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How did Ramp get popular?

Archive: 20 posts

I haven't checked recently but last time i did im pretty sure it had a million plays. maybe not that much but something crazy like that.
so how exactly the creator get the word out on this horrible piece of garbage.

thats' like Disaster movie making 300 million at the box office. and how was he/she able to actual get people to heart the level. and who are these people that hearted the level? why would you want to play it again?

it makes my head hurt thinking about it....

2009-01-06 16:16:00

Posts: 84

People who first get the game see it on Cool Levels and think it's awesome since it's probably the first level they play, so they heart it aswell.

If a level becomes popular within the first few minutes, it's most likely gonna stay popular for a while
2009-01-06 16:19:00

Unknown User

Immature kids that dont take a liking to well made, long, detailed levels and just like the ones they can find quickly and have a quick "speedy" moment from them. Thats what i think anyway.2009-01-06 16:22:00

Posts: 194

I think it was in beta? Most of the front page cool levels with 100,000s of plays were around since beta and, yes, they were the first levels people really saw. Don't you remember getting excited to see a tree being built in the demos? lol It kind of sucks that the rest of us have to compete with those and the trophy levels for cool level real estate, but ah well.2009-01-06 16:23:00

Posts: 2278

'Cos it was the best level ever made......

2009-01-06 16:44:00

Posts: 3701

I had some friends around last weekend, and we played LBP for maybe 2 and a half hours straight. They left after midnight, long after they had planned to leave, they were just having too much fun. One of them had seen LBP before when I showed them, the other two did not.

They really liked mucking around. Things like changing costumes, putting stickers everywhere, playing with the facial expressions and arm movements, all of that was fun.

They were not hugely impressed with super long detailed levels. When I showed them that, it would often get frustrating for them, but the basic experience of mucking about was fun in and of itself.

To this mindset, Ramp would appeal greatly. It's a quick laugh, it's quirky physics, there are some easy point bubbles to get for a nice high score. It's not easy to finish because of it's bad design - but well, that encourages replays.

I think that's why it's popular. People would go online and look for the level with the most hits. If you don't know much better, then Ramp would be kind of cool from a "yeah, that was fun for 15 seconds" mentality.

Two of these people have finished university and one was in the final year of high school. You don't have to an 8 year old to have a laugh at ramp.

And no, I did not show them Ramp specifically. I did show them the MM built stateboard mini game level, which is pretty similar but less buggy though and they really loved that, playing through several times.

So yeah, bring some friends over and show them LBP. Show them the skate mini-game level, and watch their reaction to it. Then it might all make sense.

My official position is that Ramp is a crappy level. But it is fun just to muck around with friends, hence the popularity of ramp. It was one of the very, very first levels published once LBP was officially released, and has just stayed on top since because everyone new comes and plays it.
2009-01-06 16:55:00

Posts: 1280

^true, It's always fun to slap people off the skateboard, or already start the rocket while they are behind.2009-01-06 17:17:00

Unknown User

My guess, a lot of bribery (h4h) and a lot of 9 year olds.2009-01-06 18:09:00

Posts: 805

it's a shame it really kind of disrespects all of the creators with well thought out well made levels.2009-01-07 13:30:00

Posts: 1246

I had some friends around last weekend, and we played LBP for maybe 2 and a half hours straight. They left after midnight, long after they had planned to leave, they were just having too much fun. One of them had seen LBP before when I showed them, the other two did not.

They really liked mucking around. Things like changing costumes, putting stickers everywhere, playing with the facial expressions and arm movements, all of that was fun.

They were not hugely impressed with super long detailed levels. When I showed them that, it would often get frustrating for them, but the basic experience of mucking about was fun in and of itself.

To this mindset, Ramp would appeal greatly. It's a quick laugh, it's quirky physics, there are some easy point bubbles to get for a nice high score. It's not easy to finish because of it's bad design - but well, that encourages replays.

I think that's why it's popular. People would go online and look for the level with the most hits. If you don't know much better, then Ramp would be kind of cool from a "yeah, that was fun for 15 seconds" mentality.

Two of these people have finished university and one was in the final year of high school. You don't have to an 8 year old to have a laugh at ramp.

And no, I did not show them Ramp specifically. I did show them the MM built stateboard mini game level, which is pretty similar but less buggy though and they really loved that, playing through several times.

So yeah, bring some friends over and show them LBP. Show them the skate mini-game level, and watch their reaction to it. Then it might all make sense.

My official position is that Ramp is a crappy level. But it is fun just to muck around with friends, hence the popularity of ramp. It was one of the very, very first levels published once LBP was officially released, and has just stayed on top since because everyone new comes and plays it.

Great post Elbee. +REP for you.
2009-01-07 16:57:00

Posts: 473

i had the best laughs in that level... things can go so wrong when played multiplayer... but yeah.. the design is lame... maybe you should remake it with super sophisticated trendy designs and a more workable flow ?2009-01-09 13:17:00

Posts: 28

It was very bad, but it was made in beta, but...

... did anyone check to see that the maker edited the description?

"I made this in beta, please stop sending me threatening messages".

... Or something to that effect :/.

I guess, in our utter hatred for that level, we forget that that guy didn't want to be viewed as the most hated guy in LBP :/.
2009-01-10 01:03:00

Posts: 10882

It got on Cool Levels by a fluke.2009-01-10 01:13:00

Posts: 3664

yes, when i played this level for the first time i cried inside :'( knowing the few awesome levels that their were (mainly orginating from here ^^) werent getting the views they deserved and this buggy / glitchy piece of crap level had well over 200,000 hits... -_- such a shame... 2009-01-11 05:51:00

Posts: 67

How did Ramp get popular?

4chan .
2009-01-11 05:54:00

Unknown User

4chan .

/b/ to be specific
2009-01-11 06:08:00

Posts: 431

/b/ to be specific

Do you actually go there?
2009-01-11 16:34:00

Unknown User

Seriously, I go online, people select this level and i'm like:

Bad language kiddos!http://www.afunnystuff.com/forumpics/notagain.jpg
2009-01-11 16:46:00

Posts: 445

Its just because it was one of the first levels out there so everyone who had the game played and eventually it stuck on the cool levels2009-01-11 17:08:00

Posts: 712

I will fondly remember the 30 or so plays I did with another random dude. It was funny at the time which was like the first day the game came out. Or during the beta. Can't remember.2009-01-11 20:57:00

Posts: 2391

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