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Compression tool review, comparison, recommendation, and object showcase

Archive: 10 posts

So I managed to figure out how to put the code in TINTED's prize level after 24 tries ( i noted in the comments after the 23rd try that the code must be entered very quickly or the operation times out and the code will not work, requiring a level restart to re-attempt the code) I got my hands on 5 different compression tools. A red glass square and red glass triangle which both exploded immediately upon unpausing, A green triangle of unknown material (the green color was from the MGS green triangle sticker) which also exploded immediately upon unpausing, and two "advanced" compression tools made of .....(go to TINTED's level to find out for yourself ) I managed to recreate the advanced compression tool in two forms: 1 that leaves the floor solid (no black hole) and doesn't allow sackboy to pass through the materials but still allows materials to be compressed/merged, and 1 that functions exactly as the one offered in his prize level (Black hole and sackboy doesn't contact materials or objects on the right side of the tool). NOTICE: I did not "copy" these tools. I used the proper steps for building a compression tool and built my own based on TINTED's design. The "originally by" says supacat. I can't stand these copy and paste junkies looking to get a leg up in trophies by offering copies of items that took research, testing, and ingenuity to produce. All of the rewards with none of the work. I have not and will not (without permission from the original creator) post any item I am able to recreate. Why should someone get credit for something they didn't do? On to the review...

Pro's -
1. TINTED's advanced compression tool uses a remarkably low amount of thermo.

2. It causes very little to almost completely unnoticeable lag upon placement, and very little lag while present. This makes it easy to use in 1 player only levels online without crashing the visitors game.

3. Because of the extremely low thermo usage it can be easily spawned from an emitter without causing the game to freeze or lag from spawning.

4. It is very compact and easily placed out of the way.

5. For those sack people that have done a relative amount of research into compression/merge tools, it is extremely easy to build your own tool of this type. (Its not my tool so I'm not going to explain to others how to build it)

6. A copy is readily available to sack people who go to the website that has the entry code, and who have nimble enough fingers to enter the code in on the level before the lock times out.

Con's - There are very few cons to this wonderful item, but there are a few.

1. With the current build technique there are only two (non glitched) materials that it can be composed of. One of the two materials is very easily destabilized if anything makes direct contact or causes a force in the direction of the tool and the other material requires a rediculous amount of thermo the get the desired compression/merge effect.

2. That fact (assuming you want to build your own) almost completely eliminates the ability to personalize the item to you other than using stickers to change the color or pattern.

3. The only way to eliminate the tools effects is by elimination of the tool itself. There are several options:
(a). blow it up
(b). crush it with a much larger and heavier object set to the same Z plane.
(c) Set it on an emitter life timer and try to accomplish your goal before the time expires.
(d) in edit mode only, rectangle select the entire object and delete it, then replace it when you want to merge again.

5. the currently available advanced technology compression tool only comes in 1 strength - Full on compression with black hole and no material contact on the right side of the tool. So your options are:

(a) Pause the game for the entire build process which completely eliminates the "advanced no pause required for the tool to remain stable" option of the merge tool
Note: you must still remain flying so you don't fall through the floor or learn to do some fancy poppit lasso techniques for building while remaining on the right side of the tool or:

(b) Remain flying the entire time so you don't fall through the floor, never fully exit your poppit , otherwise you will have to pause the game to keep your merged object/ material from falling through the floor unless your material floats on its own (dark matter, pink floaty) or you can select and move all objects to the right side of the tool. Eliminate the tool every time you want to check the balance or mobility of the merged object/material, or the ability of sack boy to traverse a merged object/material, and replace the tool when you want to continue merging. You could also make airborne "copies" of the merged objects and delete the originals, eliminate the tool, then place the objects for testing.

Please do not let this review in any way make you think I do not like or do not recommend this tool for use. I think it is an awesome tool. The tool and the tools creator both deserve large amounts of praise. I simply want to offer an alternative. I will provide the pro's and con's of my tool as well.

Pro's -

1. My compression tool truly "no pause" stabilized. It is not destabilized by normal contact with other objects or forces. (It CAN be crushed)

2. My compression tool is toggleable/variable strength so there is no elimination of the tool required to negate its effects. Because of the variable strength availability, there is no need to pause the game or eliminate the tool to do checks or to prevent the object/material from falling through the floor.

3. The compression/merge strength of my compression tool is selectable for the situation/application in which it will be used. There are four different strength settings. It can be set to merge without the black hole effect. It can be set even be set where there is no black hole, sackboy makes contact with objects/materials normally, but objects/materials can still be merged.

4. Lag while the tool is in place (depending on strength setting of course) is also negligible.

5. Here is a big one for me: You can merge anywhere. Above, below, left, or right of the tool. It doesn't matter where you are merging in relation to the tool, even on the lowest strength setting! Just to make sure of this I placed my tool on the right side level barrier wall and flew back to the spawn point at the left side level barrier wall. The merge function still worked perfectly on the lowest setting.

6. My compression tool can be made of ANY object or material that doesn't have switches or moving parts, so it is VERY individually customizable. This is because my build technique for the tool is similar, but different. Want a merge tool made of saw blades from the monster DLC kit? No prob! Want a merge tool made of the "Lava" material? No prob! This does not include switches, bolts, pistons, or any objects that utilize those things in their design example: sentry turret from the MGS DLC kit. Technically it COULD be done, but I would have to remove any emitters, bolts, motors, etc. and glue the material pieces together.

