Escape from Cycloptia!
Archive: 11 posts
Hey guys, just finished my first level. Tried to experiment with the mechanics that seemed most important to basic platformery stuff, and wanted it to not be too difficult or anything. Light-hearted adventure abounds, check it out and let me know if there's any major mistakes to fix or any ways to do things better next time or something. Thanks! ![]() http://lbp.me/v/b5m46m http://lbp.me/v/b5m46m | 2012-06-19 19:44:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Sounds pretty cool , queued ! | 2012-06-19 20:12:00 Author: Pyrotrooper91 ![]() Posts: 337 |
adding to the queue | 2012-06-19 21:41:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Alright, I have played this level, and here's what I thought of it. Things start off pretty messy no offence. The mix of materials thrown together, being rubber, stone, wood, polystyrene, yellow sponge, and cactus sponge seems like it was done sort of at the last minute, and there was no line to stop at. If I were you, I'd limit the amount of materials, that way you can stick to a sort of main theme. (Although there's nothing wrong with switching themes, the level "Vinery" by Sabre_ is a good example of mixing themes throughout a level.) Simple things you can do is hide the music, and glue the "no multiplayer beyond this point" sign (or whatever it's called) . I'm not a big fan of the gigantic spikes, not because I don't like gigantic spikes, but the way they're used here. Plus, giant spikes like this can result in gaps in between, which force you to kill yourself, which is annoying. Here's an example of what I mean. http://lbp.me/p/qr7n7jk (In case you don't see me, I'm in the back layer, my head popping out between some spikes, a little to the left from the center of the picture) The cutting of some objects can be polished up, and I think the Sackboy cut-out below the float-y was pretty unnecessary. I like how you added in points, but on a number of occasions, they can be spread out in a pretty unorganized manner. Also, I don't really see a good reason as to why you had electrocuted dark matter in some of the objects, as it didn't pose a threat, and made it look a tad sloppier. I actually did like the floaties themselves, as they and Scrub were pretty cool, even though Scrub's design was just a story object, but they had some fun dialogue thrown in. It's very easy to escape when you reach the second checkpoint/introduced to Scrub Sudsman, as you can just drop down or go through one of the multiple gaps. The enemies can use more polish, but the basic concept is a good start. There seems to be a lack of sounds in this level, which could be fixed by adding sounds to passing enemies, and when you fall down after the Cyclopian that looks like Mother Brain sends you to your doom. After falling down, you encounter more float-ies, and grab onto them to go up and down. Now I'm always up for a challenge, but this was less of a challenge, and more of a hassle, at least, it was for the float-y at the end, of the row of float-ies, which took you up high. In fact, I currently can't get past that section. I also believed that it was pretty wasteful to put all those checkpoints on each platform in that one area with all the float-ies moving up and down. TL;DR.... Pros ------- 1. The float-ies were pretty interesting. 2. Good, solid dialogue with the float-ies and Scrubs. Cons ------- 1. The choice of materials seems too random and it feels like there's just too much, and not in a good way. I'd try sticking with a more limited amount, and work towards a certain theme if I were you. 2. More polish should be put towards the level, whether little things such as glue-ing the sign at the beginning and making the music invisible, or bigger things like, don't fill certain areas with too many checkpoints, work on the enemies, and avoid akward moments like what happened with the gaps between the gigantic spikes. 3. Try adding some sounds to certain points of the game, and maybe throw in a few angles as well. I don't want to sound mean or anything, I just think that the level could use a bit of polish, that's all. It still had it's pros of course. ^^ | 2012-06-20 20:16:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Thanks for the feedback! The whole level is definitely a bit scatter-brained, I hadn't really planned anything beforehand and I wasn't sure how to do lots of stuff going into this, but it's been a good learning experience. Staying thematically consistent with material choices wasn't something I'd really considered before, but it definitely is a good thing to keep in mind in the future. Planning should be a bigger part of the process in anything else I feel like making. The lack of planning shows here. Gluing things down isn't something I even realized I needed to do at first, so, there's lots of stuff that's not stuck down that should be. Likewise there's some weird layer behaviors since I'm not exactly sure how those are built to behave yet. Lots of the problems here you can proooobably chalk up to just being newbie mistakes. I had a lot of trouble getting that last high-rising floaty guy to behave properly- he kept getting hooked on ledges and breaking the chain and just vanishing entirely, and I probably should have just replaced that with a more simple solution. Sounds are a good thing to keep in mind too though! I should try to be more concerned with audio design in the future for sure. But thanks for playing! ![]() | 2012-06-21 16:27:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thanks for the feedback! The whole level is definitely a bit scatter-brained, I hadn't really planned anything beforehand and I wasn't sure how to do lots of stuff going into this, but it's been a good learning experience. Staying thematically consistent with material choices wasn't something I'd really considered before, but it definitely is a good thing to keep in mind in the future. Planning should be a