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LBP Music Artists

Archive: 4 posts

Ever listened to a song in LBP and thought, "This is so cool! I wonder what their other music sounds like?" Personally, for the longest time, I didn't care, I didn't even think about it. I would just think about that cool LBP song and say, "Yup, that's cool." I hadn't heard of the artists before LBP either, not any of them.
Well, lately I've actually gone and looked at more music by the artists who's music is licensed in LBP, and some of it is really nice.

My personal favorites are R?yksopp and Ochre.

We all know of R?yksopp's inclusion of music in LBP2...their instrumental version of the song Vision One was used in the brain blasting Higginbotham level.

LBP instrumental version of the song.

Ever listened to the non-instrumental version of the song? I really prefer it over the instrumental. I understand why they wouldn't use this version in LBP though. It doesn't have anything bad in it...it's just a little deep for younger minds, I suppose. But, with lyrics combined, it actually fits in really well with the brain blasting level. It's likely why it was put in there, but the lyrics may have been taken out later on.

Original Vision One song.

Now, onto R?yksopp's other music. Favorites of mine are R?yksopp Forever and Alpha Male. Although there's many more songs of theirs I really like, those are the top two.

Alpha Male, a little slow to start, but it really builds up the beat.

R?yksopp Forever; I just really liked stringed instruments.

Let's look at Ochre, the lesser known artist. This guy is a standalone artist, unlike the duo team R?yksopp. He's prefers to make ambient, abstract songs. His song was featured shortly in the caterpillar race level. He's also the artist (due to excitement) that accidentally tweeted about LBP2 before it was announced.

Infotain Me, the song from LBP2's caterpillar level.

Ochre's other music is interesting too. His music is certainly not like anything I've heard before, but I really like it.

A song from an album older than the one Infotain Me was in.

I've looked at some music by Plaid and Daniel Pemberton too, but not all of them, I'm still enjoying these few artists here. What songs have you heard by licensed artists in LBP, that you like?
2012-06-13 01:05:00

Posts: 4193

What a nice premise for a conversation. I love a lot of songs by "The GO Team" and I love pretty much anything by Daniel pemberton. I would listen to them more... but Mum is currently holding my ears hostage. 2012-06-25 04:13:00

Posts: 1990

What a nice premise for a conversation. I love a lot of songs by "The GO Team"

Hell to the yeah! The GO! Team have a few awesome tunes!:



DJ Krush has a pretty enjoyable back catalogue too:


You left out this one by R?yksopp, Warlord!


Also, Sqaurepusher. He's one of my all time favourites in pushing the boundaries of electronic music:


Have you seen what this man can do with a bass guitar and a synthesizer live? We are not worthy!


I'm a bit of a Squarepusher fan, so i'll just leave these (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnZVY7ksMr0) here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvLAKrVbCBM) too. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuIXpqV4PVs)

The dev team behind the LBP games did a really good job in finding a diverse, memorable and unique sound for the game, props Mm!

(P.S. Yeah! I love music themed threads!)
2012-06-25 07:00:00

Posts: 1477

I am listening to Grand Pocket Orchestra - I Deal In Bits And Bobs right now. The funny thing is Mm used their song Ballet Shoes for one of the trailers to LBP2.


2012-06-25 23:26:00

Posts: 785

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