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Covering the basics - How to build a level (Part 1)

Archive: 7 posts


In this short tutorial i'll be showing the things that some people might not include in a level and the things that people shouldn't do...I have more to say but that will come after. But yeah, the video explains itself, check the description to play the levels I've shown!
Thanks so much for watching
If you have any suggestions for what to include in the next video, please let me know.
2012-07-25 15:21:00

Posts: 86

Hey, an actually helpful tutorial! Not underwhelming, not overwhelming. Just what everyone needs!

P.S: The text that pops up for a split second says "Ducks = Awesome!"
2012-07-25 15:35:00

Posts: 13447

lol, glad you think it's helpful.2012-07-25 16:44:00

Posts: 86

excellent tut man!2012-07-25 17:19:00

Posts: 8424

Guess who got a new subscriber? 2012-07-26 08:46:00

Posts: 280


In this short tutorial i'll be showing the things that some people might not include in a level and the things that people shouldn't do...I have more to say but that will come after. But yeah, the video explains itself, check the description to play the levels I've shown!
Thanks so much for watching
If you have any suggestions for what to include in the next video, please let me know.

Thanks for it. But i I don't undestand a thing: how are the most famous creators able to create level with many decoration/sticker? And how they use many objects made by them? I tried to do it like their but the thermometer fills too quickly... There is some trick to delay this, using many decorations and making big levels? Thank you for the answers!

(I hope i've not made grammar errors ^^")
2012-07-26 08:55:00

Posts: 43

Usefull, waiting for part 2...And I will subscribe!2012-08-12 17:00:00

Posts: 141

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