Illumina garden 2 AND The scary factory overlooking the small village
Archive: 7 posts
Creator: ShadowFlareX Level: Illumina Garden 2 Many of you who were in the beta probably played a level called illumina garden which at that time was one of the most visually impressive levels that were created during the beta. Now the creator has made a follow up which must be one of the best and most beautiful levels I've played. if you liked levels like sackhouette and anti color because of their visual style this is a must play. There are silhouette effects which change colors, lots of spotlight lighting, firework effects and the music is perfect for the level. Even the platforming elements are good and thought out (unlike anti color ![]() Edit: found and added a video in case you weren't persuaded, but it will probably ruin the experience a bit so i'd recommend you to just go to play the level NOW! veUHvhwmJls Creator: Geosautus Level: The scary factory overlooking the small village Also managed to bump into a new level which geosautus made which (of course) is very good. You start in a funny designed village and then you go to explore a creepy factory, this level makes great use of the new VR materials and ends with one of the best vehicle rides i've ever seen. A very good level! | 2009-01-08 18:58:00 Author: Marklin80 ![]() Posts: 458 |
This is an amazing level. I loved the first one but this is better in every way. Please don't watch the video because it would spoil the experience, just go play it! | 2009-01-09 01:16:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
hum im going to quit pc now and play it, looks amazing and geosautus lvl... ive played it few hours ago. best lvl ive seen by now...really its a MUST PLAY ! better than mad mansion or garden 1.1 | 2009-01-09 17:02:00 Author: Barrid ![]() Posts: 50 |
OMG, I was just about to come post about The Scary Factory... it literally gave me goosebumps with how amazing it is. This is in my top 5 levels permanently along with "H.A.T.E." and "sackboy's inferno part two" - at least for the forseeable future ![]() Edit: I just played Illumina Garden off your reccomendation and I'm flabbergasted. Nothing short of stunning beauty and perefect play. | 2009-01-10 06:53:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Yeah they are both really good, geosautus exceeded his own limitations with the scary factory. But surprisingly he has also recently created a mine level which actually didn't impress me at all, well i guess everybody have their ups and downs, even the best. | 2009-01-10 17:41:00 Author: Marklin80 ![]() Posts: 458 |
Loved The Scary Factory, I sort of wish he'd done a bit more with the village setting at the start though. I think the whole crooked village aesthetic was nice. The factory was great too, but I can't help but feel it lacked some of the charm, especially later on. Still a great level. Illumina Garden 2, definitely the best use of the silhouette style I've seen. The almost invisible platforms behind the fog were put to good use. | 2009-01-11 15:34:00 Author: Ace ![]() Posts: 118 |
Yeah, he did kind of have the Tim Burton thing going for the first half of the level, and it seemed to get a little less skewed towards the end... once you hit the vehicle it seems to stop trying to impress, and just get it over with. The best part IMO, is the multi-board electrified door that senses the players presence and you can stand under it while it goes bonkers with the up and down detection and the sounds... that made me drop my jaw. The synch on that is flawless. | 2009-01-12 03:21:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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