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Happened While My PS3 Was Saving A Game?

Archive: 4 posts

Weather Caused Electric To Go Out In My Whole Town. Happened While My PS3 Was Saving A Game?
Now I Cant Do Anything With It. Every Game Just Freezes. What Can I Do?


PlayStation Move (http://www.vdealbox.com/ps3-accessories/ps3-move-accessories.html)
Video game accessory (http://www.vdealbox.com) nintendo wii accessories (http://www.vdealbox.com/wii-accessories.html)
2012-07-16 07:53:00

Unknown User

call sony if its still under warenty. Also if worce comes to worce u will have to reformat ur harddrive that should fix and data coruption. Also why is this in the object showcase2012-07-16 11:32:00

Posts: 1336

Yes I would remove this from object showcase, as for you problem I don't really know what to do. 2012-07-16 20:52:00

Posts: 2018

If you can get your system to turn on still, you can copy all your saved data to a hard drive or some form of portable media and then reformat your hard drive. If that doesn't work you can try getting a new ps3 if its under warranty. If not... not much else you.can do but buy a new one.2012-08-12 05:03:00

Posts: 544

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