Little BiG Farm
Archive: 13 posts
Hey, Boring introduction: Made this level last weekend and wouldn't mind getting some constructive feedback on it as sadly it hasn't had many plays. It's the thrid level I've completed, but the only one where the thermo is almost full (so I get that annoying message everytime I edit something). Had a lot of other ideas to add to it but because of that had to stop. Wouldn't mind making a sequel of sorts if the feedback I get is good. Also the level is copyable so feel free to take a look at it in edit mode yourself. Level Name: Little BiG Farm Author (PSN): Tomoso_87 Level Description: Help the King carry out essential tasks on LittleBigPlanets most prestigious farm! Additional Notes: There are a total of 5 tasks to complete on the farm. Each task you complete rewards you with points which will be your "Farmers Score". Bonus points are awarded at the end of the level for each task that is complete. Haven't done a task? No points awarded. Thank you for readingplaying and I look forward to commenting on your levels due to the F4F system. Tomoso | 2009-01-08 14:54:00 Author: Tomoso ![]() Posts: 33 |
This sounds like a fun, lighthearted level. Unfortunately I am about to go to bed (midnight here in Japan) but I will be checking this out tomorrow. I am looking forward to it and I will get back to you with honest and extensive feedback ![]() | 2009-01-08 15:00:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
Cheers, once I'm home from work I'll take a look at your legion level. I seem to keep coming accross the name as I browse LBP forums and just keep forgetting to check it out myself ![]() | 2009-01-08 15:04:00 Author: Tomoso ![]() Posts: 33 |
hmm im having trouble finding your level, whats the icon and where in the world is it? | 2009-01-08 15:58:00 Author: Mrgenji ![]() Posts: 803 |
The icon "Little BiG Farm" written on a black background (custom sticker) and if I can remember correctly it's in the middle of the Atlantic. | 2009-01-08 16:07:00 Author: Tomoso ![]() Posts: 33 |
found it, page 4 after searching "Little BiG Farm Tomoso" back with a review soon EDIT: Its a shame when levels like this get thrust aside for levels called "1001 Prizes" this level is not only jolly and satisfying but also shows great use of LBP mechanics. Its not long but its as long as it has to be and the overall happy tone is very infectious I suggest you all give this a whirl if only to take a break from pits of death and boss battles some points though: - the plants at the start seem to "un-grow2 themselves, I dont know if this is a bug or me doing something wrong - The checkpoint before the barn needs to be lowered to it activates automatically - you currently have to jump for it - You can see some pistons in the roof of the barn 8/10, 4 stars, Tagged "cute" and hearted ------------------ for the F4F you can check out my current masterpiece (yeah right) HIEST: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=7143&page=2 But you dont have to if you dont want to keep making this nice levels to cheer us all up ^^ | 2009-01-08 16:53:00 Author: Mrgenji ![]() Posts: 803 |
Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate it. As for the points you mentioned though, the plants ungrowing themselves is intentional, only because I thought it made it look a little more funny, but I can see the confusion it can cause if you think you have to get them all up. The idea of the camera angle there is so you can see the water level in the water tank go down as you make one "grow". That way you know its done. Agreed about the checkpoint, I only noticed that last night round my mates house when he died in the barn went all the way back. And about the pistons, they are intentionally visible, the idea being you can see the one of the left working, and wonder how to get the one on the right to work. Just take another visit up to the top of the barn once all the cows have been fed. Will take a look at your level tonight, although wont be posting any F4F until tomorow morning when I'm at work, as my PC is busted and I dont want to type it out with a Dualshock ![]() Thanks Again! | 2009-01-08 17:23:00 Author: Tomoso ![]() Posts: 33 |
Fun level Tomoso! Not exactly challenging, but that's not what you were going for. I love the friendly atmosphere and the scenery is nicely done. I especially like the fences for some reason, haha. It reminds me very much of a developer level in that everything works well and looks fantastic. The water is cool and the draining tank is a nice touch. ...the plants ungrowing themselves is intentional, only because I thought it made it look a little more funny, but I can see the confusion it can cause if you think you have to get them all up. If you want to keep it that way that cool, but a quick fix if you wanted them to stay up is to have an emitter emit some dark matter underneath when it gets to the top. As of now I'm the 3rd best farmer, though that's likely to change, heh. Nice work! | 2009-01-08 18:18:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thanks for the comments Zep! