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The Console Wars V: Sign ups
Archive: 155 posts
http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr79/UltimateClay/TheConsoleWar5OfficialBanner.png ...Thing is, everyone has their place in something that they'll be doing forever. Being lazy, working your whole life, whatever. It's something different for everyone, and what matters is the people who are actually doing important things that help the rest of us. Figured it out yet? Yeah, I'm talking about this war right here. Bunch of us found our place in it and did everything we could, but it wasn't enough, and there were still hundreds of people that could easily could've found their calling in this war, when it mattered most. 2 months after the events of Blackout, and 27 years after the 4th war, the big 3 are at war again, with the unity of them all but destroyed by the elusive cults and groups of previous wars coming to bring forth an even greater evil in the midst of chaos, but a chaos that the factions have no other way to end, but in war... What is TCW? The Console Wars, for those who aren't familiar, is the greatest story of heart, badassery, and cliffhangers that you'll ever find.* We are a culmination of writers who band together to create an epic tale about the big 3 in gaming today, the soldiers behind the factions seeking peace and revenge, and their war to be the last console standing in a world of constant chaos and destruction trying to bring them down. What you're doing Basically, you're writing the story of your characters in the war. The battles that you're in, the defining moments, the secret missions, the moments of tranquillity, etc. (Each section of your story is known as a post, or a 'toast' as most of us call them) How epic and hearwarming/stopping TCW is will be 100% determined by you guys, and enforced by me, and everyone else, so make sure you've done something that you're proud of, and make sure that you interact with the other characters in game as much as possible within reason, and with the consent of others of course. Read up on some of the old wars if you don't get what I mean, you can easily figure it out fast then. (Not the first war though, I'm pretty sure that not much of that is legible.) The Console Wars (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=18485-The-Console-Wars) The Console Wars: Revival (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=22354-The-Console-Wars-Revisited*NEW-THREAD*) The Console Wars 2: Renewal (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=27190-The-Console-Wars-Renewal) The Console Wars 3 (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=39791-The-Console-Wars-3) The Console Wars IV (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=53638-The-Console-Wars-IV) The Console Wars: Blackout (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=64383-The-Console-Wars-Blackout) (NOTE: IT IS NOT REQUIRED THAT YOU READ ALL OF THESE AND STUDY EVERY ASPECT OF THE STORY TO SIGN UP, IN FACT, I DON'T EVEN RECOMMEND IT.) What's new in TCW5 Faction Points System: Your actions will influence the outcome of your faction in the war through a points system; the more points that you have, the better that your faction will do in the thick of things. Faction Points can be earned or deducted depending on what happens in battles, what missions succeed or fail, etc. Please do not let this system change your plans for posts. Remember that we're still telling a story here, and that the points should just be something in the back of your head and not altering your story massively. Weekly Reports: Every week we do reports which detail the stuff that that happened, and where we reveal some random events that are going to happen, which would be battles, attacks, destroying stuff, important moments for certain characters, stuff like that, and i'll also be checking to make sure that everyone's active either weekly or every other week. NEXT! Rules 1: Anything non-story/post/toast must be said in double brackets, like this: ((This comment is not story related.)) PLEASE PEOPLE, PLEASE KEEP IT LIKE THIS. We're trying to steer clear of confusion here, and if you have your post like: Alexa retreated back into the base, her hopes dashed by the sniper waiting down the alleyway. It's a short post, sorry guys. ...then it's really disorganized and confusing to people, so please: Alexa retreated back into the base, her hopes dashed by the sniper waiting down the alleyway. ((It's a short post, sorry guys.)) 2: PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT POSTS ARE FREE OF SPELLING AND GRAMMAR ERRORS. I may not make it seem as such, but we're really serious about writing an epic tale here, so PLEASE check your posts for spelling and grammatical errors. You could even send them to me if you're unsure of something, and I'll check it over. You guys got that? Good. Next rule. 3: If you're going to join up and start moulding the story with everyone else, make sure that you're going to stick around to keep writing. I'd really like to avoid the kind of plot holes that we've experienced in the past with people leaving and not writing anymore posts after like a week. As long as you think you can stick around with us, and contribute, then we'll be fine. 4: Make sure that your posts make sense, and aren't completely game changing. This is pretty self explanatory, is it not? You can't have posts that are going to completely screw over someone else's characters, or the story by being like: Jack pressed a button, and all of a sudden the Sony and Nintendo main bases totally vanished, and teleported into a different dimension. None of that please, we've had bad experiences with this kind of situation in the past. Also, as stated before, make sure that you get approval before doing something significant with others' characters as to not differ their story from something that they had in mind. Also logic; make sure posts are logical. 5: CREATIVITY. This is the finale of TCW, so we need to make this as epic as possible. Of course, this is about Consoles, so we do need to have the obligatory gaming references, but please come up with as much original content as possible. We're going to need some action, revenge, tragedy, comedy, even love stories. (Let's stay with in reason please, family website.) -This may sound pretty power hungry, but I reserve the right to refuse a sign-up if I don't think you're fit for the role, there are conflicts, or the rules are broken. -Keep in mind, if you decide that you want to join in and sign ups have ended, you can send me a PM and I'll see if I can fit you in -Follow the rules. Do it please. -You know you want to. Sign up process Pretty straightforward here, there's an easy few things that you can fill out for your characters, and we're doing things slightly differently this time around, as any NPCs or other characters you bring in other than your main character need to have their own application as well. 2 PARTS: CHARACTER AND PLAYER SO HERE IT IS, TIME TO FILL IT OUT SO YOU CAN JOIN Player Application TCW History: (If you've been in previous wars, just explain what you've done here.) Writing experience: (Not required, but helpful, and if you haven't had previous experience, then this should be a massive help to you.) Reason for joining: (Just put 'Because cubes.' if you can't think of anything.) Character Application (CREATIVITY REMEMBER, BE SOMETHING UNIQUE! And don't feel limited to some of the examples either.) BASIC INFO Name: (The name or nickname of your character.) Age: (The amount of years your character has spent alive.) Faction: (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, or Unaffiliated. Unaffiliated also includes factions other than the big three.) Faction Role: (The role your character takes within his/her faction. Engineer, pilot, medic, etc.) DETAILED INFO Appearance: (How your character looks. Clothing, physique, face, hair etc.) Personality: (How your character acts.) Skills/Weapons: (The skills and weapons your character possesses.) Bio/Backstory: (The backstory of your character. What they've done in their life, what they're good at, stuff like that.) SO. Let's all have a good time here and make this the most epic Console War ever, got that? Alright, let's get this show on the road then, and get to some sign ups! | 2012-06-09 19:45:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
I SHALL LEAD US INTO A NEW WORLD. TCW History: Was briefly part of TCW4. Ended up getting my head blown off in that. In Blackout, I crashed a plane into Sao Paulo, nuked one of Sony's and Nintendo's major cities, and had a boring character. Writing experience: Various little things, attended a few writing "classes", currently in the process of writing a small book. Reason for joining: Because Merc put me at gunpoint for Blackout, and I've helped with 5. BASIC INFO Name: Gabriel Lee Age: 44 Faction: Nintendo Faction Role: Courier DETAILED INFO Appearance: Messy, dark grey hair. Short boxed/lumberjack beard. Tired, green eyes. Wears a tan Stetson. Rough, dirty clothing covers rough, dirty skin. Personality: Cold, violent, smart alec, reasonably intelligent, caring towards those he considers close friends or family. Usually in the leader role. Skills/Weapons: Is very knowledgeable when it comes to electronics, even ancient ones. Knows how to survive under worst case scenarios. Slightly athletic. Prefers a revolver and knife, but uses a shotgun on occasion. Backstory: Gabriel grew on up a farm in Southern USA along with his sister, father, and mother. All was well until a sudden fire burned everything to the ground, and leaving Gabriel as the only survivor. He was horribly traumatized and fled to the nearby forest. It took a week for him to be found? perfectly healthy under a make-shift tent. After that, he went to live with his uncle in the city of New Natal. Life started to look up, and upon meeting the girl of his dreams, it went through the roof. Gabriel and Susan married each other only a few months after first meeting, and had a daughter named Annabella. Not wanting her to grow up in the dangerous city, the young family moved to the nearby town of Faithville. Unfortunately, a strange scream erupted eight years later, causing over half the population in Faithville to go insane and start attacking each other. Gabriel found himself forced to kill Susan when she attempted to mutilate Annabella. For the next six years, Gabriel?s and Annabella?s life was a living hell, but their relationship grew strong. When the mysterious group known as Blackout attacked the town, a rare opportunity to escape through Nintendo?s blockade emerged, and it was a chance the two took. Before he could leave though, Gabriel was tasked by a man known as Isaac to guard a mysterious crate containing the console known as the Sega Neptune. After that, Gabriel and Annabella fled to a small yet lively town. The two lived happy lives, despite the trauma they had endured, and even when the crate was taken from Gabriel by a mysterious Nintendo agent. Gabriel had even enlisted in Nintendo as a courier and was making decent money. One day however, he was offered a job that couldn?t be refused. A vault requiring a key had been discovered near Faithville, which the Nintendo base in the town had. Gabriel was tasked with delivering the key across a fourth of the country by foot, until he was captured by Atari, who wanted the vault for themselves. Now Gabriel finds himself in a cold, depressing cell far underground, with no hopes of escape. But even then, under such dire circumstances, hope finds a way to help all those in need. BASIC INFO Name: Jackson Taylor Age: 38 Faction: Unaffiliated/Ex-Blackout Faction Role: Prisoner DETAILED INFO Appearance: Scrawny, pale, average-length brown hair with a naked chin on a long face. Personality: Selfish, egotistical, diabolical, charismatic. Skills/Weapons: Genius and good at convincing people to do what he desires. Also a very skilled liar. Horrible at physical combat however, relying on the help of others or technology. Backstory: Jackson was an innocent child raised by a twisted family. Jackson?s father was a wealthy yet insane cultist, hell bent on improving the human body. Jackson?s mother had similar ideals, and was on expert on anything human. Civilization, genetics, so on and so far. This was the life Jackson and his sister found themselves wedged into, a horrible existence they were forced to endure. One day, when she was in her late teens, Jackson?s sister was asked to cut open a still-breathing man. She violently refused, and ran away from home. This broke something in Jackson, who was rather close to her, and caused him to become half rebellious and half willing to go along with his parents? sick schemes. Rather than improve the human to create an improved daily life however, Jackson wished to enhance key subjects to eventually create a single, ruling power. This, he believed, would lead to world peace. Besides the ear-piercing screams coming from his basement, life continued normally for Jackson. He went to school, got amazing grades, even had a girlfriend (the poor soul). One day though, he was asked by SEGA to lead a rather disturbing project. They wished to re-enter the console market using revolutionary technology they had found. The tech, when powered by an organic and intelligent being, could be used to brainwash and control anyone and everyone. This fit perfectly well with Jackson?s sick ideals, and he accepted the offer at once. Thus, Project Genesis came to life. A nameless girl was used as the host for the technology, and three other kids were brought on as test subjects. Those forced to undergo the trials suffered greatly, especially the host, who was now called Genesis. Eventually, it was discovered that a boy known as Michael would be a far superior host than Genesis, but upon attempting to replace her, she emitted a horrible scream which caused the town of Faithville to turn insane and violent. Jackson barely managed to escape, but shortly after was contacted by a mysterious group known as Blackout. They had heard of Project Genesis, and wished to use its power for themselves. Jackson, not wanting all his work to go to waste, accepted their offer to continue the project. For the next six years, Jackson attempted to recover blueprints for a missile known as Explosive Mind Annihilators. Before the scream had occurred, SEGA had suspected the technology within Genesis to be capable of turning a man insane. Six prototype EMAs were developed in case SEGA ever needed to defend itself from a hostile force. It was with these Blackout intended to destroy all the factions, but Jackson had different plans. Upon finally reaching the missiles, and in turn their blueprints, Jackson began to prepare to launch them at each faction?s capital and biggest city (second biggest assuming their largest was their capital). He was confronted by two of his test subjects (including Michael) and a man known as Isaac however, causing him to enter a hostile confrontation. Isaac had with him the crate that contained the SEGA Neptune, something Jackson wished to possess. A battle broke out, and in the end, Isaac was dead, Michael was injured, and Edin had fled. Jackson put the crate onto a transportation platform, launched the missiles, and fled Faithville. Upon arriving at the transportation platform?s arrival site, Jackson met a man known as Gabriel. The two fought, but Gabriel easily won and took the SEGA Neptune. Nintendo soldiers caught up with Jackson and arrested him, sticking him in a prison until they decided what to do with him. They eventually decided to transfer him to a high-level prison, but he was captured by Atari soldiers mid-relocation. He now finds himself in a secret, underground prison threatened with death for betraying Blackout, and in turn, Atari itself. | 2012-06-09 19:59:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
OH GOD HELP ME Player Application TCW History: NONE WHATSOEVER Writing experience: I wrote stuff. Don't feel like explaining what. Reason for joining: My pet brat forced me to Character Application (CREATIVITY REMEMBER, BE SOMETHING UNIQUE! And don't feel limited to some of the examples either.) BASIC INFO Name: Rock Sauron Age: Timeless Faction: Nintendo Faction Role: Hero of Legend/ Leader DETAILED INFO Appearance: Clad in a a green tunic over chain mail, slightly muscular, face clean shaven, pointy ears Personality: Very, very heroic and awesome Skills/Weapons: The Hero Sword, a mighty blade of Sony's bane. Very intuitive, can solve puzzles quite easily Bio/Backstory: The legendary hero who defeated the evil Commodore and saved Nintendo years ago. After saving the land, Rock sealed himself away in Hero's Crypt, promising to return in the hour of Nintendo's great need. After an unknown faction nuked Hyrule City, Rock awoke to fulfill that vow. Armed with a blade forged by the great god Shigeru himself, Rock will fight to bring Nintendo to prosperity once more. | 2012-06-09 22:26:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
ROCK VS. JACK VS. GDN This is going to be epic. | 2012-06-09 22:28:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
[WITTY COMMENT] Player Application TCW History: From CW3 to Blackout. Became commander and friends with Zim in CW3, fighting all kinds of enemies and helping to end the war. In CW4, came back to life and started to find gaps in the past. In CWB, played as a different character, but later returned to the older one. Writing experiences: Can only say that CW was my biggest experience in writing long-term stories. Reason for joining: Because there's a lot of loose ends to be dealt with! BASIC INFO Name: GDN (full name is unknown) Age: Apparent 40, but it's actually over 60 Faction: SONY Faction Role: SONY Commander DETAILED INFO http://oi45.tinypic.com/2d8bix.jpg (by TheZimInvader) Appearance: Sackperson. Has about 2/3 the height of a normal human. Personality: Very overprotective. Prefers to take matters into his own hands than letting others risk their lives. He has also become quite depressive after CW4. Skills/Weapons: He knows basic survival techniques and weapon handling. Also known as a helicopter/jet pilot. He usually carries a M416 and a handgun. Bio/Backstory: His mother died when he was born, and his dad was assassinated a few years later. GDN grew in an orphanage, where he was constantly being bullied for being considered a puny sackperson. He decided to prove them wrong by joining the army. He fought as an unknown soldier in the first two wars, and earned high ranks. He finally became Commander when the last one got murdered. That was when he met Zim, whom he started to look after as a daughter. The two got involved in all kinds of adventures, including meeting clones of themselves and using an alien artifact to restore peace to the world. GDN got killed in that last adventure, but was found alive weeks later, prisoner of a newly found group, Ascension. In the quest that ensued to find out about this new group, Zim discovered that GDN was responsible for the death of her family, growing to hate on him and finally run away from him. Depressed, and after failing to protect his friend Mercuy during a recon mission, GDN abandoned his position as Commander, leaving the place to be filled by another rising officer. He would be found only 15 years after, by an agent named Rico Martinez and Zim herself. Finally reconciling things with Zim, he discovers that the new Commander was working for Ascension's new branch, Blackout. GDN manages to kill the traitorous Commander, and is rescued by Zim. Now, finally back in the Commander position, is time to settle things... BASIC INFO Name: Zim Invader Age: Over 40 Faction: SONY Faction Role: Second in Command at SONY DETAILED INFO http://oi45.tinypic.com/14kxzra.jpg (by TheZimInvader) Appearance: Sackperson. GDN and her are believed to be the last two of the kind. Personality: She is usually serious and cold. Very skeptical, the only one she truly trusts is GDN, and even that is subject to changing. Skills/Weapons: Her main weapon is her staff. She dislikes having to resort to firearms. Zim learned a lot about survival during the time she spent on her own, and so she is a master in perks like sneaking and free-running, as well as attacking and defending herself. Bio/Backstory: Zim grew up in a normal family, but financial issues and the upcoming war made her run away from her home. She spent a long time alone, learning useful skills but forgetting about her past. One day, on the verge of CW3, she went after GDN, who at first believed she was just another little girl. Turns out that little girl was going to experience all kinds of adventures by the side of the Commander. But, after CW3, her relation with GDN would decay as she finally returned to her old home and found it destroyed, by nobody else but GDN. After he ran away, Zim abandoned SONY and hid herself on her old village. Found years later by Rico Martinez, the two went after a search for GDN. Zim finally forgave him for his mistakes and returned to S?o Paulo with him. Now that a new war is right around the corner, Zim has started to experience strange nightmares, nightmares she thinks that might have something to do with her past experiences... And maybe even Blackout. | 2012-06-09 22:31:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Well, I already knew that I'd return for TCW5, but you really made it look amazing. But wait, LAST Console War? D: This changes so much...was kind of hoping to bring some characters back for future wars... I mean, I guess it makes sense, since this is a two-parter war, but man..... TCW History: Blackout was the first Console War I've served in. Writing experience: I'm alright at writing I believe. I mean, I haven't done many actual classes lately, and I could've done so much better in Blackout, but I think I can do better in TCW5. Interactive stories like this is great practice by the way. Reason for joining: Like I stated above, I was involved with Blackout, and since this is Part 2 to Blackout in a sense, might as well hop on board. Oh, also, TCW rocks. BASIC INFO Name: Heather Jubilee Age: 27 Faction: Well, she was working for Sony, but now she's unaffiliated, since Blackout kidnapped her at the Vanilla Bean Roadside Diner, outside of New Natal. Faction Role: At first, she was an assistant for Isaac Knowles, Vice President of one of Sony's major branches in it's capital city of Sao Paulo. Now, she's been dragged into some sort of twisted hell hole, so right now, she's just trying to stay alive. She'll be going into special missions though, if that's what you're asking for. DETAILED INFO Appearance: She'll be switching between regular clothes and some squad gear sometimes, although her face won't really be covered much, if at all. She has natural dark blonde hair and blue eyes, and will be pretty beat up in some cases. (At least around the beginning) Personality: Because Blackout captured her, tortured her, and kept her in a miniature cell, locked away from anyone else for several weeks, she'll be suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and will freak out sometimes. Seems a bit odd, but it makes sense. It'll also be pretty tough on her when she figures out her own best friend, Isaac Knowles, had died, and will blame herself, dropping him off in Faithville without any help. She's not gonna be too emotional and all, that would just make her annoying, but I do plan to fit in that despair cycling inside her mind and body, to give some of my posts true, emotional depth that hopefully will add to the overall war. Skills/Weapons: She trained in archery when she was a child, but that's been a while. Still, she can handle a gun fairly well, but is not a complete expert. Due to several doses of electric torture, she suffers from constant spasms, which will mess her up in certain situations Bio/Backstory: Heather Jubilee was an average girl. She had a loving mother, but her father died before she was ever born. Still, they were