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Meet the Staff IV

Archive: 58 posts

Here you can get to know the LBPC Staff more by asking us questions and what-not. We'll try to get back to you when we have the time and desire to do so. We'll edit your post and answer your question that way, using the following colors:

Site Administrators:


Site-Wide Moderators:


Fire away!
2012-07-02 08:46:00

Posts: 4193

What are all your real names?! >

Godfrey Basilthorpe Engleberg XIV

I did so miss this thread My real name? Caryn (pronounded Karen) I prefer Morgana

My real name is "Unique" so I've always gone by my nickname- Vicki

2012-07-02 09:04:00

Posts: 849

So, warlord, now that you have taken over LBPC, what is your next plan for world domination, you evil warlord you?

I simply cannot reveal such matters. :kz:

Also, is the reason CC can no longer be here because of the reason I think it is?


Also, can you read minds?

You are thinking about...peanuts.
2012-07-02 10:38:00

Posts: 10882

What happened to Aya042?

He's around. I think he's just busy with real life stuff at the moment.
2012-07-02 11:15:00

Posts: 2454

Congratulations warlord, although it is pretty weird seeing someone else with the green name instead of CC. o-o

Oh, and yeah... that's odd, seeing mods edit our post with responses. xD I never participated in the last "Meet the Staff", that's why it's so weird looking to me. So I guess I'll uhh..try asking a question then? (If that's how it works) Yep, that's pretty much how it works.

If you could relive the first time playing any video-game, (besides LBP) what would it be?

Probably Sword of Vermillion on the old Sega Genesis. It was the first RPG I played that I really got into. Although I really loved the scary feeling playing Dead Space the first time too.

I might have to go with my first ever true love - Space Invaders on the Atari 2600. I spent my entire Christmas break in the basement playing that game, and it was epic. I remember thinking to myself "I don't need to ever go outside again." LOL

I guess mine would be Space Invaders also. Played until my eyes crossed.

It's not as old as the games listed above, but I'd say Halo: Combat Evolved, that game was really fun for the time.
2012-07-02 12:48:00

Posts: 5208

How about a quick bulleted list of everyone's "real life" skillsets...so we know who to call (annoy) with relentless questions. I have 37 draft PM's I still haven't sent to CC. O_O

lol ok, um... I can quote movies, draw, make jewelry, eat chocolate like a champion, play trivial pursuit like a pro, fluent in Photoshop and InDesign, and pretend to play the guitar like it's going out of style.... all not very helpful 99.9% of the time.

Real life hmm....Well I majored in Psychology and Sociology, trained in Martial Arts, dance, play some guitar and piano, photography, (like Morgana) make jewelry and can eat chocolate like a champ , good listener and am raising a 10 years old.

Well let's see... I have a background in Accounting as well as IT Audit, and yes they are both just as boring as they sound. I love to write and I enjoy books on grammar (no really, I do), I played ice hockey for 15 years, I used to scuba dive, free dive, spear fish, and kayak, and I love fiddling with anything mechanical in nature. I am married and have two fluffy little dogs that are the love of my life.
2012-07-02 14:00:00

Posts: 1567

What is your favorite cookie? (Please include pictures!)

Marks and Spencer Extremely chocolatey chocolate rolls... I don't have a pic.

Definitely Oreos, but if I had to choose an alternative my very close 2nd choice would be Nutter Butters.


Homemade double dark chocolate chip with nuts. I'll post a pic next time I make them.
2012-07-02 15:29:00

Posts: 1076

What's your favorite hobby/pastime?

Probably beading (embroidering beaded jewelry).... although video gaming is more fun.

Assuming I have to respond with something other than LBP or video games... It would definitely be radio controlled cars. (...or trucks or helicopters or anything really) I've been involved in the hobby pretty much forever and I also write articles for a magazine.

Photograpy, Tae Kwon do and sleeping (when I can).
2012-07-02 16:02:00

Posts: 13447

What other games besides LBP do you currently play?

Skyrim, Rock Band 3 and Kingdoms of Amalur right now.

Gravity Rush, Skyrim, Metal Gear Solid HD collection, Gran Turismo 5... pretty much every game out there really.

There are other games?

Skyrim and Minecraft.

Also, can I have a pretzel?

I don't know, can you?

If you want one.


Pretzels are yummy, why would I forbid you to have one?


