Attack of the homeless werewolves
Archive: 2 posts
Daxjack and I made a fun tower-defence level called "Attack of the homeless werewolves" and its on DaxJack's world. Were still improving it so haters gonna hate. Hope you like it! ![]() http://lbp.me/v/cg1qrj http://lbp.me/v/cg1qrj | 2012-07-02 23:00:00 Author: BLAHBLAH1000 ![]() Posts: 72 |
Hey, I see that an admin had to put in the link to your level. You shouldn't need to have an admin do your advertising and how could you forget to put in the link?! Anyways, I'm playing it right now live and writing this review. Review: Instantly the level says Daxjack and his freinds? I have no idea who Daxjack is, I mean its you, but if anything it would make people feel left out. I selected the 2nd controllinator after having no idea what any of them do due to lack of any description. I ended up in a controllinator where I did nothing and saw nothing and so restarted the level. The ammo will randomly stop working. I figured R1 was shoot using general knowledge. I think it was made for more than one player because it was too hard playing as one player, maybe change the difficulty in proportion to the amount of players. | 2012-07-03 01:03:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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