able to push through until the economy collapsed in her teenage years. Her mother was having trouble supporting the two of them after getting laid off, but Heather was maturing, and decided to head off, and get her own job and home, at a fairly young age. At age 20, she met a guy named Isaac Knowles, and they became great friends. A few years later, when she was really struggling to make ends meet, he hired her onto Sony, and not long after, made her his personal assistant. They were great friends, and were doing plenty to help each other out. One day though, Isaac had gotten a mysterious crate delivered to him, that looked to be like Ascension, just like others found around the world....only it was different, and the two of them were pulled into things. They met many along the way, as Isaac tried finding answers, and after he buried the crate for safe keeping in Canniba Valley, where his father had been killed, and he would've been too if he hadn't escaped, it was returned to him when they went to the base of four other Sony agents, where it was sent back to him. Isaac knew what he had to do, he had to head for the Sega Headquarters, right in the heart of Faithville which was currently a mad house, and electrically charge the crate before it ran out of juice. Heather helped drive him there, but then found something, while trying to help stop Blackout. She found information that pointed to Rico Martinez, a friend of Isaac's, who worked for the S.S.O., to be working for Blackout, transmitting classified Sony data to the terrorist groups. As she tried picking up his trail though, she was captured by Blackout Agents, and thrown in Atari Prison, as they knew she had something to do with Isaac Knowles, Rico Martinez, and possibly Seera Ihkrov, messenger of the crate. With each and every torture session though, her knowledge of reality begins to slip, more and more, not knowing how much longer she'll last. BASIC INFO Name: As far as we know, Drago is his real name. It is never revealed if he had some other name before, so we can assume that he had a name change later in his life, so basically, his name is the same as his nickname. Age: 32 Faction: Nintendo Faction Role: Field Agent/Analyst. He also has some experience with explosives. DETAILED INFO Appearance: Dark Brown Hair. He has a few scars from battles before, and sports a robotic hand, along with part of his arm, replacing what he was forced to cut off when bitten by a highly venomous and genetically altered Octorok that were purposefully released, in one of Nintendo's biggest cities. It was Drago's job to help stop the outbreak. He has greenish-brown eyes. Personality: He might fit in a few joke-ey lines here and there, but Drago has a goal. To help stop Blackout. Because of Sony waging war against Nintendo, despite Nintendo's various claims that they meant to no harm, Drago has built up a large hatred for Sony. When he rescues Heather in the beginning of TCW5, he does what he can to help her, but cannot forgive Sony for what they've done. Skills/Weapons: His left hand is artificial, but works marvelously. He has implemented several features that he is still fiddling with, but it helps become a weapon of his own. He'll also be carrying a pistol sometimes, and knows a few fighting moves. Bio/Backstory: Drago lived a somewhat normal life, in the city of Seattle. He has a great interest in Nintendo, studying their products, finding hidden messages, and things that related to their involvement in past wars. One day though, a band of criminals hi-jacked a Nintendo boat, sailing out with a bunch of valuable items Nintendo had stored in there. One of which truely interested Drago, called the Lightning 'Shroom. The Lightning 'Shroom was a power-up that was meant to be placed in Super Mario Bros. as an Easter Egg, by hitting down on the buttons in a certain fashion. Only this was the real deal, said to bring someone back to life, if they weren't dead any longer than 90 seconds. Drago was able to sneak aboard the ship, and took down all the people with his trusty shotgun, as well as cutting off part of the engine. He waited for Nintendo agents to arrive at the ship. Nintendo was impressed by his great feat, and were going to honor him with a plaque. but Drago had a different request, he wanted a job as a field agent for Nintendo, which they happily complied with, not knowing that he had secretly stolen their Lightning 'Shroom, which he holds onto to this very day, waiting for the right moment to use it. By the way Merc, I'm gonna try finishing the roundup tomorrow, and will send it to you, so you can fit it in the O.P. if you want. I mean, it's up to you...it's very long, and since it seems people who stuck with it are returning for 5, they basically are explaining the important stuff in their back-stories, which kind of mold together into the roundup xD | 2012-06-09 23:28:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
SETTING UP THE MOOD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2em9Zoi_Qso&feature=relmfu i can write in caps if i want! | 2012-06-10 00:53:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
ROCK VS. JACK VS. GDN This is going to be epic. Anything involving me is epic :kz: | 2012-06-10 02:09:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Well, seeing that you guys timed applications just right, I think I'll stick around for this one longer than just a couple of posts. Besides, it's about time you guys received some decent storytelling for once... And nice reference, yah jerk. xD TCW History: Main Microsoft representative since the first Console Wars. I also helped establish more detailed rules in the 3rd?/4th? (dunno) war. 1st war led to Sony & Nintendo on an all-out front against Microsoft, thus establishing myself as the main antagonist. 2nd war also led to another all-out battle against Microsoft for the most part, but I later dropped out. TCW3 through Blackout I wasn't very active, only briefly appearing in the beginning of each one (and posed as a different character in one of them; don't ask me which cuz I don't know). Writing experience: I write a lot on my spare time, so I've had plenty of practice. First thing I did on LBPC was joining an FRPG (but I was very noobish), and later brought this to relevance. Now I'm working on a story about LBPC... in a sense. Also wrote out the LBPC Haunt series, a bunch of stories centering around LBPC at Halloween time (still needs to be finished). Reason for joining: It's about time I got off of the sidelines and finally join this big ol' fiasco once more. Plus, it's also about time that I retire Jack and go on with a new, budding role-model... BASIC INFO Name: Joshua Barrett (Josh, for short) Age: 23 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Spy/Saboteur (operative name: Big Gun) DETAILED INFO Appearance: Broad-shouldered but slim, average height. Tends to blend into a crowd due to his occupation, but is easily distinguishable by his golden eyes by observant people. Black-haired. Facial hair changes due to his occupation but he tends to have some sort of goatee. Personality: Always suspicious. Due to his occupation, he tends to have a general distrust towards most people (except for the President, his co-workers, and his girlfriend Ashley). He's usually grouchy and harsh when he speaks, leading to most people suspecting he's short-tempered (which he's quite the opposite... unless people bother him with that question). Josh keeps opinions to himself, and doesn't bother to tell them since they're usually harsh and sarcastic. Skills/Weapons: Trained in espionage and reconnaissance, but he truly excels in demolitions. His explosives of choice tend to be a mix between C4 and Semtex, sometimes mashing the two together for a concentrated, volatile result. He tends to carry a concealed M1911 and, in more dangerous situations, a Remington 700. He knows close-quarters combat, but tends to set up explosive traps to avoid such confrontations. Bio/Backstory: Joshua grew up normally, acting like a total punk throughout his childhood. Since Microsoft suffered from an economic nose-dive due to the events of Blackout, his family had seen both sides of society, as their high middle-income household soon dropped to a low-income mess. Since his parents lacked any funds to take any vacations, and his siblings already moved out to college, he entertained himself in the only way a punk could: vandalism. Several times he was sent to juvenile hall for unruly behavior, and several tickets and complaints were written due to his tendencies to involve illegal fireworks in most of his antics. Frustrated, his parents sent him off to boot camp, where he was disciplined and brutalized by no other than COG soldiers, who quickly eliminated his punk-ish attitude and turned him into a man (a man with many bruises and broken bones, nonetheless). Noticed for his incredibly strong attributes in demolitions and ballistics, Josh was hand-picked to join the Wake Initiative, an intelligence agency dedicated to global reconnaissance and spec-ops involvement. Now with war breaking out once more, and Microsoft quickly losing neutrality, Joshua's actions in this war could spell victory or death for this reviving giant. BASIC INFO Name: Christopher Owen (Chris, for short) Age: 67 (though appears to be 40) Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: (Current) President of Microsoft DETAILED INFO Appearance: Well-built. Brown-skinned and tall, his figure is immediately imposing when people greet him, though his bright, brown eyes tend to soften the mood. His hair is also black, but he is well-groomed and sports a full beard and coarse hair. Tends to wear neutral-colored suits, but tends to drift towards darker colors like grey and black. Personality: Charismatic, but disciplined. Chris has a rather warm and welcoming persona when out in the public, always eager to answer questions and generally a nice guy. When at office or in other work-related situations, he's more reserved, rather soft-spoken and letting his eyes do the talking. Unlike Jack, Chris' temper is much less apparent, though he does struggle to hold it in when he sees injustice of any kind. Because of the legacy me must follow, his personality can turn a bit nervous or overwhelmed, especially when he's directly compared to Jack. Skills/Weapons: Because he is the new President, he also inherited certain symbioses, though he ages rather slowly instead of being immortal. He has digital capabilities, but not to the extent of the former President; he's only able to control nearby electronics and whatever his Kinect can capture, which has a limited range. He carries a loaded S&W 500 with him wherever he goes, and is trained in an MMA of kickboxing and CQB. Bio/Backstory: Jack is dead, and so are his friends. Though their deaths are unknown, they died heroes, and will forever be remembered in the rather brief history of Microsoft. With a new generation needing a new hero, Chris ran for office, using his experience as a Microsoft representative in the UN for credentials. In a landslide victory, "We Owe You" Owen won office and began his presidency shortly after the events of Blackout. Inheriting a small arrangement of Jack's augmented abilities, plus a fraction of his digitized memories so that he understands the importance of his role, Chris began to work on bringing Microsoft back to relevancy. Things did not go according to plan, however, as backlash from the events of Blackout and a drop of economic interest dropped the Microsoftian economy. Now with another Console War coming up fast on the horizon, Chris' presidential capabilities will be pushed to their limits, as he will eventually have to drag Microsoft once more into the thicket of things. | 2012-06-10 03:51:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
Character list is down here now so it's less trouble to constantly edit the main post. BASIC INFO Name: Gabriel Lee Age: 44 Faction: Nintendo Faction Role: Courier DETAILED INFO Appearance: Messy, dark grey hair. Short boxed/lumberjack beard. Tired, green eyes. Wears a tan Stetson. Rough, dirty clothing covers rough, dirty skin. Personality: Cold, violent, smart alec, reasonably intelligent, caring towards those he considers close friends or family. Usually in the leader role. Skills/Weapons: Is very knowledgeable when it comes to electronics, even ancient ones. Knows how to survive under worst case scenarios. Slightly athletic. Prefers a revolver and knife, but uses a shotgun on occasion. Backstory: Gabriel grew on up a farm in Southern USA along with his sister, father, and mother. All was well until a sudden fire burned everything to the ground, and leaving Gabriel as the only survivor. He was horribly traumatized and fled to the nearby forest. It took a week for him to be found… perfectly healthy under a make-shift tent. After that, he went to live with his uncle in the city of New Natal. Life started to look up, and upon meeting the girl of his dreams, it went through the roof. Gabriel and Susan married each other only a few months after first meeting, and had a daughter named Annabella. Not wanting her to grow up in the dangerous city, the young family moved to the nearby town of Faithville. Unfortunately, a strange scream erupted eight years later, causing over half the population in Faithville to go insane and start attacking each other. Gabriel found himself forced to kill Susan when she attempted to mutilate Annabella. For the next six years, Gabriel’s and Annabella’s life was a living hell, but their relationship grew strong. When the mysterious group known as Blackout attacked the town, a rare opportunity to escape through Nintendo’s blockade emerged, and it was a chance the two took. Before he could leave though, Gabriel was tasked by a man known as Isaac to guard a mysterious crate containing the console known as the Sega Neptune. After that, Gabriel and Annabella fled to a small yet lively town. The two lived happy lives, despite the trauma they had endured, and even when the crate was taken from Gabriel by a mysterious Nintendo agent. Gabriel had even enlisted in Nintendo as a courier and was making decent money. One day however, he was offered a job that couldn’t be refused. A vault requiring a key had been discovered near Faithville, which the Nintendo base in the town had. Gabriel was tasked with delivering the key across a fourth of the country by foot, until he was captured by Atari, who wanted the vault for themselves. Now Gabriel finds himself in a cold, depressing cell far underground, with no hopes of escape. But even then, under such dire circumstances, hope finds a way to help all those in need. BASIC INFO Name: As far as we know, Drago is his real name. It is never revealed if he had some other name before, so we can assume that he had a name change later in his life, so basically, his name is the same as his nickname. Age: 32 Faction: Nintendo Faction Role:Squad Leader of the Four Swords Initiative, Field Agent/Analyst. He also has some experience with explosives. DETAILED INFO Appearance: Dark Brown Hair. He has a few scars from battles before, and sports a robotic hand, along with part of his arm, replacing what he was forced to cut off when bitten by a highly venomous and genetically altered Octorok that were purposefully released, in one of Nintendo's biggest cities. It was Drago's job to help stop the outbreak. He has greenish-brown eyes. Personality: He might fit in a few joke-ey lines here and there, but Drago has a goal. To help stop Blackout. Because of Sony waging war against Nintendo, despite Nintendo's various claims that they meant to no harm, Drago has built up a large hatred for Sony. When he rescues Heather in the beginning of TCW5, he does what he can to help her, but cannot forgive Sony for what they've done. Skills/Weapons: His left hand is artificial, but works marvelously. He has implemented several features that he is still fiddling with, but it helps become a weapon of his own. He'll also be carrying a pistol sometimes, and knows a few fighting moves. Bio/Backstory: Drago lived a somewhat normal life, in the city of Seattle. He has a great interest in Nintendo, studying their products, finding hidden messages, and things that related to their involvement in past wars. One day though, a band of criminals hi-jacked a Nintendo boat, sailing out with a bunch of valuable items Nintendo had stored in there. One of which truely interested Drago, called the Lightning 'Shroom. The Lightning 'Shroom was a power-up that was meant to be placed in Super Mario Bros. as an Easter Egg, by hitting down on the buttons in a certain fashion. Only this was the real deal, said to bring someone back to life, if they weren't dead any longer than 90 seconds. Drago was able to sneak aboard the ship, and took down all the people with his trusty shotgun, as well as cutting off part of the engine. He waited for Nintendo agents to arrive at the ship. Nintendo was impressed by his great feat, and were going to honor him with a plaque. but Drago had a different request, he wanted a job as a field agent for Nintendo, which they happily complied with, not knowing that he had secretly stolen their Lightning 'Shroom, which he holds onto to this very day, waiting for the right moment to use it. Name: Zeta Age: During the TCW3 she was a victim of experimentation by Microsoft. For the typical super soldier reasons, that most armies see as a logical progression. She didn't realise it until 5 years later, but it has dramatically reduced her rate of ageing. She has physically gained 2 years since then, making her 18. It is unknown if the side effects wear off. Faction: Nintendo Faction Role: Elite (still using that as a rank?) specialised in unusual missions, often stealth and infiltration. Often using gadgets or new technology, but experienced in other basic firearms. DETAILED INFO Appearance: Plain elite suit (don't really mind what that is, just a futuristic jumpsuit for military work, jeans and hoodie for anything casual). Hardwaring clothes, but not much armour due to the athleticism needed in her role. Dark hair mostly tied up, light weight of average height. Personality: Observant, absolutely silent when focused, snarky as a defence mechanism and knee-jerk reaction in difficult situations. Gets extremely depressed if ever backstabbed, but risks a lot for friends herslef. Slightly too emphatic for a soldier, but luckily hardly has time to mope about it. Is quite patriotic, but would prefer the war to end from some bitter experiences. Skills/Weapons: As mentioned earlier due to her physique she isn't too strong, but very competent at forms of military technology, and has a good aim. Makes up for lack of strength in agility, but has to use powerful weapons rather than brute force. Often uses improvised weapons i.e whatever is laying about. Bio/Backstory: She is unaware of her families status, either deported or deceased. This is not uncommon for her area of origin, a small, temperate island in the upper hemisphere (sound vaguely familiar?) which was debated territory for a while between Sony and Nintendo. She was recruited to the army across the globe to Nintendo's head quarters, then sent to one of their main bases on another large continent, near the Sony/Nintendo border. She got a promotion for her work retrieving the Macguffin in The Console Wars 3 (it was three wasn't it that we finished? Wow, my memory is bad.) And suffered from said experimentation while captured. BASIC INFO Name: Alexandra Ridge Age: 26 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Squad Leader; Infiltration specialist DETAILED INFO Appearance: Dark blonde hair, green eyes, medium build, 5'10. Black medium long trench coat, light grey shirt, grey cargo pants. Personality: Sometimes brash, confident, often sarcastic, and easily holds grudges. After the attack on the Blackout main base, she's started to become more aware that she can't win everything, and has become more cautious, and more serious about the situation of the war. Skills/Weapons: BR85 Heavy-Barrel Service Rifle (http://www.gameranx.com/img/12-Jun/halo-4-battle-rifle.png), M6H PDWS (http://www.gameranx.com/img/12-Jun/halo-4-magnum.png), T-33 Guided Munitions Launcher (http://www.gameranx.com/img/12-Jun/halo-4-needler.png). Accelerated healing process. (Genetic) Known to posess a strong power in her left arm, also passed down from her father, which has abilities not yet known to anyone; she's spent much of the time since the attack on the Blackout base trying to hone her skills with this power. Bio/Backstory: Daughter of Mercuy and Laura, Alexa was born into a life as soldier. Learning to use a gun at the age of 7, and winning countless paintball tournaments, Alexa quickly became a force to be reckoned with at an early age. A few months after she was born, her father was kidnapped by an unknown group while on a mission to Cairo, and was never found again. After learning about Blackout's involvment in this area, joined up with the LED to try and find out what happened, but after 4 years of searching through the Sahara, fell into a trap set by the Blackout, and was scarred for life, sitting for 6 days in the middle of the desert waiting for help, wounded, and alone. After this incident she settled down to a simple life working in an office job for Microsoft, but found new purpose after learning the truth of what happened to Mercuy, and knowing a way to deal with the Blackout while tracking down the members of her old squad. (See Eve, Erin, Jason, Pete, and Zak.) After a mostly successful return, she dissapeared for an 'expidition' to the pacific to try and posess the power granted to her, but she soon has to respond to the call again. (Most of it is from my Blackout backstory, but it's a good description.) BASIC INFO Name: Joshua Barrett (Josh, for short) Age: 23 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Spy/Saboteur (operative name: Big Gun) DETAILED INFO Appearance: Broad-shouldered but slim, average height. Tends to blend into a crowd due to his occupation, but is easily distinguishable by his golden eyes by observant people. Black-haired. Facial hair changes due to his occupation but he tends to have some sort of goatee. Personality: Always suspicious. Due to his occupation, he tends to have a general distrust towards most people (except for the President, his co-workers, and his girlfriend Ashley). He's usually grouchy and harsh when he speaks, leading to most people suspecting he's short-tempered (which he's quite the opposite... unless people bother him with that question). Josh keeps opinions to himself, and doesn't bother to tell them since they're usually harsh and sarcastic. Skills/Weapons: Trained in espionage and reconnaissance, but he truly excels in demolitions. His explosives of choice tend to be a mix between C4 and Semtex, sometimes mashing the two together for a concentrated, volatile result. He tends to carry a concealed M1911 and, in more dangerous situations, a Remington 700. He knows close-quarters combat, but tends to set up explosive traps to avoid such confrontations. Bio/Backstory: Joshua grew up normally, acting like a total punk throughout his childhood. Since Microsoft suffered from an economic nose-dive due to the events of Blackout, his family had seen both sides of society, as their high middle-income household soon dropped to a low-income mess. Since his parents lacked any funds to take any vacations, and his siblings already moved out to college, he entertained himself in the only way a punk could: vandalism. Several times he was sent to juvenile hall for unruly behavior, and several tickets and complaints were written due to his tendencies to involve illegal fireworks in most of his antics. Frustrated, his parents sent him off to boot camp, where he was disciplined and brutalized by no other than COG soldiers, who quickly eliminated his punk-ish attitude and turned him into a man (a man with many bruises and broken bones, nonetheless). Noticed for his incredibly strong attributes in