LK Land 1-1 Jungle Joust (DKL)
Archive: 12 posts
LK Land 1-1 Jungle Joust (DKL)goombario64 First level in a series following the adventures of your Sackperson in the vibrantly colorful world of Leo King Land. Leo King is on a mission to reclaim his homeland from the Crazy Ape Bunch, and he has enlisted the help of Sackfolk like you to help him clean up the areas! Squash noisy monkeys, stomp hissing snakes, collect precious bubbles and prizes, sneak onto a helicopter and even rescue a kangaroo! A must-play for fans of Donkey Kong and LBP alike! An update to my first Published level for the LBP PSP community, which was titled "Leo King Land 1-1" and can still be found under my level selection. In this updated version these changes were made: + Tweaked some dialogue text to be better fitting to size constraints. + Added several varied foliage stickers to enhance The Jungle's appearance. + Revamped "Leo King" in design and appearance, as the previous appearance tended to be a bit too much "Jungle" in style. (That and you could practically run underneath him due to the legs being flat, separate pieces.. He's got pants, a swaddled shirt and some armor now x3) + A few tweaks to the end-level prizes were made, but what could they be..? Only way to find out is to check them out for yourself! Don't worry, the old level prizes are still in the original, and that one's not going anywhere. (Hints and Tips!) Here's some helpful hints and nifty tips to help you out on your Joust thru The Jungle! + "LK Barrels" : You might find a couple of these in certain places early in the level. If you're not going for the high score and just enjoying some of the pseudo-DKC/DKL entertainment this level has to offer, try grabbing/pushing/smashing one of these yellow barrels into an enemy that's on the same "ground" as the barrel is on to see what surprise is inside! (By "ground", this means "foreground" and "background", as in the layers a Sackperson can be on one at a time). If you miss your chance with one barrel, things might look up if you're persistent enough and can put in the effort to haul one towards a later early enemy. (It's a resource-hungry mechanism, so only early-level enemies can produce this effect with the barrels.. That's okay though because even in Donkey Kong Land, most folks don't haul the barrels cross-country xD) + "TNT Barrels" : If your looking for an opportunity to say "WE HAVE EXPLOSIVE!" or something equally as fired-up when playing thru Leo King Land levels, these jumbo-sized barrels are packed with enough blasting force to break open hidden areas, covered holes, you name it. There's only one of these in this level, but it's very close to where you need it most. Like the other barrels, you can grab it if you want, but maybe this once it'd be okay to get pushy. Once you've made use of this big red barrel, don't be afraid to go in the newly opened ground area! If you're patient enough after jumping in (it's quite shallow really), you might find your calling from the sky. Or is it TO the sky..? Try it and see! + "K-I-N-G" : In this first level, you can actually collect the iconic set of letters as prizes, all in their original locations when compared to Donkey Kong Land. This being Leo King Land though (a LBP PSP Mini-adaptation of sorts), you'll find a different vowel in place of "O". In later levels, these letters will have to be grabbed to open something up later in the level. While I don't take credit for that idea, you could say it was pioneered by another LBP community member who made a Donkey Kong Country level some time ago, and one of my favorites, I must say. I'll credit him on the next level when it comes into play. + Enemy "Screamin' Simian" : Though they don't actually scream in a way that's understandable by Sackpeople, these are the common members of the "Crazy Ape Bunch". They cobble back and forth in a seemingly aimless way, shouting their chimpy battle-cry as any opposing forces approach and wielding spiky armor. Their big weakness is, like most lower-level platforming enemies, their heads! Time it right and give them a good squishing, or push a barrel in their way early on. + Enemy "Sinister Snake" : These hissing snakes have a venomous bite and a very spiky tail, making horizontal contact with it a dreadful experience, and we're not talking Medusa here. They tend to be a bit faster than the Simians, but with the right timing, you can stomp them from above for extra points. + Friendly Character "Leo King" : Your adviser and guide in Leo King Land, LK has always had a sense of strength about him. With that in mind, try not to strain your eyes too much watching him doing breathing exercises.. Or is he flexing his muscles? Regardless, this King is on a mission to take down the Crazy Ape Bunch, a group of insane primates who have overrun his homeland. With your help, those Apes don't stand a chance, do they? LK's a fast tiger too, but such a physique requires a full-body workout routine to maintain. For that reason, he doesn't seem to have the time to smash these enemies himself, which is why he has called upon Sackfolk to assist him in the reclamation of The Jungle and beyond. You'll see him first in this level, but surely you don't want to miss the platforming fun outside