Your personal views on story mode
Archive: 42 posts
It doesn't have to be level by level, but it can be world by world (Da Vinci's Hideout, Avalonia etc.) You can tell us what you think about each part of story mode judging by theme, difficulty, plot, and other interesting details. | 2012-06-30 20:34:00 Author: Apple2012 ![]() Posts: 1408 |
How I see story mode: Intro with stuff we can't use cutscene PRIZES PRIZES PRIZES PRIZES dialogue boss PRIZES PRIZES PRIZES final boss the end | 2012-07-01 13:26:00 Author: lemurboy12 ![]() Posts: 842 |
Progressively gets more and more difficult, as all good games should, immensely detailed worlds - appropriate sound effects and themed levels with good colour correction and such. Those level designers must've pulled an all-nighter, with pizza. I can't even pick a favourite world, they're all just fantastic. | 2012-07-01 14:30:00 Author: Ironface ![]() Posts: 432 |
Like Ironface said, progressively gets more difficult, except for Avalonia. I kinda discard the Avalonia levels when talking about the LBP2 story mode. So easy... My favorite non-boss main path level is Currant Affairs, my favorite side path level is Tower of Whoop, and my favorite boss battle is the Negativitron. | 2012-07-01 22:33:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R ![]() Posts: 13447 |
If you compare the story levels to some of the best community levels, they don't look too impressive. Although, it must have been hard to create so many levels with such consistent quality, and that is admirable. They are still very good, although there are parts in the story mode where I was rather confused to Mm's motives. I remember at the end of the Hamstertron segment of the first Avalon level, where all you did was just bash through walls and get prizes. There was no platforming whatsoever. Also, I think there should have been another segment with the MechaPup. But that's just me. The greatest wow moment in the story mode was by far the boss of Victoria's laboratory. It was pretty darn amazing to say the least, but it was still quite easy. All the bosses were easy, really. | 2012-07-02 03:57:00 Author: Kalawishis ![]() Posts: 928 |
I think that Factory of Better Tomorrow should be more "communism-ish". I don't feel "Neon Propaganda" in levels. To see origin of this theme you have to see concept arts and stickers like "RoboLenin". | 2012-07-08 20:44:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
DaVinci: A lot of fun to play, mind blowing the first time around seeing all those in/out movers and crazy contraptions. I was about to just not even start creating because it looked like LBP got waaaay too complex. Victorias Labs: Easily the best chapter in the entire game. Such great visuals coupled with just fun levels. The use of the train trick from LBP1 was done so well in the first Victoria level and it was great to see the communities own inspiration influenced the turnout of the sequel. Factory of a better tomorrow: Really wierd theme. I loved the levels with the sackbots. Lots of fun. The level with the bombs was crazy hard though, especially since it was a double part level. Avalonia: Least favorite of the themes. It was a really boring stage. I see what they were going for, but there was just barely any decoration and it focused mainly on silly vehicles that made no sense. Eve's Asylum: I was excited to see a nature theme, but I didn't like the boxy feel of everything. It kinda grew on me, but idk. Then the stage took a totally different direction towards the end when you go inside Higgenbottom. Negativitron: I can't even remember this stage... it wasn't that much fun. At this point I was just tired of the story. Toy Story: I looooved the color and theme in these levels. And so many fun inventive obstacles. I loved the gravity one and the little block you shoot from the creatinator Move Pack: The best theme yet. So artistic and different from anything we've seen before. Plus using the move controller was a blast! I loved the creepy atmosphere, such a great idea. Muppets Pack: It was ok, but felt kinda unfocused. The space level was kinda boring. The one with the beakers was funny. The worst part about these levels was the annoying cutscenes that you can't skip. They are SO LONG! And when you're trying to ace these levels, those cutscenes get really annoying! | 2012-07-09 22:34:00 Author: Nick930930 ![]() Posts: 878 |