demolitions and ballistics, Josh was hand-picked to join the Wake Initiative, an intelligence agency dedicated to global reconnaissance and spec-ops involvement. Now with war breaking out once more, and Microsoft quickly losing neutrality, Joshua's actions in this war could spell victory or death for this reviving giant. BASIC INFO Name: Christopher Owen (Chris, for short) Age: 67 (though appears to be 40) Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: (Current) President of Microsoft DETAILED INFO Appearance: Well-built. Brown-skinned and tall, his figure is immediately imposing when people greet him, though his bright, brown eyes tend to soften the mood. His hair is also black, but he is well-groomed and sports a full beard and coarse hair. Tends to wear neutral-colored suits, but tends to drift towards darker colors like grey and black. Personality: Charismatic, but disciplined. Chris has a rather warm and welcoming persona when out in the public, always eager to answer questions and generally a nice guy. When at office or in other work-related situations, he's more reserved, rather soft-spoken and letting his eyes do the talking. Unlike Jack, Chris' temper is much less apparent, though he does struggle to hold it in when he sees injustice of any kind. Because of the legacy me must follow, his personality can turn a bit nervous or overwhelmed, especially when he's directly compared to Jack. Skills/Weapons: Because he is the new President, he also inherited certain symbioses, though he ages rather slowly instead of being immortal. He has digital capabilities, but not to the extent of the former President; he's only able to control nearby electronics and whatever his Kinect can capture, which has a limited range. He carries a loaded S&W 500 with him wherever he goes, and is trained in an MMA of kickboxing and CQB. Bio/Backstory: Jack is dead, and so are his friends. Though their deaths are unknown, they died heroes, and will forever be remembered in the rather brief history of Microsoft. With a new generation needing a new hero, Chris ran for office, using his experience as a Microsoft representative in the UN for credentials. In a landslide victory, "We Owe You" Owen won office and began his presidency shortly after the events of Blackout. Inheriting a small arrangement of Jack's augmented abilities, plus a fraction of his digitized memories so that he understands the importance of his role, Chris began to work on bringing Microsoft back to relevancy. Things did not go according to plan, however, as backlash from the events of Blackout and a drop of economic interest dropped the Microsoftian economy. Now with another Console War coming up fast on the horizon, Chris' presidential capabilities will be pushed to their limits, as he will eventually have to drag Microsoft once more into the thicket of things. BASIC INFO Name: Spartan-947, Enoch Bernard, "New Chief" Age: 42 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: In-Field Commander/Captain of Foxtrot Unit DETAILED INFO Appearance: Intimidating. He's always clad in grey MJOLNIR Gen. 2 armor, with black and gold accents. His armor is covered in various marks, dents and scratches, presented as though marks of achievement from various battles and firefights. Whenever he takes his helmet off, however, his face is also intimidating, as various scars cross the right side of his face. His short, blonde hair is contrary to his grey, featureless eyes, and his face in general seems to lack the vitality most human beings have. Personality: Dead serious. He seems to be perpetually angry all of the time, as no one, even his own teammates on Foxtrot, have ever recalled of him laughing, smiling, crying, or having any other emotional trait for that matter. His seriousness usually leads to people thinking that he's mad at something or is ruthless, but he can't help it. That's how the Spartan-IV program trained him. Skills/Weapons: Being a Spartan, he's a super-soldier in some sense. As standard, Enoch is very strong and resilient to most melee assaults. With a knack in battle-planning, he's become one of Microsoft's most advance strategists, usually making orders on the battlefield itself. Besides his unconventional tactics and strategies, he specializes in knife-fighting and room-clearing, as his weapons of choice are a COG Lancer, a Brute Shot, and a Gravity Hammer whenever assigned important tasks. Bio/Backstory: Even with the Chief gone, the Spartan-IV initiative still serves as a pinnacle of super-soldier technology and training, still producing quality soldiers like Enoch. Growing up privileged, he got easily frustrated at home and always wanted to do things himself, from making his own sandwich to fixing his own car. When he heard of the UNSC taking more recruits for "specialized purposes", Enoch was quick to sign-up, taking control of his own destiny. Surviving the brutal initialization and training involved with the Spartan-IV initiative, he quickly rose through the ranks, even though he usually defied his officer's orders. Because of his rebellious streak, the UNSC only allowed him to rise to the rank of Captain, and enlisted him in team school to teach him some discipline. That plan backfired, as Enoch soon used his new knowledge on the battlefield and in turn take control of his troops. As it turned out, he was much more competent and wise in leading his men than other captains were, and quickly garnered admiration from his own troops. He now reports directly to Chris, who, given what beyond the horizon, might be needing his expertise very, very soon. BASIC INFO Name:*Real Name unknown (Identifies as Nimon ((Which is pronounced NIH-Mohn)) Age:*Age: 130 (although looks 20) Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Weapon DETAILED INFO Appearance:Has a matte grey Helicopter helmet sealed to his head - allows him to see in every wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, as well as recording what he sees and hears. Can monitor numerous people's life signs as well as his own using Nanobots administered from a bandage like needle The wires in his skin have been removed Wears a dark grey vest with a green Xbox logo running from shoulder to shoulder Very Pale skin. Barefoot. Almost no muscle. On the base of his neck is a cooling vent and through his almost translucent skin thin cooling pipes can be seen, feeding directly into his brain. Personality: Determined Skills/Weapons: Skilled in unarmed combat, but extremely adaptable having been trained to be able to use any basic weapon. Very acrobatic Nanobots fused to the lining on his cells can change his body rapidly into different forms Bio/Backstory: Nimon*was given to a Microsoft owned orphanage at the age of 4. Where he was raised with the intention of him becoming a Microsoft soldier, He was subject to horrific amounts of Microsoft Propaganda and during a routine soldier test, it was discovered he possessed an intellect that rivalled the original 3 children (Jack, Colonel Matthews, and Elizabeth). At age 8 his academic promise got him into the Praetorian Watchman project; a series of procedures that involved fusing microscopic technologies into the subject's body. The people that survived the procedure were paired into Genotype Matches; Nimon's partner being a 5 year old girl named Jeyran. Before they were flown into Orbit on board the Praetorian (A Space Station that could function as a surveillance station or as an orbital strike weapon), Blackout attacked the Praetorian, killing Jeyran and irreparably damaging the Praetorian. Nimon set it to self destruct and escaped via a shuttle pod. The Praetorian destroyed the city of Vita moments before Nimon crash landed in a meadow a few miles away, Nimon was knocked into a coma for a year. He wakes up in the Medical Bay of a Microsoft Base, suffering from Amnesia. Name: Jason Deverall Age: 26 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Alexa's squad; Medic Appearance: Brown hair cropped medium short, clean shaven, brown leather jacket; 5'11, average build. Personality: Still shows his spoiled self from time to time, and can often be at fault for it. Otherwise seems to be the optimist of the group. Skills/Weapons: MA5D Assault Rifle (http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120609173920/halo/images/thumb/9/9b/P275ASS.jpg/830px-P275ASS.jpg), 3 years of combat medic experience. Bio/Backstory: Born into a life of riches and snobbery, Jason shunned many of his peers and thought them lesser to him from an early age, until he met Alexa at the age of 9, and was convinced that it wasn't money that mattered. It was later that the two of them moved on to form the squad as they know it today. Name: Erin Serena Age: 25 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Alexa's squad; Stealth specialist Appearance: Medium long black hair, Black t-shirt and combat vest; dark purple bandana (The one thing that most people use to tell the difference between her and Eve) Personality: Much more reserved than the rest of the squad, but often the most creative of the bunch, along with her twin, Eve. Skills/Weapons: 2 Handed Katana, M7S SMG (http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091102165013/halo/images/thumb/3/3e/Halo3-ODST_Silenced-SMG-02.png/830px-Halo3-ODST_Silenced-SMG-02.png). Black belt proficiency in martial arts. Bio/Backstory: Erin was always being confused with her sister, and vice versa, thus her plan was to move from her native land of Ireland at the early age of 11, being the independant girl that she was. She moved to New Natal and started to learn combat for herself, and quickly became incredibly skilled in many forms of martial arts. Shortly after, she met Alexa and Jason, and learned techniques in stealth playing for their paintball team. Name: Eve Serena Age: 25 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Alexa's squad; Demolitions expert Appearance: Medium short black hair; Black combat jacket (Often adorned with an array of explosives) Personality: Often calm, but pessimistic even at the smallest flaws. Quite creative at the best of times. (Much like her sister.) Skills/Weapons: M90 CAWS Shotgun (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110819021403/halo/images/thumb/d/d6/M90_Shotgun_%28Torch_Side%29.png/830px-M90_Shotgun_%28Torch_Side%29.png), Explosive ordanace training Bio/Backstory: After Erin left for New Natal, Eve was focused on building her own identity, but she instead started to play with fire, and her days were spent messing with explosives which her slightly less than responsible uncle from the Dublin police EOD retrieved for her. At 14 she joined her Erin in New Natal, (Now having a much different look, and not easily confused.) quickly becoming an asset to their squad, and honing her firearm skills as well. BASIC INFO Name: GDN (full name is unknown) Age: Apparent 40, but it's actually over 60 Faction: SONY Faction Role: SONY SUPREME OVERLORD DETAILED INFO http://oi45.tinypic.com/2d8bix.jpg (by TheZimInvader) Appearance: Sackperson. Has about 2/3 the height of a normal human. Personality: Very overprotective. Prefers to take matters into his own hands than letting others risk their lives. He has also become quite depressive after CW4. Skills/Weapons: He knows basic survival techniques and weapon handling. Also known as a helicopter/jet pilot. He usually carries a M416 and a handgun. Bio/Backstory: His mother died when he was born, and his dad was assassinated a few years later. GDN grew in an orphanage, where he was constantly being bullied for being considered a puny sackperson. He decided to prove them wrong by joining the army. He fought as an unknown soldier in the first two wars, and earned high ranks. He finally became Commander when the last one got murdered. That was when he met Zim, whom he started to look after as a daughter. The two got involved in all kinds of adventures, including meeting clones of themselves and using an alien artifact to restore peace to the world. GDN got killed in that last adventure, but was found alive weeks later, prisoner of a newly found group, Ascension. In the quest that ensued to find out about this new group, Zim discovered that GDN was responsible for the death of her family, growing to hate on him and finally run away from him. Depressed, and after failing to protect his friend Mercuy during a recon mission, GDN abandoned his position as Commander, leaving the place to be filled by another rising officer. He would be found only 15 years after, by an agent named Rico Martinez and Zim herself. Finally reconciling things with Zim, he discovers that the new Commander was working for Ascension's new branch, Blackout. GDN manages to kill the traitorous Commander, and is rescued by Zim. Now, finally back in the Commander position, is time to settle things... BASIC INFO Name: Zim Invader Age: Over 40 Faction: SONY Faction Role: Second in Command at SONY DETAILED INFO http://oi45.tinypic.com/14kxzra.jpg (by TheZimInvader) Appearance: Sackperson. GDN and her are believed to be the last two of the kind. Personality: She is usually serious and cold. Very skeptical, the only one she truly trusts is GDN, and even that is subject to changing. Skills/Weapons: Her main weapon is her staff. She dislikes having to resort to firearms. Zim learned a lot about survival during the time she spent on her own, and so she is a master in perks like sneaking and free-running, as well as attacking and defending herself. Bio/Backstory: Zim grew up in a normal family, but financial issues and the upcoming war made her run away from her home. She spent a long time alone, learning useful skills but forgetting about her past. One day, on the verge of CW3, she went after GDN, who at first believed she was just another little girl. Turns out that little girl was going to experience all kinds of adventures by the side of the Commander. But, after CW3, her relation with GDN would decay as she finally returned to her old home and found it destroyed, by nobody else but GDN. After he ran away, Zim abandoned SONY and hid herself on her old village. Found years later by Rico Martinez, the two went after a search for GDN. Zim finally forgave him for his mistakes and returned to S?o Paulo with him. Now that a new war is right around the corner, Zim has started to experience strange nightmares, nightmares she thinks that might have something to do with her past experiences... And maybe even Blackout. BASIC INFO Name: Ziggy. Age: I can't remember. Twenty-something. Faction: Sony. Faction Role: Medic. DETAILED INFO Ziggy was quite frankly the best medic in Sony’s arsenal, she just didn’t know it yet. Born in London, to a patriotic father and an overprotective mother, she was a pacifist at heart but of course, her dad never took that for an answer. Soon afterwards, Ziggy found herself enrolled in Sandhurst, training for a job she didn’t even want in the first place. No-one ever asked if she had wanted to be a soldier in later life, they just assumed. In reality, she had expressed a desire to go to university and eventually become a Game Designer. It certainly didn’t help when every time she went into town with her squad mates, the bus passed by MM Towers. Ziggy reasoned with the fact that if she couldn’t fulfil a lifelong dream, that didn’t mean she couldn’t end up doing something different to what they wanted her to do, or more accurately he. And what was the polar opposite of killing people? Ziggy talked to her commanding officer about transferring to a Field Medic course, but the places were all taken. Later in the week, she had gone out on an exercise with the squad, the first time everyone was using live ammunition, and it had backfired horribly, a soldier with the codename of Wolf had been hit by sniper fire. With only minutes to save his life and sparse medical supplies, somehow Ziggy had prevailed in the face of insurmountable odds. And after that, the sergeant had somehow “made” a place for her. The next day that same soldier who nearly died at the hands of an ally’s gun, came up to her, defying protocol and saying his first name was Jak, yet mysteriously Ziggy had discarded her first name and only uses her codename now. After graduation she was exported to America, in a peacekeeping team based on the outskirts of Texas, near Microsoft’s HQ, seeing as the city was in a state of virtual collapse, due to the aftermath of the worst war the world had ever seen. ((Think Console Wars IV)) And like every peacekeeping force in English history, it had failed drastically, everyone splitting up to a different faction, only Ziggy and Jak going to Sony, everyone knowing deep down that one day, if they ever had each other in their sights, they would have to pull the trigger. After an endless stretch of mind-numbing war, and seeing comrades all around her die unnecessarily, Ziggy came to the conclusion that she just wanted to run as far away from her camp, run away from her life, but was now too deep in this pointless little battle to back out now. Her squeaky clean black and white morals had morphed into twisted, indistinguishable shades of grey. Ziggy’s eyes were originally a beautifully crystal clear sapphire, but now were a deep whirlpool of midnight blue, almost an abyssal black. Some people had even been calling her Abyssal and she hated the name, it reminded her of the fact that she had changed in ways she had never wanted to or could possibly stop. But every day she pushed herself out of bed, hastily grabbed the M4 assault rifle on the side table and spent another day running through war torn battlefields; healing soldiers just so they could get killed again when she was tied up with another casualty. If there was a place called hell, Ziggy was convinced she was living through it. BASIC INFO Name: Jak. Age: Twenty eight. Faction: Sony. Faction Role: Commander. DETAILED INFO Jak was born to an extremely poor family, if you could even call it that; it was just him, his mother and his pitbull Rex at home. He was raised in Salford, Manchester, doing terribly at school and spending each lunchtime getting torn to pieces by a wide selection of bullies. No-one cared; he was just a nobody, a nothing. One night he woke up to find that his mother had gone out and left him to go out partying with her friends; not that this was out of the ordinary for him. After a week of being gone she had returned, **** drunk, with a man she had only met a few hours before and they started to make love... right in front of her son's eyes. The guy instantly took an intense dislike to "that little chav *******", knocking seven bells out of him every single day and eventually pursuading her mother that she would be better off without him. Jak knew that his mum would never desert him for some lowlife she had had only been in a relationship with for two weeks... Jak thought wrong. Soon dog and owner were thrown into the back of the battered, stinking of urine, lime green hatchback his mother's boyfriend had stolen from the dealer half a decade ago; driven all the way to Hackney in London and dumped there for good. He was only twelve at the time. From then on Jak lived on the streets, stealing whatever he could find and eventually a year or two later getting in contact with a high profile gang in the area. They liked how the young kid had approached a group of drug dealers and murderers with no hesitation in his eyes and no fear in his heart. From then on he worked his way up, gaining respect from the majority of the gang... the rest ending up lying in the gutter in a pool of their own blood. Jak had participated in the London riots on a whim and was caught nicking a 42 inch Sony plasma television from Curry's at 1 o'clock in the morning. He was offered a choice; go to juvy for the rest of his childhood, or join the army. He chose the latter of course. BASIC INFO Name: Dynamo. Age: Seventeen. Faction: Sony. Faction Role: Hacker. DETAILED INFO Dynamo was raised by an average family living in Austin, Texas. His dad was CEO of a small business involved in producing office stationary, his mom a nurse at the local hospital. He had a younger sister obsessed with Justin Bieber and an older brother in the high school football team. But he just didn't seem to fit in, the only thing he was good at was gaming; he wanted to compete in MLG tournaments when he was old enough or maybe become a journalist for a website like IGN. Apart from that, he just lived for the sake of living. One time he was searching Google, looking for videos to improve his K/D on CoD. Soon he found an awesome looking link, clicking on it without thinking. Instantaneously, his computer glitched out on him and was infected by a virus. Dynamo was about to attempt to remove it when a sudden thought spawned in his brain. He wanted to know how it worked, he wanted to know what made it tick. So he kept the virus on his laptop and watched how it progressed, studying it's evolution. He downloaded several different types of malware; trojan horses, spyware and worms, soon in awe at the fact that someone from the other side of the world was controlling his computer like a puppet on a string. But they weren't a hundred percent perfect; many were visibly transparent and even a total noob (or in other words a normal human being) could see through them. Eventually it just wasn't enough; he had reached the point where he wanted to code some for himself. So Dynamo researched even more, spending virtually every hour that he was awake learning how to hack. He unleased his "creations" onto the world, easily gathering credit card information and enjoying his new "job". It wasn't too long until significant heads were reared in the interwebs and he was given an invitation to join Anonymous, which he snapped up eagerly. He had planned the DDOS attacks on Sony but at the last second was caught and unlike Jak, sent to prison without a trial. But Sony knew that such talent was being wasted in an underground cell in the middle of nowhere. They needed a person who knew their systems inside out. Later that night they staged a fake rescue, forcing him to work for them or else be shot and left for dead. He chose the former of course. BASIC INFO Name: Gecko. Age: Fifteen. Faction: Sony. Faction Role: Assassin. DETAILED INFO Ziggy had asked Gecko what his past had contained; and he insisted that, before joining Sony, he had no memories. His mind was a clean, blank slate. Ziggy was certain that this was a straight out lie, but she had enough common sense not to continue interrogating him... Not if she wanted to survive anyway. Apart from that she had picked up on a Canadian accent, but that was it. Gecko was a total enigma, akin to a Rubik's cube which would explode in your face at the slightest touch and then put itself back together again. BASIC INFO Name: Yu (First name only) Age: 19 Faction: Sony Faction Role: She doesn't really have an actual role, and mostly does unimportant missions which no one else cares to take, along with the ones assigned to her by Elwood. DETAILED INFO Appearance: Average height, boyish body type, pale skin, black hair which is in a fairly long ponytail, small dull grey-blue eyes with barely visible eyebrows. She has a slightly long face, and a flat, wide nose. Her clothing consists of a plain white tanktop, with brown shorts that go to her knees and brown lace up boots. Personality: Cold, determined, rather adventurous, quiet, and serious. She doesn't speak to others unless it's required or if it's her family, or Aron. She doesn't show it to others, but she cares (almost an abnormal amount) deeply about her family, and keeps a picture of them wherever she goes. The same can be said about Aron. Skills/Weapons: She uses a pistol with a knife attached at the bottom, which can actually be launched from the gun incase of stealth being required or a lack of ammo. She keeps spare knifes strapped to her right arm, so she can quickly reload. She can decieve people with ease, is great endurance-wise, and had various survial skills, except for making a fire, which she finds quite