Cardboard Cavern
Archive: 10 posts
Race level with abstract and creative gameplay. http://lbp.me/v/c8dq32 | 2012-06-22 20:13:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You should add a LBP.me link. Also a couple of pics , pics aren't necessary tho. With these two things you will probably get some plays ![]() | 2012-06-22 20:45:00 Author: Pyrotrooper91 ![]() Posts: 337 |
this level is 3 shades of cool yet you post it like it's a copied bomb survivor or something. come on. show the thread and level some love by adding a brief description, level link and a few pics. get people excited about wanting to play the level. Most people see that post and just pass it right by. | 2012-06-27 00:41:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
For those looking for more information on this level: http://i9.lbp.me/img/bl/a59d81f4ea7e18f0ec7ad14a3652579bd1edeb4c.png (http://lbp.me/v/c8dq32) Cardboard Cavern by Cmh95 "Traverse through diverse scenery as you plummet across a level that's been crafted to tickle your pickle, or whatever it is." Clicking on the badge will link you to the Lbp.me page. ![]() | 2012-06-27 01:45:00 Author: grayspence ![]() Posts: 1990 |
Alright, I have played this level, and here's what I thought of it. (Please note that for levels I review, I review while playing them, that way it's all fresh in my mind) Right, we start right at the race board. Nice and tidy cardboard all around, with a graceful collection of stickers and decos intertwined, along with a smart choice of materials and lighting. The calm colors represented fit well in this platformer, with stones placed over heated surfaces, and iron hinges hanging onto grassy-looking materials. This orange and green color palette used suits the level greatly, and the music fits in nicely as well. As far as the gameplay goes, it's pretty simple, nothing hardcore yet not easy peasy. The challenges are fun and straightforward, providing different challenges of jumping, bouncing, and using the grappling hook. There are plenty of challenges involving burnt objects, including wheels moving burnt circles. These work as some interesting obstacles, even if I didn't fully agree with one. I'm probably just being whine-ey here, but there's one area in the picture below, that it felt, for me at least, that, unlike the other burning wheel challenges, didn't let you focus as much on timing, because most of the time, you'd either ram into the bottom fiery circle or the top one. It felt less about timing it right, and more like you just had to keep trying and dying until you made it over, but maybe that's just me. Click on the link below to see a picture of the area I'm referring to. (On the left of where I'm standing, as I already passed it.) http://lbp.me/p/qrn6zg8 Throwing in the creatinator was cool, but underused. If you're going to introduce something into the gameplay, I'd have done more with it. If the thermometer just wasn't agreeing with you though, I understand. At least we saw a little more attract-o-gel gameplay before it was over, but the creatinator still felt like a one-time only powerup, which can end up being a bit of an akward addition to some levels. But besides that, I guess all there's left to mention is the racing itself. Yeah, I loved the mellow visuals and simple yet effective gameplay, but, for me at least, making it a mandatory race felt a bit weird. I don't know, in certain reviews of mine, I'll sometimes add in those "unnecessary nitpicks", and this is probably one of them, but the design, gameplay and saxophone-wielding music represented a slower, less hardcore/fast-paced level. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but if I were you, I'd make racing an option with say, a sticker, instead of being mandatory. I have nothing against mandatory racing levels, I just think this would be better suited having it as an option. TL;DR.... Pros --------- 1. Beautiful design, with a nice use of materials, stickers, decos, and lighting 2. Nice, jazzy music thrown in 3. Good, solid gameplay, despite one or two, minor bumps in the road. Cons --------- 1. One or two little bits I might change in parts of the gameplay, but it's barely anything. More like some of my unnecessary nitpicks. 2. Again, very minor, but perhaps making racing an option? The rest of the level gives off a bit of a different vibe, and I still think racing would be a great, but as a sort of "sticker here to go into race mode" function instead perhaps. Overall, this was a nice and fun level. You did a real good job with this, and I can't wait to play some of your levels in the future. | 2012-06-27 14:16:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
this level is 3 shades of cool yet you post it like it's a copied bomb survivor or something. come on. That's probably because he has become so accustomed to posting copied bomb survivals. Especially back in the LBP1 days. | 2012-06-27 14:50:00 Author: D-E-S_87 ![]() Posts: 148 |
That's probably because he has become so accustomed to posting copied bomb survivals. Especially back in the LBP1 days. That's quite big of an assumption to make. | 2012-06-27 14:59:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
That's quite big of an assumption to make. But I remember very well. And I'm not the only one who remembers it either. Just ask PPp_Killer. | 2012-06-27 15:08:00 Author: D-E-S_87 ![]() Posts: 148 |
But I remember very well. And I'm not the only one who remembers it either. Just ask PPp_Killer. Oh, I thought you were just assuming... Welp, I guess my part in this conversation is over. ![]() | 2012-06-27 15:12:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
This is one of the most unique and original levels I have ever played. The gameplay was outstanding. Most of which I have never seen done before. That is incredibly rare. It is wonderful to find original gameplay like this a year and a half after the game was released. Hearted. <3 | 2012-07-09 01:28:00 Author: VelcroJonze ![]() Posts: 1305 |
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