Why not?
2012-07-02 16:10:00

Posts: 1787

This is back!? Hurray! Certainly had some major staff changes since the last thread like this. It's cool having another one open after all this time.

I don't really have any questions that are worth answering, but I'll give it a shot for the sake of the occasion.

Other than forum sites and the vast amounts of levels we have to play, what is, in your opinion, the best part about the LBP Community?

For me it would be meeting and making friends. Also learning about different cultures, beliefs and general cool info.

Posts like this one.

That it brings such a diverse group of people together with amazing talents in logic, art, storytelling, music, gameplay design and gives them a place to share their talent, creativity and support. I think it's empowering
2012-07-02 18:55:00

Posts: 1990

Site Administrators:


Site-Wide Moderators:


Wut? Wut? When did dis happen? e.e Lurking really takes you out of the loop...

It does.
2012-07-02 20:00:00

Posts: 1614

I is upset you didn't respond to me. Oh well, I understand.

Anyway, who will be paying the bills now? Is CC still going to put the money or is warlord paying the money CC was before or are we relying entirely on donations or what?

also, is there any possibility we can coax warlord into giving us either a chat room or a spam can?

You keep asking questions that only they can answer
2012-07-02 20:42:00

Posts: 10882

If you could make one member a mod, who would it be?

The Hoarder.


Taffey.... oh crud, too late
2012-07-03 00:08:00

Posts: 1581

Forgive the double post!



Cookies or almonds?


Can I have almond cookies?


What's your least faveourite colour?

The color of failure.

I love em all really. Yellow probably is my least favorite though.

Don't really have a least favorite.

How's the weather over there?

Gorgeous! 73F/23C and not a cloud in the sky.

Rainy, cruddy, cloudy & depressing... I miss Wisconsin.

Hot! Over 100 with 48% humidity.

Why can't I think of any better questions?

Because you're still thinking about cookies.

Try more coffee.

Just because.

And if you could go back and change any one thing, what would it be?

I would have invented Nyan Cat.

Only one thing? Um.... k, I'll be selfish. I would invest in Apple stock in 1980.

November 1, 2010
2012-07-03 21:07:00

Posts: 1581

Taffey, does you reply color have to be bright green? It burns my eyes!

EDIT: Color changed!
Just saw this, yey! ^_^
2012-07-03 22:41:00

Posts: 1578


What is the next question I should ask?

You should ask "Why don't they make cheese-flavored toothpaste?"

Why do I want to ask these guys questions?

The ultimate question of life, the universe and everything.
2012-07-04 20:14:00

Posts: 1614

Who is your favorite Pony?

Elmer. Too bad he ended up at the glue factory.

According to my daughter my favorite is Rarity.

Probably Fluttershy for personality and Rarity for style
2012-07-04 20:22:00

Posts: 1076

If you found a wallet containing $500 (or some equivalent), what would you do?

"Or equivalent" eh? Well, I would locate the owner, return it to them, and then ask how they managed to fit $500 worth of bacon into their wallet.

Yum. Bacon

Try to find the owner and return it.

Ya I'd try and return it to the owner. I'd hope my fellow man would do the same for me.
2012-07-04 20:23:00

Posts: 1787

if you guys never joined LBPC what would you be doing with your free time?

I would be sitting around wondering why I never joined LBPC.

Answering thousands of questions from my daughter.

Complaining about my job and making more jewelry than I do now.
2012-07-04 21:03:00

Posts: 1336

If you could really sell your soul to the devil, what would you sell it for?

I wouldn't.

How surprised would everyone be if I responded with something aside from cookies? Haha, just kidding. Cookies.

There's nothing in the world worth my soul. It's mine.
2012-07-05 02:07:00

Posts: 1614

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?


A lot.

Are you talking how much wood could a wood chuck chuck during a finite time period? An hour? A week? A month? Until he ran out of Wheeties based energy? It's really a subjective question.
2012-07-05 02:48:00

Posts: 479

Are there going to be any policy changes now that warlord is admin?


He would have to answer that.

Not that I'm aware of but ya, his call.

Also, is there really a point to a thread where we ask the mods pointless questions? You might as well make a thread where everyone says pointless things. /cough SPAM CAN

What's your point?

I see what you did there..... /spamcan.
2012-07-05 02:58:00

Posts: 10882

What upcoming games (besides LittleBigPlanet Vita or LittleBigPlanet Karting) do you want most?