embarrasing. Bio/Backstory: She was born in China, but moved to a foresty island at two with her family (Her parents and her soon to be born younger brother) which was owned by her wealthy uncle. As soon as her parents let her go off on her own, she spent all her time in the forest of the island, always finding new interesting things which she would always show to her younger brother first. But, a month after she had turned eighteen, her uncle had sold the island and her and her family had to move back to China. Yu wanted to find a new adventure somewhere else though, so she had decided instead of going back to China, she would go to Britian. Which she instantly regretted. Yu wanted to go back home, but her uncle had passed away, and her family had been hit by poverty, so she had to stay. She herself was hit was poverty, and desperate and missing her family, met and became roomates with Aron, another person in a situation similar to hers, minus the family part. They both needed money, and bad, which led to them both getting recruited by a suspicious man who goes by the name Elwood. BASIC INFO Name: Elwood (First name only) Age: 58 Faction: Sony Faction Role: Owner of Elwood News Network and Console Weekly News. Also owns The Market, a rather distasteful prison. DETAILED INFO Appearance: Average height, thin and pale, short grey hair, with some of the handsomeness he had in his past still slightly showing. His eyes are a bright, stunning color of green. He wears an average buisness suit with a grey tie. Personality: Appears like the friendly and joking type, but never shows his emotions about events that happen, whether they're good or bad. He's a genius naturally, and instantly charms almost everyone he meets, except for a few people who aren't his biggest fans. (The Unicorn and The Pig, for example.) Skills/Weapons: He never needs any weapons, as he rarely leaves the headquaters of his company, but if he does, he has plenty of bodyguards with him. Just incase though, he keeps a pistol in his suit at all times. Bio/Backstory: Not much is known about Elwood, besides the fact that he went to college at a very young age, and then quickly rose to fame with his news network almost right after graduating. BASIC INFO Name: Aron (First name only) Age: 20 Faction: Sony Faction Role: Like Yu, he does side missions and anything Elwood assigns him, but his missions are more stealth like. DETAILED INFO Appearance: Tall, with short black hair and large blue eyes. He has slightly pale skin, and slight freckles. His head is short, round, and slightly chubby. His clothing resembles Yu's, and is a white t-shirt with brown jeans and boots. Personality: Friendly, innocent, and funny. He can lighten up anyones mood, and is carefree. But don't let any of this deceive you, as Aron is strong and always has his guard up, and it's almost impossible to do a surprise attack on him, as he is a master of stealthiness. Skills/Weapons: His weapons vary depending on the mission, but mostly he'll use a knife, a smg, and smoke grenades. He has a revolver which he likes to use, but Elwood rarely lets him take it out on missions, so he only brings it on missions not assigned by Elwood, and also keeps it in a pouch on his jeans with him during his daily life. Bio/Backstory: Aron was born and raised in Britian, and lived a fairly average life. He graduated highschool and college with above average grades, but then, after graduating, couldn't find a job and had to become roomates with Yu due to finacial issues. The two became friends, and then both became hired by Elwood. BASIC INFO Name: Craigson Clarke Age: 34 Faction: Sony Faction Role: Peacekeeper DETAILED INFO Appearance: Around 5"10, Dark brown hair and eyes, Light full beard Personality: Cheerful and tries to be a charming guy even though he is says really cheesy lines sometimes but when it comes to the safety of others Clarke doesn't like to play around and will kill anyone who threatens someone close to his heart. Skills/Weapons: Glock 17 as primary weapon and is advanced in hand to hand combat Bio/Backstory: He won't tell anyone but it is suspected that he is looking for a friend and he is just upholding this job to get around more... BASIC INFO Name: Jackson Taylor Age: 38 Faction: Unaffiliated/Ex-Blackout Faction Role: Prisoner DETAILED INFO Appearance: Scrawny, pale, average-length brown hair with a naked chin on a long face. Personality: Selfish, egotistical, diabolical, charismatic. Skills/Weapons: Genius and good at convincing people to do what he desires. Also a very skilled liar. Horrible at physical combat however, relying on the help of others or technology. Backstory: Jackson was an innocent child raised by a twisted family. Jackson’s father was a wealthy yet insane cultist, hell bent on improving the human body. Jackson’s mother had similar ideals, and was on expert on anything human. Civilization, genetics, so on and so far. This was the life Jackson and his sister found themselves wedged into, a horrible existence they were forced to endure. One day, when she was in her late teens, Jackson’s sister was asked to cut open a still-breathing man. She violently refused, and ran away from home. This broke something in Jackson, who was rather close to her, and caused him to become half rebellious and half willing to go along with his parents’ sick schemes. Rather than improve the human to create an improved daily life however, Jackson wished to enhance key subjects to eventually create a single, ruling power. This, he believed, would lead to world peace. Besides the ear-piercing screams coming from his basement, life continued normally for Jackson. He went to school, got amazing grades, even had a girlfriend (the poor soul). One day though, he was asked by SEGA to lead a rather disturbing project. They wished to re-enter the console market using revolutionary technology they had found. The tech, when powered by an organic and intelligent being, could be used to brainwash and control anyone and everyone. This fit perfectly well with Jackson’s sick ideals, and he accepted the offer at once. Thus, Project Genesis came to life. A nameless girl was used as the host for the technology, and three other kids were brought on as test subjects. Those forced to undergo the trials suffered greatly, especially the host, who was now called Genesis. Eventually, it was discovered that a boy known as Michael would be a far superior host than Genesis, but upon attempting to replace her, she emitted a horrible scream which caused the town of Faithville to turn insane and violent. Jackson barely managed to escape, but shortly after was contacted by a mysterious group known as Blackout. They had heard of Project Genesis, and wished to use its power for themselves. Jackson, not wanting all his work to go to waste, accepted their offer to continue the project. For the next six years, Jackson attempted to recover blueprints for a missile known as Explosive Mind Annihilators. Before the scream had occurred, SEGA had suspected the technology within Genesis to be capable of turning a man insane. Six prototype EMAs were developed in case SEGA ever needed to defend itself from a hostile force. It was with these Blackout intended to destroy all the factions, but Jackson had different plans. Upon finally reaching the missiles, and in turn their blueprints, Jackson began to prepare to launch them at each faction’s capital and biggest city (second biggest assuming their largest was their capital). He was confronted by two of his test subjects (including Michael) and a man known as Isaac however, causing him to enter a hostile confrontation. Isaac had with him the crate that contained the SEGA Neptune, something Jackson wished to possess. A battle broke out, and in the end, Isaac was dead, Michael was injured, and Edin had fled. Jackson put the crate onto a transportation platform, launched the missiles, and fled Faithville. Upon arriving at the transportation platform’s arrival site, Jackson met a man known as Gabriel. The two fought, but Gabriel easily won and took the SEGA Neptune. Nintendo soldiers caught up with Jackson and arrested him, sticking him in a prison until they decided what to do with him. They eventually decided to transfer him to a high-level prison, but he was captured by Atari soldiers mid-relocation. He now finds himself in a secret, underground prison threatened with death for betraying Blackout, and in turn, Atari itself. BASIC INFO Name: Heather Jubilee Age: 27 Faction: Well, she was working for Sony, but now she's unaffiliated, since Blackout kidnapped her at the Vanilla Bean Roadside Diner, outside of New Natal. Faction Role: At first, she was an assistant for Isaac Knowles, Vice President of one of Sony's major branches in it's capital city of Sao Paulo. Now, she's been dragged into some sort of twisted hell hole, so right now, she's just trying to stay alive. She'll be going into special missions though, if that's what you're asking for. DETAILED INFO Appearance: She'll be switching between regular clothes and some squad gear sometimes, although her face won't really be covered much, if at all. She has natural dark blonde hair and blue eyes, and will be pretty beat up in some cases. (At least around the beginning) Personality: Because Blackout captured her, tortured her, and kept her in a miniature cell, locked away from anyone else for several weeks, she'll be suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and will freak out sometimes. Seems a bit odd, but it makes sense. It'll also be pretty tough on her when she figures out her own best friend, Isaac Knowles, had died, and will blame herself, dropping him off in Faithville without any help. She's not gonna be too emotional and all, that would just make her annoying, but I do plan to fit in that despair cycling inside her mind and body, to give some of my posts true, emotional depth that hopefully will add to the overall war. Skills/Weapons: She trained in archery when she was a child, but that's been a while. Still, she can handle a gun fairly well, but is not a complete expert. Due to several doses of electric torture, she suffers from constant spasms, which will mess her up in certain situations Bio/Backstory: Heather Jubilee was an average girl. She had a loving mother, but her father died before she was ever born. Still, they were able to push through until the economy collapsed in her teenage years. Her mother was having trouble supporting the two of them after getting laid off, but Heather was maturing, and decided to head off, and get her own job and home, at a fairly young age. At age 20, she met a guy named Isaac Knowles, and they became great friends. A few years later, when she was really struggling to make ends meet, he hired her onto Sony, and not long after, made her his personal assistant. They were great friends, and were doing plenty to help each other out. One day though, Isaac had gotten a mysterious crate delivered to him, that looked to be like Ascension, just like others found around the world....only it was different, and the two of them were pulled into things. They met many along the way, as Isaac tried finding answers, and after he buried the crate for safe keeping in Canniba Valley, where his father had been killed, and he would've been too if he hadn't escaped, it was returned to him when they went to the base of four other Sony agents, where it was sent back to him. Isaac knew what he had to do, he had to head for the Sega Headquarters, right in the heart of Faithville which was currently a mad house, and electrically charge the crate before it ran out of juice. Heather helped drive him there, but then found something, while trying to help stop Blackout. She found information that pointed to Rico Martinez, a friend of Isaac's, who worked for the S.S.O., to be working for Blackout, transmitting classified Sony data to the terrorist groups. As she tried picking up his trail though, she was captured by Blackout Agents, and thrown in Atari Prison, as they knew she had something to do with Isaac Knowles, Rico Martinez, and possibly Seera Ihkrov, messenger of the crate. With each and every torture session though, her knowledge of reality begins to slip, more and more, not knowing how much longer she'll last. BASIC INFO Name: Mercuy Seventyeight Age: 51 Faction: Unaffilated Faction Role: Private investigator DETAILED INFO Appearance: Long unkept black hair, short beard, typical white jacket, black t-neck. Personality: Calm, Calculated, learned to trust no one of any faction after years of being betrayed by those he thought of as friends, often regarded as a voice of reason in many situations. Skills/Weapons: Custom DMR, T-1 Energy Sword, 99-Series 5 Sniper, Accelerated healing process, Plasma power in his left arm, giving him certain active offensive abilities. Bio/Backstory: Always known to be one to stick his head where it doesn't belong, Mercuy has been a part of stopping the wars ever since the third, and thus has worked with just about every major power and faction that there is. But through his missions, and a 23 year capture, he's learned not to trust anyone, and that there's a deeper reason why the wars keep on repeating, and why groups keep trying to maintain the wars; he wants to know more. Character Application BASIC INFO Name: Seera Ihkrov Age: 47 Faction: Unaffiliated, ex-Sega Faction Role: Like I said, unaffiliated, but when he did work for Sega, he helped with blueprints and designing for future projects, was always caught in his own work, and would sometime seclude himself from other activities. DETAILED INFO Appearance: Black hair, beginning to grey though. Blue eyes, and a normal, solid build. Will sometimes wear a leather jacket. Personality: Had good intentions, but worked with some bad people. He's been on the run for a long time now though, and can't trust anyone anymore....except one person. Skills/Weapons: No real need to fight at first, but he can fight some. He's also acquired a bit of Sega's technology, and has even developed his own. Bio/Backstory: Seera Ihkrov was a man who could make a difference in the world. He had been working for Sega for a while, but didn't do a lot, until Sega was desperate. They were hungry to come back up top, along with Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft, and would do whatever it took. He was tasked to help bring Sega back, by launching something new to the masses, and had found the technology that would help them. A man named Jackson was sent in to help on this project, which they titled 'Project Genesis'. They would use the power of Genesis to help them in their goal, but things went awry. Jackson was making deals with people he shouldn't have, and tried to gain control over Ihkrov, despite the friendship they had grown while in the development stages of the Sega Neptune. Then, all hell went loose, when a scream came from their source of power, Genesis, that shook the city where they were working at, Faithville, to some sort of nightmare world. Seera tried stopping it, but it was too late. And Sega was only making it worse. He had to flee, seeing what Jackson had turned into, and stole what was going to bring them back on top, their console, the Sega Neptune. Seera tried gathering intel, finding out about Jackson's deals with Blackout, and knew they were coming after him. He also knew that before he had taken it during the Faithville Incident, something was put in, something not authorized, that he did and still does not know about. Seera Ihkrov couldn't trust anyone, and decided to get rid of the console, but make sure it wouldn't be easy, if Blackout got a hold on it. After gaining knowledge of the rumors of crates being smuggled throughout places like Pakistan and Brazil, he knew this was his perfect chance. Ihkrov disguised the crate carrying the console, as that of Ascension, and delivered it to Isaac Knowles to take care of, for reasons that will be revealed in this very war. The only way for it to be opened was for it to be electrically charged via Sega charging panels, back in Faithville, back in the Sega Headquarters. But Jackson took it, it then Gabriel took it, then.....someone else took it. Genesis, or, Jenny, was now dead, and Seera Ihkrov will do what it takes to stop Blackout, Ascension, and Sega, and make sure Neptune is dealt with. Name: Rhym Veir Age: 17 Faction: Unaffiliated Discription: Young Rhym wasn't around for the previous wars. ((Just like me, the writer! )) But now, he has found his way into one. Rhym had had a rough childhood. Raised in poverty and never escaping it's clutches. He was finally fed up with it. After making a hard decision, Rhym decided to leave his hometown, his family, and all he knew about life. After about 2 weeks on the road, living off anything he could steal or scavenge, Rhym was mistaken for an Xbox faction revivalist and taken into custody by the Sony faction. After escaping by tricking the guards into thinking there was a distraction behind them, Rhym ran to the mountains and hid. That was when he met Them. (Lol copypasta from last time when I didn't know anything! ) Disappeared early in the last war. Weapons: Anything he can get his hands on. After being raised in poverty, you learn to fight with what you have. Bio/Backstory: ((I did a little of this in the description... Oh well...)) Rhym is a very quiet person. When he talks, it's not to say much. But it is important. He is cunning, smart, and will turn on you in a snap. Avoids killing as much as he can (meaning he goes for the knockout instead) but will do whatever is necessary when need be. Name: Sigil Age: 17 Faction: Unaffiliated Faction Role: Dat one guiz DETAILED INFO Appearance: Umm... http://www.gedzo.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/dsfdsf1-e1299768359419.jpg Good enough. Personality: Seems nice at first, but then goes traitorous. Skills/Weapons: A van he stole from Blackout and whatever was left in it. [COLOR=#333333]Bio/Backstory: Grew up in the same place as Rhym. Was actually best friends with Rhym. But as they got older, his ideals changed. He, too, was tired of living in poverty. But Sigil went a different way than Rhym to change how he lived. He wanted revenge. Not redemption. Name: Alice and Lake (they are twins) Age: 17 Faction: Unaffiliated. Faction Role: Alice is more of a soldier/warrior and Lake is a medic, though they can really be either. DETAILED INFO Appearance: Both have dark brown hair, pale skin and blue eyes. They are pretty much identical other than the fact that they are different genders. Personality: Lake is optimistic, cheerful and intelligent, though tends to rush into things rather than thinking about them first. Alice is more untrusting, calculating and sarcastic, though once you get to know her she lets you see her soft side easily. Skills/Weapons: Neither have any weapons other than the abilities that were given to them at a young age. Alice can modify the growth of plants as well as make them do her bidding, while Lake can speak to animals through telekinesis and use their advantages such as flight, better eyesight etc. to gain an advantage. Bio/Backstory: Lake and Alice were left at the doorstep of an orphanage 17 years ago, with nothing but a piece of paper with their names on it. Clearly their parents wanted the orphanage to take them in, however a passing scientist, studying the effects of injecting genes from other non-human species into human infants, took them from the doorstep to his lab. Here at the lab they endured many years of experiments, with Alice being experimented on with plant genes, and Lake with animal genes. These did not have the desired affects, since the scientist had anticipated the children gaining qualities of the species they had been injected with, instead, they gained the ability to control the species they had been injected with, and using these powers, managed to escape the lab, with Alice accidentally killing the scientist in the process, mentally scarring her to become more cold and wary when it came to meeting new people. Lake, having not witnessed the gruesome end of their father-figure (having been torn in two by thorny vines), remained unscarred and trained in medicine so that he could help anyone unfortunate enough to end up on the receiving end of one of his sister's sporadic outbursts. For a few years now they have been living in the forest, in a house that Alice created from telling trees to form a shelter for them, however news of the war is spreading fast, and the birds in the skies soon tell Lake that trouble is brewing. The two decide to leave the woods and see if their abilities can prove any help in the world at large. | 2012-06-10 04:31:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
Oh, by the way, the new features seem pretty cool. That points system seems pretty interesting. I mean, since it isn't supposed to get in the way of the story, but instead be more like an afterthought, then nothing wrong with seeing how it goes, right? Also, I do like the weekly roundup feature as well. It seems like it will tie in with the points feature greatly. I know this seems a bit odd, but what if there was a post reserved in TCW5 as a quote archive? I'm just throwing it out there, but I thought we had some funny posts throughout Blackout, so to submit those along with ones that come up during the fifth war might be kind of interesting.. | 2012-06-10 12:19:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
TCW History: This character hasn't been in any of the wars, although I have been in TCW from the very beginning. Writing experience: I occasionally write short stories and that's about it. Reason for joining: Because cubes. Character Application (CREATIVITY REMEMBER, BE SOMETHING UNIQUE! And don't feel limited to some of the examples either.) BASIC INFO Name:*Real Name unknown (Identifies as Nimon ((Which is pronounced NIH-Mohn)) Age:*Age: 130 (although looks 20) Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Weapon DETAILED INFO Appearance:Has a matte grey Helicopter helmet sealed to his head - allows him to see in every wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, as well as recording what he sees and hears. Can monitor numerous people's life signs as well as his own using Nanobots administered from a bandage like needle The wires in his skin have been removed Wears a dark grey vest with a green Xbox logo running from shoulder to shoulder Very Pale skin. Barefoot. Almost no muscle. On the base of his neck is a cooling vent and through his almost translucent skin thin cooling pipes can be seen, feeding directly into his brain. Personality: Determined Skills/Weapons: Skilled in unarmed combat, but extremely adaptable having been trained to be able to use any basic weapon. Very acrobatic Nanobots fused to the lining on his cells can change his body rapidly into different forms Bio/Backstory: Nimon*was given to a Microsoft owned orphanage at the age of 4. Where he was raised with the intention of him becoming a Microsoft soldier, He was subject to horrific amounts of Microsoft Propaganda and during a routine soldier test, it was discovered he possessed an intellect that rivalled the original 3 children (Jack, Colonel Matthews, and Elizabeth). At age 8 his academic promise got him into the Praetorian Watchman project; a series of procedures that involved fusing microscopic technologies into the subject's body. The people that survived the procedure were paired into Genotype Matches; Nimon's partner being a 5 year old girl named Jeyran. Before they were flown into Orbit on board the Praetorian (A Space Station that could function as a surveillance station or as an orbital strike weapon), Blackout attacked the Praetorian, killing Jeyran and irreparably damaging the Praetorian. Nimon set it to self destruct and escaped via a shuttle pod. The Praetorian destroyed the city of Vita moments before Nimon crash landed in a meadow a few miles away, Nimon was knocked into a coma for a year. He wakes up in the Medical Bay of a Microsoft Base, suffering from Amnesia. | 2012-06-10 17:37:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
