Player Poems
Archive: 44 posts
Hey guys! This a thread where one person writes a poem then the person after that writes a poem about the user above! Example: Sackboy: there once was a person named SuperROBO1. He was a heavy man, he weighed a ton! A tree fell down on him like a stabbing of a knife, fortunately his fat is what saved his life! Sack girl: There once was a person named Sackboy. He was stitched by a human, almost like a toy. He was the main character of the game, sold throughout the nation, but nothing can beat, his imagination See? Pretty fun! Rules: The poem must rhyme, The poem must be about the user above. It must be a decently sized poem So first poster, write about me, 2nd, write about him! Have fun! | 2012-07-21 02:33:00 Author: SuperROBO1 ![]() Posts: 358 |
SuperROBO is my friend, Our friendship will never end. | 2012-07-21 03:21:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
L1N3R1D3R, write a longer poem, you look like a fool, it's amazing how you didn't follow the simplest rule | 2012-07-21 03:59:00 Author: SuperROBO1 ![]() Posts: 358 |
Oh Super Robo, I'm not sure what to say, but this poem thread is neat, and is surely here to stay. Living somewhere in Florida, just like the artistic racoon, your hat's a muddy yellow, and your eyes are the size of babboons. | 2012-07-21 12:32:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Dragon varsity, your rhymes are neat, if only I didn't have an excellent beat. If you make fun of my eyes again, Your life memories will end. ![]() | 2012-07-21 21:34:00 Author: SuperROBO1 ![]() Posts: 358 |
SuperROBO, I'll try with greatest strength To make a poem of reasonable length. Is 4 lines of poetry big enough To stop you from getting all mad and stuff? If not, then I'll stretch it to 6 lines So I won't take the risk of paying fines. | 2012-07-21 21:48:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
linerider, he's a wine-provider, a kind of nine-"letter" guy who's selling Hadron Colliders. | 2012-07-21 22:23:00 Author: Gavin ![]() Posts: 338 |
Gavin, your PSN is message me, That Is stupid, and very funny! It's straight forward, like an old ancient totem, can some please write a good poem? | 2012-07-22 03:01:00 Author: SuperROBO1 ![]() Posts: 358 |
I replied to this thread as it came here to excite, Soon it'll be full like a dashing,flying kite. Now start rhyming people so we can get this thread goin', Now it's your turn to write a frickin' poem. | 2012-07-24 20:34:00 Author: bigl0uc0ntra ![]() Posts: 113 |
The man who doesn't have a profile picture, An avatar or a sig is a terrible mixture. Please make all 3 of these as soon as you can Or else I'll barrage your home with my toucan! My rhymes in this post have more than one syllable So all of the blank space in my post will be fillable! | 2012-07-24 22:50:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
I see you like building it's all that I can tell, Take your building skills and build a hotel. I suck at poetry so don't make a big deal. If you like it please pay me a bill. ...That sucked... ![]() | 2012-07-24 23:34:00 Author: bigl0uc0ntra ![]() Posts: 113 |
bigl0uc0ntra, you migrated here To this humble old thread, sounding like Edward Lear! I just recently accepted your friend request I hope that was real and not just a test. | 2012-07-25 00:28:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
Line rider, a heck of a guy, this poem is short, so goodbye. | 2012-07-25 03:37:00 Author: SuperROBO1 ![]() Posts: 358 |
Don't end this now,I want to keep it goin', Even if you lied,lets try to keep it showin'. You have short poems,so do I, I don't really want to let this die. This thread is super fun Hope it gets tons. I repeat a lot in this post,can't wait for someone to put more so I could reply. | 2012-07-25 05:47:00 Author: bigl0uc0ntra ![]() Posts: 113 |
The person above They have a strange name. Rhyming is tough but I'll still play the game. These poems are neat, Many made me laugh. Two verses, that's all? Nah, it's only half. I'm stuck on verse three; Nothing comes to mind. I'll just keep typing And match words in kind. This is a great thread Let's keep it going. This took an hour Without my knowing. | 2012-07-25 06:45:00 Author: Taffey ![]() Posts: 3187 |
You write well you do, This came of the blue. Creativity is the rule, It makes theese real cool. Your poem was good, Make more,you should. Can't wait to be amazed, This thread is crazed! | 2012-07-25 06:55:00 Author: bigl0uc0ntra ![]() Posts: 113 |
To be quite fair, I avoided this game, Not out of dislike. I was just not used to seeing the new names. Regardless, I'm psyched; So how about we mix it up a bit? Since Taffey's on board, I may as well say, He tastes terrible. Jokes aside, he's quite the fellow by day, It's incredible. His levels the same, that I'll give credit. I got bored after that last verse, so I'll stop here. | 2012-07-25 07:42:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Over 4,000 posts, and over 4,000 toasts, CyberSora plays the game, with a feeling of disdain. Giving awards, ..at the end of the year, he'll sometimes leave in absence, only randomly to appear. He'll always drop by, ..to say a few of his own jokes, but making sure the Coot, ..doesn't make his career go up in smokes. | 2012-07-25 12:17:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Oh, it's you, Dragonvarsity. You were kind enough to give me glee. He told funny jokes To all kinds of folks, He's obviously very friendly. | 2012-07-25 14:45:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
Hey it's line rider, his 376th post. I created this thread, so it's me who must boast. Now it's line 3 and I'm getting very tired, Keep posting! Or your fired! | 2012-07-25 16:54:00 Author: SuperROBO1 ![]() Posts: 358 |
