ZoneRacer 2 : WipEOut HD's Zone Mode
Archive: 7 posts
http://i9.lbp.me/img/bl/c696149f2905693500df60aade4c0935ba0396da.png ZoneRacer 2 is a 1 player survival-racing game based on WipEout HD's Zone Mode! For those who don't know the real game, you're the pilot of a ship that's accelerating automatically. As time goes by the ship gets faster and faster. The goal is to stay alive as long as you can. While listening to great techno music with graphic equalizer effects! The game is made of a Menu level and 6 tracks. The Menu level has links for the tracks and a Game Guide to learn how to play. If you've never played the real game, I highly recommend that you read the Game Guide before playing. All musics are made by GAUFFREMAN. The links : The Menu level http://lbp.me/v/c9b32b/photos The Tracks http://lbp.me/v/c9b4t5/photos http://lbp.me/v/c9b4ft/photos http://lbp.me/v/c9b6hy/photos http://lbp.me/v/c9b6y-/photos http://lbp.me/v/c9b7r6/photos http://lbp.me/v/c9b73h/photos And pictures : http://i0.lbp.me/img/fl/3d0fb51f9797d8ba7d5c2c417381090c2627d60c.jpg http://i8.lbp.me/img/fl/1887da109f8caeed7a295014885a14321fc26c86.jpg http://i6.lbp.me/img/fl/2d6d91f6a956958755d4ab3a298a75f7467fd126.jpg http://i5.lbp.me/img/fl/e35c5ad5bc824b39c609ddc81a519fea755eaadd.jpg http://ib.lbp.me/img/fl/59b1b640d34963e4c867e69dedcb454fa9a61dae.jpg http://ic.lbp.me/img/fl/2bc5f3818857d8392969637a51d75daee883e15e.jpg http://i6.lbp.me/img/fl/446736055066d799119716e99a443dd29e86421d.jpg I also made a small tutorial level to learn how to make a graphic equalizer like the one I use in the game. Ask me if you have any question. http://i6.lbp.me/img/bl/b36df56e71203569d2054ce81dc5b09027cf82ab.png http://lbp.me/v/c9ct79/photos Lastly, here is a link to my first level made on LBP1 : Room Explorer! Come visit my room. http://i2.lbp.me/img/bl/1321953760a9a1c21d44975bde11b41cc659ef85.png http://lbp.me/v/71bjr3/photos http://i8.lbp.me/img/fl/fb818e6c336ef39587103fc21b0c364206eb9755.jpg http://ib.lbp.me/img/fl/ebbc76fdcb822cf962caabfb6f28cde700470dfe.jpg That's it, I hope you'll like it! | 2012-07-22 16:11:00 Author: Matt-XIII ![]() Posts: 8 |
looks good! Queued. also, to make the images appear IN the thread. Wrap image tags around the picture links and you'll get this: http://i0.lbp.me/img/ft/3d0fb51f9797d8ba7d5c2c417381090c2627d60c.jpg http://i5.lbp.me/img/ft/e35c5ad5bc824b39c609ddc81a519fea755eaadd.jpg | 2012-07-22 18:07:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Oh. My. Gawd. That looks... superawesomefantasticcool. It's so super and awesome and fantastic and cool that it has to be made into one word. Before I go any further off track, I'mma queue it. ![]() ...Okay. Done. Looking forward to playing it. | 2012-07-23 05:10:00 Author: Kaboosh99 ![]() Posts: 359 |
Thanks for playing guys! Did you like it? | 2012-07-27 10:18:00 Author: Matt-XIII ![]() Posts: 8 |
Wow, that looks epic! Queued for sure! | 2012-07-27 12:17:00 Author: BillyCrash100 ![]() Posts: 134 |
I played it yesterday... and I loved it. I actually left a review because I wanted it to stay in my reviews page, so I could come back to it some time in the future. The two tracks I played were "Imagina XIII (Forward)" and "Luna Ring (Forward)". The first thing I have to say about it is that this really did remind me of WipEout. Zone has always been one of my favourite modes in WipEout, so I was really impressed to see how you managed to get all the vibrant colours and the equaliser effects. I've made a WipEout Zone level in the past, and I have to say, yours was much, much better. The music was awesome. I'd love to hear more of it. The detail on the ship was awesome. Are those stickers, or did you actually make the details using materials? The font was just like the one used in WipEout, and to be honest, I really want it. All those little details from the real game are there, and I really appreciate how hard you've tried to implement all these little pieces of the game. Like the beeping noise when you have low