I think the LBP2 levels are way better visual-wise, (Eve's/Victoria's is my favorite) but they aren't as good as LBP1 at being an intro to the creation tools. Maybe it's just that I grew as a creator, but I loved being able to watch the LBP1 levels and see how they work, to make them work for me. In LBP2, you don't see much of the functioning logic as you play. It makes me wish there was a "see logic/switches" option to play them... | 2012-07-10 12:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I have to say that the Gardens levels are more noobishly made compared to Da Vinci's hideout. Even somebody made a copy of "First Steps" from the community levels and made it look a little different. But Da Vinci's Hideout is so well-done that I couldn't even make the boss. I like the first half of the Story Mode more than the second half. My least favorite theme/series of levels from the first half is Victoria's Laboratory. It's better than the second half, but I liked the music in Da Vinci's Hideout more as the objects in The Factory of a Better Tomorrow are better than any other object. This includes stickers, decorations, and materials. No level in the second half is better than any level in the first half. I preferred the Cosmos over Avalonia and Eve's Asylum. Eve's Asylum is my least favorite series of levels because it's a jungle theme. When I first got to that section, I got bored quickly. Acing the Negativitron was hard, but I saw worse (in any video game in general). At least I aced him and all of Story Mode. To be fair, the story mode is my strongest field out of all the fields. I'm not very popular as creator, I don't really rate or heart levels, and I hardly play community levels. | 2012-07-11 00:55:00 Author: Apple2012 ![]() Posts: 1408 |
While I enjoyed playing most every level ... and even though it was visually above and beyond LBP1, I have to agree with the person who said (with the exception of Larry DaVinci's levels, which met and exceeded my expectations) playing LBP1 felt more fun for me than LBP2. But that only goes for story mode. LBP create mode can't compare to LBP2 create mode, which more than compensates for the minor let down of story mode in the sequel. | 2012-07-11 15:43:00 Author: DreadRandal ![]() Posts: 434 |
While I enjoyed playing most every level ... and even though it was visually above and beyond LBP1, I have to agree with the person who said (with the exception of Larry DaVinci's levels, which met and exceeded my expectations) playing LBP1 felt more fun for me than LBP2. But that only goes for story mode. LBP create mode can't compare to LBP2 create mode, which more than compensates for the minor let down of story mode in the sequel. This- I didn't enjoy LBP2 story mode as much as I did LBP1. | 2012-07-13 11:19:00 Author: Gavin ![]() Posts: 338 |
I loved the story mode but it i think it was to short really i would have loved for it to be longer.But thats just me. | 2012-07-14 15:59:00 Author: Lbphart3 ![]() Posts: 813 |
In my opinion, every community level that looks and plays like it could fit in the story mode is a good level. I take a lot of my inspiration from story levels in LBP1 and LBP2, they're all so awesome and well-decorated. | 2012-07-21 14:08:00 Author: Deurklink1 ![]() Posts: 346 |
Welp, my views are as follows: Da Vinci's Hideout: It was a very nice change of scenery when you first start the game; certainly a different and more stylised presentation to the tutorials than LittleBigPlanet. Let's be honest, the whole style of the world was supposed to be somewhat 'classy', and this was something I enjoyed. Victoria's Laboratory: Certainly the most unique and exquisite world in the entire game. The whole concept was absurd; but it was a good kind of absurd--using cakes to grind rails? MediaMolecule sure have an imagination! And the enemies were sure unique, also. The Factory of a Better Tomorrow: This world had somewhat a very interesting theme going on; and was essentially supposed to be somewhat depressing. But what truly made this section of the story worth playing and enjoy were the segments with the sackbots--fun was surely had there... Avalonia This place was a nice change of pace as you get further into the story; at the half-way point. I guess the whole idea about Avalonia was to learn about Controlinators and such--and it succeeded greatly. It also was able to differentiate from the rest of the levels due to this. The tutorials were welcomed with open arms. Eve's Asylum Even though this world is my most disliked out of the entire story, it has its good parts afterall. The use of water and creatinators were indeed a nice touch, and made this series of level its own. And them MEANIES... They were a pain at times. But it was all fun indeed. The Cosmos Certainly the final frontier. You definitely got a sense of the importance these levels had and were supposed to represent. If anything, trying to ace these levels were the biggest pain of this game--not completing them; just trying to them. And as for the final boss? One of my favourites. And certainly a fitting finish to such a pleasant story. ... And that's my view on the vanilla story; without DLC. ![]() | 2012-08-24 17:53:00 Author: DP694377 ![]() Posts: 9 |
