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How to make an object move like the roborat ?

Archive: 4 posts

hay I was just wondering does anybody know how to make a certain object move like how the roborat does from the game ? Like not moving around when it is not being moved , or like how the advanced mover moves so in synch with the joystick rotator ? Big help I really would really appreciate the answers . Oh and thanks in advance for all those who answer .2012-07-21 11:38:00

Unknown User

If you attach the two outputs from a joystick to an advanced mover, and put a rocket rotator on it, it will be movable and it will rotate in the direction it's moving. You can also attach some legs with wobbly bolts, set them to speed scale, and attach a speed sensor to that. Now the legs will move faster if the object is moving faster.2012-07-21 12:02:00

Posts: 346

Like not moving around when it is not being moved
Do you mean not falling back down? Increase the deceleration.

how the advanced mover moves so in synch with the joystick rotator?
I think you're looking for the Rocket Rotator.
2012-07-21 12:04:00

Posts: 385

You could take a Roborat out of your Goodies Bag and see the logic. Mm has also put notes to make it easier.2012-07-23 12:13:00

Posts: 134

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