain, I would gladly move there.

Although 2012 is a very dry year, the South has the highest annual rainfall out of all four regions.
2012-08-04 21:31:00

Posts: 1408

As I said earlier, if there's no sun and lots of rain, I would gladly move there.

Try the rainforest then. Plenty of rain down there.
2012-08-04 21:43:00

Posts: 5757

Try the rainforest then. Plenty of rain down there.

Internet access?
2012-08-04 23:06:00

Posts: 1614

Internet access?

The monkeys would gladly share the Wi-Fi. You would fit right in.

2012-08-05 03:24:00

Posts: 1840

The monkeys would gladly share the Wi-Fi. You would fit right in.

Youre right... I already have the no bathing thing down...
2012-08-05 08:15:00

Posts: 1614

One thing I don't like about California (besides their economy) is that they have areas that go below sea level. I rather stay above sea level. Death Valley, Salton Sea, and the Imperial Valley are all below sea level, and they are very inland. It's just that air pressure is higher and that is allowing more heat.2012-08-09 21:47:00

Posts: 1408

Are you kidding me?! o_o its like the best weather in the U.S.A here. People would DIE to live here right now.

You would die... to live? Um, okay.

All I have to say about California: I've never been there and that's what matters. :kz:
2012-08-11 10:59:00

Posts: 359

You would die... to live? Um, okay.

All I have to say about California: I've never been there and that's what matters. :kz:
that makes the two of us
therefore our opinions are valid.
2012-08-11 13:27:00

Posts: 338

Yea... We tend to overreact about rain since we never get it. When Im at school and its raining everyones screaming their under-garments off and flying everywhere ._.

That's what it's like in New Zealand... except for a different reason.

Every single one of us is retarded. And that's why I'd say we're really happy people.
2012-08-13 06:36:00

Posts: 359

true story:

i was going to california to meet my uncle. then...he was at the hospital and had suffer a huge coma. he died. only my mother,sister, and my grandma went to the funeral. obvously not going to california is not the bad part at all. the bad part is that i never met and seen my uncle. this happened last summer...
2012-08-13 08:02:00

Posts: 995

true story:

i was going to california to meet my uncle. then...he was at the hospital and had suffer a huge coma. he died. only my mother,sister, and my grandma went to the funeral. obvously not going to california is not the bad part at all. the bad part is that i never met and seen my uncle. this happened last summer...

That's a really sad story.

Now here's something that sounds interesting. I surfed the web, and there are many lists and opinions proving California to be a bad state. I agree with all that.

The good thing about California: weather and food
The bad thing about California: welfare and expenses

It's also hard to get a job (except at Disneyland). It's a great place to visit, but not the best place to live in.
2012-08-16 20:33:00

Posts: 1408

That's a really sad story.

Now here's something that sounds interesting. I surfed the web, and there are many lists and opinions proving California to be a bad state. I agree with all that.

The good thing about California: weather and food
The bad thing about California: welfare and expenses

It's also hard to get a job (except at Disneyland). It's a great place to visit, but not the best place to live in.

Fine, dont come and live with me. I love it here without you :kz:
2012-08-20 02:01:00

Posts: 1840

Fine, dont come and live with me. I love it here without you :kz:

I'm not saying it's a horrible state, but with all the business unfriendly laws, liberals dominating the state, and with the recession, well... you probably get the idea.
2012-08-20 02:18:00

Posts: 1408

there are many lists and opinions proving California to be a bad state.

That statement makes me chuckle.
2012-08-20 15:26:00

Posts: 1614

In terms of Cali being a good place to visit but not live, funnily enough I feel the same about every other state I've ever visited.

With that said, by the looks of things after a quick scan, those that live in California seem to like it (possibly with the exception of LA) while those who don't...don't. Somehow I see this continuing.
2012-08-20 18:00:00

Posts: 1787

Now here's something that sounds interesting. I surfed the web, and there are many lists and opinions proving California to be a bad state. I agree with all that.

First off, you seriously crack me up...

This may sound interesting even if it's not... lol

I was born in California and enjoy going back and visiting the state when I can. Especially Laguna Seca, Sonoma, and the Fontana race tracks, the coast up Hwy 1, Golden Gate bridge and the bay area. Beautiful scenery, great food, some really fantastic times I've had there.

..as a contrast, where I live now was just voted the best place to live in the United States by the Today Show.

I seriously hate the Today Show. lol
2012-08-20 18:17:00

Posts: 11383

..as a contrast, where I live now was just voted the best place to live in the United States by the Today Show.

I seriously hate the Today Show. lolLOL Oh, the irony.
2012-08-20 18:29:00

Posts: 3187

LOL Oh, the irony.

