A Grievant Palace of Blatant Malice
Archive: 14 posts
My first level in ages I actually tried on. Heck, it's been over a year since I seriously worked on a level. But yes, this level is a puzzler platformer that has tons of deceptively simple puzzles. The level requires thought to beat, and it should provide a decent challenge for those expecting one. I did include a hint box, but it only provides hints, not solutions. The level is also 20+ minutes long. If you don't like the gameplay, you can stay for the LBP1 inspired visuals and the "story". The dialogue makes absolutely no sense, and I love it for that. The dialogue was voice acted by SLS10 because he has nothing better to do. So yes, please play if you are interested. I put lots of effort into making this a tough, but fair challenge. A sequel is planned because I have tons of ideas that I couldn't include in this level. So enjoy, and wish death upon me. http://lbp.me/v/cjdjdj EDIT 1: Visible sound objects hidden, Hole in the grabber section plugged, and a glitch where the first box can get stuck in the spinning wheel of fire fixed. By the way, this level is meant to lack direction. It is up to you to figure out what to do. http://lbp.me/v/cjdjdj | 2012-07-03 18:00:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
By the way, this level is meant to lack direction. It is up to you to figure out what to do. And if you get lost, sticker the question mark boxes and Lord Frieza will berate and help you in any order. :B | 2012-07-03 22:40:00 Author: SLS10 ![]() Posts: 1129 |
Correction: Abridged Lord Frieza | 2012-07-03 23:39:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
queued and played..twice. The first time I played it, I just wasn't in the right frame of mind and rage quit quite early, actually at the very beginning. I just couldn't get the right bounce height to get on the left ledge. So I quit, thinking, "Great, this is going to be like someone's Unfair Castle!" I vowed to return when my mind was right. I returned this evening and progressed pretty far and once I got going I was thoroughly pleased with the level. I liked the layout and enjoyed many of the puzzles. I really liked that "claw grabber" contraption but if not for my addictive personality, I would have given up. It took me some time to get that block to bounce and it that button on the other side. Sadly, I was unable to finish. Not from a lack of trying though. Trying to remember just where I made it to..oh yes. The part where you have to throw the block to hit the sponge to set it swinging so that you can bounce and grab it. I was able to perform that (after numerous tries) but it was the obstacle just after this that got me. you have to jump down onto a set of upwards moving platforms that have alternating electric blocks in the way. The preceding checkpoint is a double-life one, thus limiting the amount of tries I had. I was electrocuted one too many times and had to end my journey here. I thought it was a great level though and pleased to see this type of level from you. Outstanding job. | 2012-07-05 06:49:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Argh, you almost made it to the king. ![]() I'm glad to hear you liked it. There's still a lengthy portion after that, so I hope you try again. While I personally don't like using infinite life checkpoints, do you think they would benefit this level, at least in a few places? I want this to remain a challenging level that doesn't hold any hands, but I don't want it to be too unforgiving. | 2012-07-05 07:02:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
I do think a few infinite life checkpoints would be beneficial, especially for that obstacle where I met my demise. Those platforms are moving upward pretty quickly and you really have to have your timing and focus down to a "T" to get passed it. I'll retry again. I dislike to leave a good level unfinished. | 2012-07-05 14:53:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
I played this. It was not fun, no way in hell was it fun.. it was incredibly frustrating.. and the little king sponge insulting me the entire way through didn't make it any more enjoyable. HOWEVER It was a very well polished, and good challenge. Not every level should be fun, so I welcome levels like this one. I'm getting kinda tired of the whole simple Rikiti Culture Meeting bouncing around bit anyway XD Oh one thing I would fix though, the camera angle at the bit where you drop down repeatedly down rising platforms with yellow electrical blocks needs to be changed so it's straighter. You can't tell where sackboy is landing when the camera is turned like that, making it not difficult in the correct sense. It's just straight up unfair. At least an infinite life checkpoint. I was about to lose all my lives and was not planning on going through all the challenges again just because of some unfair platforming in the middle of the level ![]() | 2012-07-05 15:12:00 Author: Nick930930 ![]() Posts: 878 |
That insulting sponge is arguably the best part (or at least my favorite part) of the level. I get it: not everyone shares my sense of humor, but it's meant to be tongue and cheek and people shouldn't feel offended by it. There aren't enough levels with humor that differs from the standard LOLRANDOM humor. And yes, the level is intended to be more satisfying than fun. Any enjoyment coming from the level is a result of overcoming the obstacles and puzzles. Too many levels are more focused on immediate gratification, so screw that. You WORK for enjoyment. I will add the infinite life checkpoint at the electric block obstacle, and I will also edit the camera angle. I wouldn't call that obstacle unfair though, as it's quite easy to beat once you know the strategy. I think I should rename this level 'Adversity'. | 2012-07-05 17:08:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
That insulting sponge is arguably the best part (or at least my favorite part) of the level. I get it: not everyone shares my sense of humor, but it's meant to be tongue and cheek and people shouldn't feel offended by it. There aren't enough levels with humor that differs from the standard LOLRANDOM humor. And yes, the level is intended to be more satisfying than fun. Any enjoyment coming from the level is a result of overcoming the obstacles and puzzles. Too many levels are more focused on immediate gratification, so screw that. You WORK for enjoyment. I will add the infinite life checkpoint at the electric block obstacle, and I will also edit the camera angle. I wouldn't call that obstacle unfair though, as it's quite easy to beat once you know the strategy. I think I should rename this level 'Adversity'. The obstacle itself is fine. But the camera angle makes it unfair because you can't line yourself up correctly to dodge the platforms correctly. It's like a trial and error bit. The limited lives when I played it only made that bit more intimidating to say the least lol | 2012-07-05 19:41:00 Author: Nick930930 ![]() Posts: 878 |
Yeah, I experienced camera problems when I tested it but it's updated now and in addition it has an infinite life checkpoint. I also am wondering where else infinite checkpoints would be fair. I really can't think of much because I find most regular checkpoints to be placed in fair places, but I will add more if necessary. | 2012-07-06 23:22:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
Right at the start of the level if you grab and pull over the sponge fast enough it will bump the start gate as it rolls away and it will just bounce up and down on the bouncey pad. Doesn't actually affect much, Just thought you'd like to know. Still trying to beat this crazy level 0.o | 2012-11-27 03:40:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I know, but it doesn't really affect the level that much. Good luck completing it. It's cool that people still play this though. ![]() | 2012-11-27 05:01:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
Couldn't get past the giant radioactive ball. Had to move on. : | 2012-11-27 05:42:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
a frustrating hard level, my friend will like this one XD I'll queue it ![]() | 2012-11-29 17:12:00 Author: Rixsch ![]() Posts: 239 |
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