SSX (Snowboard Supercross)
Archive: 1 post
(If there was another thread for this, I couldn't find it.) While LBP has quickly become a top contender,for the last 12 years my all-time favorite game franchise has been SSX. Twice it has been a system seller, though admittedly, had I known back when it came out that LBP was so awesome, I'd have picked up a PS3 years ago. How about you? SSX. Love it? Hate it? Never played it? Do you have a favorite boarder? (Mine is Zoe.) What do you think of the new* game? *(Sure, it came out 3 months ago, but it's new relative to it being 5 years since the last one which was more of a Wii demo than a true sequel.) | 2012-06-27 18:27:00 Author: DreadRandal ![]() Posts: 434 |
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