Skateboarding Megathread. The useless wooden toy discussion
Archive: 6 posts
SKATEBOARDING skatbaordng?!?!?!?!? no. k maybe http://static.grindtv.com/images/1/00/30/78/06/307806.jpg FEATURED SKATER: Sean Malto Sponsors: Girl, Nike SB, Spitfire, Escapist, Thunder, Diamond, Fourstar, Glassy, Grizzly Grip --- THIS THREAD IS COMPATIBLE WITH: CRUISERS: http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lo7lxdcSxz1qlzat6o1_500.jpg A cruiser is a skateboard that is not ment for doing POPSHUVITOLLIES but they are ment to ride around, get places. They tend to be SUPER quiet, they dont make that RRRRRR sound when you're riding them, as for the wheels are huge. Most skateboarders who like to film everything their dumb buddies do usually use them, because it doesn't disrupt the filming, so that you don't hear WHRRRRRR from two skateboards. LONGBOARDS: http://www.narragansett.k12.ri.us/NHS/computer/First_Semester_09_10/FS_2009_Period_3A/Justin_Zinnolongboarding/new-lush-longboards-graphics.jpg These skateboards are like cruisers, but longer and meant for downhill extreme riding. STREET SKATEBOARDS: http://www.boardstyle.it/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/c6b33bd40e32ce96506fdad55dfda457/e/l/element_7752.jpg they can be used for downhill, crusing, or doing INSANE *** TRICKS KICKFLIP GRIND YEEEEEEEAH --- WHERE DO I BUY IF YOU HAVE AN IPHONE 4S ASK SIRI "Where can I skateboard?" Usually it'll take you to a skateshop. OR! ORORORORORO! www.ccs.com CCS is trustable! they have cruisers, longboards, and street skateboards! If you want to make your own COOLIO DESIGN go to: www.boardpusher.com you still need to get trucks though! http://www.warehouseskateboards.com/ Legit. --- NEWS! (Updated never) 3/30/2012 PROPOSAL OF THE BLOCKLAND PROJECT! US NEWFAGS TO SKATERBOARDING MAKE A VIDEO OF US SKATERBOARDING, MAKE A MONTAGE OF IT, AND POST IT ON INTERNET. CONTRIBUTE! IF YOU HAVE ANY SUBMISSIONS PLZ PM ME PLZ SONG REQUESTS WOULD BE GOOD TOO. --- Skateboarding and you --- Starting It looks like you're interested in the art/sport/activity/whatever you make it/past time of skateboarding! You're going to have tons of fun! But wait, before we get there, where can you start? Proper equipment So if you're going to skate, you need the proper equipment, correct? First you need shoes, of course! Why? Because skateboarding shoes have a flat bottom, which is something you're going to need. Common/Cheap skateboarding shoe brands that work well, and you probably may have: Vans DC Globe Nike 6.0s and Nike SBs Now that we have the shoes, you're going to need to get something else, proper headgear/padding. Kneepads, elbow pads, and all that is fine without, but a helmet is reccomended. Don't just walk into target and get a helmet, those are CHEAP. Quite cheap. If you're buying online go Here (http://shop.ccs.com/searchresults/?N=780+491&cm=Skate) If you're buying retail, go find a local skateshop on google maps, bing, whatever, if you can't find any, go out to a skatepark and ask a skater or two there where he/she got their gear. Buying a skateboard: Online You want to go here (http://shop.ccs.com/skateboardbuilder/?cm=57831) and build your own prettyful board, sky's the limit, make one there, or here (http://www.warehouseskateboards.com/). Find what you like and get it. Buying a skateboard: Retail Go find a skateshop and buy there. Its simple, really. --- ETIQUETTE DO: When you see a pedestrian in the way of your spot/line, stop. Let them pass.[/li] If someone tells you to get out, and to not skateboard, get out. If this individual is a pedestrian and not an authority/owner of the location you're skating in, tell them you dont care.[/li] DON'T: Run from security. Agree to leave if they are the owner/authority[/li] Push people in your way.[/li] Be a massive buttmunch[/li] --- | 2012-07-04 01:02:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
This thread is for the general discussion of skateboarding, asking for help, posting parts, so on so forth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojEOz1WOiK0 such as this video. | 2012-07-04 01:08:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
hao do skatbaordng? | 2012-07-04 08:48:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
Yes, hao do I do dem trix? | 2012-07-04 08:56:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 ![]() Posts: 1924 |
Yes, hao do I do dem trix? It depends on which fliptrick you are drying to achieve. Each of them vary a bit, from a pop and flick of the board, to a scoop and flick, many different variations. Which would you like to learn? | 2012-07-04 19:05:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
i is trid skatbarding but teh weels dint stay tapd to me monopily bord | 2012-07-04 22:54:00 Author: JamesDNaux ![]() Posts: 757 |
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