Retro City Rampage looks amazing, and I'm also going to pick up Baldur's Gate for my iPad when it's released this summer.

Don't really play other games.

Dishonored and Watch Dogs.
2012-07-05 04:16:00

Posts: 687

On a more serious note, with the significant change in the site's dynamics this year, i.e. only 1 full site Admin now, and sporadic involvement in LBPC from several Moderators, I am sincerely concerned about the future of this awesome place, and I'm curious what you "all" believe will be required, from a Staff perspective, to help LBPC thrive. Thanks.

I think ultimately that is in the hands of the community. If the community stays robust and active and expands there will be more for us to do in terms of stuff to read through but if adheres to the site rules it shouldn't make more work for us per se. Ya, hard to say what the future holds. Thanks for your reply Morgana, but I don't see how the community can be held responsible for a Staff member's commitment to the duties they agreed to when accepting the position.

I don't mean to say it's their responsibility. The responsibility is ours to rise to whatever the community needs. If things stay as they are I don't see much more commitment than we have now. If things get busier around here then yes, we'll need to be available to read more content and keep things organized. Does that make more sense? Guess I explained my position badly the first time.
2012-07-05 15:36:00

Posts: 1567

On a more serious note, with the significant change in the site's dynamics this year, i.e. only 1 full site Admin now, and sporadic involvement in LBPC from several Moderators, I am sincerely concerned about the future of this awesome place, and I'm curious what you "all" believe will be required, from a Staff perspective, to help LBPC thrive. Thanks.

I thought the same things...
Central never evolves, we have loads of people with skills, but we don't put them at work.

People want to show they have skills and want to be a part of something, that would eliminate bitterness.
That was one of the ideas behind the Contest Crew...

I have other ideas...
The latest I had weren't bad after all...

So, why don't we start other cool projects?
2012-07-05 15:46:00

Posts: 5112

I don't mean to say it's their responsibility. The responsibility is ours to rise to whatever the community needs. If things stay as they are I don't see much more commitment than we have now. If things get busier around here then yes, we'll need to be available to read more content and keep things organized. Does that make more sense? Guess I explained my position badly the first time.
Let me see if I understand, you mods are waiting for things to happen?
I had experiences as mod and admin.
The staff tries to come up with things to keep the site/forums fresh
They don't wait.
Also Morgana, it would be nice if you ditch that 2 years old grudge you have with me that doesn't lead anywhere and only hurts the forums.

What are you talking about? What grudge?

I can't speak for all the mods - just for myself. I haven't had any good ideas lately that I thought worth adding to the site so yep, I guess I am waiting.
2012-07-06 16:43:00

Posts: 5112

What are you talking about? What grudge?

Arent we the ones asking questions?
2012-07-06 17:05:00

Posts: 1614

Arent we the ones asking questions?

And aren't they supposed to be ones answering? HMMMMMMM?

And I know of an idea... and it rhymes with Car 3 T.

2012-07-06 17:16:00

Posts: 10882

So are we only asking serious questions now?

I sure hope not.

2012-07-06 19:04:00

Posts: 1787

What is the thickness of a jellybean?

One quarter the diameter of a jelly plant.

What's the thickness of a jelly plant then?

Obviously it's a derivative of the volume. Most jelly farmers know that.

Indeed sir, but I am not a jelly farmer, are you?

You aren't? Since when?
2012-07-06 20:45:00

Posts: 1581

And aren't they supposed to be ones answering? HMMMMMMM?

And I know of an idea... and it rhymes with Car 3 T.


I know this, I know this! ARR-PEE-NUTS? <--- You better answer this question to the left mods.

Rock's love of RPG's is well documented. I'm gonna go with that.

See what I did there?

Yep I did. Way to keep it in the form of a question..... we should get back to those and less spam in here.
2012-07-07 01:12:00

Posts: 1076

I know this, I know this! ARR-PEE-NUTS? <--- You better answer this question to the left mods.

See what I did there?

No I don't... Nuts doesn't rhyme with T?
2012-07-07 01:16:00

Posts: 10882

And aren't they supposed to be ones answering? HMMMMMMM?

And I know of an idea... and it rhymes with Car 3 T.


Par-Ty, Si?
2012-07-07 01:35:00

Posts: 1614

Par-Ty, Si?

... Now THAT is a great idea!