Honestly the story mode was lacking in general, it was way to short. We got a mess of new toys in Little Big Planet 2, but just not enough play-through to use them. However, some of the DLC makes up for that. The Muppet's Pack was genius, especial The Great Gonzo, it was slightly mad, and nothing less makes sense for this game. The toy story one was kind of cute and it was fun but again just a tad too short. The move pack however was absolutely wonderful from beginning to end. It still wasn't super long but it sure feels like it has some good meat to it. I haven't gotten any other DLC packs yet though. | 2012-08-26 19:45:00 Author: anarchowolf ![]() Posts: 194 |
My favourite parts in the story were the music and all of the platforming (Tower of Whoop is awesome.). ![]() I enjoyed the majority of the levels, my least favourite world was Avalonia, as there is less platforming there. In fact I don't remember enjoying any of the non-platforming segments. (Actually the Sonic-esk part was ok.) Worst elements of any/all levels were the un-skippable cutscenes. You are required to ACE these levels, needing to replay them over and over. Why wasn't this addressed at all? :/ The most hated thing in gaming, testers are required to ace levels (right? right?!), yet you can't skip them. At all. I don't even.. *throws up arms and walks away* | 2012-08-27 05:52:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
LBP1 > LBP2. Simple. LBP2 was too strange, the technology and all. LBP1 was just classic and more fun. I cant explain exactly why is LBP1 better, but it is. | 2012-08-27 15:13:00 Author: Silvantor ![]() Posts: 141 |
I can see why some people would prefer LBP1's looks, since 1 was more arts-n-crafts, and LBP2 was all SUDDENLY PASTA SALAD TECHNO HOMAGAWD But yeah, I do enjoy how 1 was presented in story, but of course, 2 had better bosses. also Eve y u so sexy | 2012-08-28 20:29:00 Author: CirkuzFr3ek ![]() Posts: 194 |
I can see why some people would prefer LBP1's looks, since 1 was more arts-n-crafts, and LBP2 was all SUDDENLY PASTA SALAD TECHNO HOMAGAWD But yeah, I do enjoy how 1 was presented in story, but of course, 2 had better bosses. also Eve y u so sexy ....So everyone can see it. Nevermind, I think you explained it. Arts-n-crafts is what make LBP 1 so awesome. | 2012-08-29 10:16:00 Author: Silvantor ![]() Posts: 141 |
LBP1 story mode fit the sackboy character more... He's a doll, the world was made out of cloth and sponge and simple materials that are used in crafts and models and old fashioned toys. Since LBP2 needed to be different, they put more electronics and made everything way over the top. The LBP2 story mode focused more on action and how to attract an 8 year old. LBP1 focused more on the D.I.Y. perspective which atracts me way more than LBP2. LBP2 kinda made LBP lose it's artistic flare with digital logic instead of pistons and cogs. But Eve is one sexy freak, I must admit dude | 2012-08-31 00:18:00 Author: OodlesofNoodles ![]() Posts: 55 |
LBP1 story mode fit the sackboy character more... He's a doll, the world was made out of cloth and sponge and simple materials that are used in crafts and models and old fashioned toys. Since LBP2 needed to be different, they put more electronics and made everything way over the top. The LBP2 story mode focused more on action and how to attract an 8 year old. LBP1 focused more on the D.I.Y. perspective which atracts me way more than LBP2. LBP2 kinda made LBP lose it's artistic flare with digital logic instead of pistons and cogs. But Eve is one sexy freak, I must admit dude Yeah, it kinda felt like they were attracting tech geeks more than kids with all the complicated doo-dads. (Although it does make for some wonderful levels, I still end up brain dead holy poo) And I like my freaks; guess why. *points at name* :U | 2012-08-31 18:44:00 Author: CirkuzFr3ek ![]() Posts: 194 |
LBP1 story mode fit the sackboy character more... He's a doll, the world was made out of cloth and sponge and simple materials that are used in crafts and models and old fashioned toys. Since LBP2 needed to be different, they put more electronics and made everything way over the top. The LBP2 story mode focused more on action and how to attract an 8 year old. LBP1 focused more on the D.I.Y. perspective which atracts me way more than LBP2. LBP2 kinda made LBP lose it's artistic flare with digital logic instead of pistons and cogs. But Eve is one sexy freak, I must admit dude I kinda agree on that (except for the last part), and LBP1 had better themes. Although I do like some of these cool materials in LBP2, LBP1 had a better story mode when it comes to theme. I liked how they ended that 7th world. Too bad LBP2 didn't have that, but creating in LBP2 is much better than LBP1. | 2012-08-31 20:27:00 Author: Apple2012 ![]() Posts: 1408 |
OodlesofNoodles and Apple2012 explained it. I fully agree with them...except...well, Eve is not sexy for me ![]() | 2012-09-01 15:11:00 Author: Silvantor ![]() Posts: 141 |
