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Droid 1.0

Archive: 3 posts


Control a mechanical fighter. Use R1/L1 to run, R2/L2 to punch, and the left ****** stick to lean. Versus mode coming soon.

I am currently working on an update to this level in which I will make it a multiplayer fighter. For now, I recommend playing alone since more than 1 player will not work too well.
2012-07-02 08:34:00

Posts: 1651

Wrong section, this should be moved to level showcase.2012-07-02 19:28:00

Posts: 622

Wrong section, this should be moved to level showcase.

I don't normally post in the PS3 forums as much, so excuse me if I'm wrong, but don't single objects that you create go here?

Either way, I finally made the multiplayer version so head on over to the Level Showcase to check out Droid Duel.
2012-07-02 19:32:00

Posts: 1651

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