of his "Jungle Stronghold", do you? Let him finish his workout while you smash some monkeys! You'll meet him again later in the level, for sure. +Friendly Character "Kangaroo" : Somewhere in this level is a caged kangaroo, almost in the same place where a rhino used to be pent-up. However, helping him out of captivity isn't going to be too easy, as his cage has been locked with a key hidden somewhere in the level by those meddlesome monkeys. Helping him DOES require a bit of exploration and maybe some backtracking, but once you find the area where the key is held, you'll have to haul the key over to the cage and let it slide into place next to the door. It can be done, and once his cage is open, try giving this roo a pushy freedom-hug around the cage to let him press any issues you might have with finding hidden areas and the like. (If you've played DKL before and have ridden the rhino, you'll know where to go.) There's plenty of stuff to enjoy in Jungle Joust, and you may even recognize a few extra locations/areas built in that feel right at home with the Donkey Kong atmosphere. This isn't the last level though, and there will surely be more levels to be made in the future to continue it. Big thanks to the community members who rated the first edition so nicely, it makes a "Creator Curator" feel warmly welcomed and ready for more! Thank you for reading, hope for the best and keep enjoying LittleBigPlanet with fun from the heart and creation at it's start! ~goombario64~ | 2012-06-18 20:55:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Now THAT is a fancy level post, I'll sure check this out! | 2012-06-18 20:59:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
Thanks! Here's to hoping you enjoy it, too! 8D | 2012-06-18 21:06:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I played your level before you posted this thread. ![]() I beat Donkey Kong Country and Country 2. Those games were probably the hardest ever made. Ahh... Those are some nice memories... ![]() Anyway, back to your level! It was really fun to play. The whole scenery was well corner edited. The music, sounds and even the background fitted very well. There were also some nice secrets under way. I gave it :star::star::star::star::star:. | 2012-06-18 21:17:00 Author: Schark94 ![]() Posts: 3378 |
Wowhee! Thank you big-time for the awesome review and sharing the great memories with all of us! Who doesn't like a good romp through Kong Country? It's SNES platforming at it's best! Even the follow-up GameBoy "Land" titles were fun-stuff, and all three of those look rather colorful on a Super GameBoy too. The Leo King Land series is my attempt to translate plausible levels to LBP while still maintaining the atmosphere of the DK environment. It doesn't hurt to say that even I play the level often, probably for the same reason others do: It's bunches of fun all around! Glad you're enjoying it, too! Those corners were quite a challenge at times, but getting them contoured just right for allowing smooth movement of level objects was vital to the overall design from the start. Speaking of design, the level this is based on (Donkey Kong Land's first level, named in the manual as "Jungle Jaunt") had no actual physical or digital maps made of it yet (to my knowledge, at least), so I decided to map the level in its entirety on paper. It took a while, especially considering my laptop is broken (no emus in this farm 8P), but luckily I still have my Gameboy Color and a DKL Gamepak to reference from. I've got all of the levels for the series mapped out already, a task on its own due to the Gamepak not saving data any more.. (Something about the memory back-up battery itself must have occured due to old age. Where's Hello Koopa when you need her?) Anyways, good to hear from a fellow player, and even better hearing that everyone's enjoying it! The next level is still in the works, but until it's completed, there's still lots of fun to be had with the first level! Try for the high-score on both of them if you can, strategizing combos and defeating all enemies! After I headed home from college today, I managed to achieve a score of 2700-ish points on the original level, and 2660 points on the revised one. That's not to imply any missing elements; like everyone else, even I have to practice and set my own score in order to be fair. I'm certain that I can be beat though, so best of luck to everyone seeking a high score! Have fun at any rate! 83 | 2012-06-19 02:04:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
^You could write a whole book about this. ![]() I wouldn't call my comment a review though. It was just some little feedback from me. :3 Still I'm looking forward for your next level. | 2012-06-19 09:47:00 Author: Schark94 ![]() Posts: 3378 |