I think that LBP2 Storymode was wonderful, and my favorite was The Factory of A Better Tomorrow. However, I think a better storyline would have been a more extensive story of the Move Pack. Those levels had my tooshie wiggling like a fly in a spider web. | 2012-09-01 15:33:00 Author: DominationMags ![]() Posts: 1840 |
I don't have any DLC packs, so I'm not sure how the "Other Stories" section works. | 2012-09-02 23:43:00 Author: OodlesofNoodles ![]() Posts: 55 |
I don't have any DLC packs, so I'm not sure how the "Other Stories" section works. For example, you buy Metal Gear Solid DLC. In the "More Stories" section you can find the story of the MGS pack, more accurately, those 5 story levels of the pack. There, you get the Paintinator and other things, in a story level. In prize bubbles, just like in normal Story Mode. | 2012-09-03 14:20:00 Author: Silvantor ![]() Posts: 141 |
I must agree with a few of the people who have posted previously in this thread... LBP2's story isn't nearly as good as the story in LBP. I loved how each "world" reflected the continent on which it is located. There was this feeling that I was traveling through the dreams of people from all over the world. The earth in LBP2 is completely ignored in the story mode... Why was Africa chosen as the home of the Negativatron? I guess that opens up a whole new can of worms... Back to my main argument... The create mode in LBP2 is much more streamlined and easier to navigate but I'm a fan of a good story...and the LBP2 story is lacking. | 2012-09-04 05:50:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I think Victoria?s looked best and Da Vinci?s was the most fun, probably because I LOVE the grappling hook gameplay. | 2012-09-13 14:48:00 Author: Stuifie3 ![]() Posts: 37 |
I must agree with a few of the people who have posted previously in this thread... LBP2's story isn't nearly as good as the story in LBP. I loved how each "world" reflected the continent on which it is located. There was this feeling that I was traveling through the dreams of people from all over the world. The earth in LBP2 is completely ignored in the story mode... Why was Africa chosen as the home of the Negativatron? I guess that opens up a whole new can of worms... Back to my main argument... The create mode in LBP2 is much more streamlined and easier to navigate but I'm a fan of a good story...and the LBP2 story is lacking. LBP1 is more geographically accurate, and you're right. LBP1 isn't completely geographically accurate, but better than LBP2. In LBP2, they got Da Vinci's Hideout correct because Italy was a European country, and it was over Europe. The Gardens was based after England (also a European country as the Gardens levels are all over Europe). For the rest of the levels in Story Mode, The Wedding is the only one Mm got wrong. The theme seems to be based on Day of the Dead, a Mexican celebration. A similar theme that follow the Wedding (The Canyons) did get it right that time. But you're right. Victoria's Lab was based on the Victorian Era, which is part of England. The levels from Victoria's Laboratory were over Asia, which has to do nothing with the levels. You're also right about Africa and the Negativitron. The Negativitron levels took place entirely on the surface of the Negativitron and below, but it didn't take place in Africa. But I see a reason why they scatter the levels all over the world like that. | 2012-10-02 20:02:00 Author: Apple2012 ![]() Posts: 1408 |
In my eyes, I enjoyed the story but it needs to appeal to a wider audience. The story just looks to child-like, and many people just get the first impression that it's 'A Baby's Game' and they'll put down there controller and buy an FPS or something. However, it's so much more different then that, and that's what people fail to realise. | 2012-10-03 16:42:00 Author: sackruler905 ![]() Posts: 103 |
In my eyes, I enjoyed the story but it needs to appeal to a wider audience. The story just looks to child-like, and many people just get the first impression that it's 'A Baby's Game' and they'll put down there controller and buy an FPS or something. However, it's so much more different then that, and that's what people fail to realise. If there's any game that looks too childish to an adult, it has to be Carnival Island. LBP2 has a plot, but Carnival Island doesn't. They're both rated E, but I think Carnival Island is more of an Ec rated game, judging by the content. I agree that the plot in LBP2 looks more childish than LBP1, and yes, it's more appropriate than Spongebob. In fact, judging by what you guys are saying about story mode, I am less convinced into playing story mode because I agree with you, but with all the logic hidden, it looks more realistic. Do wood pieces talk? Have I ever seen a score sensor from create mode exposed when I went by the vending machines? Did I see chains on birds in real life to help them fly? The logic in LBP2 seems to make levels look better, but the logic in LBP1 shows a great way of how they made each level. | 2012-10-03 19:29:00 Author: Apple2012 ![]() Posts: 1408 |
