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Incomplete List of Features in LittleBigPlanet Karting

Archive: 23 posts

I wanted to create something like rtm223 created after LBP2 Jam, creating list of features they seen. So i decided to interview Jammers and ask them quastions step by step to create such list, it was quite hard to get all the info sicne not everyone is alwasy avable and not everyone have same level of knowlage about Karting. List is incomplete, i didnt able to ask them about everything, and i set deadline to beta sicne after that people would say that i break some NDA (if there will be any). Also if something missing does not mean it not may be in the game and itlaso based on build that they givedthem so everything may change. If beta wont have NDA i will add up things here, maybe even add up if NDA lift we will see .So this all i was able to made in this time, could be better but enjoy:

====Driving mechanics====

Like MNR
Drafting is similar to MNR - if you draft long enough you will get in increase in speed
Boost works little different from MNR, you can gain a boost by drifting, but insted of being in your disposal in any time, it's being triggered automatically after releasing drift. Longer you drift, the longer you will have a boost.
You can combine draft with drift for a much larger boost - very difficult though
There is no slam or sideswipe
You can hop
In air you can spin car with right stick
Also with right stick.... you can slap (!!!!!)

====Level Basics====

LBPK "levels" work in same way as LBP levels on level listings
Same as any other levels it has description and tags attached to it
This probably allows to use same servers that powers LBP1, LBP2 and LBP Vita in future as well as LBP.Me
There Two Types of levels, Track and Arena
Each have little different way of defininf play field of level
You can edit level before you pick one one of them, but then only geo-paint painting, object editing and logic are available
You can't save level before choosing one of them
No matter which one you choose you can do everything, track not only can do race, arena don't need to be deathmatch, thats what makes LBPK and LBP and deffiers MNR from LBPK.
You switch this on gameplay tweaks to what kind of gameplay you want (which we talk about later), no matter which kind of level you picked
You can set target on gameplay tweaks or get game ender gadget and control gameplay by logic


Track level allows you to create closed cycle tracks, creating generic closed tracks for racing... and not only sicne you can set it to battle mode too.
It's legecy of MNR track creations, containing same if not similar features, those who come from MNR should be happy about it
On loop point of track you will have finish line will be created, there no visual effect to it... you will need to make your own ;]
You can create create start points for each player at any point of track, you can set them in any formation at finish line.... or you can place them of diffrent points of whole track (ofcorse don't do that when you plan to make normal race track)
Same as in MNR you start with drawing track using normal driving mechanics, which you can auto-complete (complete the track loop) in any moment.
Same as MNR you can change road type, fances, also when you got higher in terain elevation it will start drawing bridge
Same as MNR you got relative editing allowing you to edit things along the track and easily edit it's surroundings
In track respwning works diffrent way, when you get off track og get killed you will respwn at closest point no track. But you can place respan checkpoints to control that.
There for theres 2 kind of ways to do shortcuts (both known in MNR)

Branch - allowing to branch off the track making 2nd road which you need to connect back to track
Breadcrumbs - Disabling "Off-track" from surrounding area, not only allowing to create wild shortcuts but also ace track on open field

You can wide and slim track same way as MNR
Track editing is pretty much... same as MNR, most features you remember are still there + new stuff common to both modes which will be described later


Unlike tracks, you don't make tracks (duh?), instead you make "Arena" (which way it's named that way), a shaped area which freates playfield of your level
Arena is a shape on floor of the level, you paint it in any shape you want. It's your playfield for your level and you need to define if you want to level even work.
You can even even divide it to many shapes, creating separate arenas as many as you want.
Arena is like track in track mode, if player leave it it will show "off track" and respawn you. so i you make sperate arenas you sure that players will stay in the one they are in.