Sorry to do this Merc, but would it be okay if you changes Drago's Faction Role to "Squad Leader of the Four Swords Initiative"? It's basically a squadron of about ___ many Nintendo members, fully funded by Nintendo, separate from Nintendo's official Special Operations Unit. EDIT: Thank you kindly. | 2012-06-10 19:07:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Sorry for the double post, but here's another character I decided to give an official submission for.....Even though he won't be seen nearly as much as Heather and Drago, but he does play a key role in my characters' overarching storyline for TCW5. Character Application BASIC INFO Name: Seera Ihkrov Age: 47 Faction: Unaffiliated, ex-Sega Faction Role: Like I said, unaffiliated, but when he did work for Sega, he helped with blueprints and designing for future projects, was always caught in his own work, and would sometime seclude himself from other activities. DETAILED INFO Appearance: Black hair, beginning to grey though. Blue eyes, and a normal, solid build. Will sometimes wear a leather jacket. Personality: Had good intentions, but worked with some bad people. He's been on the run for a long time now though, and can't trust anyone anymore....except one person. Skills/Weapons: No real need to fight at first, but he can fight some. He's also acquired a bit of Sega's technology, and has even developed his own. Bio/Backstory: Seera Ihkrov was a man who could make a difference in the world. He had been working for Sega for a while, but didn't do a lot, until Sega was desperate. They were hungry to come back up top, along with Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft, and would do whatever it took. He was tasked to help bring Sega back, by launching something new to the masses, and had found the technology that would help them. A man named Jackson was sent in to help on this project, which they titled 'Project Genesis'. They would use the power of Genesis to help them in their goal, but things went awry. Jackson was making deals with people he shouldn't have, and tried to gain control over Ihkrov, despite the friendship they had grown while in the development stages of the Sega Neptune. Then, all hell went loose, when a scream came from their source of power, Genesis, that shook the city where they were working at, Faithville, to some sort of nightmare world. Seera tried stopping it, but it was too late. And Sega was only making it worse. He had to flee, seeing what Jackson had turned into, and stole what was going to bring them back on top, their console, the Sega Neptune. Seera tried gathering intel, finding out about Jackson's deals with Blackout, and knew they were coming after him. He also knew that before he had taken it during the Faithville Incident, something was put in, something not authorized, that he did and still does not know about. Seera Ihkrov couldn't trust anyone, and decided to get rid of the console, but make sure it wouldn't be easy, if Blackout got a hold on it. After gaining knowledge of the rumors of crates being smuggled throughout places like Pakistan and Brazil, he knew this was his perfect chance. Ihkrov disguised the crate carrying the console, as that of Ascension, and delivered it to Isaac Knowles to take care of, for reasons that will be revealed in this very war. The only way for it to be opened was for it to be electrically charged via Sega charging panels, back in Faithville, back in the Sega Headquarters. But Jackson took it, it then Gabriel took it, then.....someone else took it. Genesis, or, Jenny, was now dead, and Seera Ihkrov will do what it takes to stop Blackout, Ascension, and Sega, and make sure Neptune is dealt with. | 2012-06-11 01:07:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
I'm baaaack. | 2012-06-11 07:08:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino Posts: 5250 |
Alright, a bit of a slow start so far BUT WE WILL PREVAIL OPEN THE FLOODGATES, INVITE EVERYONE YOU CAN FIND | 2012-06-11 17:19:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
Okay, I think I'll manage to think up some shenanigans. I think it would be better if I start off helping someone out with whatever mission they they hop on to first though, since thats where most of my experience comes froms. I don't have a very egotistical character. Besides, it will be more interesting that way, and I don't know where to start. Recruit pl0x? BASIC INFO Name: Zeta Age: During the TCW3 she was a victim of experimentation by Microsoft. For the typical super soldier reasons, that most armies see as a logical progression. She didn't realise it until 5 years later, but it has dramatically reduced her rate of ageing. She has physically gained 2 years since then, making her 18. It is unknown if the side effects wear off. Faction: Nintendo Faction Role: Elite (still using that as a rank?) specialised in unusual missions, often stealth and infiltration. Often using gadgets or new technology, but experienced in other basic firearms. DETAILED INFO Appearance: Plain elite suit (don't really mind what that is, just a futuristic jumpsuit for military work, jeans and hoodie for anything casual). Hardwaring clothes, but not much armour due to the athleticism needed in her role. Dark hair mostly tied up, light weight of average height. Personality: Observant, absolutely silent when focused, snarky as a defence mechanism and knee-jerk reaction in difficult situations. Gets extremely depressed if ever backstabbed, but risks a lot for friends herslef. Slightly too emphatic for a soldier, but luckily hardly has time to mope about it. Is quite patriotic, but would prefer the war to end from some bitter experiences. Skills/Weapons: As mentioned earlier due to her physique she isn't too strong, but very competent at forms of military technology, and has a good aim. Makes up for lack of strength in agility, but has to use powerful weapons rather than brute force. Often uses improvised weapons i.e whatever is laying about. Bio/Backstory: She is unaware of her families status, either deported or deceased. This is not uncommon for her area of origin, a small, temperate island in the upper hemisphere (sound vaguely familiar?) which was debated territory for a while between Sony and Nintendo. She was recruited to the army across the globe to Nintendo's head quarters, then sent to one of their main bases on another large continent, near the Sony/Nintendo border. She got a promotion for her work retrieving the Macguffin in The Console Wars 3 (it was three wasn't it that we finished? Wow, my memory is bad.) And suffered from said experimentation while captured. - Let me know if anything clashes or if their are any continuity errors. | 2012-06-11 19:17:00 Author: PygmyOwl Posts: 1316 |
Woot, another agent for Nintendo, and it's a veteran too! Welcome back Dizzy, there's just one problem. It's been twenty-seven years since TCW4 xD Incase you want Zeta to still be young though, perhaps you could tie it in with gdn barely aging after over 25 years, idk. @Merc: Invited a bunch of people, and am advertising in sig, and now in motto too. | 2012-06-11 19:25:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Actually, that gives me a use for the experimental side effects. They were a bit of a plot hole before. 'She got better' really doesn't cut it. *edit time* | 2012-06-11 20:17:00 Author: PygmyOwl Posts: 1316 |
((So this is what happens whilst I go on holiday for a couple if days)) TCW History: Blackout character Alex was a former MC agent who fought alongside Rico and many others for several pages of post in TCWB before he was left stranded by other MC agent gone rouge only known as Jordan Writing experience: TCWB Reason for joining: I've got some loose ends to tie up since TCWB seemed to end so quickly Character Application BASIC INFO Name: Craigson Clarke Age: 34 Faction: Sony Faction Role: Peacekeeper DETAILED INFO Appearance: Around 5"10, Dark brown hair and eyes, Light full beard Personality: Cheerful and tries to be a charming guy even though he is says really cheesy lines sometimes but when it comes to the safety of others Clarke doesn't like to play around and will kill anyone who threatens someone close to his heart. Skills/Weapons: Glock 17 as primary weapon and is advanced in hand to hand combat Bio/Backstory: He won't tell anyone but it is suspected that he is looking for a friend and he is just upholding this job to get around more... | 2012-06-12 19:38:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
DIZZY AND GENTLEMEN: Gunna need a status report on people that we're expecting to join, cuz at the rate we're going right now, we're going to need upwards of 2 weeks for sign ups. At least the people that we do have right now are unlikely to ditch after a week, riiiight? | 2012-06-13 06:37:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
I won't ditch. And if I did, I wouldn't have a good reason (summer vacation, free time, yadda-yadda). | 2012-06-13 06:52:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
Well that's good then, but the thing is I'm not really sure we can run a console war when we've only got 3 or so people on each faction, but if we have to, THEN WE WILL HAVE TO HAVE FULL EPIC ON FOR EVERYBODY | 2012-06-13 06:55:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
Well I've been talking to a bunch of people on joining, explaining what The Console Wars are, things like that. It's possible that a friend of mine might want to join, but I'm catching him up on Blackout right now. Still, that could take a while, and since he might not need to FULLY know before 5 starts, I'll make sure to ask him when I can. Also, abyssalassassin and TheBlackKnight22 are basically guarenteed to join imo, since I know for a fact abyssal's coming back and I know Black's been really eager for TCW5 while we were still wrapping up Blackout. I sent the both of them links to here, now we just have to wait for them to get online ....Oh, and yeah, I'm gonna be here 'till the very end. | 2012-06-13 11:30:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
I know I was a bit fade-in,fade-out towards the end of Blackout but you can be certain that I am staying for this one Also anyone who fails and leaves without reason gets a bath full of custard | 2012-06-13 19:19:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
It would require a miracle for Zim to get back to CW... Or LBPC as a whole. So I can only grant myself. | 2012-06-13 19:24:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Don't worry, as we speak our constant pointless posts are bringing attention towards us... Also finished my first post and then my computer restarted, so things don't seem to be going well so far. | 2012-06-13 19:31:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
If I were to sign up, how much of the backstory would I need to learn? It's not very newb friendly having to read hundreds of pages and keeping track of dozens of characters in order to understand the big picture. | 2012-06-13 19:49:00 Author: SnipySev Posts: 2452 |
None really, you pick most of it up as you go along. I'm pretty sure that most, if not all new people in Blackout didn't even read any of it and got along fine. Also, is that the impression we're giving to people? That they must read the whole thing to join? THIS MUST BE FIXED. | 2012-06-13 20:21:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
None really, you pick most of it up as you go along. I'm pretty sure that most, if not all new people in Blackout didn't even read any of it and got along fine. Also, is that the impression we're giving to people? That they must read the whole thing to join? THIS MUST BE FIXED. Hell, I stopped reading Blackout halfway through for two months, then when I came back I understood it all after a week. | 2012-06-13 20:28:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
I guess that only reading the player's backstories is enough. | 2012-06-13 21:31:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
*Ahem* TCW History: Was part of 4 for like... 2 weeks... Writing experience: I wrote in 4 for like... 2 weeks! Reason for joining: Merc yelled at me... Character Application (CREATIVITY REMEMBER, BE SOMETHING UNIQUE! And don't feel limited to some of the examples either.) BASIC INFO Name: Rhym Veir (My usual RPG character name... :3) Age: 17 Faction: Unaffiliated Discription: Young Rhym wasn't around for the previous wars. ((Just like me, the writer! )) But now, he has found his way into one. Rhym had had a rough childhood. Raised in poverty and never escaping it's clutches. He was finally fed up with it. After making a hard decision, Rhym decided to leave his hometown, his family, and all he knew about life. After about 2 weeks on the road, living off anything he could steal or scavenge, Rhym was mistaken for an Xbox faction revivalist and taken into custody by the Sony faction. After escaping by tricking the guards into thinking there was a distraction behind them, Rhym ran to the mountains and hid. That was when he met Them. (Lol copypasta from last time when I didn't know anything! ) Disappeared early in the last war. Weapons: Anything he can get his hands on. After being raised in poverty, you learn to fight with what you have. Bio/Backstory: ((I did a little of this in the description... Oh well...)) Rhym is a very quiet person. When he talks, it's not to say much. But it is important. He is cunning, smart, and will turn on you in a snap. Avoids killing as much as he can (meaning he goes for the knockout instead) but will do whatever is necessary when need be. Name: Sigil Age: 17 Faction: Unaffiliated Faction Role: Dat one guiz DETAILED INFO Appearance: Umm... http://www.gedzo.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/dsfdsf1-e1299768359419.jpg Good enough. Personality: Seems nice at first, but then goes traitorous. Skills/Weapons: A van he stole from Blackout and whatever was left in it. Bio/Backstory: Grew up in the same place as Rhym. Was actually best friends with Rhym. But as they got older, his ideals changed. He, too, was tired of living in poverty. But Sigil went a different way than Rhym to change how he lived. He wanted revenge. Not redemption. Ehhh... Too lazy to write anything good atm... | 2012-06-13 21:39:00 Author: Speedynutty68 Posts: 1614 |
PLOT TWIST: SIGIL IS ACTUALLY BRIAN FIRENZI and starts world war iii | 2012-06-13 22:04:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
plot twist: Sigil is actually brian firenzi and starts world war iii exhactleh! | 2012-06-13 22:27:00 Author: Speedynutty68 Posts: 1614 |
Excalibuuurr~ -- TCW History: No history whatsoever, yey Writing experience: Not that much Reason for joining: Clay and Merc forced me to :c BASIC INFO Name: The Unicorn (a code name) Age: 28 Faction: Nintendo Faction Role: Self-Declared Ninja DETAILED INFO Appearance: Short, slightly overweight male, purple tinted skin, messy pink hair that goes down to his belly button, wears purple ninja gear which covers most of the facial features besides his small, black eyes, which have dark circles around them from lack of sleep. On the headpiece of his ninja gear he has a pink unicorn horn attached to the top. Personality: Horribly insane and paranoid. He trusts no one and refuses to believe anything anyone says besides his husband, The Pig (which often leads to many mistakes). He hardly sleeps due to his fears, so he lacks energy and is negative without drinking his daily twelve pack of diet orange soda. He's rather insecure, but if the subject comes up he'll lie about it and start to boast about his ninjaness. Otherwise, he's loving and caring, but on his more insane days he'll call everyone a cheese puff and spit on them afterwards, hates sharing his things, is an idiot, and has a horrible fear of chapstick. Skills/Weapons: The weapon he claims to be his primary is a katana, but due to a lack of skills which he keeps promising himself that he'll fix, he mainly uses a pistol. He hates admiting it, due to a want to keep his pride as a ninja, but he's rather good at using it. Bio/Backstory: After being saved from the overcrowded and smelly prision he had lived his whole life in called "The Market" The Unicorn lived with his savior (a young, stunning female) for a while, and there he met The Pig, his husband, and had two kids, Mary and Tommy. He also developed his horrible fear of chapstick during this time after a horrible incident involving things which he wishes to never have to repeat ever again in his lifetime. After living with his savior for a few years, The Unicorn and his family were kicked out, and currently live by a dumpster in cardboard boxes. BASIC INFO Name: The Pig (a code name) Age: 35 Faction: Cheese. (Nintendo) Faction Role: Medic (But he'll do sniper missions if his husband, The Unicorn, asks him to) DETAILED INFO Appearance: Short, slightly fatter than The Unicorn, has light pinkish skin and short pink hair. His eyes are small and black like The Unicorn, has an overly large nose and lower face, but an abnormally small mouth. He wears an all pink doctors suit with and a black cat baseball cap. Personality: An intelligent, impatient, mostly calm professionally trained doctor, who's slightly insane himself, but it rarely shows, so that The Pig can keep his decent reputation up. The Pig tends to not show his emotions to others, but his deep love to The Unicorn is very visible. Other than that, not much is known to others about The Pig. Skills/Weapons: When he does fight, which is not often, he uses a sniper, something which he is rather good with. He keeps a sub machine gun with him at all times, but rarely uses it, and when he does it's mostly for defending more than actual combat. Bio/Backstory: The Pig used to live in The Market, but was saved by the same stunning, young female as The Unicorn, where they met and fell in love. A month after being saved, The Pig got professionally trained as a doctor, as he already had an interest in such matters and had learned basic skills in The Market. After they had Tommy and Mary, The Unicorn and The Pig were kicked out of the saviors house and had to move into cardboard boxes by a dumpster (which the trash in it is, sadly, their main source of food). He and The Unicorn both joined Nintendo due to bad financial issues, which they thought they could fix by joining, but obviously they thought wrong, as they still live in the same boxes by the same dumpster. - For those of you who don't know me and are confused at who this random and absolutely awesome person is, I'm Megan, Sir Clayton's little sister. | 2012-06-14 00:58:00 Author: Unknown User |
Appearance: Short, slightly overweight male, purple tinted skin, messy pink hair that goes down to his belly button, wears purple ninja gear which covers most of the facial features besides his small, black eyes, which have dark circles around them from lack of sleep. On the headpiece of his ninja gear he has a pink unicorn horn attached to the top. Defintely the most interesting character that we have so far. | 2012-06-14 01:07:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
I'M BACK B ES! Player Application TCW History: Been in Blackout, wrote (According to OpenOffice) 35 A4 pages. Writing experience: A fair bit, around 100 pages of fantasy/sci-fi based fiction in my lifetime. Reason for joining: Ziggy deserves an end as well as a beginning. I can't leave when the party's just starting to heat up. Also, EXPLOSIVES! Character Application BASIC INFO Name: Ziggy. Age: I can't remember. Twenty-something. Faction: Sony. Faction Role: Medic. DETAILED INFO Ziggy was quite frankly the best medic in Sony’s arsenal, she just didn’t know it yet. Born in London, to a patriotic father and an overprotective mother, she was a pacifist at heart but of course, her dad never took that for an answer. Soon afterwards, Ziggy found herself enrolled in Sandhurst, training for a job she didn’t even want in the first place. No-one ever asked if she had wanted to be a soldier in later life, they just assumed. In reality, she had expressed a desire to go to university and eventually become a Game Designer. It certainly didn’t help when every time she went into town with her squad mates, the bus passed by MM Towers. Ziggy reasoned with the fact that if she couldn’t fulfil a lifelong dream, that didn’t mean she couldn’t end up doing something different to what they wanted her to do, or more accurately he. And what was the polar opposite of killing people? Ziggy talked to her commanding officer about transferring to a Field Medic course, but the places were all taken. Later in the week, she had gone out on an exercise with the squad, the first time everyone was using live ammunition, and it had backfired horribly, a soldier with the codename of Wolf had been hit by sniper fire. With only minutes to save his life and sparse medical supplies, somehow Ziggy had prevailed in the face of insurmountable odds. And after that, the sergeant had somehow “made” a place for her. The next day that same soldier who nearly died at the hands of an ally’s gun, came up to her, defying protocol and saying his first name was Jak, yet mysteriously Ziggy had discarded her first name and only uses her codename now. After graduation she was exported to America, in a peacekeeping team based on the outskirts of Texas, near Microsoft’s HQ, seeing as the city was in a state of virtual collapse, due to the aftermath of the worst war the world had ever seen. ((Think Console Wars IV)) And like every peacekeeping force in English history, it had failed drastically, everyone splitting up to a different faction, only Ziggy and Jak going to Sony, everyone knowing deep down that one day, if they ever had each other in their sights, they would have to pull the trigger. After an endless stretch of mind-numbing war, and seeing comrades all around her die unnecessarily, Ziggy came to the conclusion that she just wanted to run as far away from her camp, run away from her life, but was now too deep in this pointless little battle to back out now. Her squeaky clean black and white morals had morphed into twisted, indistinguishable shades of grey. Ziggy’s eyes were originally a beautifully crystal clear sapphire, but now were a deep whirlpool of midnight blue, almost an abyssal black. Some people had even been calling her Abyssal and she hated the name, it reminded her of the fact that she had changed in ways she had never wanted to or could possibly stop. But every day she pushed herself out of bed, hastily grabbed the M4 assault rifle on the side table and spent another day running through war torn battlefields; healing soldiers just so they could get killed again when she was tied up with another casualty. If there was a place called hell, Ziggy was convinced she was living through it. BASIC INFO Name: Jak. Age: Twenty eight. Faction: Sony. Faction Role: Commander. DETAILED INFO Jak was born to an extremely poor family, if you could even call it that; it was just him, his mother and his pitbull Rex at home. He was raised in Salford, Manchester, doing terribly at school and spending each lunchtime getting torn to pieces by a wide selection of bullies. No-one cared; he was just a nobody, a nothing. One night he woke up to find that his mother had gone out and left him to go out partying with her friends; not that this was out of the ordinary for him. After a week of being gone she had returned, **** drunk, with a man she had only met a few hours before and they started to make love... right in front of her son's eyes. The guy instantly took an intense dislike to "that little chav *******", knocking seven bells out of him every single day and eventually pursuading her mother that she would be better off without him. Jak knew that his mum would never desert him for some lowlife she had had only been in a relationship with for two weeks... Jak thought wrong. Soon dog and owner were thrown into the back of the battered, stinking of urine, lime green hatchback his mother's boyfriend had