I didn't really care for the story, but there were many great levels showcasing what can be done with the tools. I remember my jaw dropping when that bee shooter level in Avalonia switched from horizontal to vertical on the fly, or the indoor sections on that Eve's Asylum level with the flaming caterpillars completely changing the atmosphere with simple lighting tweaks. And the levels are also more fun to play this time around; while the story mode in 1 WAS fun, it didn't have stuff like sticker sensors changing the whole level like on Da Vinci's Hideout. And at least the story itself was nicely presented this time, and characters on the first game were totally lifeless. Justified in that they WERE just materials with stickers and magic mouths, but still lifeless. | 2012-10-04 06:26:00 Author: MatrixEchidna ![]() Posts: 66 |
I loved the levels. Although, If you've played many platform games then you'll know what to expect. | 2012-11-10 16:54:00 Author: Waffleboy0 ![]() Posts: 22 |
I think one more world could have bulked the story mode out, somewhere between the Factory of A Better Tomorrow, Avalonia and Eve's Asylum., unlike LBPK, where there was a specific theme that was direly missing which I can't put my finger on at the moment. | 2012-11-13 10:31:00 Author: Jakest123 ![]() Posts: 319 |
I didn't really care for the story, but there were many great levels showcasing what can be done with the tools. I remember my jaw dropping when that bee shooter level in Avalonia switched from horizontal to vertical on the fly, or the indoor sections on that Eve's Asylum level with the flaming caterpillars completely changing the atmosphere with simple lighting tweaks. And the levels are also more fun to play this time around; while the story mode in 1 WAS fun, it didn't have stuff like sticker sensors changing the whole level like on Da Vinci's Hideout. And at least the story itself was nicely presented this time, and characters on the first game were totally lifeless. Justified in that they WERE just materials with stickers and magic mouths, but still lifeless. Yeah. In LBP1, it could be anything, but in LBP2, there are representations of living things. | 2012-12-10 02:07:00 Author: Apple2012 ![]() Posts: 1408 |
I think one more world could have bulked the story mode out, somewhere between the Factory of A Better Tomorrow, Avalonia and Eve's Asylum., unlike LBPK, where there was a specific theme that was direly missing which I can't put my finger on at the moment. Da vincis hideout needed to be in LBPK and so did Factory of A Better Tomorrow. | 2012-12-15 01:25:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I have to agree with the points about LBP1 feeling more like it was made from craft materials, while LBP2 story looked ore like a polished game. I have to say though that I love both equally. Some of the mechanics in 2 were brilliant, especially when power-ups were switched out for new ones with a sticker switch, completely changing how you have to tackle the level. I also agree that Eve's levels felt a bit weak compared to the others; I think the technology part of the theme was lost amongst the nature part. Also if I recall correctly, Eve's levels didn't introduce a new tool; just a reworking of one we'd already had in Victoria's levels. On the other hand, those firefly sections were lovely! | 2013-05-12 17:44:00 Author: qusion ![]() Posts: 28 |
İn my openion the story based on same metarials and stickers alot i mean they used same material over again they should'nt do in lbp3 so there will be more materials. levels sometimes can be boring and some levels look like just made for being 5 level on every planet. decorations should be more for earth desings and there should be more unicorns and rebbeca black, and i realy want a theme like progress emporium ( LOVİNG İT! <3 ) in lbp3 :3 | 2013-05-12 19:31:00 Author: Five-Ate-Five ![]() Posts: 197 |
eve's esylum had horrible music it was so repititive it nearly drove me mad , i agree , the eve levels where the story's lowpoint. | 2013-05-13 05:50:00 Author: Brutal ![]() Posts: 184 |
i love eves levels! ![]() | 2013-05-13 14:52:00 Author: Five-Ate-Five ![]() Posts: 197 |
I much prefered LBP1's story, just for the theme. The multicultural stuff and the music along with its sort of DIY design made it have such a unique warm charm, and that was lost a bit in LBP2 for more generic platformy themes. | 2013-07-17 22:12:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Haha, I'm not very fond of the story mode, it was just too short. The story and characters were okay, but LBP1's story mode was more original. And LBP2's online multiplayer function lags more than multiplayer in LBP1. | 2013-07-19 19:29:00 Author: MediaMoleculeRocks ![]() Posts: 7 |
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