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Silent Hill - Tribute

Archive: 20 posts

Amazing level. Honestly, the whole atmosphere of the level matches to that of Silent Hill... Some parts are actually spooky (spooky? LBP!?) which is an achievement in it's own right.

So check it out, you won't be disappointed. The PSN has escaped me at this moment and time, but it's on the first page of Cool Levels so you can find it easily enough.
2009-01-08 10:33:00

Unknown User

I played this last night. Great level. Good to see more like this making it up the rankings.2009-01-08 10:42:00

Posts: 1904

I played this last night. Great level. Good to see more like this making it up the rankings.
It sure is I was sceptical when I loaded up the level, seeing as some "Cool Levels" can still be useless junk, but I was blown away. The only part in the level that takes away from the immersion is the jetpack section...
2009-01-08 10:43:00

Unknown User

Yeah when I played it I was like wow cool. Alot of people were telling me you can't have blood in your level is that true?2009-01-11 09:23:00

Posts: 61

No, you can... Why would the include it in the stickers if you couldn't use it? Besides, even MM used it in The Terrible Oni's Volcano (Island section). It's just that people think they moderated The Azure Palace because of the blood splatters...

They didn't. Jealous people kept griefing it, that's all.
2009-01-11 09:56:00

Unknown User

This level rawks, I'm glad that I bothered to click on it rather than thinking it was going to be terrible.2009-01-11 11:38:00

Posts: 2079

This level rawks, I'm glad that I bothered to click on it rather than thinking it was going to be terrible.
Hah, same here.
2009-01-11 11:39:00

Unknown User

*Stupid comment* I changed it as it was EXTREMELY stupid.2009-01-11 14:50:00

Posts: 2079

The only part in the level that takes away from the immersion is the jetpack section...

Yeah, at that part I was wondering when Silent Hill got jetpacks. XD; But that did nothing to ruin such an awesome level. It's spooky, it's atmospheric, and it's certainly not every day that you get to blow up Pyramid Head! (Spoilered for people that haven't played the level yet.)

Definitely worthy of a recommendation.
2009-01-11 16:46:00

Unknown User

OMG! I love this one. My friend was scared so he forced me to do it with him. It was well worth it! :32009-01-11 16:50:00

Posts: 445

No, you can... Why would the include it in the stickers if you couldn't use it?

Well, actually, if you highlight it, it says 'Red Paint Splatter'...soo...well, theres green n' yellow ones too...I'dno...

LittleBigDeadSpace came pretty close to the atmosphere, though
2009-01-17 12:05:00

Posts: 160

This level is awesome, but it's hard to get past the nurses 2009-01-18 11:34:00

Unknown User

just played it again and got an A!!!
it liked me 4 it.
great level only thing is when the elevator goes up in the hospital, i jumped out and had to restart...
2009-01-18 12:21:00

Posts: 445

This level is awesome, but it's hard to get past the nurses
It was hard for me the first time, but when I tried it again it was easy
2009-01-19 12:01:00

Unknown User

This was an incredible level. I couldn't pick a favorite between this and Metal_Josh's Silent Hill level, Our Sanctuary of Memories. This one has a really clever dream sequence, awesome implementation of the light-side/dark-side aspect. It seems to be taken more from the movie than the games though.

Metal_Josh's has one of the most amazing visual tricks I've seen in this game to date. It's a little ferry/tugboat that you take across a lake. I've spent quite a bit of time in my own editor trying to recreate what he did, but I haven't been able to do it. It's amazing. He has an illusion that the lake goes far off into the distance, he has flowing water that looks amazing and includes reflections. The rest of the level is superbly designed, and is quite light on actual platforming, with some pretty unique silent-hill inspired puzzles and riddles. You have to pay attention to the things you hear and read along the way in order to solve some of these.

As things get darker and more freaky, I actually found myself unsettled. There's a scene with a certain character that you may recognize which is bone-chillingly well done.
2009-01-20 02:22:00

Posts: 1937

SEQUEL: Silent Hill meets Jetpacks. Now THAT'S a level I wouldn't play xD2009-01-21 07:43:00

Posts: 2079

I must be the only person I know who doesn't like this stage.2009-01-29 22:18:00

Posts: 4

Never knew there was a thread for this. Yes, this is indeed a great level, the first one I ever played online on LBP. I was blown away by even the most basic functions of the level, it's just awesome.2009-06-14 21:29:00

Posts: 1424

I personally think this is better... Even though I haven't tried this one, I just think that nobody can do a better job than him of making a Silent Hill level.
It's awesome.
2009-06-18 17:54:00

Posts: 1054

You guys should check out "Untenanted", if you like this level. I can't remember the PSN of the creator off the top of my head, but it's an amazing level with too-few plays for the quality of the level.2009-07-05 23:41:00

Posts: 1002

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