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Project NeXT

Archive: 2 posts

The NeXT Generation is coming...
So, it's Tuesday the 7th of August. So, as promised, here's some information about my newest console on LittleBIGPlanet, the NeXT, that unfortunatley has been delayed from the 14th of August to the 22nd.

As some of you may know, I have had a lot of experience with creating consoles on LittleBIGPlanet. The first being a game console, and the second being a multi media console, the same being for this one, too.

Being a multimedia consoles means something big. Being able to play a wide range of media. For the NeXT, this includes Games, Songs, Pictures, Software and Cutscenes.

I'm going to save the in-depth information about the NeXT for the final post, which will be posted some time near release of the console, probably before.

To save time, if you want to see what the NeXT is capable of, check out the post I made about my Quadratum console. Now I'm going to write down the new features that non of my consoles have had before, and is brand new in NeXT.

•Preview mode - As soon as a NeXT is turned on, and a cartridge is inserted, it enters preview mode. Here you can flick through a preview of everything that's on the cartridge by pointing the left stick left and right in the first controllinator on the device, without the contents on the cartridge actually playing. See a file on the cartridge that you like? Press x to enter play mode. The file that you were looking at is now playing as it should normally do. Now if you use the next and previous toggles on the side of the console, it will toggle through files like before, but this time in play mode. To get back into preview mode you hold down l1, l2, r1 and r2 in the first controllinator, and you should get into preview mode. You can tell when you are in preview mode, as the preview indicator will light up. This is a small blue LED located at the bottom right of the device. You can disable preview mode in the options menu microchip. This means that when you turn it on it will skip preview mode and automaticlly go into play mode. However, If you are in play mode, even if you have preview mode disabled, and hold down the shoulder buttons for 4 seconds like before, you will enter preview mode again. So, that's preview mode! A handy way to check all the contents on the cartridge without the contents playing, or having to look through the actual logic of the cartridge instead!

•A re-vamped version of GameExchange - You may remember 'GameExchange' from the GameExpo or 'QuadExchange' from the Quadratum. These allowed one game to be played on two consoles. This allowed for some amazing stuff, for example games like battleships. Well, in NeXT is has been given a big re-vamp, and has also cut down on logic. Now in NeXT it is possible to allow one game to play on >UP TO FOUR< consoles. This means you can play one game on 1, 2, 3, or even four consoles.

•NeXT MP3 - The Quadratum was an awesome console, but getting it out just for music in create mode was hard, as it hit on the thermo quite a bit. So we made the Quadratum Musica, an EXTREMLEY slim version of the Quadratum, with no screen, just for playing music. Well, that's what the NeXT MP3 is for, too. An EXTREMLEY slim version of the NeXT, which hardly hits on thermo.

•Trophies - Yes, the Quadratum HAD trophies, but they weren't as good as the trophies on my previous console, the GameExpo II. So, we've taken the trophies from there, and spiced it up a bit. Now, if you have a memory card inserted and trophies turned on, whenever you earn a trophy, the memory card will automatically save your trophy data, without taking up any of the slots used for games.

•Reset Game - You may of noticed that the GameExpo II had a 'reset game' switch. This basiclly cleared the screen then re-booted the game. You may also of noticed that it was missing in Quadratum. This was because of issues with the different types of files. Well, now that's been fixed in NeXT.

•A personal welcome - Whenever you turn the NeXT on or off, it will say 'Welcome, User!' or 'Goodbye, User!'. You can change what the subtitles say in the options microchip, under the microchip 'Your Name'. The NeXT also has it's own intro and outro tune, which is completley new (This was included because the Quadratum had the same as the GameExpo but with different instuments, and the NeXT Alpha/Beta had the same tune).

NeXT was built completley from scratch. This is very helpful, as we literally go through everything. As a result, the NeXT has nearly 3/4 the amount of logic as the Quadratum, yet it can do so much more. Problems that I had with the Quadratum whilst creating with it, are no longer occuring with the NeXT.

2012-07-23 23:07:00

Posts: 58

More information about the console has been announced!2012-08-16 20:35:00

Posts: 58

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