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Zombitron (V0.8: Packapunch)

Archive: 6 posts

Zombitron V1.0: Release, is now out!
Go find it @ NcLc2010's Earth on LBP2!
LBP.Me: http://lbp.me/v/cq6991
This update includes 3 New Zombies, 30 New Weapons, 1 New Mode, and 2 New Explosives!

Red Walker: 100 Health, 20 Speed
Purple Hunter: 150 Health, 40 Speed
Yellow Elite: 1000 Health, 20 Speed

Spas 12: 5 Pellet Pump Action Shotgun
Spas 12X2: 5 Pellet Pump Action Shotgun
Spazm: 12 Pellet Pump Action Shotgun
SA12: 12 Pellet Full Auto Shotgun
Dragon's Breath: 25 Pellet Full Auto Shotgun
M1911 Akimbo: Semi Auto Dual Wield Pistols
MK1911 Akimbo: Full Auto Dual Wield Pistols
M2XM2: Full Auto Dual Wield Machine Pistols
M4XM4: Full Auto Dual Wield Machine Pistols
GAHA&GAHA: Full Auto Heat Seeking Dual Wield Machine Pistols
MP5K: Full Auto Magazine SMG
MP5: Full Auto Magazine SMG
MP40: Full Auto Magazine SMG
MP42: Full Auto SMG
Over9000: Full Auto 7200RPM Machine Gun
AK-47: Full Auto Magazine Assault Rifle
AK-74: Full Auto Magazine Assault Rifle
AKS-74: Full Auto Magazine Assault Rifle
AK-74M: Full Auto Assault Rifle
JaggWar: Full Auto Assault Rifle
Barret .50 Cal: Semi Auto Sniper Rifle
Barret .50X2 Cal: Semi Auto Sniper Rifle
Barret .100 Cal: Semi Auto Sniper Rifle
B50DMR: Full Auto Sniper Rifle
Gauss Rifle: Semi Auto Laser Rifle
M16a1: 3 Round Burst Assault Rifle
M16a2: 3 Round Burst Assault Rifle
M16a3: 3 Round Burst Assault Rifle
M16a4: 3 Round Burst Assault Rifle
Skullcrusher: 3 Round Burst Assault Rifle + Grenade Launcher


Frag: Throwable Fragmentary Grenade
Claymore: Directional Sensor Landmine

Nuke: Kills all zombies
Reset: Resets zombie spawner
Points: Awards 10000 points
Damage: Upgrades all weapons

TL;DR: Top down zombie survival shooter. Now read the instructions silly, because this game's AMAZING.
Thanks for reading!
2012-07-08 01:52:00

Unknown User

Sounds interesting... 30 guns includin' upgrades you say? I'll have to play it.2012-07-08 03:43:00

Unknown User

Sounds cool. Have any screenshots to show off?2012-07-08 04:50:00

Posts: 182

Sadly, since the controller disables popit, I have no screen shots, but I am ready to release the game TODAY, it will be online with update V:1.0 probably in the next hour.2012-07-08 17:58:00

Unknown User

That doesn't mean you can't pause the game and take a pic. (That's how I've taken screenshots for my upcoming project "Zombie Epidemic".) Well, I still can't wait to see this in action!2012-07-08 18:51:00

Posts: 182

Zombitron V:1.0 Is now released! Play it @ NcLc2010 on LBP2!2012-07-08 19:28:00

Unknown User

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