Candy Island and the Dentist (Now Complete!)
Archive: 8 posts
http://lbp.me/v/chtcdr http://lbp.me/v/chtcdr Description: Out in the ocean is a very colorful island. It's full of candy and joy. This island is Candy Island. However, an evil dentist is trying to ban candy and even transform the island to where it promotes good dental health. Will you stop the dentist, or will you allow sacred candy to be banned forever? Features: -A world that's fun and easy to navigate. -Many different types of candies and dental-related items used for scenery and platforming. -1 Co-op collectable, 21 score-determined collectables -Colorful scenery -An adventure that keeps you moving. -A decently established story. -End of game surprise incentive. -Unhealthy values that influence children that dentists are bad people. -Snazzy looking boss. -Dentist with a tux and thick-rimmed glasses. Featured in the level are many different candies. This should be all of them: Candy canes Suckers/lollipops Bubble gum Airheads (mascot) Sour Patch Kids (mascot) Sugary, gooey mix used to make candy Jellybeans Gumballs Push pops (renamed Push Em's) Chocolate Bar (Choco Future) Hershey's Kisses Skittles M&M's Ring Pop Pictures: Candy Island is an island. That means it can only be reached by sea. http://i2.lbp.me/img/ft/8f2aade9f6713d1dd59bc030edd53f1fca63bda7.jpg If your TV is black and white, you are missing out on the joyful atmosphere. http://ib.lbp.me/img/ft/17b151e86a928c88fd1141dc0c13465dc8ac9f9c.jpg The dentist. http://ib.lbp.me/img/ft/6cb40e4f55a2e0bfb0db50186a5e3798ec75787e.jpg This picture was very hard to take. http://i4.lbp.me/img/ft/d94b9eef1267ea0e18dc4c2c0bb3f12dca9ae253.jpg Why are you able to walk around on Hershey's Kisses? I have no idea. http://i1.lbp.me/img/ft/fa1293cad8c0f50dedafdd0c45e8c38afedcab03.jpg Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvKP1kx6214 Final Notes: -I will do F4F all the way until I forget about this thread. So approximately two weeks. -Report any bugs/glitches/aesthetic goof-ups http://lbp.me/v/chtcdr | 2012-07-03 20:33:00 Author: aar2697 ![]() Posts: 143 |
I have a couple questions I want to ask you all for this level. 1. Would you prefer hidden Skittles throughout the level that give you bonus points so you can get prizes at the end of the level depending on how many points you have, or would you prefer the prize bubbles hidden throughout the levels? 2. Which candies would have great functionality with the level to make quality gameplay? For example, the push pops push you out when you go in them and you can bounce on bubble gum. 3. How do you like the usage of the 3D layer glitch? I need to know if I should use it in the second part considering a good portion of it is taken place underground. I'm concerned because it took up two rectangles on the thermometer in the first part. | 2012-07-04 22:42:00 Author: aar2697 ![]() Posts: 143 |
K since my ps3 is unvailable at the moment i Q'd it amd will review it later, but judging by the video/pictures I'll try to answer the questions: ( review at bottom) 1-maybe have multi colored skittles attached to every point bubble and put a different candy for prize bubbles. 2-do peeps count as candy cause you could have the little marshmellow birds attack you like zombies, or you could have dum-dums that you grab on to the stick and they blow away in the breeze. 3-um perhaps don't use the 3d layer glitch at all? I'm not to formiliar with it so Don't take my word on it. Okay so what really suprised me is how awesome this level was compared to the plays, really only 2 it deserves way more than that, it was awesome. When the boat rolled up and i saw the sign i thought that was where to get off, and with my skills of a noob i died at the beggining. Then as i walked on enjoying the scenery i was informed the dentist though candy was bad for you, and in my mind i was like "silly densist why would anyone want good teeth". Through out the course i enjoyed the art and loved the wayy you used candy as platforming motives, it was really creative with the push pops and hershey kisses. And by the time i got to the second scene with the dentist I was so endulged in the candy landscaping that i was almost devasted with his actions. And btw the jelly bean gun was really cool but i don't if just cause i'm a noob sometimes but i had some trouble seeing the buttons, not to big of a problem. And i shall be looking forward to the part to o this underrated platformer. Ps: i changed my mind about the dum dums make them slow your fall and you dodge crunching teeth. Or add pop rocks that flash and explode/flash as you walk by for added effect | 2012-07-05 04:27:00 Author: SilverTriforce7 ![]() Posts: 183 |