G'Day Goombario. You are quite the talker, mate. So Imma leave a lil' review. Don't let the crocks get you while reading this, mate. I have played your level. I have to say it was fun, mate. After playing this level, I went out and fried some shrimp on the barbee. Sorry mate. Don't mind my Australian accent. This level just converted me to be Australian. That lil' kangeroo influenced me, mate. The platforming style was fun, mate. Crikey! The bubble placement amazed me! I have to say it was a bute. I liked the way you made it look cartoony, but beautiful. But... I can tell that the copy button was used quite a bit. Mate, those trees were a lil' ugly on my opinion. The enemies were also copied a bit. Don't worry mate. That didn't kill the level. Overall. It was a fun platformer, with cartoony but beautiful scenary, mate. I believe it deserves about 5 crock rating. Did I say crock? I meant star, mate. Mate. Leave some feedback on The Legend of Sackenstein: Part 2. Will yah mate? | 2012-06-20 05:20:00 Author: unc92sax ![]() Posts: 928 |
G'Day Goombario. You are quite the talker, mate. So Imma leave a lil' review. Don't let the crocks get you while reading this, mate. I have played your level. I have to say it was fun, mate. After playing this level, I went out and fried some shrimp on the barbee. Sorry mate. Don't mind my Australian pirate accent. This level just converted me to be Australian a pirate. That lil' kangeroo influenced me, mate. The platforming style was fun, mate. Crikey! The bubble placement amazed me! I have to say it was a bute. I liked the way you made it look cartoony, but beautiful. But... I can tell that the copy button was used quite a bit. Mate, those trees were a lil' ugly on my opinion. The enemies were also copied a bit. Don't worry mate. That didn't kill the level. Overall. It was a fun platformer, with cartoony but beautiful scenary, mate. I believe it deserves about 5 crock rating. Did I say crock? I meant star, mate. Mate. Leave some feedback on The Legend of Sackenstein: Part 2. Will yah mate? Join my crew! :arg: | 2012-06-20 09:27:00 Author: Schark94 ![]() Posts: 3378 |
Excellent reviewing and astute observation! Being a first level in many ways, it's great to see it's making a great first impression! Thank you~! Surprisingly, I'm in agreement with you on the trees being a bit simple and somewhat repetitive. The model used for those was sprouted very early on in development, alongside other level objects and mechanisms, within a "sandbox" level that was separate from the level being built. On a side-note to that, that same sandbox was also my first "MyMoon" level, the original treetop being one of the first objects I ever saved into MyObjects. However, that one was much more simplified and certainly much uglier than what's seen through-out the level now. That first treetop served as a base for the newer design until I started grappling with advanced corner editing and sticker placement. The current one is very carefully designed with different game-play elements in mind, such as a small indented curve on both sides of the top for placing round, dynamic objects on top of them without the objects sliding off the side. They're also angled slightly to the left, allowing for hopping on them from a distance. If I do redo those trees, those same elements will have to be considered. Thank you though, no crocks biting here! Ah, yes, the enemies! There's plenty of them, but not quite the same amount of enemies found in the levels referenced for this. They were designed within the same sandbox as the trees, but the ones seen in the published level are actually the best-designed ones in comparison to most of my earlier prototypes. The current Simians and Snakes can probably be improved too, but there seems to be a little bit of a technical problem holding that progression back. I'll explain my predicament in a moment.. The earliest enemy character designed was codenamed "Bouncin' Baboon", though it looked much like though common-type enemy does and hops up and down instead. Originally, it was intended to allow players to access a certain part of the treetops by hopping on one of it's arms and timing a jump onto the top of the foliage, while the other arm wielded a spiked fist that made hopping onto it from that side a bit dangerous. It was scrapped for the most part, but a later model still exists and can be won as a prize for Acing the level. If your wondering what's in place of it's intended location in the level, though, look around for something that can help you get up there if you push the right stuff. Now, as mentioned in the last paragraph, there's a bit of a predicament that's been preventing certain elements from being added to my objects, let alone my levels. It goes something like this: If I add a hazardous object to a level, be it by using the hazard tools or placing a saved object with hazardous parts within the level, something very wonky happens. On the former, if I later load a level with anything that's hazardous (like an object with an electrical charge or poisonous gas about it), the PSP seems to lock up after loading the first tidbits of info. The screen still implies that it's loading, but by looking at the Memory Stick indicator light on the lower left of the console, it seems to have stopped loading completely. Thus, I have to reset my PSP and delete the "broken" level. This happened a few times when I was making the first level, but thankfully I kept several backups throughout its progress. However, it's still a bit of a problem if I ever want to add hazards on other levels later on. As for objects, sometimes when placing electrified enemies into a level, a few seconds after pressing the Triangle key and watching the object "haze out" in disappearance, the game would utterly lock up as well. Since those seem to be obstacles at the moment that need some clarification on how to overcome them, I'll be using spikes as the main source of danger in my levels. If anyone would be ever-so-kind as to direct me to a guide about such matters, I'd be one very happy (and appreciative) gadder! (If it helps, I run LBP PSP on a PSP3000 from a 4gb memory-stick. Thanks!) 