We can have the entire community meet up, maybe at a hotel, and can have some MM guys show up and... oh wait.
2012-07-07 02:01:00

Posts: 10882

What does ARR-PEE-NUTS sound like? HMM! HMM!!

*hint* Our peanuts
2012-07-08 14:43:00

Posts: 1076

Enough with all the silly questions.... The real question is....


I work for (uhhh "Richard") Jones!! He's the number two guy at OCP. OCP runs the cops!

It depends.

I work for the MIB. Now if you'll just look over here at this flashy thing we can get back to work.
2012-07-17 00:38:00

Posts: 1840

Would you rather 100 normal cookies, One 50" cookie, OR a pizza, with a cookie base, chocolate sauce and whatever toppings you though suited?

I would want a Chicago deep dish Oreo pizza with buttercream icing, caramel, and a diabetes consultation.

All of the above.

Probably the 100 normal cookies - quanity over quality as long as they're chcolate chip.

@Taffey My 1,000th post was asking the cookie question. :-D

Epic. Win.
2012-07-17 00:48:00

Posts: 1581

Do you have to be monitoring the site everyday?

I do but that's just me. 8-14 hours a day, I'm fortunate to have the time.I think the other Mods would too if they didn't have those pesky things called jobs.

Probably, but it doesn't matter because I always do (and always have) anyway. When I'm not actually browsing the site (which is quite often) I am receiving email notifications on a dedicated email address so I can still see what's going on. Smartphones are wonderful things.

We don't "have" to but we do. We'd be here anyway.

Do you get kicked off the list if you are inactive for a long time?

Don't know

Yeah, not sure. One thing I do know that can get you kicked off is if y.. *sniped*

List? What list?
2012-07-17 01:47:00

Posts: 358

Do you know the muffin man?

The muffin man?

The muffin man.

Do you know the muffin man, Who lives in Drury Lane?

Oh, yes, I know the muffin man.
2012-07-17 14:37:00

Posts: 5592

Favourite LBP DLC?

The Turbo! Pack.

Probably the Monster Pack.

I have favorite pieces from all of them so not really one favorite.

Squares or circles?


Circles if I have to pick between those two.


What are... (Phonetically) Abelskeevers?

Click here (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ebelskiver) (phonetically)

No clue.


Is taffey really made of taffey?

No, nor am I made of taffy.

Doubt he is. It would make his keyboard too sticky to work.

We'll have to pull him to find out.

Do you speak any other languages?

Igpay Atinlay.

A little Spanish & a little Japanese.

Yes, but only enough to get me in trouble.

Have I asked one to many pointless questions?

You have indeed asked "one-to-many pointless questions"; those being singular pointless questions that can be answered in many ways each. The real question is: Have you asked one too many pointless questions?

As far as I'm concerned, nope.


If you could port any game from any console/generation, to the Ps3 what would it be?


Probably Baldur's Gate to my ps3.
2012-07-17 22:01:00

Posts: 1581

How does it feel to be a moderator/admin?

It feels like a lot of responsibility some days, but mostly it's an honor to help.

I'll second what Morgana said. It really is a privilege, but also sometimes a lot of work. Mostly it's just plain fun to work with the community.

I agree with the above. It is both a priviledge and a responsibility. Being able to help the community feels great.

Did you ever think you would become a moderator when you joined the site?

Never. This was the first forum I ever joined and had no clue how stuff worked. I'm still surprised I've learned so much and still have much to learn.

Nope. I'm still in the phase where it's weird to see my name in blue.

Never even crossed my mind

Who's your favorite member of this site? Not including yourself.

You... that's what you wanted to hear right?

It's a billion-way-tie between everyone.

Everyone has their own unique qualities that, at times, make them a favorite.
2012-07-17 22:29:00

Posts: 358

What's your favorite food or drink?

I'm a sucker for mac & cheese.

Cajun Chicken Cordon Bleu.

Steak and Mashed potatos.

What's your favorite animal?


Dragons! What?!? It has to be a "real" animal? Ok... kitties.


What's your favorite color?

The color of success.

Purple! Purple! Purple! It's even fun to say!

2012-07-18 00:02:00

Posts: 13447

Do any of you have a favorite sports team?

It probably has to be the San Jose Sharks but I haven't followed them in years. I'm a big fan of motorsports though, especially rally racing, and I've always liked Miko Hirvonen.

