Bunker of Whoop!
Archive: 9 posts
Hi guys, girls, and [other]s! Me and my friend Deadmn have spent two days working on a little something. I present unto ye all; Bunker of Whoop! LBP.me page for this level (http://lbp.me/v/cd8z6c) Take the original Tower of Whoop level, add a hint of Wilderness, give it a shave and that's pretty much what this level is all about. Points, snow, soldiers, points, grappling, points, points, prizes and points. And points. http://ic.lbp.me/img/ft/8ec747849635d7b1a188224e664ede9ac8e42fdc.jpg above: lots of points and stuff Aaaand just for that added challenge, we've given parts of the level away for those dedicated sackfolk among us who manage to top the scoreboards with "oh blimey" scores. It's probably a good thing that other games don't use this type of rewards system, giving away parts of cars and such for winning races, and parts of people for winning deathmatches, but I digress. http://if.lbp.me/img/ft/bffd8ef137048ca1cf907f6b448254fd87bd1eb0.jpg above: a disgruntled Breezy attempts to score prizes by being angry at them It's full of points and hazards and things, and we've shoved in a couple of easter eggs too, so if you could give us some feedback for our efforts, we'd really appreciate it! Thank you all kindly, and happy playing. ![]() http://lbp.me/v/cd8z6c | 2012-06-28 23:08:00 Author: Breezy-The-Pro ![]() Posts: 134 |
cool beans! queued. | 2012-06-29 00:59:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Played this tonight and loved it! Though I fumbled with the grapple a bit at the start, should have warmed up first. ![]() The poor Collector, though. One would have thought that he'd have finished rehab and turned his life around by now! | 2012-06-29 02:25:00 Author: Uncuddly ![]() Posts: 237 |
Okay, you're going to tell me how you made that storyline text appear right now mister. Pretty cool, because it was Dutch on my ps3. | 2012-06-30 12:13:00 Author: Deurklink1 ![]() Posts: 346 |
What an interesting looking combination Breezy. Here's my review for the level. (Just wanna say that, in my level reviews, I review the level while playing it, this way lots of info stays fresh in my mind, but it also means that sometimes I'll talk a lot about certain sections, beginning to end, as well.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right as the level begins, I instantly remember the level, the level that I, as well as so many others, simply hated (in a good way, of course). Just like the beginning of 'The Bunker', you have a little chat with the 'ol general, giving a nice and tidy introductory message like Davinchi would have. The design of the level stays true to the icy wilderness, and I must say, it looks really great, yet some of "Tower of Whoop"'s gameplay is thrown into, and is a nice inclusion, as it brings in LBP2 tools to one of LBP1's classic levels greatly. The slippery snow, towering metal, and rotating gears, combined with the glowing bounce and grappling hook make this one treat to play, and I just love it to be quite honest. The synchronized wilderness theme was nicely done and helps harken back to the original Bunker level, trying and failing to ace it over and over, again. There was a certain point in particular, as I was racing to the top, trying to avoid yet another electrocution, where a certain part of the tune kicked in. I can't exactly describe what part this was, except that it was that sort of "night time" like theme, drifting off into fantasy land, and when that part of the song started playing, well, instant nostalgia, that's all. When you said there were lots of points, you weren't kidding. The level is literally flooded with points, yet in a good way. The gorgeous architectural design, one of my favorite parts being right near the end as you scale the remaining part of the tower with soldiers on the side, is completely visible, yet you bounce and grapple about, collecting points after points, with points in front, back, and over on the side as well as smaller, extra challenges to perform. The guiding arrows are a great way to throw stickers in, with some nice black splats and white arrows helping you around, while the red spotlights and crimson glow around certain electrified areas really makes it appear more challenging than it can be, which I thought was great trick in the theme. Other minor details like the prizes for different sets of points scored, just like in "Tower of Whoop" were cool, and I LOVED the look of those signs over on the side, outside of the level, like it was some sort of evil, creepy armada. Also, seeing the collector caged up at the end certainly brought a laugh, and the sun, birds and clouds resting above the scoreboard also brought out some beauty to what lay outside of this large castle you managed to breach through. TL;DR..... Pros --------- 1. A worthwhile combination, harkening back to one of LBP1's well-known levels, yet also throwing in plenty of gameplay elements from the popular "Tower of Whoop", with LBP2 gameplay elements like bounce pads and the grappler thrown in for good measure 2. Minor details like the guiding arrows, well-done signs outside of the level, and the brief glimpse of the sky above the scoreboard are a real treat to gander at 3. The synchronized music is a great addition, just like what MM did in the LBP2 intro in a sense. 4. Points, points, points! Just like other racing challenges, it's all about nabbing as many bubbles as you can, and this certainly encourages it. Cons -------- 0. Nope, not-a-one from me. No glitches were found by me while playing and reviewing this level. Overall, really nice job Breezy. This is a great challenge, and I recommend others to give it a go as well. | 2012-06-30 13:41:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Breezy this is better then all Bunker levels I've ever seen. You are awesome! Nice Job Breezy and deadmn. | 2012-06-30 18:36:00 Author: LBPCreatorKit ![]() Posts: 26 |
This looks pretty awesome ! I added it to my queue ![]() | 2012-06-30 19:59:00 Author: Pyrotrooper91 ![]() Posts: 337 |
Thanks everyone, hee hee. This is pretty awesome. Never expected such feedback. ![]() | 2012-07-01 00:18:00 Author: Breezy-The-Pro ![]() Posts: 134 |
Hehe , no problem I will probably check it out tomorrow ![]() | 2012-07-03 20:27:00 Author: Pyrotrooper91 ![]() Posts: 337 |
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