5-crocks~!? Orright! Betta than two boxtops, mate! Glad you found the characters interesting and scenery well fitting and pleasant to platform thru! That Roo's likely to appear again in a later level, so keep a lookout for any hidden areas a couple of levels down the road. As for the next level's scenery, it's going to be really tough to pull off a similar visual appeal, as it'll mostly be a cave level. Hopefully the platforming can make up for it, provided I can fit it all in there~! If the second level doesn't go over too well, I'll still press on to do the 3rd, 4th, and possibly a BOSS level, working to improve along the way. I won't be giving out any of the level details or themes just yet, but let's just say that the 2nd is going to be rough due to being a cave and all. As for Sackenstein, sure! I'll check it out today and leave a little bit of feedback later tonight if I get the chance to do so. It's rough not having a PSP compatible wireless router at home, so I usually have to travel to old stomping-grounds like the local college to get PSP-related wi-fi stuff done. Don't worry though, I'll see to it soon! Thanks for the review, good to have a chance to have a listen to feedback from other "Happy Gadders" out there! | 2012-06-21 17:59:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Ooh, the old feedback style I stole from Questor. :3![]() -Visuals and characters looked nice -Level had the perfect length -Was kinda funny actually: I'll let you fight a horde of dangerous animals while I am power training. xD :kz: Stuff that should be sent to the Void: -Those yellow barrels what are they for? -Some more action pwease? ![]() -Monkeys with helicopters FTW! ![]() :star::star::star::star::star: ![]() Can you review either: Steam, The Gravity Caves or Russian Rocks? :3 G'Day Goombario. You are quite the talker, mate. So Imma leave a lil' review. Don't let the crocks get you while reading this, mate. I have played your level. I have to say it was fun, mate. After playing this level, I went out and fried some shrimp on the barbee. Sorry mate. Don't mind my Australian accent. This level just converted me to be Australian. That lil' kangeroo influenced me, mate. The platforming style was fun, mate. Crikey! The bubble placement amazed me! I have to say it was a bute. I liked the way you made it look cartoony, but beautiful. But... I can tell that the copy button was used quite a bit. Mate, those trees were a lil' ugly on my opinion. The enemies were also copied a bit. Don't worry mate. That didn't kill the level. Overall. It was a fun platformer, with cartoony but beautiful scenary, mate. I believe it deserves about 5 crock rating. Did I say crock? I meant star, mate. Mate. Leave some feedback on The Legend of Sackenstein: Part 2. Will yah mate? Well atleast he stopped overusing the three dots .-. | 2012-06-21 18:13:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
Excellent reviewing and astute observation! Being a first level in many ways, it's great to see it's making a great first impression! Thank you~! Surprisingly, I'm in agreement with you on the trees being a bit simple and somewhat repetitive. The model used for those was sprouted very early on in development, alongside other level objects and mechanisms, within a "sandbox" level that was separate from the level being built. On a side-note to that, that same sandbox was also my first "MyMoon" level, the original treetop being one of the first objects I ever saved into MyObjects. However, that one was much more simplified and certainly much uglier than what's seen through-out the level now. That first treetop served as a base for the newer design until I started grappling with advanced corner editing and sticker placement. The current one is very carefully designed with different game-play elements in mind, such as a small indented curve on both sides of the top for placing round, dynamic objects on top of them without the objects sliding off the side. They're also angled slightly to the left, allowing for hopping on them from a distance. If I do redo those trees, those same elements will have to be considered. Thank you though, no crocks biting here! Ah, yes, the enemies! There's plenty of them, but not quite the same amount of enemies found in the levels referenced for this. They were designed within the same sandbox as the trees, but the ones seen in the published level are actually the best-designed ones in comparison to most of my earlier prototypes. The current Simians and Snakes can probably be improved too, but there seems to be a little bit of a technical problem holding that progression back. I'll explain my predicament in a moment.. The earliest enemy character designed was codenamed "Bouncin' Baboon", though it looked much like though common-type enemy does and hops up and down