Platforming in Nature
Archive: 1 post
Nature and Platforming a perfect mix wouldn't you say? Well my good friend r2ro143 decided to take it into his own hands by creating this level ' lbp 2 nature' http://lbp.me/v/-sdk5f, In this level you'll play as your little sackboy/girl (as usual) as you platform your way through the stage by using your swinging, running, and of course jumping skills. Through out your Little Big Adventure you'll be interacting with switches and grabbing ledges to get to new areas. http://i4.lbp.me/img/ft/384c47178211b86a2ae965355b324f31f61e574f.jpg http://i1.lbp.me/img/ft/fa1f65aa692025ed31ef298aba05fd5d06e0af6d.jpg http://if.lbp.me/img/ft/fafa08bb7a11e4d336995f05008d1b4fd94941df.jpg http://i9.lbp.me/img/ft/52989e19563781203de3ae2aeb836b4c2c737a0e.jpg Ps: sorry for the typos that I may haved missed as always and my apologize if any of the photos are bad i'm not a professional Little Big Photographer | 2012-07-04 04:08:00 Author: SilverTriforce7 ![]() Posts: 183 |
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