Like LBP, karts needs checkpoints to respawn
When you "paint" arena or finish track 8 checkpoints will apper, but you can delete them and leave only one, people from jam are not sure if you can place more then 8 checkpoints
Unlike other LBP games checkpoints are not visible in play mode
You can control direction in which player will face when he will be respawned by rotateing checkpoint it self
Checkpoints in LBPK are far more complex then what you seen in LBP ,they not dependent on global settings anymore, now they got tweaks on there own:

Player Type - Select if checkpoint can spawn real player, AI (sackbot) or both
Team - Select which team this checkpoint will respawn (about teams later), pick one from 1 to 8 or any
Preferred Player - Which specific player should respawn from this checkpoint from 1 to 8 or any

Ever wanted place logic on sackboy? Ever wanted to use overlord glitch legally? Today is your day because you can place logic on checkpoint and this logic will effect Player or AI that respawned from that checkpoint.

==Global Gameplay Tweaks==

=Level Settings=

Same as LBP2 and Vita oyu can set any combination of Max and Minimum players, but on wider range since we got 8 players
You can set defuculty of AI Easy/Medium/Hard/Extreme (which means those are AI modes thru whole game not only this tweak feature)
Same as LBP2 you can set time limit and target score
Also target hits (friednly way to say "kills" ;p)
Number of Laps for track levels


You can chose for which stat players are ranked, hits, score or lap time
You can set bonus points for 1st-3rd place thatt hey will get at end of the level


You can chose whatever you want to have teams or be free for all
You make up to 8 teams.
Assign any player to any team in quantity together with AIs (you can meet something like that if you ever played with Statecraft editor)
You can activate deactivate friendly fire

====Level Building====
There 2 ways to build starcture of the levels:


It's ground level of your level and legecy of MNR track editing, allowing you to create soemthing that LBP2 does not allow... landscape.
Thanks to it you can create levels that looks more natural
Is pretty much the same as MNR on terrain editing
As you could expect you can paint texture on terrain
Each theme have set of 8 diffrent terrain textures

===Materials and Pre-made Objects===

Level structure is as same as LBP just insted of 2D shapes on layered 2.5D space to draw you use 3D shapes in 3D space without any layers (there no need for them)
Developers call it Geo-Painting
As you may expect you can make objects with it too, so it's not so GEOgraphics, but GEOmetric
Things created by material are effected by natural physics, like gravity etc.
Same as LBP Vita it uses same concept that born in LBP PSP, Static/Dynamic Tweak. So you dont have any special matter that stay in place, you can use any material as black matter by tweaking it
You glue objects toghether as always
Copy objects is there to.... BUT! It's called cloning, and it can do something more.... if you want, change on object, will be applied to all objects that you cloned. It's something like "Dynamic emitting" but implemented direcly to editing, so it not only applys to emmited objects, but objects already on level.
You can also group object toghther, it does not effect object in play mode but in create by clicking one it will move, edit, resize etc. all objects toghether like it was one object.
There no corner editing (or should i say vertex editing since we talking here about 3D) at the moment, but not denied it might be added.

===Materials/Object meets Terrain===

You can melt objects with terrain. Like you see on terrain-based RTS or Starhawk, you can make object that way that wher ever you palce it on terrain it will look good.
Also if you wish you can "snap to terrain" that it will always be on top of it

===Worth Mention Materials===

Holograms are there
Neon is there
Invisble material (called force field) is there too, it's invisible but you can't go thru it.
People at Jam had small selection of materials so maybe there something more

====Visual Visual Tweaks====

There lot of stuff same as LBP
Color of sun light
Abient color
Fog dencity and color.... it can be so dence that you see things only from short distance, something that MNR didn't had


Same as any LBP there digital and analog signals
Use same signal handling model that was introduced in LBP2, output both digital and anlog and chose how signal is handled in input action tweak.
Placing and wireing is prettymuch the same.
Everything here is... prety much the same
There no auto-pathing in circuit board, sux for wire organisation, but on other hand no wire lag
All of gadgets got tweak allowing to disconenct all connections


==Existing stuff===
Here i will list stuff that already exist in LBP2 that is karting and type new tweaks if there any
==Simple and Advance Logic==

All the gates

Not gate by defult is inverted so it works liek a node.. which kind of is right is NOT gate inverts and rest of the gate has that disabled, but it's kind of odd thing in digital electronics perspective
No analog interaction been checked, so not sure if it's there... no vita analog signal scaleing tweaks for sure ;'(


