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Just a little taste of what's coming.

Archive: 12 posts

Made in Littlebigplanet 2.
There are still some minor change to make but this is pretty much what's it's suppose to look like. Even tough I have more complete art, I will be only showing you this one to avoid giving too much spoiler.
Feel free to give feedback or ask me any question.
2012-06-28 00:53:00

Posts: 622

Wow that looks great.

Is this for a upcoming level or just showing your art?
2012-06-28 01:00:00

Posts: 3458

Upcoming huge series and thank you.2012-06-28 01:07:00

Posts: 622

Looking forward to seeing the level if this is a taste of what's in it. 2012-06-28 01:12:00

Posts: 3458

Very impressive! I love your silhouette work, will be keeping an eye out for this! 2012-06-28 07:25:00

Posts: 318

Hint please. The art work is very impressive to say the least2012-06-28 09:58:00

Posts: 250

Very impressive! I love your silhouette work, will be keeping an eye out for this!
Thanks, the environment silhouette featured in your level was really good too.

Hint please. The art work is very impressive to say the least
2012-06-28 23:46:00

Posts: 622

Wow! That is stunning! How..but..and it's...the..wow. Speechless. That image conjures up an old Clint Eastwood western for some reason.2012-06-29 01:01:00

Posts: 8424

How long would this have taken to make? I find when I make something even half as detailed as that, I've already spent hours in create mode, and I have to take a gargantuan break before I continue making things. And how did you go by of making it? Did you previously draw it to be copied onto LBP, or did you make it online without referencing a pre-existing picture?2012-06-29 13:20:00

Posts: 432

It took 3 day to make, I first started with the window, it took a while to make but still wasn't hard because I knew how it was suppose to look like.
Then I made the vase which was pretty easy too. Next was the arm form, I started doing random editing on it to see if I was able to make it look like some part were visible by the light and other hidden.
For example :
At night, use a light to make it point the side of any old toy ( I used some kind of muscular soldier ) you've noticed that some part are darker then others ( YOU DON'T SAY....)
Well that's how I got my inspiration and as you can see on the picture I made the light come from the window.
It's the first one I made using this method, the others are more like a silhouette and I'm glad to see this one worked out well.
2012-06-29 19:00:00

Posts: 622

Wow! Thats really awesome! It reminds me of the older guy from "The last of us" 2012-06-30 05:12:00

Posts: 1990

Maybe because of the beard?
Haha well the man you see is a bit older, actually a lot older .
2012-07-10 18:36:00

Posts: 622

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