stolen from the dealer half a decade ago; driven all the way to Hackney in London and dumped there for good. He was only twelve at the time. From then on Jak lived on the streets, stealing whatever he could find and eventually a year or two later getting in contact with a high profile gang in the area. They liked how the young kid had approached a group of drug dealers and murderers with no hesitation in his eyes and no fear in his heart. From then on he worked his way up, gaining respect from the majority of the gang... the rest ending up lying in the gutter in a pool of their own blood. Jak had participated in the London riots on a whim and was caught nicking a 42 inch Sony plasma television from Curry's at 1 o'clock in the morning. He was offered a choice; go to juvy for the rest of his childhood, or join the army. He chose the latter of course. BASIC INFO Name: Dynamo. Age: Seventeen. Faction: Sony. Faction Role: Hacker. DETAILED INFO Dynamo was raised by an average family living in Austin, Texas. His dad was CEO of a small business involved in producing office stationary, his mom a nurse at the local hospital. He had a younger sister obsessed with Justin Bieber and an older brother in the high school football team. But he just didn't seem to fit in, the only thing he was good at was gaming; he wanted to compete in MLG tournaments when he was old enough or maybe become a journalist for a website like IGN. Apart from that, he just lived for the sake of living. One time he was searching Google, looking for videos to improve his K/D on CoD. Soon he found an awesome looking link, clicking on it without thinking. Instantaneously, his computer glitched out on him and was infected by a virus. Dynamo was about to attempt to remove it when a sudden thought spawned in his brain. He wanted to know how it worked, he wanted to know what made it tick. So he kept the virus on his laptop and watched how it progressed, studying it's evolution. He downloaded several different types of malware; trojan horses, spyware and worms, soon in awe at the fact that someone from the other side of the world was controlling his computer like a puppet on a string. But they weren't a hundred percent perfect; many were visibly transparent and even a total noob (or in other words a normal human being) could see through them. Eventually it just wasn't enough; he had reached the point where he wanted to code some for himself. So Dynamo researched even more, spending virtually every hour that he was awake learning how to hack. He unleased his "creations" onto the world, easily gathering credit card information and enjoying his new "job". It wasn't too long until significant heads were reared in the interwebs and he was given an invitation to join Anonymous, which he snapped up eagerly. He had planned the DDOS attacks on Sony but at the last second was caught and unlike Jak, sent to prison without a trial. But Sony knew that such talent was being wasted in an underground cell in the middle of nowhere. They needed a person who knew their systems inside out. Later that night they staged a fake rescue, forcing him to work for them or else be shot and left for dead. He chose the former of course. BASIC INFO Name: Gecko. Age: Fifteen. Faction: Sony. Faction Role: Assassin. DETAILED INFO Ziggy had asked Gecko what his past had contained; and he insisted that, before joining Sony, he had no memories. His mind was a clean, blank slate. Ziggy was certain that this was a straight out lie, but she had enough common sense not to continue interrogating him... Not if she wanted to survive anyway. Apart from that she had picked up on a Canadian accent, but that was it. Gecko was a total enigma, akin to a Rubik's cube which would explode in your face at the slightest touch and then put itself back together again. | 2012-06-14 01:55:00 Author: abyssalassassin Posts: 717 |
None really, you pick most of it up as you go along. I'm pretty sure that most, if not all new people in Blackout didn't even read any of it and got along fine. Also, is that the impression we're giving to people? That they must read the whole thing to join? THIS MUST BE FIXED. Ok. If in the next couple of days I can think about a character (or more) that I'd like to write about, I'll apply. | 2012-06-14 04:42:00 Author: SnipySev Posts: 2452 |
Don't worry. I have no clue what I'm doing, either! Most of my starting is just going to be what happened to me in Blackout and why I disappeared... | 2012-06-14 10:06:00 Author: Speedynutty68 Posts: 1614 |
Is it okay if I kick things off from the very start with the whole "Blow up New Natal" thing? | 2012-06-14 19:02:00 Author: abyssalassassin Posts: 717 |
Is it okay if I kick things off from the very start with the whole "Blow up New Natal" thing? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvdf5n-zI14 | 2012-06-14 19:28:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
Name: Jak. Age: Twenty eight. Faction: Sony. Faction Role: Commander. Name: GDN (full name is unknown) Age: Apparent 40, but it's actually over 60 Faction: SONY Faction Role: SONY Commande Hmm, Merc, could you change GDN's role to "Supreme Commander"? I remember using that title in a previous CW, and I don't want to conflict with abyssal's character. Jak is a lower ranking than GDN, right? Right? :kz: | 2012-06-14 20:00:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Name: GDN (full name is unknown) Age: Apparent 40, but it's actually over 60 Faction: SONY Faction Role: SONY SUPREME OVERLORD We good? | 2012-06-14 20:25:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
We good? Well, you didn't have to be so overkill... DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM. I LOVE IT! Also, now RockSauron isn't OP anymore. | 2012-06-14 20:42:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Well, you didn't have to be so overkill... DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM. I LOVE IT! Also, now RockSauron isn't OP anymore. Oh yeah, that reminds me: Rock quit. | 2012-06-14 20:54:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
Oh yeah, that reminds me: Rock quit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaLxFIVX1s | 2012-06-14 20:56:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvdf5n-zI14 Will I ever be allowed to? Anyone want to vote on this? Put your hand up if you want New Natal to go bye bye (Well, a fair bit of it anyway). *Raises hand* | 2012-06-14 21:00:00 Author: abyssalassassin Posts: 717 |
Will I ever be allowed to? Anyone want to vote on this? Put your hand up if you want New Natal to go bye bye (Well, a fair bit of it anyway). *Raises hand* I second NOT doing that. And I outvote you all. | 2012-06-14 21:06:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
I second NOT doing that. And I outvote you all. I understand that you started TCW in the first place, but, seriously, I've been waiting for 8 months to go with the whole "NN goes BOOM!" plot and I have about 3 months worth of post ideas, all of which wouldn't be able to work anywhere near as well without throwing this in first. I'm getting impatient. So, if not at the start, when? | 2012-06-14 21:13:00 Author: abyssalassassin Posts: 717 |
I understand that you started TCW in the first place, but, seriously, I've been waiting for 8 months to go with the whole "NN goes BOOM!" plot and I have about 3 months worth of post ideas, all of which wouldn't be able to work anywhere near as well without throwing this in first. I'm getting impatient. So, if not at the start, when? You understand wrong then, because Merc didn't create TCW. | 2012-06-14 21:27:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
I understand that you started TCW in the first place, but, seriously, I've been waiting for 8 months to go with the whole "NN goes BOOM!" plot and I have about 3 months worth of post ideas, all of which wouldn't be able to work anywhere near as well without throwing this in first. I'm getting impatient. So, if not at the start, when? Do you want to blow up a Sony city instead? Heck, I was even thinking of the possibility of S?o Paulo getting blown up. | 2012-06-14 21:33:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Do you want to blow up a Sony city instead? Heck, I was even thinking of the possibility of S?o Paulo getting blown up. Been thinking the same. To be quite honest, I'd love to see both torn to shreds. xD | 2012-06-14 21:45:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Been thinking the same. To be quite honest, I'd love to see both torn to shreds. xD Well, the HQ at least. I'm thinking of GDN and Zim having to move to another city. | 2012-06-14 21:51:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Is this really creating this massive debate? I would've thought it reasonable that a faction's capital shouldn't be blown up in the first bit of a console war, and that's the end of that. And I never said anything about Old Natal, did I? | 2012-06-14 22:01:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
Is this really creating this massive debate? I would've thought it reasonable that a faction's capital shouldn't be blown up in the first bit of a console war, and that's the end of that. And I never said anything about Old Natal, did I? Does Old Natal have a huge building like the one in New Natal? Cause that would work greatly with an idea of mine. (And no, I wouldn't plan on destroying the building) | 2012-06-14 22:28:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Does Old Natal have a huge building like the one in New Natal? Cause that would work greatly with an idea of mine. (And no, I wouldn't plan on destroying the building) If by "Huge building" you mean a skyscraper, then yes it does; With 120 floors I do believe | 2012-06-14 22:38:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
Does Old Natal have a huge building like the one in New Natal? Cause that would work greatly with an idea of mine. (And no, I wouldn't plan on destroying the building) I believe the old MS base from TCW3 should still be there, but i'm pretty sure that much of the city is still in ruins from that last battle. | 2012-06-14 22:43:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
If by "Huge building" you mean a skyscraper, then yes it does; With 120 floors I do believe Alright, and you're sure you're not talking about New Natal? I'm not trying to question your judgement or anything, I just know that New Natal has 120 floors too. Also, I don't really know anything about Old Natal, but I'm guessing it used to be Microsoft's capital, and is not the same city as New Natal. Correct me if I'm wrong on that. SNIPED: @Merc: Is that base big? | 2012-06-14 22:45:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Alright, and you're sure you're not talking about New Natal? I'm not trying to question your judgement or anything, I just know that New Natal has 120 floors too. Also, I don't really know anything about Old Natal, but I'm guessing it used to be Microsoft's capital, and is not the same city as New Natal. Correct me if I'm wrong on that. New Natal base has 360 floors, so he's right. ...Or Jack is going to come in and correct us all in a second. | 2012-06-14 22:48:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
New Natal base has 360 floors, so he's right. ...Or Jack is going to come in and correct us all in a second. Well, there is this.. The familiar smells of an exotic cigar once more filled the 120th floor of the Main HQ in New Natal, now considered a modern world wonder by today's standards ....and I almost swore I saw somewhere where it was basically said that Jack's Office was the top floor of the building, but maybe that was just my imagination playing tricks on me. So New Natal's skyscraper building's got 360 floors presumably, and Old Natal's base has got 120 floors? | 2012-06-14 22:54:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Well, there is this.. ....and I almost swore I saw somewhere where it was basically said that Jack's Office was the top floor of the building, but maybe that was just my imagination playing tricks on me. So New Natal's skyscraper building's got 360 floors presumably, and Old Natal's base has got 120 floors? I think it might be the other way around there. Could've sworn that Jack said there was 360 floors at some point in TCW3. | 2012-06-14 23:45:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
Console Wars 1 I distinctly rememeber the tower having 120 floors. I'm not sure which TCW New Natal arrived in though. | 2012-06-14 23:56:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
Okay, so, lemme get this straight. New Natal's skyscraper has 360 floors, and Old Natal's base has 120 floors. As for the whole blowing up some place scenario, it makes sense that you don't want Microsoft's capital city to be messed with at the beginning of TCW5 Merc. It would also stink though for all of abyssal's planning to go down the drain, so perhaps we could in fact have a big battle, but instead in Old Natal like you mentioned before, Merc. Might not be the exact same, and of course, Sony would need a good reason for attacking a city already in ruins. Perhaps Microsoft has something important to Sony there, or it's their own form of "island hopping (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leapfrogging_(strategy))", without the islands, and Sony could try taking over locations less defended by Microsoft, to form strongholds for one big, all-out attack on their capital city, New Natal, later on though of course. I'm not only mentioning this because of plans of mine and abyssal's, but also in a post of hers in Blackout I know that Jak forced Ziggy to go into New Natal in the future and help create an explosion there, and Sony would proceed to take over the city. I know we want to avoid a much plot holes as we can, and that would be a plot hole. Maybe the reason they wouldn't directly attack New Natal itself is because Microsoft's beefed up security or something.... That's just a random idea I'm throwing forward though. | 2012-06-15 00:17:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Okay, so, lemme get this straight. New Natal's skyscraper has 360 floors, and Old Natal's base has 120 floors. As for the whole blowing up some place scenario, it makes sense that you don't want Microsoft's capital city to be messed with at the beginning of TCW5 Merc. It would also stink though for all of abyssal's planning to go down the drain, so perhaps we could in fact have a big battle, but instead in Old Natal like you mentioned before, Merc. Might not be the exact same, and of course, Sony would need a good reason for attacking a city already in ruins. Perhaps Microsoft has something important to Sony there, or it's their own form of "island hopping (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leapfrogging_(strategy))", without the islands, and Sony could try taking over locations less defended by Microsoft, to form strongholds for one big, all-out attack on their capital city, New Natal, later on though of course. I'm not only mentioning this because of plans of mine and abyssal's, but also in a post of hers in Blackout I know that Jak forced Ziggy to go into New Natal in the future and help create an explosion there, and Sony would proceed to take over the city. I know we want to avoid a much plot holes as we can, and that would be a plot hole. Maybe the reason they wouldn't directly attack New Natal itself is because Microsoft's beefed up security or something.... That's just a random idea I'm throwing forward though. First off, other way around. If anything New Natal has 120 floors, and Old Natal 360. Second, it's not in ruins, it's still a bustling city hub for Microsoft, just certain parts are much more ruined than others. Third, no destroying of capitals in the start, maybe not even blowing them up all, end discussion. | 2012-06-15 00:39:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
First off, other way around. If anything New Natal has 120 floors, and Old Natal 360. Second, it's not in ruins, it's still a bustling city hub for Microsoft, just certain parts are much more ruined than others. Third, no destroying of capitals in the start, maybe not even blowing them up all, end discussion. 1. Gotchya, my mistake. Thank you for clarifying. 2. I see, sorry, I was a little confused by your wording earlier. 3. Like I said before, if there was an attack on the city's capital, it would be later on. Unless Old Natal is Microsoft's capital as well. Is Old Natal a section of New Natal itself? The idea is that Old Natal would be attacked a little after the beginning of TCW5 maybe. Whether that could work out or not, I'm not sure about other plans now like actually attempting to attack New Natal itself, I was just throwing that one out there to justify the whole "island hopping" reference. | 2012-06-15 01:00:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Oi. I never knew that the architectural integrity of both Natals was coherently important in this battle of epic proportions. My legacy ain't dead yet, baby! xD From my knowledge, the only reason Microsoft built New Natal was because Old Natal was completely ruined (and that Jack was finally "hacked" into while holding office there). I think the Old Natal building had around 360 floors, because I remember that it reached into the inner stratosphere at full height. I also remember that Jack's office was on the 120th floor, but that wasn't the top floor of the building itself. Research & development was on the 60th floor, and the interrogation rooms, prison, and later the Core, were all below the building itself (the Core after the building was torn into the first time around). That tower was completely and utterly destroyed in the first war, along with most of the capitol and the majority of the warring factions that were currently there at the time (which were all three Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony). The newer Old Natal building was built shorter (methinks) as a precaution, so as to not make the Main HQ such a glaring and obvious symbol (even though it'd still be, just not reaching to ridiculous heights). THAT one had 120 floors, and Jack's office, I think, was on the 60th. New Natal's HQ follows the same model. As far as I know, Old Natal was long-since abandoned since TCW3, and whether or not it was ever in a state of reconstruction is up to speculation. By all means, if you wanna rebuild Old Natal, then go ahead. Just know that there won't be a giant skyscraper there anymore. Heh, it's always funny how something ALWAYS happens at Microsoft's capitol. I have been playing/reading TCW since the beginning and never once has there been a peaceful start for my story. Heck, the first war led to a Sony army and a Wiimote monster to attack the Main HQ at once! There have also been several spies, super-hackers, a Rambo-style thug, satellites and the entire armies of Nintendo and Sony that have also attacked the Main HQ, and always for one reason: to kill Jack. I could see why, though; I'd always respond with a massive army of my own to hold them off and end up with an epic firefight/battle (that usually ended with me fending them off or some other major event distracting them). But by all means, if you want to destroy Old Natal, that's fine. Just don't expect an easy fight, though; I've been doing this for too long to make anything simple for anyone anymore. | 2012-06-15 04:54:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
I'm not asking to blow up the base, or anything military related. There will be roughly about 100 Microsoft casualties, all not important to the story. I'm asking if I can blow up an area around 4 miles from the base, a tourist hub full of civilians. I don't want any base to go down, that's not the point. | 2012-06-15 07:30:00 Author: abyssalassassin Posts: 717 |
I'm not asking to blow up the base, or anything military related. There will be roughly about 100 Microsoft casualties, all not important to the story. I'm asking if I can blow up an area around 4 miles from the base, a tourist hub full of civilians. I don't want any base to go down, that's not the point. Approved. See as long as it doesn't conflict with much of what other people need it's fine. | 2012-06-15 07:32:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
I'm not asking to blow up the base, or anything military related. There will be roughly about 100 Microsoft casualties, all not important to the story. I'm asking if I can blow up an area around 4 miles from the base, a tourist hub full of civilians. I don't want any base to go down, that's not the point. Make sure no turtles are harmed in the blast, or I'll cry. | 2012-06-15 07:43:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Approved. See as long as it doesn't conflict with much of what other people need it's fine. Breathes. Can I make it so Ziggy and Jak were attempting to blow up the base, but then got caught halfway through, throwing it through a window and running, blowing the tourist hub up 15 minutes later? | 2012-06-15 07:47:00 Author: abyssalassassin Posts: 717 |
Breathes. Can I make it so Ziggy and Jak were attempting to blow up the base, but then got caught halfway through, throwing it through a window and running, blowing the tourist hub up 15 minutes later? Sure, go ahead. I usually make my story up on the spot so that's fine. Yay! For once the Microsoft base is staying intact in the first posts! | 2012-06-15 09:54:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
1. Is there any chance Microsoft soldiers could come in and fight down Sony soldiers, trying to protect themselves from another attack, so a little battle ensues? 2. Could my characters sneak to the Microsoft skyscraper base building thingamajig? (Not to blow anything up, or cause any mass destruction whatsoever though) And I'm guessing we're talking about New Natal again, right? | 2012-06-15 11:47:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
1. Is there any chance Microsoft soldiers could come in and fight down Sony soldiers, trying to protect themselves from another attack, so a little battle ensues? 2. Could my characters sneak to the Microsoft skyscraper base building thingamajig? (Not to blow anything up, or cause any mass destruction whatsoever though) And I'm guessing we're talking about New Natal again, right? If you want a reason for Sony to attack a small Microsoft base then you could always attack the medical base I'm stationed at (Maybe in order to apprehend me as I did blow up a city after all. ). It will be militarised and I'd like to try out the new weapon I find. | 2012-06-15 12:12:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
If you want a reason for Sony to attack a small Microsoft base then you could always attack the medical base I'm stationed at (Maybe in order to apprehend me as I did blow up a city after all. ). It will be militarised and I'd like to try out the new weapon I find. Ziggy's a medic/pacifist (I know, I know, she's got a death list as long as the wait for Half Life 3, but she never intends to kill, but she does anyway). I really don't think she'd have the conscience to directly target a medical base. But I could organize it so that she finds out later that the medical base has been destroyed by the resulting explosion (Radius of 3 miles, if that's alright?). | 2012-06-15 15:44:00 Author: abyssalassassin Posts: 717 |
1. Is there any chance Microsoft soldiers could come in and fight down Sony soldiers, trying to protect themselves from another attack, so a little battle ensues? 2. Could my characters sneak to the Microsoft skyscraper base building thingamajig? (Not to blow anything up, or cause any mass destruction whatsoever though) And I'm guessing we're talking about New Natal again, right? 1. Microsoftian soldiers will do anything to protect their country, their people, and most importantly, their president. So if you do anything within a Microsoft city or outpost, it's more than likely that you'll get some soldiers coming your way. Especially if its Sony. 2. Seeing the history of the Main HQ in both Natals, despite the fact that its heavily fortified and has everyone and everything Microsoft swarming around it, people always manage to sneak inside. So I guess that's fine if you sneak in; I wouldn't want to get caught, however... 3. Seeing how everyone is dead-set on doing something in New Natal (either destroying a resort, infiltrating a base, or wishing to annihilate the city itself), I guess that is what we're talking about. | 2012-06-15 15:47:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
