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A highly detailed car; 2012 Lamborghini Aventador

Archive: 8 posts

I decided to check out LBPC for the first time in a long while and noticed a lot of car object showcases, so I've decided to have a crack at it. This is a 2012 Lamborghini Aventador I made a while back that's been sitting around in my garage. It would be nice if you could let me know if you think it's decent and if you'd like to see it in a level sometime.
Leave a comment and tell me what you think! I'll upload a couple better cars if this one seems to be liked. Thanks for checking this out. Cheers, Nacho
2012-07-02 19:40:00

Posts: 36

Looks great! The door lines, etc. might be a little too dark/pronounced. In the images I don't see any tires...I know they are low-profile...but I just see rims?

What sort of level do you think you would make to feature this car?
2012-07-02 19:47:00

Posts: 1214

In regards to the door-lines, I tried to make the contrast and shape of this car a bit more pronounced than I normally do, just to kind of experiment. I get what you're saying and kind of agree... And there are tires, I think the lighting in the pic makes the tires look non-existent, but rest assured they're there! I'm not quite sure how I would feature this, most likely just a quick test drive and then give away the car at the end (see some of my current levels for the idea) and see how that is recieved.2012-07-02 19:55:00

Posts: 36

Wow, that looks cool!

What material did you make that grey part under the back lights with? If it isn't a material, is it a sticker?

It seems that the front part of the body should stick out more, cause I'm pretty sure the Aventador's front part sticks out more that the back part. I might be wrong, I'm not gonna bother searching it up on Google Images.

Also, your avatar is awesomesauce. It is. Where did you get that GIF of Jeremy Clarkson?
2012-07-03 00:45:00

Posts: 359

You'll upload some "better" cars? Is that humanly possible? Awesome detail, sir.2012-07-03 12:56:00

Posts: 432

The gray bits on the back are cardboard (the whole car is cardboard, minus the wheels, windows, and lights) with a sticker over them. I thought the same thing about the front sticking out more as well, but I took a couple photos and overlaid them on the car, and it was spot on. Some cars just translate better into LBP than others I guess. I think I saw it on some forum somewhere a while back, then lovingly ripped it off because it was just epic.2012-07-03 18:39:00

Posts: 36

Awesome work! Never seen anything quite like it before. Are you thinking to implement it in one of your levels or you just made it to test out your abilities?

PS: I can't read your posts! I can't help but look at your profile image and thus I cannot concentrate on the posts T.T Just oto D.A.M.N. funny!
2012-07-04 08:12:00

Posts: 308

That is pretty slick looking. It makes my cars look like discount store impulse-buy toys. Then again, I'm not going for realism, just good old fashioned back-country bajaing. I'd love to test your cars out and put my suspension on them if ever possible.2012-08-17 18:53:00

Posts: 434

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