Box of Dynamite Presents: Aurora Synthesis (1-2 Player Duel)
Archive: 2 posts
Note: Technically I helped with the level, but DynamiteDanTNT published it, so I'm unsure whether this is in the right forum. Oh well. I'm the advertiser. ![]() http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120506085732/aurorasaga/images/e/e7/5d3f4971a01c2b9ae262c32bf1f7f3b3d8f32ae6.jpg http://lbp.me/v/ckzj0p For the first time since LittleBigPodcasts MTG contest, Box of Dynamite presents Aurora Synthesis, a simple yet addicting fighting game based on Mortal Kombat and Dissidia: Final Fantasy! Fight against a friend or against the AI! Plot More like an Excuse Plot (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ExcusePlot), but a plot nethertheless, Aurora Synthesis revolves around a game set up by the ruler of existence, The True King, in which humanity must fight for their will to live. Many heroes are plucked across time, pitted in endless combat. Characters All characters in Aurora Synthesis are from the Aurora Saga level series still in development. (Don't ask why we decided to do crossover first) In particular, Aurora Somnis (thi766), Aurora Requiem (a_mailbox), Aurora Crystallis (tfvang/yours truly), and Aurora Tactics (DynamiteDanTNT). The Roster: -Somnis Reminas (Somnis) -Russel Muscae (Somnis) -Lance Verum (Requiem) -Ultion (Requiem) -Lutaris Aeternam (Crystallis) -Lacerus Relictus (Crystallis) -Cyrus Brandt (Tactics) -Victor Crescens (Tactics) -Gladiator of Time (Original Generation) -??? Content -10 Fighters, 3 Stages -Optional Intro Movie -Original Music arranged by tfvang (Battle tracks, Intro music), DynamiteDanTNT (title screen), a_mailbox (Character selection screen) -1 player AI opponent Controls (For Convience) X - Jump (Doh.) O - Guard Square - Attack Triangle - Magic Left Stick - Move Left Stick (tap twice) - Dash Square Square Triangle - Magic Combo L1 - Limit Attack Random Tips and Tricks -Limits in general can actually be pretty useless depending on their usage. Magic and standard attacks however are very useful; don't rely on flashiness unless desperate. -Stages are gimmick-less and therefore only serve as eye candy. So if unsure, just pick at random. -The hidden character is activated with a secret code. What it is, I'm not saying. -The key to winning is to guard often and keep distance; minimizing damage. -Attacking up close can initiate long chains of attacks that deal lots of raw damage. Magic Combos won't work, however. -Each character has different styles and attack ranges; if one doesn't work for you, try the next! Screenshots http://i5.lbp.me/img/ft/4755d50b278da7f864a6d2ea9eb1252059467561.png http://i9.lbp.me/img/ft/5296e64b97c97e9fd1bd1afe30cc74ef70950865.png http://ib.lbp.me/img/ft/fbb0c22cc1767c3c3bbf7cd595f34675b7b942ab.png Notes Yay, we actually did something ![]() ![]() I hope you guys enjoy our level ![]() ![]() Credits a_mailbox - Director/Logic/General DynamiteDanTNT - Original Concept Writer/General/Publisher tfvang - Main Music Remixer/Arranger/Advertiser Landdy - Music Composer (Original Versions) | 2012-07-05 03:20:00 Author: Fang ![]() Posts: 578 |
Hey that level wa awesome, it was wierd though just the other day I was playing dissidia, thinking ' i should make a lbp level off this or maybe theres a good one online' next thing i know i check lbpcentral and there it is a level that says it's based off dissidia. So i Q'd it and my only mistake was waiting till today play. Anyways the gameplay was awesom with 10 fighters and more to come it could keep me coming back for more day after day. It's amazing the amount of detail in each characters fighting style, 5 stars all the way keep it up | 2012-07-05 21:06:00 Author: SilverTriforce7 ![]() Posts: 183 |
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