Archive: 6 posts
http://i7.lbp.me/img/bl/907503c6b3e38bcf1f4bb0edd1a3ae13679efc96.png Hey Folks! Here's a level I created a while ago for myself. I recently upgraded it to make setting / changing the pass code much easier, and have decided to publish it as a copyable gift to the community. If you want to copy and use it, all you need do to set the code is change the labels on six color-coded tags (DON'T CHANGE THE COLORS) from 0-9, according to your needs. The main room is inescapable, so you will have to use your pop-it cursor to get to the tags to tweak them. All the logic is just above the door / code entry area. Let me know what you think. And feel free to use it for your own (though you may want to lose the "v0rtex2002" stickers I have plastered all over it)! ![]() EDIT: OK - Well... as it seems that the LBPC's automated lbp.me links are broken for the time being, I'll insert it myself. Here ya go: http://lbp.me/v/c45jm1 EDIT: New version published that should be DLC free. If anyone copies it, let me know if you run into any troubles with it. Please? http://i0.lbp.me/img/ft/810eb06711e04f1bda94e689a86f55ccd5727775.jpg http://i9.lbp.me/img/ft/e190b9447d10256886e1b0aa8f1565ad5a26ff9b.jpg http://i3.lbp.me/img/ft/103e3281fdae1b41c009b07ac42a44ea4779529d.jpg http://lbp.me/v/c45jm1 | 2012-07-22 03:20:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
wow! That looks really slick. I'll give this a look. Thanks V0rtex! | 2012-07-22 06:45:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
wow! That looks really slick. I'll give this a look. Thanks V0rtex! Thanks! Lemme know if there's anything I can do to improve it. ![]() | 2012-07-22 21:40:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
I don't think anything. I loved it. door is awesome and I love how you have the level link setup. great work and thank you for sharing this man. | 2012-07-23 21:07:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
OK - biorogue noticed that he couldn't edit/use the copied key room because of DLC that he didn't own. My apologies to bio and to anyone else who may have run into difficulty with it. I have published a new version that I believe to be DLC free (if anyone copies it, let me know how it goes, will you?) | 2012-07-28 08:25:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
@ V0rtex...I didn't realize you had a thread for this, or I would have already stopped by. This new Vault is fantastic...I love the atmosphere. And thanks for making it copyable for the entire Community. You deserve your own special Spotlight for this, even though it's not a level. ![]() ![]() | 2012-08-19 15:49:00 Author: RickRock_777 ![]() Posts: 1567 |
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