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Not exactly challenging, but that's not what you were going for. That's exactly right, if you wanted you could just run through the whole thing in about a minute. The level is as challenging as you make it. Originally I was going to make it so you HAD to complete the tasks to move on, but decided against it and I think for the best. If the thermo hadn't have filled up there would have been more tasks, some harder than others and those were the ones I thought people would appreciate being able to skip. Of course you wouldn't get the scorebonus points for completing it, so there is always an incentive to at least try and do so. If you want to keep it that way that cool, but a quick fix if you wanted them to stay up is to have an emitter emit some dark matter underneath when it gets to the top. This sounds like a good solution, might try it when I get home if I don't get to involved in my next level right away. I spent 6 hours yesterday making the main vehicle and I'm still no where near happy with it =( I will check out your levels tonight and hopefully have my PC back up and running so feedback will also be then. | 2009-01-09 09:35:00 Author: Tomoso ![]() Posts: 33 |
Had a chance to play this, here are my thoughts: I enjoyed the lighthearted feel of the level and it was a refreshing break from the more challenging and story driven levels that I usually like most. I like all the different chores you came up with. The first one was my favorite by far. The way you handled the water sprinkler was truly unique and original. I also liked mowing down the corn stalks with the tractor, very fun indeed. However there are definitely a few things that can be improved upon. Suggestions: - More custom content please!!! People want to see something new. The same old mushroom tree, cow, oak tree etc is getting very tired. Take the time to make your own versions of these objects and your level will really stand out and become truly personal. - Polish. Color all that ugly yellow sponge, paint your checkpoints etc. It is often the little things that make a big difference. - At the end I managed to access one of the 5 point bonuses for a mini-game that I did not complete by swinging from another red sponge ball and grabing onto that sponge ball. I think the best solution here would be to have the point bubbles sitting on dissolve material. Player completes a mini-game and the dissolve activates, bubbles fall to the ground and it is impossible to access the other bubbles if the minigame was not completed. Overall this was a good effort and I hope you take this feedback as a way of really improving your level, especially where custom content is concerned. Good job and I look forward to your next creation ![]() | 2009-01-09 13:32:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
Thank you for the feedback. I have to say to a point I agree with everything you say. This level wasn't about being to personel, my aim wasn't to make the player forget that they were playing LittleBigPlanet, in fact quite the opposite. I wanted the level to be an extension of the world Mm created. Hence the King giving instructions, the familiar yellow sponge to grab on to and the trees that are made out of some material I dont have. I agree that there is a lot of work to do as far as polishing it up goes, and generally creating a more atmospheric setting but all that's not really one of my strong points. You might have noticed the world seems a little straight edged, thats because I create with the grid on constantly and have an automatic draw towards symetry when designing. It's something I need to work on. Your right about the ending bonus points, those winches are annoying as it is and I wanted to get rid of them. I think I will do what you suggested but have a motion sensor switch for each so they fall only if sackboy is there and the task is complete. Seems pointless them falling if sackboy is not there to witness it. Good news on personalising my future levels though is that today I just bought the Playstation Eye! Yay! | 2009-01-09 15:22:00 Author: Tomoso ![]() Posts: 33 |
I really liked the attention to little details, like for instance : The tank of water draining (by the way I played this level twice and both times the tank still had one level of water still in it, maybe you should try and fix that.) The water coming out of the hose & even when you go up on the trees, you can hear birds chirping. Very Nice, Great Job! ![]() | 2009-01-09 16:13:00 Author: LBP4EVER ![]() Posts: 8 |
Thanks for your comments. The tank of water will always have one bit of water left inside because thats the bit that has the magnetic key attached to it (so it knows the tank is empty) ![]() | 2009-01-09 16:21:00 Author: Tomoso ![]() Posts: 33 |
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