energy, the speed pads, the start gate animation, everything. Okay, now time for some suggestions! I think this might be better if you sped up the ship? Because I found it easy enough to get to 50 or 60 and then get bored. What I mean is that the ship should start out slow and speed up (a lot) as time progresses. I noticed that the ship did speed up as time went by, but it felt like it should, you know, speed up a bit more. If there's a lot of logic that goes into this, and it's difficult to speed up the ship, then it's alright, it's fine the way it is. ![]() I'm not sure if the thermo is going to allow this, but I would like to see more equaliser effects. I remember seeing heaps of equalisers dotted around the tracks in WipEout HD. It seems like you don't have the Move Pack DLC, but if you do have it, then please change the HUD material from hologram to sticker panel. For me, the biggest problem with this level was that the HUD wasn't that visible at times. Also, hologram has that annoying stripey pattern on it, and it doesn't really look as nice as sticker panel, which has nice, solid colours. But if you don't have the Move Pack, you don't have to download it, I'm just saying that you should use it if you have it. This is just my opinion, but the trail of exhaust coming from the back of the ship is a bit too long. I think it should be shortened a little. Okay, that's all I have for you. Overall, I think this level was brilliant and deserves more plays. 30 plays on such an awesome level is kinda disappointing. ![]() EDIT: Yay, my 200th post! | 2012-07-28 04:04:00 Author: Kaboosh99 ![]() Posts: 359 |
I played it yesterday... and I loved it. Thanks! ![]() The detail on the ship was awesome. Are those stickers, or did you actually make the details using materials? I used both, the main parts of the ship are neons (for the Supersonic effect), there's glass and other materials and some stickers. The font was just like the one used in WipEout, and to be honest, I really want it. Add me to your friends and I will send it to you, or should I give it as present for playing? I think this might be better if you sped up the ship? Because I found it easy enough to get to 50 or 60 and then get bored. What I mean is that the ship should start out slow and speed up (a lot) as time progresses. I noticed that the ship did speed up as time went by, but it felt like it should, you know, speed up a bit more. If there's a lot of logic that goes into this, and it's difficult to speed up the ship, then it's alright, it's fine the way it is. ![]() Wow! You're the first one to tell me it's too easy! I made it so that it is technically possible to do a Perfect Zone at Supersonic. The problem is that if I speed up the ship it'll increase the difficulty and nobody will ever see the Supersonic Zone. I understand your feeling : it takes too long to become interresting, right? But I think it's the same in the real game, isn't it? I'm not sure if the thermo is going to allow this, but I would like to see more equaliser effects. I remember seeing heaps of equalisers dotted around the tracks in WipEout HD. Unfortunately you got it right, the thermo isn't allowing much more. It seems like you don't have the Move Pack DLC, but if you do have it, then please change the HUD material from hologram to sticker panel. For me, the biggest problem with this level was that the HUD wasn't that visible at times. Also, hologram has that annoying stripey pattern on it, and it doesn't really look as nice as sticker panel, which has nice, solid colours. But if you don't have the Move Pack, you don't have to download it, I'm just saying that you should use it if you have it. So that's how they do it! I was always wondering how some creators managed to do clean 2d effects. So it's because I don't have the Move Pack DLC... Thanks again for reviewing my level, hope it'll help get more plays. | 2012-07-28 16:32:00 Author: Matt-XIII ![]() Posts: 8 |
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