Sequencer editing is all the same, and there positinal mode as it was

Directional Combiners and Splliters


Button is now Pressure Switch which activates when you drive thru
Player Sensor

Bored of circule (sphere in 3D) ranges? Now you can pic a squere range (Cube in 3d)
Sicne thres 8 plares now you can tweak 8 players max needed to activate

Tag and Tag sensor

Same as player sensor got shere and cube ranges

Grab Sensor (there grabbinators there right? ;])
Impact Sensor
Score Sensor
Projectile Sensor been replaced with weapon impact sensor, not sure if it's still works like a counter or morel ike impact sensor
Speed sensor

==World Tweakers==

Global Lighting Tweaker
Score Giver
Game Ender

==Object Tweakers==

Danger Tweaker - if we on that then lets talk about dangers

You can regulate intensivity of effect and radius
fire and gas looks the same, electc and plazma looks diffrent

Gravity tweaker
Material tweaker (surly it has new tweaks but could not get thta info from jammers)


Emitter - You chose postion of emmiting in 2d plain, the other axis is a tweak
Smoke(?) Emitter

? there because it's not only can emit smoke, but also sparkels and confetti, so they might rename it
You can also tweak color and brigness now
Also speed
Size of emitter determents how much particuels are created

==Movers and Rotators==
Well you be suppriced on this one, they all didnt change much, the wok on 2D plain, if you want more direction you need to combine more of them toghter + all rotators been renamed to motors

Advance mover (??)
Follower - can detect radius in 3D
Gyroscope (???)
Rotator - now Motor
Look At Motor
Motion Recorder... which turn in to path follower which does notn eed any Move

===New Stuff!===

==New sensors==
Both of new sensors work only on track mode

Position Sensor - Detects position in race track (sice we dont need to create race) that you 1st or last, you tweak specifc player
Progress Sensor - How much race is complete including including all laps, it will output analog signal of progress

==Kart things==

Kart Tweaker - Regulates phisics of karting you place that on checkpoint

Top speed
Jumping On/Off
Jump Height
Drafting On/Off
How close you have to be to draft
How many seconds before you get a draft boost when you're close enough
The speed of the draft boost
Grabinator On/Off
....and more

Kart chassis - its a object with 4 wheels and you place it on bottom of any object and it turn in to kart
Kart Cockpit - It's piece that works with chasis and makes sackboy sit in custom "kart" made this way

====HUD Editting====

As you may know Karting let oyu do custom HUD
It's in form of HUD tweaker that oyu place on checkpoint ad spawned player will have it
You can edit postions and size of any existing elements of HUD, you can add them and remove
I ngeneral therel ot of premade stuff minimap, wrong way indication incoming indication race postion and many more
But what if oyu want to do custom stuff? You can palce Text, Prgress Bar, Dial , Timer (probably more)
You control them by logic by labeling them (not sure) and inputing singla to HUD Tweaker

Special thanks to Taffy, Spider-Jew, Codibear and Lambo for co-operetion ;]
2012-07-10 05:44:00

Posts: 3991

This is awesome! Thanks for putting this together Shadowriver - I know it was a LOT of work. :hero:2012-07-10 05:47:00

Posts: 3187

Wow thanks man! Lots of things I finally know about this game. I'm not digging that "Auto-Bridge" feature if you raise your elevation too high. Can we control that? How do you make levels that are floating in midair like the featured air-boat battle arena? Thank you 2012-07-10 05:49:00

Posts: 878

Wow thanks man! Lots of things I finally know about this game. I'm not digging that "Auto-Bridge" feature if you raise your elevation too high. Can we control that? How do you make levels that are floating in midair like the featured air-boat battle arena? Thank you

auto-brige means when you start creating track above terrain it will make a brige like in MNR.

Boats are made by "Geo-Painting" and read a little more ;p "Same as LBP Vita it uses same concept that born in LBP PSP, Static/Dynamic. So you dont have any special matter that stay in place, you can use any matterial as black matter"

Hmm i will correct that to make it clear
2012-07-10 05:55:00

Posts: 3991

Whoa, Just think of the possibilities!

