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Rain Tech Demo

Archive: 9 posts

Tech demo showing off some rain me and iBooyakaShaa made.

2012-06-20 22:32:00

Posts: 353

Great! Looks much better than any rain tech I've seen so far.2012-06-21 17:02:00

Posts: 134

Queued. IBooyakashaa helped at this too? Cool he's a great creator as far as I have seen. Looking forward to it

*pokes BillyCrash100* how's it going buddy?(answer in privare message so we won't stray off-topic
2012-06-21 17:45:00

Posts: 308

Pretty sexy rain, right there.2012-06-21 23:52:00

Unknown User

I saw this a few days ago and thought it was pretty dang cool. Good work on this.2012-06-22 14:31:00

Posts: 8424

Ver 1.01 Optimized to use less thermo and is collectable!2012-06-22 22:56:00

Posts: 353

This could be very useful. and by looking at the picture it looks like real rain. Wow good work 10/10. and i have added your level to my list2012-06-22 23:05:00

Posts: 134

This rain looks pretty sweet and unique It looks like the real one ! Great job 2012-06-26 20:51:00

Posts: 337

Hey, I've been contacting you through the game, but the profile commenting at the moment is ******* me off with all the spam -_-

So we shall continue our conversation on here haha. So yeah, I love this rain effect, it looks fantastic! I put it into my Slippery Climb level and it worked great at first! Until I got to a wideangle camera view. You could see the boxed edge where the sticker panels ended. So I figured, why not just recreate this object just with 2 more emitters on each side. So I tried that, Had to elongate the whole thing so the rain fell from higher up and increased the lifetime of the sticker panels. Now the effect actually worked flawlessly HOWEVER! This change made the framerate drop slightly. And in a level like Slippery Climb, you can not have the framerate drop ever.

ALSO, how does this work with multiplayer? The follower will follow player 1, but if he dies, then it will switch to player 2 instantly making a wierd transitional effect that spoils the mystery of how the effect works.

In conclusion, this effect is terrific! But can only be used in small 1P only maps. Camera views from far away will spoil it
2012-06-26 21:29:00

Posts: 878

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