instead. Originally, it was intended to allow players to access a certain part of the treetops by hopping on one of it's arms and timing a jump onto the top of the foliage, while the other arm wielded a spiked fist that made hopping onto it from that side a bit dangerous. It was scrapped for the most part, but a later model still exists and can be won as a prize for Acing the level. If your wondering what's in place of it's intended location in the level, though, look around for something that can help you get up there if you push the right stuff. Now, as mentioned in the last paragraph, there's a bit of a predicament that's been preventing certain elements from being added to my objects, let alone my levels. It goes something like this: If I add a hazardous object to a level, be it by using the hazard tools or placing a saved object with hazardous parts within the level, something very wonky happens. On the former, if I later load a level with anything that's hazardous (like an object with an electrical charge or poisonous gas about it), the PSP seems to lock up after loading the first tidbits of info. The screen still implies that it's loading, but by looking at the Memory Stick indicator light on the lower left of the console, it seems to have stopped loading completely. Thus, I have to reset my PSP and delete the "broken" level. This happened a few times when I was making the first level, but thankfully I kept several backups throughout its progress. However, it's still a bit of a problem if I ever want to add hazards on other levels later on. As for objects, sometimes when placing electrified enemies into a level, a few seconds after pressing the Triangle key and watching the object "haze out" in disappearance, the game would utterly lock up as well. Since those seem to be obstacles at the moment that need some clarification on how to overcome them, I'll be using spikes as the main source of danger in my levels. If anyone would be ever-so-kind as to direct me to a guide about such matters, I'd be one very happy (and appreciative) gadder! (If it helps, I run LBP PSP on a PSP3000 from a 4gb memory-stick. Thanks!) 5-crocks~!? Orright! Betta than two boxtops, mate! Glad you found the characters interesting and scenery well fitting and pleasant to platform thru! That Roo's likely to appear again in a later level, so keep a lookout for any hidden areas a couple of levels down the road. As for the next level's scenery, it's going to be really tough to pull off a similar visual appeal, as it'll mostly be a cave level. Hopefully the platforming can make up for it, provided I can fit it all in there~! If the second level doesn't go over too well, I'll still press on to do the 3rd, 4th, and possibly a BOSS level, working to improve along the way. I won't be giving out any of the level details or themes just yet, but let's just say that the 2nd is going to be rough due to being a cave and all. As for Sackenstein, sure! I'll check it out today and leave a little bit of feedback later tonight if I get the chance to do so. It's rough not having a PSP compatible wireless router at home, so I usually have to travel to old stomping-grounds like the local college to get PSP-related wi-fi stuff done. Don't worry though, I'll see to it soon! Thanks for the review, good to have a chance to have a listen to feedback from other "Happy Gadders" out there! Hey. Thanks. Remember it is Sackenstein: Part 2. But you might wanna play both levels. You should become a professional author. | 2012-06-25 18:47:00 Author: unc92sax ![]() Posts: 928 |
I'll leave a really long review when I get to touch a computer in a cyber cafe'. Because when I try to write the really long review on my phone,my account gets logged out by itself,probably because it had stay idle for so long. Review: Sorry it took long but I'm finally on a comp now,with the promised review.Let's start. First of all the name.With a weird name like that nobody would expect anything good but it really surprised me when I played it.The environment,it had a warm and relaxing evening feel and that is just my favourite ! It's really hard to find these weather in levels.Then the scenery,it matched the environment well.All those green and shady trees,just like as if you were lost in a forest.Then it comes on to platforming,it was a great time to jump round from one tree-top to another and I really enjoy levels with 2 ways,not necessarily different endings but an another route ! Let's move on to side-quests,it was totally entertaining trying to find out all bonus secret areas and prizes.I hate levels with side quests but this one just brought my mood up.Helicopter,anyone ?Then we move to the,should we say,disappointing things ? They should be the enemies,the enemies covered only half the two planes and if the other half is free,it gets really really easy to kill/eliminate the enemy.Lastly this level is a good start of a series and deserves a full :star::star::star::star::star: and <3 !Well done buddy ! Lastly,since this is a F4F thread.Would you please review on my Assassins' Creed levels ?Not necessarily both though. My pleasure, ILOVEMYGF52 ![]() | 2012-07-10 17:05:00 Author: ILOVEMYGF52 ![]() Posts: 242 |
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