I'm not a big sports person in general but I do like the Green Bay Packers (I think it's law in Wisconsin you have to like them.)

None at the moment.
2012-07-18 16:42:00

Posts: 358

Alright, who let the dogs out?

Not me, I swear! I was playing with the kitties.... ya that's what I was doing when someone unknown let the dogs in question out.

woof, woof, woof, woof

Taffey did! I saw him.

If practice makes perfect and no one is perfect, then why practice?

Because my parents said so. It's as good a reason as any.

There's only one thing I don't know, and that's why I'm so perfect.


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

The can chuck wood can't they? Off to Wikipedia!


2012-07-21 22:17:00

Posts: 13447

Will you thank me for responding to this thread after a week?


sure Thanks!

Ok, Thanks

Do admins get a custom phrase over the avatars?

Admins get pretty much anything they want. I hear a Ferrari is part of the deal as well.

Sure, they're the boss. They get all sorts of stuff.... free gifts, merchandising deals with Nike, their face on cereal boxes... well that's what I heard.

Let's chase him down and find out.
2012-08-03 17:26:00

Posts: 358

What is your favorite TV show?

At the moment it's Game of Thrones.

Top Gear (the UK version of course)

None. Everytime I find a favorite the schedule changes and I can't find it.

What do you think about the other admins? (describe)

They all smell fantastic.

2012-08-05 19:53:00

Posts: 358

What is your favorite.... animal?

This one:

Dragons.... no really they are... kitties are a close 2nd.

What qualifies as spam?

Depends on the thread topic really.

What consoles do you own LBP on?

PS3 & PSP and I'll be buying it on Vita too.
2012-08-26 20:39:00

Posts: 333

I'm having problems. Forum problems D:

Basically, for some reason I'm unable to directly insert images in my posts, ever since some weird box started showing up... Can you tell me the new way of doing that?
2012-08-28 23:59:00

Posts: 10882

This one:

2012-08-29 12:08:00

Posts: 1581

How do you pick who will become a moderator?

It's difficult to explain, but I'll do my best. The Moderator Determination Ceremony is conducted in private by the site staff, on the fourth full moon after the Summer Solstice or whenever Oreos go on sale - whichever is first. The exact details are a closely guarded secret, but what I can tell you is that a chicken is sacrificed on the keyboard of the site admin (typically KFC, although Popeye's works too) while the site admin sings the Bananas and Pajamas song at the top of his lungs. (Other site staff are encouraged to fling Jell-O at one another during this part of the ceremony, but it is not required.) This exercise is always accompanied by playing an old Pac Man Fever single backwards on a Fisher Price turntable. If done properly, this process summons the spirits of banned spam bots and trolls which encircle the site admin chanting "problem friend?" in a hauntingly obnoxious ethereal drone. NOW, you may well be wondering where the squirrels come in, and this is it. I didn't mention the squirrels? Well allow me to explain! Basically you take as many used men's Speedo swimsuits as you can steal from your local YMCA (you must break in at 11:11pm on Speak Like A Pirate Day) and use them as slingshots to fire the squirrels at the summoned troll spirits. Those spirits which are clever enough to dodge the flying squirrels (and also pass a sobriety test) are then presented with a bushel of soggy apricots and posters of moderator candidates. Those posters containing the largest concentrations of splatted apricots are considered finalists and move on to the next round. Now this next part is crazy, and Morgana would most definitely kill me with that wand of hers if she found out I was telling you this, but I'll risk it anyway. So the finalists are forced t..*ZAP*

Good Zap Morgy. *Mom tone* Taffey... You know better.Don't make me come over there!

Oh! Now it's all much clearer. So then how is the administrator chosen?

It works exactly like The Hunger Games. Every subnet on the Internet must provide tributes, which then fight to the death to determine a winner. Warlord throttled hundreds of hapless World of Warcraft players with his bare hands to get the position.

Oh! Okay. That makes perfect sense! Then how do they chose the wiki curator? (He must run out of these explanations soon...)

I'm just gonna let Taffey keep answering these. His replies are WAY funnier than anything I could conjure up.

TAFFEY!! *picks self up off the ground from so much laughing, throws hands in air* Yeah, I'm just gonna go to the corner and let Taffey field these. Great job Tom!