bigger part of the process in anything else I feel like making. The lack of planning shows here. Gluing things down isn't something I even realized I needed to do at first, so, there's lots of stuff that's not stuck down that should be. Likewise there's some weird layer behaviors since I'm not exactly sure how those are built to behave yet. Lots of the problems here you can proooobably chalk up to just being newbie mistakes. I had a lot of trouble getting that last high-rising floaty guy to behave properly- he kept getting hooked on ledges and breaking the chain and just vanishing entirely, and I probably should have just replaced that with a more simple solution. Sounds are a good thing to keep in mind too though! I should try to be more concerned with audio design in the future for sure. But thanks for playing! ![]() Looks like DragonVarsity gave you some awesome advice already! It's not so often we get newer folk on this site that are actually willing to take user tips to heart. Judging from some of the LBP.me screen shots compiled by other users, it already looks better than my first. ![]() | 2012-06-21 17:21:00 Author: grayspence ![]() Posts: 1990 |
Thanks for the feedback! The whole level is definitely a bit scatter-brained, I hadn't really planned anything beforehand and I wasn't sure how to do lots of stuff going into this, but it's been a good learning experience. Staying thematically consistent with material choices wasn't something I'd really considered before, but it definitely is a good thing to keep in mind in the future. Planning should be a bigger part of the process in anything else I feel like making. The lack of planning shows here. Gluing things down isn't something I even realized I needed to do at first, so, there's lots of stuff that's not stuck down that should be. Likewise there's some weird layer behaviors since I'm not exactly sure how those are built to behave yet. Lots of the problems here you can proooobably chalk up to just being newbie mistakes. I had a lot of trouble getting that last high-rising floaty guy to behave properly- he kept getting hooked on ledges and breaking the chain and just vanishing entirely, and I probably should have just replaced that with a more simple solution. Sounds are a good thing to keep in mind too though! I should try to be more concerned with audio design in the future for sure. But thanks for playing! ![]() Well, I wouldn't want you to be too hard on yourself. It's a learning process, that's all. I appreciate that you didn't take any of my criticisms the wrong way though, and I'm glad you're already taking most of my points into consideration. I've had similar kinds of problems before, like you had with your last high-rising float-y guy. Tutorials can be a great way to start, and I'd be happy to play a remade version and tell you what I think, just make sure to send a message my way when it's been completed and published. | 2012-06-21 17:24:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Well, I wouldn't want you to be too hard on yourself. It's a learning process, that's all. I appreciate that you didn't take any of my criticisms the wrong way though, and I'm glad you're already taking most of my points into consideration. I've had similar kinds of problems before, like you had with your last high-rising float-y guy. Tutorials can be a great way to start, and I'd be happy to play a remade version and tell you what I think, just make sure to send a message my way when it's been completed and published. I've got a few links you should follow for high quality tutorials too! Excellent Tips on Visual Representation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYupqEWjaak&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYupqEWjaak&feature=plcp Basic, Clean-cut Level Design Pointers: (Very useful, mind you!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1J4TX1mNY7M&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1J4TX1mNY7M&feature=plcp Basic Logic Introduction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FffmicFVWvQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FffmicFVWvQ&feature=related Note: All of these are actually for LBP2. It's significantly easier to create things in LBP2 than in LBP1, so I highly reccomend picking it up if you plan to create. ![]() | 2012-06-21 17:35:00 Author: grayspence ![]() Posts: 1990 |
Your first level? Got it queued, yo. | 2012-06-21 18:22:00 Author: Sackpapoi ![]() Posts: 1195 |
I've got a few links you should follow for high quality tutorials too! <a bunch of videos and links> Note: All of these are actually for LBP2. It's significantly easier to create things in LBP2 than in LBP1, so I highly reccomend picking it up if you plan to create. ![]() Oh these are really awesome. I was having trouble finding some good videos, so thank you a ton for these! And yeah, LBP2 is on my list- I just got a PS3 about a week ago and got LBP 1 free with it so I figured I'd mess with that for a while and just get LBP2 later on, but with the improvements to the UI and building tools and stuff I'm seeing, I think I'm just going to have to go pick LBP2 up before making anything else. It's way better. | 2012-06-23 22:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Oh these are really awesome. I was having trouble finding some good videos, so thank you a ton for these! And yeah, LBP2 is on my list- I just got a PS3 about a week ago and got LBP 1 free with it so I figured I'd mess with that for a while and just get LBP2 later on, but with the improvements to the UI and building tools and stuff I'm seeing, I think I'm just going to have to go pick LBP2 up before making anything else. It's way better. Yes! I highly suggest it! I'd be happy to join you in create mode and help you out once you have it if you'd like. I love helping out new creators ![]() | 2012-06-24 20:14:00 Author: grayspence ![]() Posts: 1990 |
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