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The WerkShawp (Spelling Errors Intentional)

Archive: 1 post

After deleting my old levels and suffering through a complete lack of creativity for a few months, I've finally had an idea...sort of. The WerkShawp, as I've taken to calling it, represents both the series I will describe in detail once I'm finished typing this darn sentence, and the team (small as it may be) that works to create it. Regarding the series I mentioned in that agonizingly long sentence prior to the one your reading right now (Gosh, I'm doing it again!), it will be made of several single-player and multi-player levels. (Mostly the latter) They all have a light-hearted minigame-esque style to them, and are mostly set in the ill-obtained LBP2 tutorial background area. They are meant to be casual fun with one's friends, or by one's lonesome. While no levels have been released so far, I'd be open to suggestions or applications to join my little team. Oh, and I also plan to include a level based on my short-lived but groundbreaking (sort of) series, "Doodil Creates an Adventure." For those who didn't play it during its limited lifespan, the concept basically involved an adorable character (controlled by the player) moving a cursor and spawning/deleting objects to solve puzzles. It also included a sandbox mode, in which the player could freely create a variety of objects and just sort of mess around in a large, contained space. Anyhow, just looking for thoughts on this. I'll upload pics later. So yeah, see ya folks!2012-06-08 01:10:00

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