1. That's actually what I hoped for. It'll be great have Microsoftian soldiers stationed all around, as it'll make things more exciting, and supposed to be difficult for Drago and Heather to complete their goal. 2. Well, I've already set up how they'd sneak in, although I'll have to send you a pm about it, which I'll do in a second. 3. Just making sure, thanks. I mean, I don't want us to leave New Natal in terrible shape, I just think a 'certain' scenario I've planned could fit very well with Ziggy's attack on the city, as, besides maybe killing a few soldiers as my characters try moving through the city, they won't be doing much harm. | 2012-06-15 15:51:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
One last deman- request. Can it take place at night, in the organised chaos of a Midnight Launch? | 2012-06-15 16:55:00 Author: abyssalassassin Posts: 717 |
Ziggy's a medic/pacifist (I know, I know, she's got a death list as long as the wait for Half Life 3, but she never intends to kill, but she does anyway). I really don't think she'd have the conscience to directly target a medical base. But I could organize it so that she finds out later that the medical base has been destroyed by the resulting explosion (Radius of 3 miles, if that's alright?). Well the base doesn't have to be destroyed, it was just Dragon wanted fighting and I still haven't been caught for blowing up Vita xD | 2012-06-15 17:01:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
Well the base doesn't have to be destroyed, it was just Dragon wanted fighting and I still haven't been caught for blowing up Vita xD Well, fighting between Microsoft and Sony soldiers make things more interesting for Drago and Heather than simply walking over and grabbing what my characters need to grab. | 2012-06-15 17:11:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Well, fighting between Microsoft and Sony soldiers make things more interesting for Drago and Heather than simply walking over and grabbing what my characters need to grab. The plan is that the conflict would last from about 12:15 to about 1:45, so make sure to do whatever you need by that time and then get out. I'll post times at the start/end of each of my posts. | 2012-06-15 18:37:00 Author: abyssalassassin Posts: 717 |
Well the base doesn't have to be destroyed, it was just Dragon wanted fighting and I still haven't been caught for blowing up Vita xD Oh, and I just realized. One part involves a M$ sergeant who calls for a medic. But the medics won't answer their comms system, it's just white noise. Maybe Gecko/Dynamo could have a skirmish (With anyone who wants to join in), stopping all medical aid getting out to aid the main central fight. Yet Ziggy wouldn't know, so at the end when she found out that the medical base had been destroyed by the bomb blast with all the medics locked/tied up inside, by half of her squad, she could get extremely angry, and that could ignite some interesting debate/fighting. | 2012-06-15 18:42:00 Author: abyssalassassin Posts: 717 |
Well, I'm in need of "interactions", as most of my planned story involves dealing with CW3 plot holes that were left by Zim and me. I already have something planned with Drago, and if I could get a place in that party you are setting up... :3 | 2012-06-15 20:01:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Well, I'm in need of "interactions", as most of my planned story involves dealing with CW3 plot holes that were left by Zim and me. I already have something planned with Drago, and if I could get a place in that party you are setting up... :3 Honestly, I have the exact same idea in terms of Mercuy's story in this war. Thing is though, I don't think that he would appreciate working with GDN, given the 'leading him into a trap at the Blackout base' thing. | 2012-06-15 20:06:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
Well, I'm in need of "interactions", as most of my planned story involves dealing with CW3 plot holes that were left by Zim and me. I already have something planned with Drago, and if I could get a place in that party you are setting up... :3 Sounds good to me. Everyone else okay with that? | 2012-06-15 20:06:00 Author: abyssalassassin Posts: 717 |
Honestly, I have the exact same idea in terms of Mercuy's story in this war. Thing is though, I don't think that he would appreciate working with GDN, given the 'leading him into a trap at the Blackout base' thing. CW4 -> Zim hates on GDN CW5 -> Merc hates on GDN GDN: WHY DOES NOBODY LOVE ME??? | 2012-06-15 20:14:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Here is my application! TCW History: None! Writing experience: I enjoy writing as a hobby and have been writing a novel on and off for a few years now.. Reason for joining: I was encouraged to by Dragonvarsity Character Application BASIC INFO Name: Alice and Lake (they are twins) Age: 17 Faction: Unaffiliated. Faction Role: Alice is more of a soldier/warrior and Lake is a medic, though they can really be either. DETAILED INFO Appearance: Both have dark brown hair, pale skin and blue eyes. They are pretty much identical other than the fact that they are different genders. Personality: Lake is optimistic, cheerful and intelligent, though tends to rush into things rather than thinking about them first. Alice is more untrusting, calculating and sarcastic, though once you get to know her she lets you see her soft side easily. Skills/Weapons: Neither have any weapons other than the abilities that were given to them at a young age. Alice can modify the growth of plants as well as make them do her bidding, while Lake can speak to animals through telekinesis and use their advantages such as flight, better eyesight etc. to gain an advantage. Bio/Backstory: Lake and Alice were left at the doorstep of an orphanage 17 years ago, with nothing but a piece of paper with their names on it. Clearly their parents wanted the orphanage to take them in, however a passing scientist, studying the effects of injecting genes from other non-human species into human infants, took them from the doorstep to his lab. Here at the lab they endured many years of experiments, with Alice being experimented on with plant genes, and Lake with animal genes. These did not have the desired affects, since the scientist had anticipated the children gaining qualities of the species they had been injected with, instead, they gained the ability to control the species they had been injected with, and using these powers, managed to escape the lab, with Alice accidentally killing the scientist in the process, mentally scarring her to become more cold and wary when it came to meeting new people. Lake, having not witnessed the gruesome end of their father-figure (having been torn in two by thorny vines), remained unscarred and trained in medicine so that he could help anyone unfortunate enough to end up on the receiving end of one of his sister's sporadic outbursts. For a few years now they have been living in the forest, in a house that Alice created from telling trees to form a shelter for them, however news of the war is spreading fast, and the birds in the skies soon tell Lake that trouble is brewing. The two decide to leave the woods and see if their abilities can prove any help in the world at large. | 2012-06-15 21:45:00 Author: Plasmavore Posts: 1913 |
Nintendo has more people than Microsoft, who has more people than Sony. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/114/348/tom_delay.jpg | 2012-06-15 22:03:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Nintendo has more people than Microsoft, who has more people than Sony. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/114/348/tom_delay.jpg The tables have turned. | 2012-06-15 22:08:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
I'm planning on having my character Josh have interactions with most of you guys, so if you wanna plan out something with me, you could send me a PM and talk story stuff. Also, GDN... now you know how it feels to be Jack in the past 5-6 wars. | 2012-06-16 00:17:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
Also, GDN... now you know how it feels to be Jack in the past 5-6 wars. Someone should spit on his grave to keep the tradition going. | 2012-06-16 00:19:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
I'm planning on having my character Josh have interactions with most of you guys, so if you wanna plan out something with me, you could send me a PM and talk story stuff. Got something I need to work out regarding Chris actually. I'll knock exactly 4 times so you know it's me sending the PM... | 2012-06-16 00:54:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
Because I'm just too much of a rebel, I decided I should go with new, better characters. c: BASIC INFO Name: Yu (First name only) Age: 19 Faction: Sony Faction Role: She doesn't really have an actual role, and mostly does unimportant missions which no one else cares to take, along with the ones assigned to her by Elwood. DETAILED INFO Appearance: Average height, boyish body type, pale skin, black hair which is in a fairly long ponytail, small dull grey-blue eyes with barely visible eyebrows. She has a slightly long face, and a flat, wide nose. Her clothing consists of a plain white tanktop, with brown shorts that go to her knees and brown lace up boots. Personality: Cold, determined, rather adventurous, quiet, and serious. She doesn't speak to others unless it's required or if it's her family, or Aron. She doesn't show it to others, but she cares (almost an abnormal amount) deeply about her family, and keeps a picture of them wherever she goes. The same can be said about Aron. Skills/Weapons: She uses a pistol with a knife attached at the bottom, which can actually be launched from the gun incase of stealth being required or a lack of ammo. She keeps spare knifes strapped to her right arm, so she can quickly reload. She can decieve people with ease, is great endurance-wise, and had various survial skills, except for making a fire, which she finds quite embarrasing. Bio/Backstory: She was born in China, but moved to a foresty island at two with her family (Her parents and her soon to be born younger brother) which was owned by her wealthy uncle. As soon as her parents let her go off on her own, she spent all her time in the forest of the island, always finding new interesting things which she would always show to her younger brother first. But, a month after she had turned eighteen, her uncle had sold the island and her and her family had to move back to China. Yu wanted to find a new adventure somewhere else though, so she had decided instead of going back to China, she would go to Britian. Which she instantly regretted. Yu wanted to go back home, but her uncle had passed away, and her family had been hit by poverty, so she had to stay. She herself was hit was poverty, and desperate and missing her family, met and became roomates with Aron, another person in a situation similar to hers, minus the family part. They both needed money, and bad, which led to them both getting recruited by a suspicious man who goes by the name Elwood. BASIC INFO Name: Elwood (First name only) Age: 58 Faction: Sony Faction Role: Owner of Elwood News Network and Console Weekly News. Also owns The Market, a rather distasteful prison. DETAILED INFO Appearance: Average height, thin and pale, short grey hair, with some of the handsomeness he had in his past still slightly showing. His eyes are a bright, stunning color of green. He wears an average buisness suit with a grey tie. Personality: Appears like the friendly and joking type, but never shows his emotions about events that happen, whether they're good or bad. He's a genius naturally, and instantly charms almost everyone he meets, except for a few people who aren't his biggest fans. (The Unicorn and The Pig, for example.) Skills/Weapons: He never needs any weapons, as he rarely leaves the headquaters of his company, but if he does, he has plenty of bodyguards with him. Just incase though, he keeps a pistol in his suit at all times. Bio/Backstory: Not much is known about Elwood, besides the fact that he went to college at a very young age, and then quickly rose to fame with his news network almost right after graduating. BASIC INFO Name: Aron (First name only) Age: 20 Faction: Sony Faction Role: Like Yu, he does side missions and anything Elwood assigns him, but his missions are more stealth like. DETAILED INFO Appearance: Tall, with short black hair and large blue eyes. He has slightly pale skin, and slight freckles. His head is short, round, and slightly chubby. His clothing resembles Yu's, and is a white t-shirt with brown jeans and boots. Personality: Friendly, innocent, and funny. He can lighten up anyones mood, and is carefree. But don't let any of this deceive you, as Aron is strong and always has his guard up, and it's almost impossible to do a surprise attack on him, as he is a master of stealthiness. Skills/Weapons: His weapons vary depending on the mission, but mostly he'll use a knife, a smg, and smoke grenades. He has a revolver which he likes to use, but Elwood rarely lets him take it out on missions, so he only brings it on missions not assigned by Elwood, and also keeps it in a pouch on his jeans with him during his daily life. Bio/Backstory: Aron was born and raised in Britian, and lived a fairly average life. He graduated highschool and college with above average grades, but then, after graduating, couldn't find a job and had to become roomates with Yu due to finacial issues. The two became friends, and then both became hired by Elwood. | 2012-06-16 02:23:00 Author: Unknown User |
3 Nintendo Agents. 4 Microsoft Agents. 9 Sony Agents. The balance has been restored, Clay. | 2012-06-16 05:03:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Since everyone seems to be focused on killing dueling interacting with Chris, and Josh not receivin' any lovin', I'm gonna add in one more character to my roster (No, he's not replacing Josh. But if it were his decision, he would.). BASIC INFO Name: Spartan-947, Enoch Bernard, "New Chief" Age: 42 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: In-Field Commander/Captain of Foxtrot Unit DETAILED INFO Appearance: Intimidating. He's always clad in grey MJOLNIR Gen. 2 armor, with black and gold accents. His armor is covered in various marks, dents and scratches, presented as though marks of achievement from various battles and firefights. Whenever he takes his helmet off, however, his face is also intimidating, as various scars cross the right side of his face. His short, blonde hair is contrary to his grey, featureless eyes, and his face in general seems to lack the vitality most human beings have. Personality: Dead serious. He seems to be perpetually angry all of the time, as no one, even his own teammates on Foxtrot, have ever recalled of him laughing, smiling, crying, or having any other emotional trait for that matter. His seriousness usually leads to people thinking that he's mad at something or is ruthless, but he can't help it. That's how the Spartan-IV program trained him. Skills/Weapons: Being a Spartan, he's a super-soldier in some sense. As standard, Enoch is very strong and resilient to most melee assaults. With a knack in battle-planning, he's become one of Microsoft's most advance strategists, usually making orders on the battlefield itself. Besides his unconventional tactics and strategies, he specializes in knife-fighting and room-clearing, as his weapons of choice are a COG Lancer, a Brute Shot, and a Gravity Hammer whenever assigned important tasks. Bio/Backstory: Even with the Chief gone, the Spartan-IV initiative still serves as a pinnacle of super-soldier technology and training, still producing quality soldiers like Enoch. Growing up privileged, he got easily frustrated at home and always wanted to do things himself, from making his own sandwich to fixing his own car. When he heard of the UNSC taking more recruits for "specialized purposes", Enoch was quick to sign-up, taking control of his own destiny. Surviving the brutal initialization and training involved with the Spartan-IV initiative, he quickly rose through the ranks, even though he usually defied his officer's orders. Because of his rebellious streak, the UNSC only allowed him to rise to the rank of Captain, and enlisted him in team school to teach him some discipline. That plan backfired, as Enoch soon used his new knowledge on the battlefield and in turn take control of his troops. As it turned out, he was much more competent and wise in leading his men than other captains were, and quickly garnered admiration from his own troops. He now reports directly to Chris, who, given what beyond the horizon, might be needing his expertise very, very soon. | 2012-06-16 06:14:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
Do all of your characters need to be in the same faction? | 2012-06-16 07:00:00 Author: SnipySev Posts: 2452 |
Do all of your characters need to be in the same faction? Nooooooooooope. | 2012-06-16 07:05:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Here at the lab they endured many years of experiments, Maybe the same lab as Gecko? Also, has anyone figured out the mute/ventriloquist references I've made to Gecko? I feel I've been a bit vague in general about explaining them. | 2012-06-16 09:15:00 Author: abyssalassassin Posts: 717 |
The plan is that the conflict would last from about 12:15 to about 1:45, so make sure to do whatever you need by that time and then get out. I'll post times at the start/end of each of my posts. FGT- ...alright. I think I might have to cut back on a certain something I wanted to handle, but there are still a number of necessary things I'll have to do. I'm not worried about the battle between Ms and Sony raging on after I do what my characters need to do there, but I'm hoping they'll still be battling at least a little when the two get there at first. I'll pm you why if that's alright abyssal. :] | 2012-06-16 12:51:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Okay, still open for suggestions as to where to start from. Ugh, so many exams, they'll be over soon but its hard to think up epic plotlines while drudging through revision. | 2012-06-16 20:18:00 Author: PygmyOwl Posts: 1316 |
Okay, still open for suggestions as to where to start from. Ugh, so many exams, they'll be over soon but its hard to think up epic plotlines while drudging through revision. I guarantee that you can easily work out who you'd like to tag along with once we get first posts out, and if not, Mercuy can come into contact with you. | 2012-06-16 22:59:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
'k Till then I better catch up on reading all the backstories. | 2012-06-17 08:10:00 Author: PygmyOwl Posts: 1316 |
'k Till then I better catch up on reading all the backstories. You could always tag along with me as I kinda need something/someone to go along with although I always thought Zeta was quite scary..... @Merc - I hate to bring this up and please forgive me for being superstitous but I can't help but you think you accidentaly missed mine a Dizzy's applications despite them being on page 2 as we have not been added to the original post. Sorry to remind you | 2012-06-17 09:40:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
@Merc - I hate to bring this up and please forgive me for being superstitous but I can't help but you think you accidentaly missed mine a Dizzy's applications despite them being on page 2 as we have not been added to the original post. Sorry to remind you I think mine's been missed off too. | 2012-06-17 10:23:00 Author: abyssalassassin Posts: 717 |
@butter-kicker/abyssalassassin: Actually, Zeta is on there, under Nintendo, with Drago and Gabriel. But yeah, you're right about Craigson along with Ziggy & co. I'm sure Merc's just been too busy to add them yet though. @DizzyZebra: I've got a great idea on possible colliding, but it could be a bit of a game changer, and I'm not sure how much you've planned for your character's story in TCW5. I have to wait for something first though, giving it 'till the end of the day, but then I'll see if I can message you about it. (Sorry, have to be a bit obscure, confidentiality, ya know?) | 2012-06-17 12:59:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
@DizzyZebra: I've got a great idea on possible colliding, but it could be a bit of a game changer, and I'm not sure how much you've planned for your character's story in TCW5. I have to wait for something first though, giving it 'till the end of the day, but then I'll see if I can message you about it. (Sorry, have to be a bit obscure, confidentiality, ya know?) Zeta has met GDN and Zim in the past, so maybe you can throw us in there too? :3 | 2012-06-17 14:53:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Zeta has met GDN and Zim in the past, so maybe you can throw us in there too? :3 You just gave me a great idea, considering we've already got plans on colliding, and it has to do with this "other" idea.. | 2012-06-17 14:57:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
@Butter: Sure, I hope I'll try not to scare you. c[: This may take some arranging with Dragon, but I don't mind. @Dragon: I have no plans at all yet, I have a blank slate. Although last time my last finish was a bit awry, I may demote those events to an optional canon. I think its best if I start anew, keeping the events from 3 and put the rest down to shenanigans. | 2012-06-17 15:09:00 Author: PygmyOwl Posts: 1316 |
You could always tag along with me as I kinda need something/someone to go along with although I always thought Zeta was quite scary..... @Merc - I hate to bring this up and please forgive me for being superstitous but I can't help but you think you accidentaly missed mine a Dizzy's applications despite them being on page 2 as we have not been added to the original post. Sorry to remind you I just stopped adding them for the time being because it was a massive pain to try and sift through that huge post to put them in. I'm not to blame, my laziness is... | 2012-06-17 18:25:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