This looks pretty cool and worth the try ![]() | 2012-07-05 20:41:00 Author: Pyrotrooper91 ![]() Posts: 337 |
I should have the second part up tomorrow. This is all I've been doing the past couple of days. Pretty tiring, but I hope you all are going to love it. I've decided to give away a bunch of stuff that was in the level. There are 21 collectables, and no, you are not required to have them. Five are given away at the end for free. One requires 2-player co-op. 15 are given depending on how high your score is. They are as follows (put in spoiler to prevent spoiling anything if you think it may spoil something): Co-op: Toothbrush Free: Airhead Balloon, Tooth, Ring Pop, Lollipop, Candy Cane 3,500 Points: Klingy Kitty, Soda Shooter Enemy, Dentist Sackbot, Toothbrush Thrower Enemy, Jellybean Gun 5,250 Points: Push Pop, Gumball Machine, 3D Clouds, 3D Candy Cane, 3D Lollipop 7,000 Points: Contraption 1 (Candy Monster), Contraption 2 (Spinning Thing), Good Teeth Sign, Choco Future Chocolate, Sour Patch Kids Mascot | 2012-07-06 08:05:00 Author: aar2697 ![]() Posts: 143 |
I have lost countless hours of sleep and free time, but the level is now finished. I hope you all enjoy it! I've also fixed up the first part, so there should not be any problems with it. The second part may be slightly buggy because I haven't tested in play mode countless times like I have the first part. The second part is level linked, so you will not be able to find it if you search it up; you'll just find "Candy Island and the Dentist." Also, it no longer has " - Part 1" in the title. | 2012-07-07 09:23:00 Author: aar2697 ![]() Posts: 143 |
This is a great level you made aar2697! ![]() Very artistic and some great gameplay thrown in the mix as well. You have a great eye for the details, and this level was pure eye candy.... um, no pun intended there. ![]() The gameplay was pretty solid, with all kinds of different mechanics thrown in. The story was cute, I like the fact that the dentist was the antagonist, I never liked those guys with their drills and shots of novocaine, but they are just doing their job and want all the kids to have pretty smiles, so I can't hold that against them. I liked the little spots of humor thrown in too. The sign that says "woman like guys with nice teeth" made me chuckle cause its true, hahaha! There was hardly anything that I did not like, well maybe the one part where you are trying to guide sackboy through the mouth with the spikes on top and the bounce pads below are on a randomizer I think. I never could get the pattern down and I lost my high score there pretty fast. But I made it, cause I never give up!!! :kz: The boss fight was very cool too. I know boss fights are not easy and I can only imagine the logic used in that scene. Makes my head hurt just thinking about it. Anyway, this is a great level and it deserves more plays. It is so much better than most the levels on the so called "cool pages". Hearted the level and you as creator. <3 Thanks for the great play!!! | 2012-07-07 16:59:00 Author: VelcroJonze ![]() Posts: 1305 |
Thanks so much! I haven't really used much advanced logic before, so a lot of the stuff in this level is new to me. I'll also be making a new update today where.. [EDIT]: Update published.. New stuff/bugs fixed: -Vault music more interactive over time. -The lips of the Dentist move in sync with the dialogue. -Sounds in boss fight easily audible. -The drill in the boss fight gets progressively harder. -Hint given at the candy monster (flashing bounce pads mouth thing) -Dentist actually goes to his lair this time. -Ba dum tss added to one of the jokes. -You are now able to access the upper prize bubble holders if you got the prizes from the lower one(s) first. -Probably a couple more. | 2012-07-07 17:42:00 Author: aar2697 ![]() Posts: 143 |
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