When he made a thread, he was almost dead, From all the love, he suffocated; He would have replied, but instead he sighed, And wondered where he was located. | 2012-07-25 19:15:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
This thread was dead,until it shot up, When this got to 2 pages I said yup. It's the third line I feel you SuperRobo1, If we keep making poems it'll become a ton. | 2012-07-26 23:34:00 Author: bigl0uc0ntra ![]() Posts: 113 |
biglocontra, which I will call you, the post above is quite true. Your join date was June, 2012. Just keep your birth date, to yourselves. ![]() | 2012-07-27 01:01:00 Author: SuperROBO1 ![]() Posts: 358 |
SuperRobo, incentive and slow, My PS3 waits for your presence; But right now I'm starving, so cupboards I'm carving For moist, flaky, delicious crescents*. *The English form of croissants. | 2012-07-27 01:34:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
Sorry line rider, I'm on vacation, I'll be back on Tuesday,with a refilled imagination. | 2012-07-27 02:36:00 Author: SuperROBO1 ![]() Posts: 358 |
Hey, "No short poems", you said, But you just made one right there! The hypocrisy hurts my head And hurls it in the air! | 2012-07-27 14:22:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
Sorry, line rider. Your bold words make me strive much higher, It's the end of verse 1, My brain is on fire. Now it's verse 2, and your head supposedly hurts? I don't have a good rhyme for this so I'll just say "T-Shirts" It's the end of verse 2, + 7 is the size of my shoe. The beginning of verse 3, as you can see, This is pretty long, almost like a song, as big as King Kong. Now it's the end, I'm becoming a fighter, Does this satisfy you, sir line rider? | 2012-07-28 06:08:00 Author: SuperROBO1 ![]() Posts: 358 |
Yes it does satisfy me, But four lines is enough for glee. I'm typing right now While wondering, "How Do all of us rhyme easily?" | 2012-07-30 15:24:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
Wow it's surely been a while. Nearly a year, no one here has good style? Now it's 2013, so lets get this thread back up like a running machine. | 2013-02-02 19:00:00 Author: SuperROBO1 ![]() Posts: 358 |
Oh SuperRob, how I agree Your thread's too good to die you see In words and rhymes will we all dress To enjoy this thread, but I digress This poetic thread was meant to be A solid part of LBPC | 2013-02-02 21:14:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
A native speaker am I not, My rhymes in english aren't hot. You all can see, that I don't lie, Forgive me for this stupid try. ![]() (Sorry mates, just wanted to try, if I'm able to rhyme in english -> I'm not able ![]() | 2013-02-02 21:53:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
avundcv, a member of LBPC, Apparently from Germany. He says he can't rhyme, But I can rhyme all the time! | 2013-02-02 22:34:00 Author: SuperROBO1 ![]() Posts: 358 |
SuperROBO1, a plant is his avatar, LBP Hall of Fame? Ha, ha. Maybe one day, ROBO1, Okay now, here I am done. | 2013-02-03 09:52:00 Author: Protoraptor ![]() Posts: 960 |
Protoraptor, Your name sounds like a dinosaur, Yet a warm heart I'm sure you've got, So my trust you have, now off I trot. | 2013-02-03 12:07:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
I remember you, Craigmond From sometime ago In a forum game Your name did show Now we meet again I bid you, Hello! You're quite a good poet I must say so | 2013-02-03 14:42:00 Author: Phalaina ![]() Posts: 181 |
Ah Phalaina, hello my friend All my best wishes I do send, Think not it chance we meet again For I needed to see you, to keep me sane Many thanks for your fondness of my poetic skill, For I do intend to entertain, to thrill On that same note I must admit, Your knack for rhyming is adequate At this here game you're simply great, So here's to you! My good ol' mate. | 2013-02-03 20:03:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
Craigmond, a bloke, (I hope, if not, give me a poke), You're good at rhyming, I'm not, just look at my poetic timing. | 2013-02-03 20:07:00 Author: Protoraptor ![]() Posts: 960 |
ProtoRaptor, you really are bad, Bad at ryhming, now that's sad. Everyone knows, I'm the best, Give me a challenge, Give me a test. | 2013-02-03 23:34:00 Author: SuperROBO1 ![]() Posts: 358 |
I was gone for a while But am back for a smile! I'm a very busy man Working hard as I can To make three levels in three different games: Vita, Karting, Cross-Controller. All named James. ![]() | 2013-02-11 22:34:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
To lazy to type your name, But that doesn't make me lame! Your by yourself, in your moon, Forever alone, sad so soon | 2013-02-11 22:53:00 Author: SuperROBO1 ![]() Posts: 358 |
Hey Robo, why did you abandon me? I just wasn't feeling too good On the day I deleted you at strike three, But now I've changed my mood. Please add me as a friend again, Trust me, I won't do it, even in vain! | 2013-02-12 23:23:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
L1N3R1D3R, you've got a confusing name, but you're good at this game, Hey! I remembered your name right, (I trust my eyesight). Why'd you choose that ID? made of numbers and letters, like one, and three, I can't think of any more rhyme, Gotta go now, is that the time? | 2013-02-16 13:24:00 Author: Protoraptor ![]() Posts: 960 |
Protoraptor, A fan of Wheatley As we all can see. I see you have a nudge with Ryan86me! | 2013-02-16 20:38:00 Author: SuperROBO1 ![]() Posts: 358 |
SuperROBO1 blind you are not, for you've noticed that Protoraptor and I have fought. But you see, these arguments aren't due to me, but are because I am GLaDOS and he's Wheatley. Your signature's face, it is very sublime, to have made it must've taken, a lot of time. Oh SuperROBO1, under your name is Sack, and all of us know, that you are out of whack. | 2013-02-17 04:39:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
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