Ah, well wiki curators are a special case. In reality, there has only ever been one curator who is known as Big Curator. (His codename was originally Naked Curator when deployed on a kerotan data gathering mission in the jungle, but that's a whole other story.) Anyway, following the events of Outer Wiki, Big Curator went rogue and was considered by many a terrorist for his covert actions taken against metallic bagel toppings developed in secret by the government (code named Metal Schmear). Some time afterwards, Big Curator was cloned and thus our very own wiki curators came into existence. They keep their codenames hidden for the most part (Solid Curator and Liquid Curator, respectively) but that's all I really know.

Hm. Okay then. Very interesting. I've been wondering for quite some time now....how do they choose the Karting Employee?

Well rumor has it that they fly you to San Diego, put you in taxi cab with a completely insane driver until you beg for your life, and then they make you hang out with game developers and sing along with children's songs in Japanese. From there you are required to hang out in a hotel lobby for a week, but partway through you are allowed to watch a Spider Man movie of your choice. Hmm............ Come to think of it.... Yes, I'm pretty sure that actually happened.

Oh. Yes, that sounds exactly like what ConfusedCartman said happened to him on pocket moon podcast... So I have been wondering...How do they choose the Media molecule employee? (My questions are getting a little repetitive now...)

Media Molecule employees are not chosen, they are grown. / Morpheus

Tarsier employees?

Ohh, well they are actually tarsiers, which explains their cuddly nature and fondness for eating insects. Their secret lair is located somewhere in the jungles of the Philippines, and can only be accessed by repeating the code 4 8 15 16 23 42 to yourself over short wave radio. Rumor has it that these tarsiers must input this same string of numbers into a PS Vita every 108 minutes or their supply of Bilar is removed. Further secrets surrounding the PHARMA (Primate Heuristics And Research on Material Application) Initiative are unknown at this time. It is assumed they select certain members to serve as castaways and create video games.
2012-09-05 02:53:00

Posts: 333

So are all you the only staff


or are those at the bottom of the site rules also involved or is that a list of like every member?

No, that's just a list of people who have "thanked" that particular post. The complete LBPC member list is located here (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/memberlist.php).

sniped, going back to my corner.
2012-10-24 18:53:00

Unknown User

Can you guys do ANY tricks?

Yes, except for balancing lightsabers on our foreheads while doing the Macarena and juggling pudding cups. Mostly this is because we can't find enough lightsabers.

Depends on what you consider tricks.

I know a few slight of hand and card tricks... that's about all.

OBJECTION! I hear you were going to invade Star Wars galaxies, thereby getting an infinite suply of lightsabers. :kz:

Oh, and another one. Can I have a funny reply from Taffey aswell? :3

One second. I need to clean up these pudding cups I've dropped.

Y-y-yuou dropped the pudding? ;_;

Some, but not the butterscotch ones. That's important.
2012-10-31 22:46:00

Posts: 5482

What is your favourite sandwige and what would you put on it?

I only just discovered my favorite sandwich this past year - I got it from one of those gourmet food trucks. It was a grilled cheese sandwich on homemade bread... and it had mac & cheese in it. OMG What would I put on it? I would put a serious nomming on it, that's what.

also if you were all on a island with no food who would you eat first ?

I would still be full from the sandwich.
2012-11-03 09:22:00

Posts: 1336

So when the administration changed, did CC/Warlord personally select their replacements or just asked all the mods who was interested and Warlord/ Taffey were the only ones who wanted in?

The way it worked is that we were all pushed out of a plane at 10,000 feet with one parachute between the three of us. We had to engage in an epic James Bond style freefall fight, and I managed to grab the chute. Simple, really.

... Three of you? You, Morgana25, Ladyluck, Chazprime... out of active mods, anyway... equals... 4? O.o

Yep, only three of us were in the plane. Chaz was guarding the cookies in the lounge area. Taffey cheated though, he threw the cookies he had at Morgy and me and grabbed the chute.
2012-11-12 03:52:00

Posts: 10882

So, how'd it happen?2012-11-12 17:44:00

Posts: 1840

Me thinks Taffey needs to start a new thread...2012-11-16 01:08:00

Posts: 4193

Me thinks Taffey needs to start a new thread...

Yeah.. no kidding. Where is an admin when you need him.
2012-11-16 01:13:00

Posts: 11383

Yes, yes, new one on the way in just a moment and all that... (And who says I don't give in to peer pressure? )

Locked and starting up a new one.

2012-11-16 01:47:00

Posts: 3187

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