Also Jason, Erin and Eve character bios: (Zak and Pete coming later) Name: Jason Deverall Age: 26 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Alexa's squad; Medic Appearance: Brown hair cropped medium short, clean shaven, brown leather jacket; 5'11, average build. Personality: Still shows his spoiled self from time to time, and can often be at fault for it. Otherwise seems to be the optimist of the group. Skills/Weapons: MA5D Assault Rifle (http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120609173920/halo/images/thumb/9/9b/P275ASS.jpg/830px-P275ASS.jpg), 3 years of combat medic experience. Bio/Backstory: Born into a life of riches and snobbery, Jason shunned many of his peers and thought them lesser to him from an early age, until he met Alexa at the age of 9, and was convinced that it wasn't money that mattered. It was later that the two of them moved on to form the squad as they know it today. Name: Erin Serena Age: 25 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Alexa's squad; Stealth specialist Appearance: Medium long black hair, Black t-shirt and combat vest; dark purple bandana (The one thing that most people use to tell the difference between her and Eve) Personality: Much more reserved than the rest of the squad, but often the most creative of the bunch, along with her twin, Eve. Skills/Weapons: 2 Handed Katana, M7S SMG (http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091102165013/halo/images/thumb/3/3e/Halo3-ODST_Silenced-SMG-02.png/830px-Halo3-ODST_Silenced-SMG-02.png). Black belt proficiency in martial arts. Bio/Backstory: Erin was always being confused with her sister, and vice versa, thus her plan was to move from her native land of Ireland at the early age of 11, being the independant girl that she was. She moved to New Natal and started to learn combat for herself, and quickly became incredibly skilled in many forms of martial arts. Shortly after, she met Alexa and Jason, and learned techniques in stealth playing for their paintball team. Name: Eve Serena Age: 25 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Alexa's squad; Demolitions expert Appearance: Medium short black hair; Black combat jacket (Often adorned with an array of explosives) Personality: Often calm, but pessimistic even at the smallest flaws. Quite creative at the best of times. (Much like her sister.) Skills/Weapons: M90 CAWS Shotgun (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110819021403/halo/images/thumb/d/d6/M90_Shotgun_%28Torch_Side%29.png/830px-M90_Shotgun_%28Torch_Side%29.png), Explosive ordanace training Bio/Backstory: After Erin left for New Natal, Eve was focused on building her own identity, but she instead started to play with fire, and her days were spent messing with explosives which her slightly less than responsible uncle from the Dublin police EOD retrieved for her. At 14 she joined her Erin in New Natal, (Now having a much different look, and not easily confused.) quickly becoming an asset to their squad, and honing her firearm skills as well. Not my greatest work, but at least they have their own backstories now. | 2012-06-17 20:58:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
Yeah, I was pretty lazy on Drago's bio as well, although it was way better than the first one I came up with. Still, I guess we're all most focused on what's going on now for them, not before. Also, Dizzy, the idea of mine wouldn't really work right with your character, feel free to talk with butter about plans and whatnot. | 2012-06-17 21:03:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Huh. Those bios make me wanna make some for Foxtrot Unit. Name: Spartan-895, Yakov Nikolov Age: 48 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Foxtrot Unit/Heavy Ordinance Appearance: Crimson, white and blue MJOLNIR Gen 2. armor, with reinforced attachments. Beneath his visor, his skin is pale, but has bright brown hair and a full beard. His blue eyes match his bright personality. Personality: Boisterous. He's always jolly whenever it comes to most situations, and always chats up a storm on the off time. Yakov gets along with everyone, except for Rhodes. He is, however, a mean drunk. Skills/Weapons: High-Powered Sentinel Beam, T261 Lucifer Arm-Mounted Gatling Gun. Incredibly strong, even when compared to other Spartans and Cogs. Bio/Backstory: Growing up in war-torn Eastern Europe during the 4th war, Yakov enlisted in the Spartan-IV program at the age of 19, wishing to follow in the footsteps of his idol, Master Chief. Yakov is one of the USNC's only personnel authorized to operate heavy weapons, and sometimes is the only one who can lift them. Enoch was assigned to him initially, as he taught the then-rookie all he knew about the battlefield. Later on, after Enoch became a Field Commander, he formed Foxtrot Unit, a strike force dedicated to specialized tasks straight from the President. Yakov was the first one to be invited to join. Name: Spartan-956, Haley McKinley Age: 26 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Foxtrot Unit/Aerial Ordinance Appearance: Sky blue/white/grey camouflaged MJOLNIR Gen. 2 armor, with a jetpack attachment. Beneath her visor, she has short, black hair and semi-tan skin. Her brown eyes always seem to be glistening. Personality: Optimistic and extremely ambitious. She rarely stands still, and if possible, flies or hovers above the ground. She also gets along with most people, especially Yakov. But her constant prodding and curiosity can get on everyone's nerves at times. Skills/Weapons: MA5K Carbine, Plasma Grenades, Energy Sword. Jetpack expertise and aerial dominance. Bio/Backstory: A high school athlete in track and field, Haley joined the Spartan IV program because life in general "wasn't challenging enough for her". Being a Spartan weighing less than 150 lbs, she's light enough to receive training in aerial combat, a newer field in the Microsoft Army. She, along with the rest of the 63rd Airborne Unit, became the first aerial troop unit to see active combat. Yakov extended Enoch's invitation to her to join Foxtrot Unit. Name: Spartan-934, Rhodes Orwell Age: 35 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Foxtrot Unit/Designated Marksman Appearance: Brown MJOLNIR Gen. 2 armor, though he's completely covered in mesh and artificial fibers, resembling a Ghillie-suited Spartan. Beneath his visor, he has black skin and usually a shaved head, with intense black eyes. Personality: Serious. He takes after Enoch, though his temper seems to flare up more. He has a general dislike towards most things, but he especially hates Yakov. Rhodes keeps to himself most of the time, rarely talking unless necessary. Skills/Weapons: One-Shot, Desert Eagle, Kabar knife. Extreme accuracy from long distances. Bio/Backstory: Following a long family history of military service, Rhodes joined the Spartan-IV initiative to further that tradition. Ultra-conservative with his ammunition, he was sent to a COG camp that specialized in long-range armaments, including the One-Shot and various other sniper rifle systems. Rhodes' dedication to accuracy got him into the Wake Initiative, serving as a back-up for agents with more dangerous missions. Chris nominated him personally to join Foxtrot Unit. You don't need to add these to the roster, since they won't be appearing until later. | 2012-06-17 22:31:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
And we're going to be having sign-ups for another 5 days before we start this thing up. I suggest that all of you start writing your first posts for all of your characters! | 2012-06-17 22:43:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
And we're going to be having sign-ups for another 5 days before we start this thing up. I suggest that all of you start writing your first posts for all of your characters! Preview: http://pnmedia.gamespy.com/planetfrontlines.gamespy.com/images/articles/vehicles/_blueprint_WC_HeavyArmor.jpg | 2012-06-17 23:27:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Preview: http://pnmedia.gamespy.com/planetfrontlines.gamespy.com/images/articles/vehicles/_blueprint_WC_HeavyArmor.jpg I have high hopes soldier. | 2012-06-18 00:35:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
My turn. http://i.imgur.com/j7Yab.jpg | 2012-06-18 00:41:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Well, fu- oh wait, this is the kiddy site, can't use my PS3T vocabulary here. Anyways, I was planning on joining this, still am I guess, but I didn't get my normal LBPC emails to alert me to new PMs, so I'm a bit behind with both the summary and this thread. I am also, unfortunately, on vacation. And not the "Home and PS3 for a week" kind I'd prefer. So I've got a lot of reading to do, but rest assured you'll see some registration-styled toasting from me soon. ... SNEK PRIVEW Name: 'Geo' (I'll come up with a real name when I can, but goes by that) Age: 19 Faction: lulidunno Faction Role: Technological Work - Mechanics, artifact research and usage Appearance: Messy black hair typical of a mechanic, red hairband, casual clothes Personality: Get r' done attitude, prefers the 'tank' role in combat Skills: Can manifest and animate black/red (think hardened magma) rock for use as projectiles, shields, and even mech-style armor. Extensive knowledge of computer usage and of the mythology of the TCW world. Bio/Backstory: ...uh, something to write later? So uh yeah count me in and things C: | 2012-06-18 00:52:00 Author: Voltergeist Posts: 1702 |
No, DV, I win. http://www.coloringpages365.com/coloring/boat-coloring-pages-4.gif | 2012-06-18 00:52:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
Destructive Tank, Creepy Prison, and Fleet of Ships? ..Subtle. EDIT: Welcome Volter. | 2012-06-18 00:58:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
I've always thought the Console Wars looks awfully complicated and too mind melting. But i'm starting to have second thoughts now .__. I have no idea what i'm doing here I:0 | 2012-06-18 01:03:00 Author: >er. Posts: 785 |
I've always thought the Console Wars looks awfully complicated and too mind melting. But i'm starting to have second thoughts now .__. I have no idea what i'm doing here I:0 I've actually been trying to push a bunch of LBPC friends to come and join, I just didn't want to bother you since I already pushed, well....you know what. Anyway, it really isn't that complicated. There is some stuff you might wanna know, but not really that much. It's all about creating your own story, yet intertwining with others. Knowing stuff from the past can make some things clearer, but backstories provided in sign-ups and some of the intros in TCW5 should pretty much tell you what you'll need to know. I'd be happy to send a PM your way to tell you what you need to know, if you're still considering joining... | 2012-06-18 01:05:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
Faction: lulidunno nintendo nintendo nintendo nintendo nintendo | 2012-06-18 01:20:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
I'd be happy to send a PM your way to tell you what you need to know, if you're still considering joining... Send me all ya got then. The only thing i fear is that it'll take too much time, or that i might be gone for, say, two days and i would miss so much i'll have to read myself to death. But in the end if stuff turns out bad, can always make up a death scene for myself and end my time in Console Wars? | 2012-06-18 01:30:00 Author: >er. Posts: 785 |
Send me all ya got then. The only thing i fear is that it'll take too much time, or that i might be gone for, say, two days and i would miss so much i'll have to read myself to death. But in the end if stuff turns out bad, can always make up a death scene for myself and end my time in Console Wars? Pffft. I stopped reading Blackout for 2 months. When I returned, I didn't bother reading any of what I missed and I understood what was going on pretty fast. | 2012-06-18 01:37:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Yeah, what Clay said. You don't have to be on every day, and while there might be a ton of posting at first, things will probably slow down a little, plus with Merc implementing weekly roundups, it won't be hard getting caught up on things. And sure thing, I'll write a message up for you right now. | 2012-06-18 03:16:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
And now to close out all of my character profiles with Pete and Zak. Name: Peter Charletton Age: 27 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Alexa's squad; Sniper/Scout Appearance: Blonde buzzcut hair. 6'3 and relatively thin. Usually clad in camoflage jacket, pants, and white shirt. Personality: Mute, so doesn't often bother with giving opinions or debating, thus follows orders easily. Skills/Weapons: Tactical Magazine-fed Crossbow, Type 25 Plasma Rifle (http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100908005055/halo/images/f/f0/Plasmarifle.png), Extensive Sniper experience. Bio/Backstory: Becoming acquainted with Alexa, Jason and Erin after moving in with Jason due to a debt crisis in his family, Pete quickly became a trusted friend of the others and a compliment to the skills of the rest of them with him learning to snipe, which lead to the creation of their very successful paintball team a few months later. Name: Zakary Herring Age: 23 Faction: Microsoft Faction Role: Alexa's squad; Combat Engineer/Pilot Appearance: 5'7, Relatively long light brown hair; White flight jacket Personality: Mastermind of must group plans, however sometimes irrational, and often unpredictable. Skills/Weapons: M319 Grenade Launcher ("http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120114174147/halo/images/thumb/e/ea/M319_-_Side_Profile.png/830px-M319_-_Side_Profile.png), Modified Electric Revolver. Bio/Backstory: Being son of a hardware developer, Zak learned from his father and found his calling in a workshop, designing weapons, helicopters, and everything in between, and then being recruited by Jason at 13 to give their team the technical advantage that they'd been searching for. | 2012-06-18 03:47:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
Since everyone's giving hints on what they're doing, I might as well give one about mine... http://rajivawijesinha.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/hagia_sophia.jpeg | 2012-06-18 06:42:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
Here's my hint. http://mythical-world-at-war.webs.com/stairway_to_heaven.jpg | 2012-06-18 07:18:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino Posts: 5250 |
My turn! http://blogs.houstonpress.com/hairballs/Texas040312.jpg | 2012-06-18 07:45:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
I've always thought the Console Wars looks awfully complicated and too mind melting. But i'm starting to have second thoughts now .__. I have no idea what i'm doing here I:0 http://i.imgur.com/TflsG.png But puhlease join, it would be awesome to have you in the game, and it might give some ideas fer teh comic... :3 Plus, if you're not the kind that doesn't have a life, you can still survive with say 3 posts a week. | 2012-06-19 01:12:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Agh now i'm having second thoughts again .____. Ok i'll give it a shot..! Don't judge me too hard people x) Gimme a sec to write down a backstory and all that bulla billu balli~ | 2012-06-19 01:37:00 Author: >er. Posts: 785 |
Agh now i'm having second thoughts again .____. Ok i'll give it a shot..! Don't judge me too hard people x) Gimme a sec to write down a backstory and all that bulla billu balli~ You won't regret it. Actually, you will regret it if you don't join, because I will chase you in your sleep. :kz: | 2012-06-19 17:48:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
SO IS THERE ANYONE THAT WE'RE STILL WAITING ON? Or do you think that we have all the people that we're going to get? (Aside from B3 and >er of course.) | 2012-06-20 04:01:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
SO IS THERE ANYONE THAT WE'RE STILL WAITING ON? B3 an- (Aside from B3 and >er of course.) Oh... | 2012-06-20 07:24:00 Author: Speedynutty68 Posts: 1614 |
SO IS THERE ANYONE THAT WE'RE STILL WAITING ON? Or do you think that we have all the people that we're going to get? (Aside from B3 and >er of course.) I've been talking to >er a lot, just trying to make sure he understands everything. Also, a certain friend of mine is planning on joining too. | 2012-06-20 13:38:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
I'm afraid I may have jumped the gun a bit with that 'snek privew'. I don't think I'll be participating in this. Not because I'm strapped for time or don't want to take the time to find out what's going on, but because a current project - a full novel, to be precise - is taking up too much of the writing sector of my brain and I don't want to play unless I can be at my best. Trying to make Geo an interesting character would just be too much writing, and either TCW or my novel would suffer. Enjoy your last round guys, maybe Geo can show up when someone eventually does a reboot - like I've said, I'd rather write in a new universe than this anyways. | 2012-06-20 15:56:00 Author: Voltergeist Posts: 1702 |
Becuase I couldn't end it where it looked like I did........... Name: Alex Hawkins Age: 25 Faction: Unaffilliated Faction Role: time to blow **** up to get his revenge on one man and one faction who both left him for dead! Appearance: 5"11, short Brown hair that slightly hangs over his eyes. Personality: Nervous but hell bent on not only revenge but finding his friends and family, AKA p***** off Skills/Weapons: Any thing he can get his hands on and is able to snap necks at speed Bio/Backstory: Former Microsoft agent who deserted the faction after he became suspicous of their course of action. During his infilltration to a base he met both Rico Martinez and Issac knowles, after a close escape Alex was then introduced to Alexa Ridge and Heather, after some total Badassery action scenes, Alex was shot shortly after a Blackout ambush on the group, saved by Heather,the group made their way into Faithville where Alex was captured by Microsoft Agent and sniper Jordan and left for dead attached to a lamp post. PRESUMED DEAD | 2012-06-20 16:19:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
Becuase I couldn't end it where it looked like I did........... Name: Alex Hawkins Age: 25 Faction: Unaffilliated Faction Role: time to blow **** up to get his revenge on one man and one faction who both left him for dead! Appearance: 5"11, short Brown hair that slightly hangs over his eyes. Personality: Nervous but hell bent on not only revenge but finding his friends and family, AKA p***** off Skills/Weapons: Any thing he can get his hands on and is able to snap necks at speed Bio/Backstory: Former Microsoft agent who deserted the faction after he became suspicous of their course of action. During his infilltration to a base he met both Rico Martinez and Issac knowles, after a close escape Alex was then introduced to Alexa Ridge and Heather, after some total Badassery action scenes, Alex was shot shortly after a Blackout ambush on the group, saved by Heather,the group made their way into Faithville where Alex was captured by Microsoft Agent and sniper Jordan and left for dead attached to a lamp post. PRESUMED DEAD Ooh, Alex is back, huh? Interesting....Oh, by the way, butter, The gang weren't at Faithville when Alex was captured. They headed to New Natal, and then Alex was captured at the clearing, after Isaac had gotten into Faithville himself. @Volter: D: | 2012-06-20 17:17:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
TCW History: I vaguely recall doing some crappy writing in one of them, and then killing myself on and being a little prick. Writing experience: Much more than I had last time (if there even was a last time), a few classes here and there and a number of short stories written. Reason for joining: Because of free time, boredom and wanting to write something. Also cubes. Character Application BASIC INFO Name: Res (thing in the latin stuff) Age: 27 (abuot 72 lombax years give or take) Faction: Unaffiliated, possible vigilante if no-one wants him. Faction Role: None, yet. DETAILED INFO Appearance: 5'9. White lombax with red eyes, not muscular and slightly skinny - wears what looks alot like theives guild armour from skyrim - although a played-down version (alot more like a zelda-guild crossover) barefoot. Personality: Detatched, able to understand emotions without being able to feel sentiment or loss, still has emotions but sympathy is limited (much like alice from Luther) Skills/Weapons: Immense agility and stealth slightly hindered by current physical state. Prefers knives and a bow to ballistic but will use anything he can find, carries a knife but nothing else to lower carried weight. Bio/Backstory: Stuck in hypersleep for the course of the CW, preserved by the species as a surviving member of the lombaxes; upon waking up however the rest of the hypersleep chambers are open and there is no-one to be seen. Elected by lottery, now has no idea what is going on and is slightly worse for wear - shortened muscles, slight narcolepsy and emotional detatchement. Assuming his family is dead, he strives to survive in the world to find the rest of the lombaxes, who he knows deep down are dead. No affiliation with any of the factions, his father once worked for sony but apart from this his knowledge of the rivalry is limited to say the least. However, torturous treating of the species by microsoft has lead to an underlying feirce passion to destroy them, so an alliance is unlikely . Also, ability to speak english is limited. ((so excited!)) | 2012-06-20 20:26:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
Woot, good to have you as part of the group flame. If you need any more help, just send me another pm, I'd love to do a little intertwining with you some time during this war anyway. | 2012-06-20 20:59:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9DO1U1U5Rc I thought moar epic music was needed | 2012-06-20 21:53:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
Unnoficial gun list for CW5: http://i.imgur.com/7qUK2.png (Of course not all guns) | 2012-06-20 22:34:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Where is the gravity hammer? Non ballistic list has to include hawkeye's bow, and an elven dagger :3 | 2012-06-20 22:36:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
Unnoficial gun list for CW5: http://i.imgur.com/N2Q5K.png (Of course not all guns) DRM? DRM?????????????????????? GND, I am dissapoint. | 2012-06-20 22:37:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
DRM? DRM?????????????????????? GND, I am dissapoint. Flak, I knew I was going to mistake it sometime... | 2012-06-20 22:39:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
*ahem* http://i.imgur.com/7qUK2.png | 2012-06-20 22:41:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Where is this? 40438 (RYNO 2 for those who don't know) also this http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101219035804/ratchet/images/thumb/7/76/Sonic_Eruptor_Transparant.png/250px-Sonic_Eruptor_Transparant.png | 2012-06-20 22:41:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
(Of course not all guns) :3:3:3:3:3 | 2012-06-20 22:43:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Glad you fixed that up sir. And, for all of those who are concerned, (All of you.) we commence war at 2:00 EST tomorrow. BE READY. | 2012-06-21 00:17:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
OH GOD HELP ME Also... GDN and Zim aren't the only "not-human-alike" characters anymore! | 2012-06-21 00:19:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Glad you fixed that up sir. And, for all of those who are concerned, (All of you.) we commence war at 2:00 EST tomorrow. BE READY. ....Crap o-o I'm hoping that a certain writer responds back ASAP to what I just sent him, as it's kind of necessary for me to know if my first post works or not. And to everyone else, good luck, let's make it an awesome first day, huh? EDIT: Permission Granted. http://gamingdead.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/NiceGorillaSharkHighFive.png | 2012-06-21 00:31:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
4 HOURS 'TIL KICKOFF! If there's anyone out there who still has to sign up, best do it now. | 2012-06-21 14:55:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
Just a heads up, I dunno if I'm gonna be around at kick-off (11:00 PST here), since I'm going down to the shooting range. But I'll have my post all ready by the time I get back. So don't do anything too drastic in the meantime... I mean it. Crap always goes down when I'm gone. | 2012-06-21 18:18:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
We're open for business. https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=71703-The-Console-Wars-V-Road-s-End | 2012-06-21 19:20:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
******* yes | 2012-06-21 19:28:00 Author: butter-kicker Posts: 1061 |
Oh, well, yeeeaah i'm better out of it anyway xD I mean.. Sounds like fun and easy and stuff, but i didn't consider joining this early enough to plan ahead something or someone to write about. I would just be stressed the whole time | 2012-06-21 22:56:00 Author: >er. Posts: 785 |
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