2012-08-20 18:36:00

Posts: 11383

First off, you seriously crack me up...

This may sound interesting even if it's not... lol

I was born in California and enjoy going back and visiting the state when I can. Especially Laguna Seca, Sonoma, and the Fontana race tracks, the coast up Hwy 1, Golden Gate bridge and the bay area. Beautiful scenery, great food, some really fantastic times I've had there.

..as a contrast, where I live now was just voted the best place to live in the United States by the Today Show.

I seriously hate the Today Show. lol

I'm do not agree with California being the worst state, but I do see the point in those reasons. I'm very conservative (and I lost respect in liberalism), but I'm not trying to taunt anyone who likes the state. I do like the state. I'm born there, but I can't live with these expenses or regulations.

I should've never said that one post. And what is the Today Show?
2012-08-21 04:29:00

Posts: 1408

I should've never said that one post. And what is the Today Show?

You have quite a few of those...

...and if you Google the Today Show, you would find that it is a morning show on NBC.
2012-08-21 13:50:00

Posts: 11383

Wow, not sure how anyone could hate California. There's such an incredible diversity.

Driving up the Pacific Coast Highway - flat out awesome. The mountains - fantastic! Cliffs overlooking the ocean, huge beaches! I could see not liking certain parts of it - but hating the whole state????

Living here in Florida, I can say we have a nice state with nice year-round weather (except for the odd hurricane....), but we don't have NEARLY the diversity of California.
2012-08-21 15:57:00

Posts: 4430

Wow, not sure how anyone could hate California. There's such an incredible diversity.

Driving up the Pacific Coast Highway - flat out awesome. The mountains - fantastic! Cliffs overlooking the ocean, huge beaches! I could see not liking certain parts of it - but hating the whole state????

Living here in Florida, I can say we have a nice state with nice year-round weather (except for the odd hurricane....), but we don't have NEARLY the diversity of California.

I do like California. I really do. I have mountain fever, and i prefer Disneyland over Disneyworld, but California is a blue state. The state you live in (as well as my home state), both of them are red states. I would have an easier life in the red states than the blue states.
2012-08-21 21:13:00

Posts: 1408

Well, Venice Beach was a nice place. You're right about it being diverse. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Quality life.

Only it might just be a bit too diverse. I saw a black bald woman in a blue dress, walking along the street singing aloud: I've posted it, then felt fear from the moderators for the first time on LBPC immediately deleted it. It involved a lot of hatred and curse words, made our family extremely awkward, and would make this thread just as awkward.
2012-08-22 11:03:00

Posts: 482

I've posted it, then felt fear from the moderators for the first time on LBPC immediately deleted it. It involved a lot of hatred and curse words, made our family extremely awkward, and would make this thread just as awkward.

Mods can read the edit history. They would probably know what you said before you changed it.

On topic: I heard more about California. They're spending too much on welfare, promoting laziness. I suggest they should stop spending on people so they won't go bankrupt. They also spend too much on the non-citizens and prisoners. And our president won't get the state to stop spending. Instead, he would bully the red states into doing the same thing. We have common sense. If the federal government is forcing us to become liberal, we can disobey them until they no longer bully us into becoming liberal.
2012-08-22 15:32:00

Posts: 1408

Mods can read the edit history. They would probably know what you said before you changed it.

Doesn't matter. Point is, he removed it before too many people saw it.
2012-08-23 06:14:00

Posts: 1614

Mods can read the edit history. They would probably know what you said before you changed it.

On topic: I heard more about California. They're spending too much on welfare, promoting laziness. I suggest they should stop spending on people so they won't go bankrupt. They also spend too much on the non-citizens and prisoners. And our president won't get the state to stop spending. Instead, he would bully the red states into doing the same thing. We have common sense. If the federal government is forcing us to become liberal, we can disobey them until they no longer bully us into becoming liberal.

Apple, I'm from California and you will not escape nor ignore my elitist liberal agenda. I will find you and I will liberalize your face and paint your house blue. You don't know what bullying is until you've met a person who supports social reform. I will pay for peoples medical operations in front of you and your family until you beg me to stop.
2012-08-23 06:53:00

Posts: 1924

I will pay for peoples medical operations in front of you and your family until you beg me to stop.

Well in that case, I need $100,000 in order to pay for my surgery on my Hemoglophobizfulflklsjfd;ajff...
2012-08-23 07:47:00

Posts: 1614

See that, he didn't have the money to cure his disease and he died before he could even type it out. If only there were some kind of tax that would enable him to receive the medical attention he needed.2012-08-23 09:09:00

Posts: 1924

Apple, I'm from California and you will not escape nor ignore my elitist liberal agenda. I will find you and I will liberalize your face and paint your house blue. You don't know what bullying is until you've met a person who supports social reform. I will pay for peoples medical operations in front of you and your family until you beg me to stop.