7. My compression tool is also relatively low thermo. Considering I used a rod and a piston in the design to allow strength variance, its very low. TINTED's tool uses approximately 0.75 thermo bars. Mine uses approximately 1.75 thermo bars. I have seen pause required compression tools that use 3.00 to 5.00 thermo bars, so in the scheme of things I'm still well below the norm on thermo for available compression tools.

Now for the hard part. Not because there are no cons to my compression tool, I just hate to criticize my own work.

Cons -

1. My compression tool does cause a noticeable amount of initial placement lag. After placement, it is very low and almost completely unnoticeable.

2. Spawning my compression tool from an emitter can cause SERIOUS lag and possibly even freeze the game up. Since it is variable power there is no need to spawn it from an emitter, just activate it with an auto (proximity) switch or allow the player to turn it on and off at will with a 2 way or grab switch.

3. Although the initial load time for a level containing my tool is actually pretty quick, there is a pause. I'll explain. The level will unzip and enter the portal very quickly. It's the white screen you get right before the spawn that's the trouble. I have had the white screen for up to 20 seconds before I spawned into the level. I thought my game froze up the first time I went into the level, but it didn't. It just was on the white screen for a few extra seconds. I will say that there is no noticeable lag once the player has spawned or dies and respawns. I HAVE used my compression tool online on a friends moon without crashing the game.

4. The creation of my compression tool is not nearly as easy or readily accessible. The build technique is not entirely unique, but does not lend itself to "accidental" discovery. There are special requirements that must be met in order for the tool to be properly stabilized and function properly.

5. I have posted a demonstration level, but I have not posted a collectable version of the tool for other people to use. Call me what you will, but I won't just hand it out for others to copy and claim for themselves. I will hand it out to a few select people for testing and review. After further testing and verification of the tools usefulness, I will release it for use.

As ridiculous as it sounds, that all I can think of on cons for my compression tool. Regardless of what compression tool you use, I recommend having one at your disposal. They can come in handy more often than you would think.

Well, let me know what you think and message if you would like to try out my compression tool. I really would like to get other peoples opinion on my compression tool, both good and bad. Props to TINTED and Toothpick for their examples in compression technology. Without their examples to study, my compression tool would NEVER have been possible.

Happy gadding everyone,
2012-06-16 01:13:00

Unknown User

What does a compression tool do, and when is it useful?2012-06-17 14:25:00

Posts: 346

When I followed comphermc's video tutorial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7Uc9Cs9QEs) I found you only needed to emit 81 pieces of glass instead of 100. It cuts down lag a bit.

What does a compression tool do, and when is it useful?
It allows you to merge objects and materials together so they occupy the same physical space. You can make some neat looking things by using it.
2012-06-17 17:57:00

Posts: 2454

I watched the video link to comphermc's tutorial. Now I feel kind of stupid for even mentioning my compression tool. Yes you have to keep the game paused, but if a person preloaded the emitter and saved it in the "my objects" section it takes about 20-30 seconds to produce and use a compression tool using comphermc's method. Or you could produce the tool and save the product in "my objects". Mine still has the no pause advantage, and solid floor (no black hole effect), but the ease at which the tool can be produced now, my version of the compression tool only has an extremely minor advantage in usefulness. Well at least I tried.
Happy Gadding All,
2012-06-18 19:44:00

Unknown User

There is a compression/merge tool that causes no lag at all. put a microchip on the object you want to merge. put two chips on that microchip. now R2 and select those two chips and voila, merge. really easy and best of all. NO lag. I can't take credit, complete tutorial here. Lag Free Merge Tool (http://www.littlebigplanetarium.com/topic/3417-lag-free-merge-tool/)2012-06-18 21:43:00

Posts: 8424

The tool I presented was built on and intended for LBP 1. I actually messaged several people to have them take a look at my compression tool to see if it would be usable/useful in LBP 2. I received no review or reply. That's good that it is so much easier on LBP 2. Thank you for the info.2012-06-18 21:58:00

Unknown User

Something else I figured out recently about my compression tool. It isn't possible to produce this type of compression tool on LBP 2. At least not using my current technique to stabilize. It will import and function properly from Lbp 1, but cannot be physically produced on LBP 2. That's a pro and a con. A pro because it would be an extremely rare object to possess on LBP 2, a con because I will only be able to customize it based on LBP 1 objects and materials. import and material change doesn't work. The material seams are perfectly aligned due to cut editing of the final shape of the tool. I suppose I could build a sloppy one, stabilize it, import it, material change it, then clean up the edges. I think I'll give that a try.2012-06-20 22:41:00

Unknown User

Nice review dude, I haven't heard much on the compression tool front since comphermc's tutorial on it, I myself have enjoyed the benefits of it for a long time ever since I found it in a level, and I wrote up a tutorial on how to use TINTED's version as well (see my sig) great that someone has been looking over the object and getting a better understanding of it , TINTED's version works in lbp2, but like you said, can't be recreated the same way, but the way biorogue linked to looks pretty sweet as well 2012-06-21 06:21:00

Posts: 771

Double thanks to you damaz10. I read the article you wrote on the first day I joined LBPC about 3 months ago, and it made me want to go get one of these tools straight away. It was because of your article that I was able to locate, acquire, and research the compression tools from TINTED and tooth_pick210 and develop my own version of the compression tool. My tool works in lbp2, it just cannot be built on lbp2. It has to be built on lbp1 and imported.2012-06-21 13:46:00

Unknown User

Well I'm glad I helped you in a small way the compression tool itself is a really valuable asset to any lbp creator, kudos to you for going in-depth about the nuances of it2012-06-23 04:02:00

Posts: 771

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