Thanks for giving the info just before the beta starts, Shadowriver.
2012-07-10 06:30:00

Posts: 147

Good read, except the spelling errors at beginning and the end. lol

Really hope I get in this beta 8^)
2012-07-10 06:30:00

Posts: 408

Thanks for putting this for us, I've been waiting for a post like this.2012-07-10 06:52:00

Posts: 622

Do you guys understand what this means THIS IS LBP2 IN 3D.Are there controllanators, level links, and the ability to exit the cart for some on foot action2012-07-10 07:13:00

Posts: 102

and the ability to exit the cart for some on foot action

oh you can't actually leave the Kart to walk around. at best you can only make a custom object to control. they probably wanted to make sure it is a karting game above all else. perhaps they are making sure they have room to make a LBP3 in the future by doing that. *mew
2012-07-10 07:46:00

Posts: 4261

will be making a foot kart....A cart that looks like feet2012-07-10 07:47:00

Posts: 102

Only worry about Track editing not give us the freedom I want2012-07-10 08:43:00

Posts: 1014

I will be making platform levels that expand in to 3D I have some already planned out. Tho hopefully they work out :/

Also nice info shadow.
2012-07-10 08:58:00

Posts: 745

Great list, Shadowriver !

It is just what I want - all knowing information about LBP karting in one place

I will translate it in to Russian and publish on our Russian LBp Fun site if you don't mind

If you will add some new info - please mark it with something as "new" for easy finding, OK?

From Russia with love,
2012-07-10 09:13:00

Posts: 838

great work as usual, Shadowriver. I'm a tad worried about those microchips though. Do you mean that they don't 'self organise' the wires? That could make logic look so messy and complex, and you really do need them organised because sometimes you forget why you did what you did.2012-07-10 10:32:00

Posts: 3910

If that's the incomplete list, I can't wait to see the complete list!

One thing that you mentioned was having a checkpoint emit a preferred player. Why can't this be implemented into LBP2?? It's a great idea and would be very handy for multiplayer levels.
2012-07-10 11:47:00

Posts: 4085

great work as usual, Shadowriver. I'm a tad worried about those microchips though. Do you mean that they don't 'self organise' the wires? That could make logic look so messy and complex, and you really do need them organised because sometimes you forget why you did what you did.

EVen with pathing it can be messy ;p without its gonna be harder. But still it might be something they didnt implement yet

Also guys im not sure if this is 100% right, so don't get mad on me if something didn't end up in the beta or release not to mention everything is in subject of change

One thing that you mentioned was having a checkpoint emit a preferred player. Why can't this be implemented into LBP2?? It's a great idea and would be very handy for multiplayer levels.

2012-07-10 14:04:00

Posts: 3991

Nice Work Shadow! it's a very big list what you just put together! look forward for this game!2012-07-10 14:35:00

Unknown User

Nice Work Shadow! it's a very big list what you just put together! look forward for this game!

I'm looking forward to seeing what crazy obstacle course you can create.
2012-07-10 15:41:00

Posts: 4085

If that's the incomplete list, I can't wait to see the complete list!

One thing that you mentioned was having a checkpoint emit a preferred player. Why can't this be implemented into LBP2?? It's a great idea and would be very handy for multiplayer levels.
i think they did it with a level in the cosmos that took a massive amount of logic. it was a versus level where each player would spawn out of there preferred checkpoint.

What would Steve_big_guns create in full 3d? he might finish M.E.R.D. he might make some epic odic racing level.
2012-07-10 15:58:00

Posts: 132

With all the great potential of this game and in 3D, would you guys/gals really be that bothered if the load times were longer than LBP2? I know that I wouldn't be at all bothered2012-07-10 19:13:00

Posts: 3910

From a review in the background it looks like each load took 5-15 seconds.2012-07-11 01:10:00

Posts: 132

This is motivating me to try Modnation now, at least so I have some understanding of the Karting version and to get a feel for building racing games. Many thanks for the info!2012-07-11 01:32:00

Posts: 374

Wow, it must have taken a lot of time to compile this. Thanks, now I know a little bit about the game before it comes out! :star:2012-07-11 22:00:00

Unknown User

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