Your liberal magic won't work because I don't even live in California. I started this thread because I was born in California. I'm somewhere over 1500 miles away from you. And your idea of "painting my house blue", that's not going to turn me into a Democrat. The Dems don't monopolize the color blue. In fact, it should be the other way around, where the Democrats (liberals) are the red party while the Republicans (conservatives) should be the blue party. Oh wait... So that would make Texas (where I live) a blue state while California a red state. If this is true, what are you going to do? Paint my house red? I bet you know how to deliver red paint over by sending it through the internet waves only and not use transportation. You'll never find me. Maybe I should go hide in a cave (unless it's already too late).

BTW, I'm glad you're back.
2012-08-23 17:41:00

Posts: 1408

Your liberal magic won't work because I don't even live in California. I started this thread because I was born in California. I'm somewhere over 1500 miles away from you. And your idea of "painting my house blue", that's not going to turn me into a Democrat. The Dems don't monopolize the color blue. In fact, it should be the other way around, where the Democrats (liberals) are the red party while the Republicans (conservatives) should be the blue party. Oh wait... So that would make Texas (where I live) a blue state while California a red state. If this is true, what are you going to do? Paint my house red? I bet you know how to deliver red paint over by sending it through the internet waves only and not use transportation. You'll never find me. Maybe I should go hide in a cave (unless it's already too late).

What the heck does politics have to do with liking a state or not? ...no no, it's a rhetorical question, do not answer that!!!!

READ THE TITLE OF YOUR THREAD. It is what do you like best about California. ...and there you go saying you hate it and now into politics. Quit looking for controversy, especially in threads you create. You are fixated by it and it really gets old.

Back on Topic!!! California is one amazingly cool state. It being so long, large and along the coast adds to that diversity. If you have never been there, I feel it really is a must visit.

..and you don't have to live there to like it. mmmkay?
2012-08-23 18:00:00

Posts: 11383

What the heck does politics have to do with liking a state or not? ...no no, it's a rhetorical question, do not answer that!!!!

READ THE TITLE OF YOUR THREAD. It is what do you like best about California. ...and there you go saying you hate it and now into politics. Quit looking for controversy, especially in threads you create. You are fixated by it and it really gets old.

Back on Topic!!! California is one amazingly cool state. It being so long, large and along the coast adds to that diversity. If you have never been there, I feel it really is a must visit.

..and you don't have to live there to like it. mmmkay?

I was pointing out to the bad parts and good parts too. Nice weather, nice food, nice parks, but bad politics. That describes California.

Oh, and this thread is anything about California, not just what's best about California.
2012-08-23 18:05:00

Posts: 1408

I was pointing out to the bad parts and good parts too. Nice weather, nice food, nice parks, but bad politics. That describes California.

Oh, and this thread is anything about California, not just what's best about California.

No.. the title specifically says what do you like best about California.

Though you edited your last post already, If you want to discuss politics then start another thread. Why I mention it is that it has to do with the rules of this site and you having a habit of wandering all over the place seemingly to keep your threads bumped. I would think from other threads that have been closed recently for just those things, you would have learned by now.

Soooo again, back on topic.. I think i like the bay area and the coast best as far as the scenery goes.
2012-08-23 18:31:00

Posts: 11383

Soooo again, back on topic.. I think i like the bay area and the coast best as far as the scenery goes.

Yeah, San Francisco has these nice trams called "trolleys". That's what's good about San Fran. Would you like to ride one if you go there again?
2012-08-23 18:38:00

Posts: 1408

Yeah, San Francisco has these nice trams called "trolleys". That's what's good about San Fran. Would you like to ride one if you go there again?

Possibly.. I think the cable cars are cooler though. Used to ride them with my Mom when I was a kid. Not sure if they are all still around, but I was thinking a few still are.
2012-08-23 18:41:00

Posts: 11383

do not mention anything political here.

Well that worked.
2012-08-23 20:16:00

Posts: 6728

Well that worked.

You got it right. The reason why I said "nothing political" is because we don't want to offend. And we have gone off topic. Let's go back on track and not talk about politics. If we want to create a thread that doesn't follow the description, then how about we create a topic called "The Random Thread". This topic is about anything Californian, not just "what's best about California".

On-topic: California has beautiful desert evenings. When I am in the desert (Inland Empire), it's worth watching the sunset.
2012-08-23 23:20:00

Posts: 1408

The sunsets we get at the beach aren't too shabby either2012-08-24 01:26:00

Posts: 1787

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